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Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP)

Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 113 - 120, 04.09.2024


Plazma, maddenin dördüncü hali olarak bilinmektedir. Tıbbi implantların veya polimer filmlerin yüzey modifikasyonları için, farklı enerji yoğunluk seviyelerine sahip termal veya termal olmayan farklı kaynakları kullanılabilmektedir. Bu derleme çalışmasında, Soğuk Atmosferik Plazma (CAP) sistemlerinin diş hekimliği uygulamalarındaki kullanılabilirliği üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Plazmanın potansiyel antibakteriyel özellikleri, onu klinik bilimlerde yaygın olarak kullanılan bir dezenfektan haline getirmektedir. Bakterileri yok ederek diş hekimliğinde kullanılan aletleri sterilize etmedeki etkinliği, geleneksel yöntemlere göre diş kavite dekontaminasyonundaki avantajı, kök kanal dezenfeksiyonu, biyofilm tabakasının ortadan kaldırılması, diş beyazlatma üzerindeki etkileri nedeniyle soğuk atmosferik plazma son yıllarda diş hekimliği alanında yeni bir terapötik yöntem olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Soğuk plazmanın tıp/diş hekimliği veya diğer alanlarda gösterdiği etkilerinin hepsinde reaktif oksijen ve azot türlerinin etkili olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Düşük sıcaklıkta reaktif türlerin mevcudiyeti nedeniyle, termal olmayan plazmaların biyolojik etkileri tıbbi alanda uygulama için umut verici görülmektedir. Bu nedenle CAP diş hekimliğinin karyoloji, periodontoloji, endodonti ve ağız patolojisi gibi birçok alanında uygulanabilme potansiyeline sahiptir.

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Project Number





  • Lamont RJ, Koo H, Hajishengallis G. The oral microbiota: dynamic communities and host interactions. Nat Rev Microbiol 2018;16:745-59.
  • Park NS, Yun SE, Lee HY, Lee HJ, Choi JH, Kim GC. No-ozone cold plasma can kill oral pathogenic microbes in H2O2-dependent and independent manner. Sci Rep 2022;12:7597.
  • Kerr AR. The oral microbiome and cancer. Am Dent Hyg Assoc 2015;89:20-3.
  • Kumar PS. From focal sepsis to periodontal medicine: a century of exploring the role of the oral microbiome in systemic disease. J Physiol 2017;595:465-76.
  • Koo H, Xiao J, Klein MI, Jeon JG. Exopolysaccharides produced by Streptococcus mutans glucosyltransferases modulate the establishment of microcolonies within multispecies biofilms. J Bacteriol 2010;192:3024–32.
  • Ashrafi B, Rashidipour M, Marzban A, Soroush S, Azadpour M, Delfani S, et al. Mentha piperita essential oils loaded in a chitosan nanogel with inhibitory effect on biofilm formation against S. mutans on the dental surface. Carbohydr Polym 2019;212:142-9.
  • Berger D, Rakhamimova A, Pollack A, Loewy Z. Oral biofilms: Development, control, and analysis. High throughput 2018;7:24.
  • Abebe GM. Oral biofilm and its impact on oral health, psychological and social interaction. International J Oral Dent Health 2021;7:127.
  • Lin NJ. Biofilm over teeth and restorations: What do we need to know? Dent Mater 2017;33(6): 667-80.
  • Seneviratne CJ, Zhang CF, Samaranayake LP. Dental plaque biofilm in oral health and disease. Chin J Dent Res 2011;14:87.
  • Popova C, Dosseva-Panova V, Panov V. Microbiology of periodontal diseases. A review. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 2013;27:3754-3759.
  • Farrugia C, Camilleri J. Antimicrobial properties of conventional restorative filling materials and advances in antimicrobial properties of composite resins and glass ionomer cements—A literature review. Dent Mater 2015;31:89-99.
  • Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Ponce-Diaz ME, Loyola-Leyva A, Garcia- Cortes JO, Medina-Solis CE, Contreras-Ramire AA, et al. Determination and identification of antibiotic-resistant oral streptococci isolated from active dental infections in adults. Acta Odontol Scand 2018;76:229-35.
  • Lata S, Chakravorty S, Mitra T, Pradhan PK, Mohanty S, Patel P, et al. Aurora borealis in dentistry: The pplications of cold plasma in biomedicine. Mater Today Bio 2022;13:100200.
  • Domonkos M, Tichá P, Trejbal J, Demo P. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology in medicine, agriculture and food industry. Appl Sci 2021;11:4809.
  • Borges AC, Kostov KG, Pessoa RS, de Abreu GM, Lima GDM, Figueira LW, et al. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in dentistry. Appl Sci 2021;11:1975.
  • Von Keudell A, Schulz-Von Der Gathen V. Foundations of lowtemperature plasma physics—an introduction. Plasma Sources Sci Technol 2017;26:113001.
  • Sakudo A, Yagyu Y, Onodera T. Disinfection and sterilization using plasma technology: Fundamentals and future perspectives for biological applications. Int J Mol Sci 2019;20:5216.
  • Hui WL, Perrotti V, Iaculli F, Piattelli A, Quaranta A. The emerging role of cold atmospheric plasma in implantology: A review of the literature. Nanomater 2020;10:1505.
  • Braný D, Dvorská D, Halašová E, Škovierová H. Cold atmospheric plasma: A powerful tool for modern medicine. Int J Mol Sci 2020;21:2932.
  • Kushner MJ. Hybrid modelling of low temperature plasmas for fundamental investigations and equipment design. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 2009;42:194013.
  • Nicol MJ, Brubaker TR, Honish BJ, Simmons AN, Kazemi A, Geissel MA, et al. Antibacterial effects of low-temperature plasma generated by atmospheric-pressure plasma jet are mediated by reactive oxygen species. Sci Rep 2020;10:1-11.
  • Li HP, Zhang XF, Zhu XM, Zheng M, Liu SF, Qi X, et al. Translational plasma stomatology: Applications of cold atmospheric plasmas in dentistry and their extension. High Volt 2017;2:188–99.
  • Bostanci N, Bao K, Wahlander A, Grossmann J, Thurnheer T, Belibasakis GN. Secretome of gingival epithelium in response to subgingival biofilms. Mol Oral Microbiol 2015;30:323-35.
  • Mahasneh A, Darby M, Tolle SL, Hynes W, Laroussi M, Karakas E. Inactivation of Porphyromonas gingivalis by low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma. Plasma Med 2011;1:3-4.
  • Kwon JS, Kim YH, Choi EH, Kim CK, Kim KN, Kim KM. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma increased mRNA expression of growth factors in human gingival fibroblasts. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:1801-08.
  • Klaric Sever E, Budimir Z, Cerovac M, Stambuk M, Par M, Negovetic Vranic D, et al. Clinical and patient reported outcomes of bleaching effectiveness. Acta Odontol Scand 2018;76:30-8.
  • Ruivo MA, Nima G, Pacheco RR, Lancellotti ACRA, Palma-Dibb RG, Faraoni JJ, et al. Changes in enamel after bleaching pre-treatment with non-thermal atmospheric plasma. Clin Plasma Med 2020;19- 20:100106.
  • Lee HW, Kim GJ, Kim JM, Park JK, Lee JK, Kim GC. Tooth bleaching with nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma. J Endod 2009;35:587-91.
  • Park JK, Nam SH, Kwon HC, Mohamed AAH, Lee JK, Kim GC. Feasibility of nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma for intracoronal bleaching. Int Endod J 2011;44:170-5.
  • Claiborne D, McCombs G, Lemaster M, Akman MA, Laroussi M. Low‐temperature atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced tooth whitening: the next‐generation technology. Int J Dent Hyg 2014;12:108-14.
  • Behl M, Patnana AK, Khanna V, Chaudhry K. Evaluation of three different bleaching agents in permanent and primary teeth: An in vitro study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13:130.
  • Yao Y, Song K, Chen H, Ding X, Shi Q, Lu X, et al. In vitro and in vivo research of atmosphere pressure onequilibrium plasmas on root canal disinfection: Implication for alternative strategy for irrigation. Clin Oral Investig 2021;25:5833-42.
  • Kieft IE, vd Laan EP, Stoffels E. Electrical and optical characterization of the plasma needle. New J Phys 2004;6:149.
  • Murad CF, Sassone LM, Faveri M, Hirata Jr R, Figueiredo L, Feres M. Microbial diversity in persistent root canal infections investigated by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. J Endod 2014;40:899-906.
  • Li Y, Sun K, Ye G, Liang Y, Pan H, Wang G, et al. Evaluation of cold plasma treatment and safety in disinfecting 3-week root canal Enterococcus faecalis biofilm in vitro. J Endod 2015;41:1325-30.
  • Pan J, Sun K, Liang Y, Sun P, Yang X, Wang J, et al. Cold plasma therapy of a tooth root canal infected with Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in vitro. J Endod 2013;39:105-10.
  • Yamamoto K, Ohshima T, Kitano K, Ikawa S, Yamazaki H, Maeda N, et al. The efficacy of plasma-treated water as a root canal irrigant. Asian Pacific J Dent 2017;17:23-30.
  • Pitts NB, Zero DT, Marsh PD, Ekstrand K, Weintraub JA, Ramos- Gomez F, et al. Dental caries. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:1-16.
  • Urquhart O, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Slayton RL, Araujo MWB, Fontana M, et al. Nonrestorative treatments for caries: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98:14-26.
  • Ahangari Z, Khodadadi E, Ezoji F, Khafri S. Comparative evaluation of microtensile bond strength of three restorative materials. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2020;10:6688-94.
  • Zarif ME, Yehia SA, Biță B, Sătulu V, Vizireanu S, Dinescu G, et al. Atmospheric pressure plasma activation of hydroxyapatite to improve fluoride incorporation and modulate bacterial biofilm. Int J Mol Sci 2021;22:13103.
  • Sarkar A, Pal D, Sarkar S. Cold atmospheric plasma-future of dentistry. IOSR-JDMS 2018;17:15-20.
  • Wiegand A, Attin T. Influence of fluoride on the prevention of erosive lesions—A review. Oral Health Prev Dent 2003;1:245–53.
  • Suresh M, Hemalatha VT, Sundar NM, Nisha A. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in dentistry-A review. J Pharm Res Int 2022;34:45-55.
  • Arora V, Nikhil V, Suri NK, Arora P. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in dentistry. Dentistry 2014;4:1.
  • Sladek RE, Stoffels E, Walraven R, Tielbeek PJ, Koolhoven RA. Plasma treatment of dental cavities: a feasibility study. IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 2004;32:1540-3.
  • Rupf S, Lehmann A, Hannig M, Schäfer B, Schubert A, Feldmann U, et al. Killing of adherent oral microbes by a non-thermal atmospheric plasma jet. J Med Microbiol 2010;59:206-12.
  • Pilleron S, Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis E, Vignat J, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Bray F, et al. Estimated global cancer incidence in the oldest adults in 2018 and projections to 2050. Int J Cancer 2021;148:601-8.
  • Semmler ML, Bekeschus S, Schäfer M, Bernhardt T, Fischer T, Witzke K, et al. Molecular mechanisms of the efficacy of cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) in cancer treatment. Cancers 2020;12:269.
  • Yan D, Malyavko A, Wang Q, Ostrikov KK, Sherman JH, Keidar M. Multi-modal biological destruction by cold atmospheric plasma: capability and mechanism. Biomedicines 2021; 18;9:1259.
  • Bauer G, Sersenová D, Graves DB, Machala Z. Cold atmospheric plasma and plasma-activated medium trigger RONS-based tumor cell apoptosis. Sci Rep 2019;9:14210.
  • Malyavko A, Yan D, Wang Q, Klein AL, Patel KC, Sherman JH, et al. Cold atmospheric plasma cancer treatment, direct versus indirect approaches. Mater Adv 2020;1:1494-1505.
  • Han X, Klas M, Liu Y, Sharon Stack M, Ptasinska S. DNA damage in oral cancer cells induced by nitrogen atmospheric pressure plasma jets. Appl Phys Lett 2013;102:233703.
  • Mandracci P, Mussano F, Rivolo P, Carossa S. Surface treatments and functional coatings for biocompatibility improvement and bacterial adhesion reduction in dental implantology. Coatings 2016;6:7.
  • Smeets R, Stadlinger B, Schwarz F, Beck-Broichsitter B, Jung O, Precht C, et al. Impact of dental implant surface modifications on osseointegration. Biomed Res Int 2016;2016:6285620.
  • Rapuano BE, Singh H, Boskey AL, Doty SB, MacDonald DE. Heat and radiofrequency plasma glow discharge pretreatment of a titanium alloy: Eveidence for enhanced osteoinductive properties. J Cell Biochem 2013;114:1917-27.
  • Duske K, Koban I, Kindel E, Schröder K, Nebe B, Holtfreter B, et al. Atmospheric plasma enhances wettability and cell spreading on dental implant metals. J Clin Periodontol 2012;39:400-7.
  • Wagner G, Eggers B, Duddeck D, Kramer FJ, Bourauel C, Jepsen S, et al. Influence of cold atmospheric plasma on dental implant materials—an in vitro analysis. Clin Oral Investig 2022;26:2949–63.
  • Mo S, Mehrjou B, Tang K, Wang H, Huo K, Qasim AM, et al. Dimensional-dependent antibacterial behavior on bioactive micro/nano polyetheretherketone (PEEK) arrays. Chem Eng J 2020;392:123736.
  • Liu C, Bai J, Wang Y, Chen L, Wang D, Ni S, et al. The effects of three cold plasma treatments on the osteogenic activity and antibacterial property of PEEK. Dent Mater 2021;37:81-93.
  • Yoshinari M, Matsuzaka K, Inoue T. Surface modification by cold-plasma technique for dental implants—Bio-functionalization with binding pharmaceuticals. Jpn Dent Sci Rev 2011;47:89-101.
  • Hoffman C, Berganza C, Zhang J. Cold Atmospheric Plasma: Methods of production and application in dentistry and oncology. Med Gas Res 2013;3:21.
  • Whittaker AG, Graham EM, Baxter RL, Jones AC, Richardson PR, Meek G, et al. Plasma cleaning of dental instruments. J Hosp Infect 2004;56:37-41.
  • Laroussi, M. Low temperature plasma‐based sterilization: overview and state‐of‐the‐art. Plasma Process Polym 2005;2:391-400.
  • Paul P, Patel P, Verma SK, Mishra P, Sahu BR, Panda PK, et al. The Hha–TomB toxin–antitoxin module in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium limits its intracellular survival profile and regulates host immune response. Cell Biol Toxicol 2021;38:111–27
  • Elmoualij B, Thellin O, Gofflot S, Heinen E, Levif P, Séguin J, et al. Decontamination of prions by the flowing afterglow of a reducedpressure N2-O2 Cold‐plasma. Plasma Process Polym 2012;9:612-8.
  • Thirumdas R, Kothakota A, Annapure U, Siliveru K, Blundell R, Gatt R, et al. Plasma activated water (PAW): Chemistry, physico-chemical properties, applications in food and agriculture. Trends Food Sci Technol 2018;77:21-31.
  • Milhan NVM, Chiappim W, Sampaio ADG, Vegian MRDC, Pessoa RS, Koga-Ito CY. Applications of plasma-activated water in dentistry: A review. Int J Mol Sci 2022;23:4131.
  • Nasir NM, Lee BK, Yap SS, Thong KL, Yap SL. Cold plasma inactivation of chronic wound bacteria. Arch Biochem Biophys 2016;605:76-85.
  • Maho T, Binois R, Brulé-Morabito F, Demasure M, Douat C, Dozias S, et al. Anti-bacterial action of plasma multi-jets in the context of chronic wound healing. Appl Sci 2021;11:9598.
  • Sakudo A, Misawa T. Antibiotic-resistant and non-resistant bacteria display similar susceptibility to dielectric barrier discharge plasma. Int J Mol Sci 2020;21:6326.
  • Sung SJ, Huh JB, Yun MJ, Chang BMW, Jeong CM, Jeon YC. Sterilization effect of atmospheric pressure non-thermal air plasma on dental instruments. J Adv Prosthodont 2013;5:2-8.
  • Rupf S, Idlibi AN, Umanskaya N, Hannig M, Nothdurft F, Lehmann A, et al. Disinfection and removal of biofilms on microstructured titanium by cold atmospheric plasma. Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag 2012;28:126-137.

Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in dentistry applications

Year 2024, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 113 - 120, 04.09.2024


Plasma is known as the fourth state of matter. Different thermal or non-thermal plasma sources with different energy density levels can be used for surface modifications of medical implants or polymer films. In this review study, the focus is on the usability of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) systems in dental applications. The potential antibacterial properties of plasma make it a widely used disinfectant in clinical science. Due to its effectiveness in sterilizing instruments used in dentistry by destroying bacteria, its advantage in dental cavity decontamination compared to traditional methods, root canal disinfection, removal of biofilm layer, its effects on teeth whitening, cold atmospheric plasma has emerged as a new therapeutic method in the field of dentistry in recent years. It is accepted that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are effective in all the effects of cold plasma in medicine/ dentistry or other fields. Due to the availability of reactive species at low temperature, the biological effects of nonthermal plasmas are seen as promising for application in the medical field. For this reason, CAP has the potential to be applied in many areas of dentistry such as karyology, periodontology, endodontics and oral pathology.

Project Number



  • Lamont RJ, Koo H, Hajishengallis G. The oral microbiota: dynamic communities and host interactions. Nat Rev Microbiol 2018;16:745-59.
  • Park NS, Yun SE, Lee HY, Lee HJ, Choi JH, Kim GC. No-ozone cold plasma can kill oral pathogenic microbes in H2O2-dependent and independent manner. Sci Rep 2022;12:7597.
  • Kerr AR. The oral microbiome and cancer. Am Dent Hyg Assoc 2015;89:20-3.
  • Kumar PS. From focal sepsis to periodontal medicine: a century of exploring the role of the oral microbiome in systemic disease. J Physiol 2017;595:465-76.
  • Koo H, Xiao J, Klein MI, Jeon JG. Exopolysaccharides produced by Streptococcus mutans glucosyltransferases modulate the establishment of microcolonies within multispecies biofilms. J Bacteriol 2010;192:3024–32.
  • Ashrafi B, Rashidipour M, Marzban A, Soroush S, Azadpour M, Delfani S, et al. Mentha piperita essential oils loaded in a chitosan nanogel with inhibitory effect on biofilm formation against S. mutans on the dental surface. Carbohydr Polym 2019;212:142-9.
  • Berger D, Rakhamimova A, Pollack A, Loewy Z. Oral biofilms: Development, control, and analysis. High throughput 2018;7:24.
  • Abebe GM. Oral biofilm and its impact on oral health, psychological and social interaction. International J Oral Dent Health 2021;7:127.
  • Lin NJ. Biofilm over teeth and restorations: What do we need to know? Dent Mater 2017;33(6): 667-80.
  • Seneviratne CJ, Zhang CF, Samaranayake LP. Dental plaque biofilm in oral health and disease. Chin J Dent Res 2011;14:87.
  • Popova C, Dosseva-Panova V, Panov V. Microbiology of periodontal diseases. A review. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip 2013;27:3754-3759.
  • Farrugia C, Camilleri J. Antimicrobial properties of conventional restorative filling materials and advances in antimicrobial properties of composite resins and glass ionomer cements—A literature review. Dent Mater 2015;31:89-99.
  • Loyola-Rodriguez JP, Ponce-Diaz ME, Loyola-Leyva A, Garcia- Cortes JO, Medina-Solis CE, Contreras-Ramire AA, et al. Determination and identification of antibiotic-resistant oral streptococci isolated from active dental infections in adults. Acta Odontol Scand 2018;76:229-35.
  • Lata S, Chakravorty S, Mitra T, Pradhan PK, Mohanty S, Patel P, et al. Aurora borealis in dentistry: The pplications of cold plasma in biomedicine. Mater Today Bio 2022;13:100200.
  • Domonkos M, Tichá P, Trejbal J, Demo P. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma technology in medicine, agriculture and food industry. Appl Sci 2021;11:4809.
  • Borges AC, Kostov KG, Pessoa RS, de Abreu GM, Lima GDM, Figueira LW, et al. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in dentistry. Appl Sci 2021;11:1975.
  • Von Keudell A, Schulz-Von Der Gathen V. Foundations of lowtemperature plasma physics—an introduction. Plasma Sources Sci Technol 2017;26:113001.
  • Sakudo A, Yagyu Y, Onodera T. Disinfection and sterilization using plasma technology: Fundamentals and future perspectives for biological applications. Int J Mol Sci 2019;20:5216.
  • Hui WL, Perrotti V, Iaculli F, Piattelli A, Quaranta A. The emerging role of cold atmospheric plasma in implantology: A review of the literature. Nanomater 2020;10:1505.
  • Braný D, Dvorská D, Halašová E, Škovierová H. Cold atmospheric plasma: A powerful tool for modern medicine. Int J Mol Sci 2020;21:2932.
  • Kushner MJ. Hybrid modelling of low temperature plasmas for fundamental investigations and equipment design. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 2009;42:194013.
  • Nicol MJ, Brubaker TR, Honish BJ, Simmons AN, Kazemi A, Geissel MA, et al. Antibacterial effects of low-temperature plasma generated by atmospheric-pressure plasma jet are mediated by reactive oxygen species. Sci Rep 2020;10:1-11.
  • Li HP, Zhang XF, Zhu XM, Zheng M, Liu SF, Qi X, et al. Translational plasma stomatology: Applications of cold atmospheric plasmas in dentistry and their extension. High Volt 2017;2:188–99.
  • Bostanci N, Bao K, Wahlander A, Grossmann J, Thurnheer T, Belibasakis GN. Secretome of gingival epithelium in response to subgingival biofilms. Mol Oral Microbiol 2015;30:323-35.
  • Mahasneh A, Darby M, Tolle SL, Hynes W, Laroussi M, Karakas E. Inactivation of Porphyromonas gingivalis by low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma. Plasma Med 2011;1:3-4.
  • Kwon JS, Kim YH, Choi EH, Kim CK, Kim KN, Kim KM. Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma increased mRNA expression of growth factors in human gingival fibroblasts. Clin Oral Investig 2016;20:1801-08.
  • Klaric Sever E, Budimir Z, Cerovac M, Stambuk M, Par M, Negovetic Vranic D, et al. Clinical and patient reported outcomes of bleaching effectiveness. Acta Odontol Scand 2018;76:30-8.
  • Ruivo MA, Nima G, Pacheco RR, Lancellotti ACRA, Palma-Dibb RG, Faraoni JJ, et al. Changes in enamel after bleaching pre-treatment with non-thermal atmospheric plasma. Clin Plasma Med 2020;19- 20:100106.
  • Lee HW, Kim GJ, Kim JM, Park JK, Lee JK, Kim GC. Tooth bleaching with nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma. J Endod 2009;35:587-91.
  • Park JK, Nam SH, Kwon HC, Mohamed AAH, Lee JK, Kim GC. Feasibility of nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma for intracoronal bleaching. Int Endod J 2011;44:170-5.
  • Claiborne D, McCombs G, Lemaster M, Akman MA, Laroussi M. Low‐temperature atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced tooth whitening: the next‐generation technology. Int J Dent Hyg 2014;12:108-14.
  • Behl M, Patnana AK, Khanna V, Chaudhry K. Evaluation of three different bleaching agents in permanent and primary teeth: An in vitro study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13:130.
  • Yao Y, Song K, Chen H, Ding X, Shi Q, Lu X, et al. In vitro and in vivo research of atmosphere pressure onequilibrium plasmas on root canal disinfection: Implication for alternative strategy for irrigation. Clin Oral Investig 2021;25:5833-42.
  • Kieft IE, vd Laan EP, Stoffels E. Electrical and optical characterization of the plasma needle. New J Phys 2004;6:149.
  • Murad CF, Sassone LM, Faveri M, Hirata Jr R, Figueiredo L, Feres M. Microbial diversity in persistent root canal infections investigated by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. J Endod 2014;40:899-906.
  • Li Y, Sun K, Ye G, Liang Y, Pan H, Wang G, et al. Evaluation of cold plasma treatment and safety in disinfecting 3-week root canal Enterococcus faecalis biofilm in vitro. J Endod 2015;41:1325-30.
  • Pan J, Sun K, Liang Y, Sun P, Yang X, Wang J, et al. Cold plasma therapy of a tooth root canal infected with Enterococcus faecalis biofilms in vitro. J Endod 2013;39:105-10.
  • Yamamoto K, Ohshima T, Kitano K, Ikawa S, Yamazaki H, Maeda N, et al. The efficacy of plasma-treated water as a root canal irrigant. Asian Pacific J Dent 2017;17:23-30.
  • Pitts NB, Zero DT, Marsh PD, Ekstrand K, Weintraub JA, Ramos- Gomez F, et al. Dental caries. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:1-16.
  • Urquhart O, Tampi MP, Pilcher L, Slayton RL, Araujo MWB, Fontana M, et al. Nonrestorative treatments for caries: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. J Dent Res 2019;98:14-26.
  • Ahangari Z, Khodadadi E, Ezoji F, Khafri S. Comparative evaluation of microtensile bond strength of three restorative materials. Biointerface Res Appl Chem 2020;10:6688-94.
  • Zarif ME, Yehia SA, Biță B, Sătulu V, Vizireanu S, Dinescu G, et al. Atmospheric pressure plasma activation of hydroxyapatite to improve fluoride incorporation and modulate bacterial biofilm. Int J Mol Sci 2021;22:13103.
  • Sarkar A, Pal D, Sarkar S. Cold atmospheric plasma-future of dentistry. IOSR-JDMS 2018;17:15-20.
  • Wiegand A, Attin T. Influence of fluoride on the prevention of erosive lesions—A review. Oral Health Prev Dent 2003;1:245–53.
  • Suresh M, Hemalatha VT, Sundar NM, Nisha A. Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in dentistry-A review. J Pharm Res Int 2022;34:45-55.
  • Arora V, Nikhil V, Suri NK, Arora P. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) in dentistry. Dentistry 2014;4:1.
  • Sladek RE, Stoffels E, Walraven R, Tielbeek PJ, Koolhoven RA. Plasma treatment of dental cavities: a feasibility study. IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 2004;32:1540-3.
  • Rupf S, Lehmann A, Hannig M, Schäfer B, Schubert A, Feldmann U, et al. Killing of adherent oral microbes by a non-thermal atmospheric plasma jet. J Med Microbiol 2010;59:206-12.
  • Pilleron S, Soto‐Perez‐de‐Celis E, Vignat J, Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Bray F, et al. Estimated global cancer incidence in the oldest adults in 2018 and projections to 2050. Int J Cancer 2021;148:601-8.
  • Semmler ML, Bekeschus S, Schäfer M, Bernhardt T, Fischer T, Witzke K, et al. Molecular mechanisms of the efficacy of cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) in cancer treatment. Cancers 2020;12:269.
  • Yan D, Malyavko A, Wang Q, Ostrikov KK, Sherman JH, Keidar M. Multi-modal biological destruction by cold atmospheric plasma: capability and mechanism. Biomedicines 2021; 18;9:1259.
  • Bauer G, Sersenová D, Graves DB, Machala Z. Cold atmospheric plasma and plasma-activated medium trigger RONS-based tumor cell apoptosis. Sci Rep 2019;9:14210.
  • Malyavko A, Yan D, Wang Q, Klein AL, Patel KC, Sherman JH, et al. Cold atmospheric plasma cancer treatment, direct versus indirect approaches. Mater Adv 2020;1:1494-1505.
  • Han X, Klas M, Liu Y, Sharon Stack M, Ptasinska S. DNA damage in oral cancer cells induced by nitrogen atmospheric pressure plasma jets. Appl Phys Lett 2013;102:233703.
  • Mandracci P, Mussano F, Rivolo P, Carossa S. Surface treatments and functional coatings for biocompatibility improvement and bacterial adhesion reduction in dental implantology. Coatings 2016;6:7.
  • Smeets R, Stadlinger B, Schwarz F, Beck-Broichsitter B, Jung O, Precht C, et al. Impact of dental implant surface modifications on osseointegration. Biomed Res Int 2016;2016:6285620.
  • Rapuano BE, Singh H, Boskey AL, Doty SB, MacDonald DE. Heat and radiofrequency plasma glow discharge pretreatment of a titanium alloy: Eveidence for enhanced osteoinductive properties. J Cell Biochem 2013;114:1917-27.
  • Duske K, Koban I, Kindel E, Schröder K, Nebe B, Holtfreter B, et al. Atmospheric plasma enhances wettability and cell spreading on dental implant metals. J Clin Periodontol 2012;39:400-7.
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There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review Article

Berat Çınar Acar 0000-0003-4662-0865

Zehranur Yuksekdag 0000-0002-0381-5876

Elif Açar 0009-0004-8148-4840

Tuğba Şahin 0009-0003-4358-3111

Hazer Yüksekdağ 0000-0001-7953-2920

Project Number -
Publication Date September 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 41 Issue: 3


APA Çınar Acar, B., Yuksekdag, Z., Açar, E., Şahin, T., et al. (2024). Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP). Acta Odontologica Turcica, 41(3), 113-120.
AMA Çınar Acar B, Yuksekdag Z, Açar E, Şahin T, Yüksekdağ H. Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP). Acta Odontol Turc. September 2024;41(3):113-120. doi:10.17214/gaziaot.1294782
Chicago Çınar Acar, Berat, Zehranur Yuksekdag, Elif Açar, Tuğba Şahin, and Hazer Yüksekdağ. “Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk Atmosferik Plazma (CAP)”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 41, no. 3 (September 2024): 113-20.
EndNote Çınar Acar B, Yuksekdag Z, Açar E, Şahin T, Yüksekdağ H (September 1, 2024) Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP). Acta Odontologica Turcica 41 3 113–120.
IEEE B. Çınar Acar, Z. Yuksekdag, E. Açar, T. Şahin, and H. Yüksekdağ, “Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP)”, Acta Odontol Turc, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 113–120, 2024, doi: 10.17214/gaziaot.1294782.
ISNAD Çınar Acar, Berat et al. “Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk Atmosferik Plazma (CAP)”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 41/3 (September 2024), 113-120.
JAMA Çınar Acar B, Yuksekdag Z, Açar E, Şahin T, Yüksekdağ H. Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP). Acta Odontol Turc. 2024;41:113–120.
MLA Çınar Acar, Berat et al. “Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk Atmosferik Plazma (CAP)”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, vol. 41, no. 3, 2024, pp. 113-20, doi:10.17214/gaziaot.1294782.
Vancouver Çınar Acar B, Yuksekdag Z, Açar E, Şahin T, Yüksekdağ H. Diş hekimliği uygulamalarında soğuk atmosferik plazma (CAP). Acta Odontol Turc. 2024;41(3):113-20.