Yıl 2015,
, 361 - 369, 29.09.2015
Mehmet Çelik
Hamit Solmaz
H. Serdar Yücesu
The fuel additives have been studied by many researchers on diesel engine performance and encouraging results have been obtained. During the combustion fuel additives provide the catalyst effect, accelerates the reaction instability and create positive effects on engine performance. In this study; biodiesel was produced by transesterification from the refined cottonseed oil, a certain amount of n-heptane were added in biodiesel and combustion and performance tests were conducted. The experiments was made in a single-cylinder diesel engine at a constant speed and full load. n-heptane added into the cotton methyl ester (PH0) fuel improved the fuel atomization therefore combustion efficiency increased. The maximum power increase was 7.52% in cotton methyl ester fuel containing 8 % n-heptan (PH8). The maximum gas pressure and maximum heat release are formed in almost the same crank angle for all fuels. The 8% n-heptane mixture given the best results in terms of engine performance and combustion characteristics.
- Keskin, A. Ocakoğlu, K. Reşitoğlu, İ.A. Gürü, M., “Influence of Titanium Based Fuel Additive on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 28, No 3, 671-676, 2013.
- Alptekin, E. Çanakcı, M., “Determination of the Density and the Viscosities of Biodiesel– Diesel Fuel Blends”, Renewable Energy, Cilt 33, 2623-2630, 2008.
- Lopez, D.E. Goodwin J.G. David A. Bruce, D.A. Lotero, E., “Transesterification of Triacetin with Methanol on Solid Acid and Base Catalysts Applied Catlysis”, A: General, Cilt 295, 97-105, 2005.
- Çelikten, İ. Gürü, M. “Improvement of Performance and Emission Criterias of Petrodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel with Manganese Based Additive”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 26, No 3, 643-648, 2011.
- Resmi Gazete, 27 Eylül 2011 tarih 28067 sayı.
- Thoo, W.J. Kevric, A. Ng, H.K. Gan, S. Shayler, P., “Characterisation of Ignition Delay of Period for a Compression Ignition Engine Operating on Blended Mixtures of Diesel and Gasoline”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt 66, 55-64, 2014.
- Park, S.H. Kim, H.J. Suh, H.K. Lee, C.S., “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Spray-Atomization Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuel in Various Fuel and Ambient Temperatures Condition”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Cilt 30, 960-970, 2009.
- Keskin, A. Gürü, M. Altıparmak, D., “Influance of Metallic Based Fuel Additives on Peformance and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engine”, Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 52, 60-65, 2011.
- Shahabuddin, M. Liaquat, A.M. Masjuki, H.H. Mofijur, M., “Ignition Delay, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt 21, 623-632, 2013.
- Vallinayagam, R. Vedharaj, S. Yang, W.M. Lee, P.S. Chua, K.J.E. Chou, S.K., “Combustion Performance and Emission Characteristics Study of Pine Oil in a Diesel Engine”, Energy, Cilt 57, 344-351, 2013.
- Türkcan, A. Çanakçı, M. Özsezen, A.N. Sayın, C., “Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 21, No 1, 1-10, 2009.
- Gogoi, T.K. Baruah, D.C., “The Use of Koroch Seed Oil Methyl Ester Blends as Fuel in a Diesel Engine”, Aplied Energy, Cilt 88, 2713-2725, 2011.
- Apdulvahitoğlu, A., Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of A CI Engine Fueled With Synthesized Fuel Blends, Phd Thesis, Cukurova University Instute Of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, 2009.
- Donkerbroek, A.J., Combustion in an Optical Diesel Engine Studies by Light-Based Diagnostics, Nijmegen, Nedherlands, 2010.
- Kolaitis, D.I. Founti, M.A., “On the Assumption of Using n-heptane as a Surrogate Fuel for the Description of the Cool Flame Oxidation of Diesel Oil”, Proceedings Of The Combustion Instute, Cilt 32, 3197-3205, 2009.
- Merck KGaA, “104379 n- heptane”, 2014.
- Can, Ö., Bir DI Dizel Motorda Etanol Ön Karışımlı Kısmı-HCCI Uygulamasının Yanma ve Emisyon Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2012.
- Hazar H. Temizer İ. Gür, F., “Effect of Additive Meterials on Engine Performance and Parts in a Diesel Engine”, 6th International Advanced Tecnologies Symposium, Fırat Üni., Elazıg, 77-83, 16-18 Mayıs 2011.
- Xue, J. Grift, T.E. Hansen, A.C. “Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt 15, 1098-116, 2011.
- Çetinkaya, S., Termodinamik, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, 1999.
- Rao, G.L.N. Prasad, B.D. Sampath, S. Rajagopal, K., “Combustion Analysis of Diesel Engine Fueled with Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester - Diesel Blends”, International Journal of Green Energy, Cilt 4, 645–658, 2007.
- Zhang, Y. Boehman, A.L., “Autoignition of Binary Fuel Blends of n-heptane and C7 Esters in a Motored Engine”, Combustion and Flame, Cilt 159, 1619-1630, 2012.
- Polat, S. Solmaz, H. Yücesu, H.S. Uyumaz, A., “Bir Dizel Motorun Bilgisayar Yardımı ile Termodinamik ve Performans Analizi”, GU J Sci Part C, Cilt 1, No 3, 139-151, 2013.
- Challen, B. Baranescu, R., Diesel Engine Referance Book, Second Edition, India, 1984.
- Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Comp., New York, A.B.D., 1988.
- Finesso, R. Spessa, E., “Ignition Delay Prediction of Multiple in Diesel Engine”, Fuel, Cilt 119, 170-190, 2014.
- Sakthivel, G. Nagarajan, G. Ilangkumaran, M. Gaigwad, A.B., “Comparative Analysis of Performance, Emission and Combustion Parameters of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Ethyl Ester of Fish Oil and its Diesel Blends”, Fuel, Cilt 132, 116-124,2014.
- Safgönül, B. Ergeneman, M. Arslan, E. Soruşbay, C., İçten Yanmalı Motorlar, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 1995.
- Ergen, G., Ön Isıtma Uygulanarak Kullanılan Biyodizel Yakıtının Motor Performans ve Emisyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sakarya, 2006.
- Gürü, M. Koca, A. Can, Ö. Çınar, C. Şahin, F., “Biodiesel Production From Waste Chicken Fat Based Sources and Evaluation with Mg Based Additive in a Diesel Engine”, Renewable Energy, Cilt 35, 637–643, 2010.
- Dhar, A. Agarwad, A.K., “Performance, Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of Karanja Biodiesel in a Transportation Engine”, Fuel, Cilt 119, 70-80, 2014.
- Devan, P.K. Mahalakshmi, N.V. “A Study of the Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine Using Methyl Ester of Paradise Oil–Eucalyptus Oil Blends”, Applied Energy, Cilt 86, 675–680, 2009.
- Yoon, S.H. Lee, C.S., “Experimental Investigation on the Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of Biogas-Biodiesel Dual-Fuel Combustion in a CI Engine”, Fuel Processing Technology, Cilt 92, 992-1000, 2012.
- Srivastava, P.K. Verma, M., “Methyl Ester of Karanja Oil as an Alternative Renewable Source Energy”, Fuel, Cilt 87,1673-1677, 2008.
- Gürü, M. Artukoğlu, B.D. Keskin, A. Koca, A., “Biodiesel Production From Waste Animal Fat and İmprovement od its Characteristics by Synthesized Nichel and Magnesium Additive” Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 50, 498-502, 2009.
- Çaynak, S. Gürü, M. Biçer, A. Keskin, A. İçingür, Y., “ Biodiesel Production From Pomace Oil and İmprovement of its Properties with Synthetic Manganese Additive”, Fuel, Cilt 88, 534-538, 2009.
- Nabi, N. Rahman, M. Akhter, S., “Biodiesel From Cotton Seed Oil and its Effect on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt 29, 2265-2270, 2009.
- Predojevic, Z.J., “The Production of Biodiesel From Waste Frying Oils: a Comparison of Different Purification Steps” Fuel, Cilt 87, 3522-3528, 2008.
Yıl 2015,
, 361 - 369, 29.09.2015
Mehmet Çelik
Hamit Solmaz
H. Serdar Yücesu
Yakıt katkılarının dizel motor performansına etkileri birçok araştırmacı tarafından çalışılmış ve umut verici sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Katkı maddeleri yanma esnasında katalizör etkisi göstererek yakıt kararsızlığı reaksiyonlarını hızlandırmakta ve motor performansı üzerinde olumlu etkiler oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; rafine edilmiş pamuk yağından transesterifikasyon yöntemi ile biyodizel üretilmiş, üretilen biyodizellere belirli oranlarda n-heptan katılmış ve test edilmiştir. Deneyler tek silindirli bir dizel motorunda sabit devirde ve tam yükte yapılmıştır. Pamuk metil esteri (PH0) yakıtı içerisine n-heptan ilavesi yakıt atomizasyonunu iyileştirmiş ve yanma verimliliği artmıştır. Maksimum güç artışı %8 n-heptan içeren pamuk metil esteri ile (PH8) %7.52 olmuştur. Tüm yakıtlar için maksimum silindir gaz basınçları ve maksimum ısı yayılımı hemen hemen aynı krank açısında oluşmuştur. Çalışmada %8 n-heptan karışımı motor performans ve yanma özellikleri bakımından en iyi sonucu vermiştir.
- Keskin, A. Ocakoğlu, K. Reşitoğlu, İ.A. Gürü, M., “Influence of Titanium Based Fuel Additive on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 28, No 3, 671-676, 2013.
- Alptekin, E. Çanakcı, M., “Determination of the Density and the Viscosities of Biodiesel– Diesel Fuel Blends”, Renewable Energy, Cilt 33, 2623-2630, 2008.
- Lopez, D.E. Goodwin J.G. David A. Bruce, D.A. Lotero, E., “Transesterification of Triacetin with Methanol on Solid Acid and Base Catalysts Applied Catlysis”, A: General, Cilt 295, 97-105, 2005.
- Çelikten, İ. Gürü, M. “Improvement of Performance and Emission Criterias of Petrodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Biodiesel with Manganese Based Additive”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 26, No 3, 643-648, 2011.
- Resmi Gazete, 27 Eylül 2011 tarih 28067 sayı.
- Thoo, W.J. Kevric, A. Ng, H.K. Gan, S. Shayler, P., “Characterisation of Ignition Delay of Period for a Compression Ignition Engine Operating on Blended Mixtures of Diesel and Gasoline”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt 66, 55-64, 2014.
- Park, S.H. Kim, H.J. Suh, H.K. Lee, C.S., “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Spray-Atomization Characteristics of Biodiesel Fuel in Various Fuel and Ambient Temperatures Condition”, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Cilt 30, 960-970, 2009.
- Keskin, A. Gürü, M. Altıparmak, D., “Influance of Metallic Based Fuel Additives on Peformance and Exhaust Emissions of Diesel Engine”, Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 52, 60-65, 2011.
- Shahabuddin, M. Liaquat, A.M. Masjuki, H.H. Mofijur, M., “Ignition Delay, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Fueled with Biodiesel”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt 21, 623-632, 2013.
- Vallinayagam, R. Vedharaj, S. Yang, W.M. Lee, P.S. Chua, K.J.E. Chou, S.K., “Combustion Performance and Emission Characteristics Study of Pine Oil in a Diesel Engine”, Energy, Cilt 57, 344-351, 2013.
- Türkcan, A. Çanakçı, M. Özsezen, A.N. Sayın, C., “Investigation of Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine”, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 21, No 1, 1-10, 2009.
- Gogoi, T.K. Baruah, D.C., “The Use of Koroch Seed Oil Methyl Ester Blends as Fuel in a Diesel Engine”, Aplied Energy, Cilt 88, 2713-2725, 2011.
- Apdulvahitoğlu, A., Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of A CI Engine Fueled With Synthesized Fuel Blends, Phd Thesis, Cukurova University Instute Of Natural and Applied Sciences, Adana, 2009.
- Donkerbroek, A.J., Combustion in an Optical Diesel Engine Studies by Light-Based Diagnostics, Nijmegen, Nedherlands, 2010.
- Kolaitis, D.I. Founti, M.A., “On the Assumption of Using n-heptane as a Surrogate Fuel for the Description of the Cool Flame Oxidation of Diesel Oil”, Proceedings Of The Combustion Instute, Cilt 32, 3197-3205, 2009.
- Merck KGaA, “104379 n- heptane”, 2014.
- Can, Ö., Bir DI Dizel Motorda Etanol Ön Karışımlı Kısmı-HCCI Uygulamasının Yanma ve Emisyon Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi, Doktora Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2012.
- Hazar H. Temizer İ. Gür, F., “Effect of Additive Meterials on Engine Performance and Parts in a Diesel Engine”, 6th International Advanced Tecnologies Symposium, Fırat Üni., Elazıg, 77-83, 16-18 Mayıs 2011.
- Xue, J. Grift, T.E. Hansen, A.C. “Effect of Biodiesel on Engine Performances and Emissions”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt 15, 1098-116, 2011.
- Çetinkaya, S., Termodinamik, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, 1999.
- Rao, G.L.N. Prasad, B.D. Sampath, S. Rajagopal, K., “Combustion Analysis of Diesel Engine Fueled with Jatropha Oil Methyl Ester - Diesel Blends”, International Journal of Green Energy, Cilt 4, 645–658, 2007.
- Zhang, Y. Boehman, A.L., “Autoignition of Binary Fuel Blends of n-heptane and C7 Esters in a Motored Engine”, Combustion and Flame, Cilt 159, 1619-1630, 2012.
- Polat, S. Solmaz, H. Yücesu, H.S. Uyumaz, A., “Bir Dizel Motorun Bilgisayar Yardımı ile Termodinamik ve Performans Analizi”, GU J Sci Part C, Cilt 1, No 3, 139-151, 2013.
- Challen, B. Baranescu, R., Diesel Engine Referance Book, Second Edition, India, 1984.
- Heywood, J.B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill Book Comp., New York, A.B.D., 1988.
- Finesso, R. Spessa, E., “Ignition Delay Prediction of Multiple in Diesel Engine”, Fuel, Cilt 119, 170-190, 2014.
- Sakthivel, G. Nagarajan, G. Ilangkumaran, M. Gaigwad, A.B., “Comparative Analysis of Performance, Emission and Combustion Parameters of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Ethyl Ester of Fish Oil and its Diesel Blends”, Fuel, Cilt 132, 116-124,2014.
- Safgönül, B. Ergeneman, M. Arslan, E. Soruşbay, C., İçten Yanmalı Motorlar, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, Türkiye, 1995.
- Ergen, G., Ön Isıtma Uygulanarak Kullanılan Biyodizel Yakıtının Motor Performans ve Emisyonlarına Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sakarya, 2006.
- Gürü, M. Koca, A. Can, Ö. Çınar, C. Şahin, F., “Biodiesel Production From Waste Chicken Fat Based Sources and Evaluation with Mg Based Additive in a Diesel Engine”, Renewable Energy, Cilt 35, 637–643, 2010.
- Dhar, A. Agarwad, A.K., “Performance, Emissions and Combustion Characteristics of Karanja Biodiesel in a Transportation Engine”, Fuel, Cilt 119, 70-80, 2014.
- Devan, P.K. Mahalakshmi, N.V. “A Study of the Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Compression Ignition Engine Using Methyl Ester of Paradise Oil–Eucalyptus Oil Blends”, Applied Energy, Cilt 86, 675–680, 2009.
- Yoon, S.H. Lee, C.S., “Experimental Investigation on the Combustion and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of Biogas-Biodiesel Dual-Fuel Combustion in a CI Engine”, Fuel Processing Technology, Cilt 92, 992-1000, 2012.
- Srivastava, P.K. Verma, M., “Methyl Ester of Karanja Oil as an Alternative Renewable Source Energy”, Fuel, Cilt 87,1673-1677, 2008.
- Gürü, M. Artukoğlu, B.D. Keskin, A. Koca, A., “Biodiesel Production From Waste Animal Fat and İmprovement od its Characteristics by Synthesized Nichel and Magnesium Additive” Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 50, 498-502, 2009.
- Çaynak, S. Gürü, M. Biçer, A. Keskin, A. İçingür, Y., “ Biodiesel Production From Pomace Oil and İmprovement of its Properties with Synthetic Manganese Additive”, Fuel, Cilt 88, 534-538, 2009.
- Nabi, N. Rahman, M. Akhter, S., “Biodiesel From Cotton Seed Oil and its Effect on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt 29, 2265-2270, 2009.
- Predojevic, Z.J., “The Production of Biodiesel From Waste Frying Oils: a Comparison of Different Purification Steps” Fuel, Cilt 87, 3522-3528, 2008.