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Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 1253 - 1264, 29.05.2019


Artan nüfus yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan aşırı enerji tüketimi, çevre kirliliği ve küresel ısınma tüm dünya için tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Çevresel alanda meydana gelen bu değişimler tüm dünyada araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmekte ve pek çok akademik ortamda çalışılan konular arasında yerini almaktadır. Binaların termal olarak yalıtımı uzun yıllardır araştırılıp geliştirilen bir konu haline gelmiştir. Son yıllarda ileri teknolojiler kullanılarak geliştirilen üstün özellikli yalıtım malzemeleri, uzun yıllardır kullanımda olan geleneksel yalıtım malzemelerinin yerini almakta ve ticari bir pazar yaratmaktadır.

Bu çalışmada ultrasonik destekli sol-jel yöntemi kullanılarak, ucuz ve kolay ulaşılabilir bir malzeme olan kumdan, hidrofobik özellikli aerojel üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aerojelin modifikasyon işlemi üretim sırasında gerçekleştirilmiş ve tüm kurutma işlemleri süper kritik basınç kullanılmadan ortam basıncında tamamlanmıştır. Çeşitli üretim parametrelerinin elde edilen aerojelin yoğunluğu üzerine olan etkisi incelenip en düşük yoğunluktaki malzemenin sentezlendiği koşullar optimum koşullar olarak belirlenmiştir. Üretilen malzemenin fiziksel özellikleri FT-IR, temas açısı ve yoğunluk ölçümleri ile belirlenmiştir. En düşük yoğunluğa sahip olan numune için XRD, TG/DTG, N2 adsorpsiyon/desorpsiyon ve SEM analizleri gerçekleştirilerek malzeme karakterize edilmiş ve termal yalıtım özelliği olan sıva üretiminde değerlendirilmiştir. 


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  • Jones S.M., Aerogel: space exploration applications, J Sol-Gel SciTechnol., 40 (2), 351–7, 2006.
  • Hrubesh L.W., Aerogel applications, J Non-Cryst Solids, 225, 335–342, 1998.
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  • Hrubesh L.W., Poco J.F., Thin aerogel films for optical, thermal, acoustic and electronic applications, J Non-Cryst Solids, 188 (1–2), 46–53, 1995.
  • Jones S.M.,. Aerogel: space exploration applications, J Sol-Gel Sci Technol., 40 (2), 351–357, 2006.
  • Buratti C., Merli F., Moretti E., Aerogel-based materials for building applications: Influence of granule size on thermal and acoustic performance, Energy and Buildings, 152, 472-482, 2017.
  • Dunn B.C., Cole P., Covington D., Webster M.C., Pugmire R.J., Ernst R.D., Silica aerogel supported catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Appl Catal A., 278 (2), 233–238, 2005.
  • Anas M., Gönel A.G., Bozbag S.E., Erkey C., Thermodynamics of Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on Various Aerogels, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 21, 82-88, 2017.
  • Wang C.T., Wu C.L., Chen I.C., Huang Y.H., Humidity sensors based on silica nanoparticle aerogel thin films, Sens Actuators B Chem., 107 (1), 402–410, 2005.
  • Tabata M., Adachi I., Hatakeyama Y., Kawai H., iMoritaT., Sumiyoshi T., Large-area silica aerogel for use as Cherenkov radiators with high refractive index, developed by supercritical carbon dioxide drying, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 110, 183-192, 2016.
  • Iijima T., Adachi I., Enomoto R., Suda R., Sumiyoshi T., Leoni-dopoulos C., Aerogel Cherenkov counter for the BELLE detector, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect A., 453 (1), 321–325, 2000.
  • Sumiyoshi T., Adachi I., Enomoto R., Iijima T., Suda R., Leoni-dopoulos C., Silica aerogel Cherenkov counter for the KEK B-factory experiment, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect A., 433 (1), 385–391, 1999.
  • Sarsabili M., Kalantari K., Khezri K., SR&NI atom transfer radical random copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in the presence of MPS-functionalized silica aerogel nanoparticles, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 126, 1261–1272, 2016.
  • Chao X., Jun S., Bin Z., Ultralow density silica aerogels prepared with PEDS, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 492–495, 2009.
  • Firoozmandan M., Moghaddas J., Yasrebi N., Performance of water glass-based silica aerogel for adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 79 (1), 67–75, 2016.
  • Shi F., Liu J.X., Song K., Wang Z.Y., Cost-effective synthesis of silica aerogels from fly ash via ambient pressure drying, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 , 2241–2246, 2010.
  • Wang B.,. Ma H, Song K., Preparation and characterization of silica aerogels from diatomite via ambient pressure drying, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 88, 1196–1201, 2014.
  • Suchithra P., Vazhayal L., Mohamed A.P., Ananthakumar S., Mesoporous organic–inorganic hybrid aerogels through ultrasonic assisted sol–gel intercalation of silica–PEG in bentonite for effective removal of dyes, volatile organic pollutants and petroleum products from aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal, 200, 589–600, 2012.
  • Sarawade P.B., Kim J.K., Hilonga A., Kim H.T., Production of low density sodium silicate-based hydrophobic silica aerogel beads by a novel fast gelation process and ambient pressure drying process, Solid State Sciences, 12, 911–918, 2010.
  • Shigemoto N., Hayashi H. Miyaura K., Selective Formation of Na-X Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash by Fusion with Sodium Hydroxide Prior to Hydrothermal Reaction, Journal of Materials Science, 28, 4781-4786, 1993.
  • Music S., Filipovic-Vincekovic N., Sekovanic L., Precipitation of Amorphous SiO2 Particles and Their Propertie, Kinetics and Catalysis; Reaction Engineering; and Materials Science, 28, 2011.
  • Majchrzak-Kucęba I., Nowak W., Characterization of MCM-41 Mesoporous Materials Derived from Polish Fly Ashes, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 101, 100–111, 2011.
  • Bhagat S.D., Kim Y.H., Suh K.H., Ahn Y.S., Yeo J.G., Han J.H., Superhydrophobic silica aerogel powders with simultaneous surface modification, solvent exchange and sodium ion removal from hydrogels, Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 112, 504–509, 2008.
  • Fricke J., Aerogels; Ed.; Springer, Berlin, 1986.
  • Sarawade P.B., Kim J.K., Kim H.K., Kim H.T., High specific surface area TEOS-based aerogels with large pore volume prepared at an ambient pressure, Applied Surface Science, 254, 574–579, 2007.
  • Sarawade P.B., Shao G.N., Quang D.V., Kim H.T., Effect of Various Structure Directing Agents on the Physicochemical Properties of the Silica Aerogels Prepared at an Ambient Pressure, Applied Surface Science, 287,84-90, 2013.
  • Thommes M., Physical Adsorption Characterization of Nanoporous Materials, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82, 1059-1073, 2010.
  • Chetty L., Serukenya I.W., Ijumba N.M., Vegetable Oil Based Liquid Nanocomposite Dielectric, South African Journal of Science, 109, 1-6, 2013.
Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 3, 1253 - 1264, 29.05.2019



  • Comaklı, K., Yuksel B., Environmental impact of thermal insulation thickness in buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering 24, 933–940, 2004.
  • Dombaycı O.A., Golcu M., Pancar Y., Optimization of insulation thickness for external walls using different energy-sources, Applied Energy 83, 921–928, 2006.
  • Al-Homoud M.S., Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal insulation materials, Building and Environment 40, 353–366, 2005.
  • Tamon H., Kitamura T., Okazaki M., Preparation of Silica Aerogel from TEOS, Journal of Colloid And Interface Science, 197, 353–359, 1998.
  • Baetens R., Jelle B.P., Gustavsen A., Aerogel insulation for building applications: a state-of-the-art review. Energy Build.43 (4), 761–769, 2011.
  • Jensen K.I., Schultz J.M., Kristiansen F.H., Development of windows based on highly insulating aerogel glazings. J Non-Cryst Solids.7, 350-351, 2004.
  • Jones S.M., Aerogel: space exploration applications, J Sol-Gel SciTechnol., 40 (2), 351–7, 2006.
  • Hrubesh L.W., Aerogel applications, J Non-Cryst Solids, 225, 335–342, 1998.
  • Cha J., Kim S., Park K.W., Lee D.R., Jo J.H., Kim S., Improvement of window thermal performance using aerogel insulation film for building energy saving, J Therm Anal Calorim., 116(1), 219–224, 2014.
  • Hrubesh L.W., Poco J.F., Thin aerogel films for optical, thermal, acoustic and electronic applications, J Non-Cryst Solids, 188 (1–2), 46–53, 1995.
  • Jones S.M.,. Aerogel: space exploration applications, J Sol-Gel Sci Technol., 40 (2), 351–357, 2006.
  • Buratti C., Merli F., Moretti E., Aerogel-based materials for building applications: Influence of granule size on thermal and acoustic performance, Energy and Buildings, 152, 472-482, 2017.
  • Dunn B.C., Cole P., Covington D., Webster M.C., Pugmire R.J., Ernst R.D., Silica aerogel supported catalysts for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, Appl Catal A., 278 (2), 233–238, 2005.
  • Anas M., Gönel A.G., Bozbag S.E., Erkey C., Thermodynamics of Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide on Various Aerogels, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 21, 82-88, 2017.
  • Wang C.T., Wu C.L., Chen I.C., Huang Y.H., Humidity sensors based on silica nanoparticle aerogel thin films, Sens Actuators B Chem., 107 (1), 402–410, 2005.
  • Tabata M., Adachi I., Hatakeyama Y., Kawai H., iMoritaT., Sumiyoshi T., Large-area silica aerogel for use as Cherenkov radiators with high refractive index, developed by supercritical carbon dioxide drying, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 110, 183-192, 2016.
  • Iijima T., Adachi I., Enomoto R., Suda R., Sumiyoshi T., Leoni-dopoulos C., Aerogel Cherenkov counter for the BELLE detector, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect A., 453 (1), 321–325, 2000.
  • Sumiyoshi T., Adachi I., Enomoto R., Iijima T., Suda R., Leoni-dopoulos C., Silica aerogel Cherenkov counter for the KEK B-factory experiment, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect A., 433 (1), 385–391, 1999.
  • Sarsabili M., Kalantari K., Khezri K., SR&NI atom transfer radical random copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in the presence of MPS-functionalized silica aerogel nanoparticles, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 126, 1261–1272, 2016.
  • Chao X., Jun S., Bin Z., Ultralow density silica aerogels prepared with PEDS, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 492–495, 2009.
  • Firoozmandan M., Moghaddas J., Yasrebi N., Performance of water glass-based silica aerogel for adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 79 (1), 67–75, 2016.
  • Shi F., Liu J.X., Song K., Wang Z.Y., Cost-effective synthesis of silica aerogels from fly ash via ambient pressure drying, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 , 2241–2246, 2010.
  • Wang B.,. Ma H, Song K., Preparation and characterization of silica aerogels from diatomite via ambient pressure drying, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 88, 1196–1201, 2014.
  • Suchithra P., Vazhayal L., Mohamed A.P., Ananthakumar S., Mesoporous organic–inorganic hybrid aerogels through ultrasonic assisted sol–gel intercalation of silica–PEG in bentonite for effective removal of dyes, volatile organic pollutants and petroleum products from aqueous solution, Chemical Engineering Journal, 200, 589–600, 2012.
  • Sarawade P.B., Kim J.K., Hilonga A., Kim H.T., Production of low density sodium silicate-based hydrophobic silica aerogel beads by a novel fast gelation process and ambient pressure drying process, Solid State Sciences, 12, 911–918, 2010.
  • Shigemoto N., Hayashi H. Miyaura K., Selective Formation of Na-X Zeolite from Coal Fly Ash by Fusion with Sodium Hydroxide Prior to Hydrothermal Reaction, Journal of Materials Science, 28, 4781-4786, 1993.
  • Music S., Filipovic-Vincekovic N., Sekovanic L., Precipitation of Amorphous SiO2 Particles and Their Propertie, Kinetics and Catalysis; Reaction Engineering; and Materials Science, 28, 2011.
  • Majchrzak-Kucęba I., Nowak W., Characterization of MCM-41 Mesoporous Materials Derived from Polish Fly Ashes, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 101, 100–111, 2011.
  • Bhagat S.D., Kim Y.H., Suh K.H., Ahn Y.S., Yeo J.G., Han J.H., Superhydrophobic silica aerogel powders with simultaneous surface modification, solvent exchange and sodium ion removal from hydrogels, Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 112, 504–509, 2008.
  • Fricke J., Aerogels; Ed.; Springer, Berlin, 1986.
  • Sarawade P.B., Kim J.K., Kim H.K., Kim H.T., High specific surface area TEOS-based aerogels with large pore volume prepared at an ambient pressure, Applied Surface Science, 254, 574–579, 2007.
  • Sarawade P.B., Shao G.N., Quang D.V., Kim H.T., Effect of Various Structure Directing Agents on the Physicochemical Properties of the Silica Aerogels Prepared at an Ambient Pressure, Applied Surface Science, 287,84-90, 2013.
  • Thommes M., Physical Adsorption Characterization of Nanoporous Materials, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82, 1059-1073, 2010.
  • Chetty L., Serukenya I.W., Ijumba N.M., Vegetable Oil Based Liquid Nanocomposite Dielectric, South African Journal of Science, 109, 1-6, 2013.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Nevin Karamahmut Mermer This is me

Sabriye Pişkin

Publication Date May 29, 2019
Submission Date December 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 34 Issue: 3


APA Karamahmut Mermer, N., & Pişkin, S. (2019). Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 1253-1264.
AMA Karamahmut Mermer N, Pişkin S. Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi. GUMMFD. May 2019;34(3):1253-1264. doi:10.17341/gazimmfd.460521
Chicago Karamahmut Mermer, Nevin, and Sabriye Pişkin. “Ultrason Destekli Sol-Jel yöntemi Ile Kumdan Aerojel Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu Ve Termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34, no. 3 (May 2019): 1253-64.
EndNote Karamahmut Mermer N, Pişkin S (May 1, 2019) Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34 3 1253–1264.
IEEE N. Karamahmut Mermer and S. Pişkin, “Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi”, GUMMFD, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1253–1264, 2019, doi: 10.17341/gazimmfd.460521.
ISNAD Karamahmut Mermer, Nevin - Pişkin, Sabriye. “Ultrason Destekli Sol-Jel yöntemi Ile Kumdan Aerojel Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu Ve Termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34/3 (May 2019), 1253-1264.
JAMA Karamahmut Mermer N, Pişkin S. Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi. GUMMFD. 2019;34:1253–1264.
MLA Karamahmut Mermer, Nevin and Sabriye Pişkin. “Ultrason Destekli Sol-Jel yöntemi Ile Kumdan Aerojel Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu Ve Termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 34, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1253-64, doi:10.17341/gazimmfd.460521.
Vancouver Karamahmut Mermer N, Pişkin S. Ultrason destekli sol-jel yöntemi ile kumdan aerojel sentezi, karakterizasyonu ve termal yalıtım sıvası üretiminde değerlendirilmesi. GUMMFD. 2019;34(3):1253-64.