Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 20.02.2013
Süleyman Ersöz
Adnan Aktepe
Bu çalışmada çoklu müşteri gruplarının değerlendirilmesi durumunda Kalite Fonksiyon Yayılımı (KFY)’de ilkadımı oluşturan müşteri gereksinimlerinin önemini ön plana çıkaran bir çözüm yaklaşımı geliştirilmiştir. AnalitikAğ Süreci (AAS) tekniği kullanılarak geliştirilen bir KFY algoritmasına, müşteri grubunun birden fazla olduğudurumlarda müşteri beklentilerini önem derecelerine göre sıralamak yerine etkin olanları tespit etmek amacıylaVZA adımları eklenmiştir. Veri Zarflama Analizi (VZA) ve Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS)’yi birleştiren bu yaklaşımVZAAS algoritması olarak adlandırılmıştır. Ürün teknik gereksinimlerinin göreceli önem değerleri bu yöntemlehesaplanmış ve Türkiye’de beyaz eşya üreticisi olan bir firmada uygulanmıştır. VZAAS algoritması ile eldeedilen sonuçların AAS tekniği ile elde edilen sonuçlardan daha iyi olduğu pazarlama uzmanları tarafından dadoğrulanmıştır.
- Kahraman C.,Ertay T., Büyükozan G., “A fuzzy
- optimization model for QFD planning process
- using analytic network approach”, European
- Journal Of Operational Research,171,390-
- , 2006.
- Hao-Tien Liu, Chih-Hong Wang “An advanced
- quality function deployment model using fuzzy
- analytic network process” Applied
- Mathematical Modelling, Volume 34, Issue 11,
- November, Pages 3333-3351, 2010.
- Karsak E. E., Sozer S., Alptekin Emre S.,
- “Product planning in quality function
- deployment using a combined analytic network
- process and goal programming approach”
- Computers & Industrial Engineering, 44-1,
- , 171-190, 2003.
- Partovi F.Y., “An analytic model for locating
- facilities strategically”, Omega, 33-1, 41-55,
- -
- Partovi F.,Y., “An analytical model of process
- choice in the chemical industry”, International
- Journal of Production Economics, 105-1, 213-
- , 2007.
- Ridder K., Rivera C. A., Bongers P., Bruin S.,
- Flapper S. D., “Dealing with subjectivity in early
- product design phase: A systematic approach to
- exploit Quality Function
- Deployment potentials”, Computers &
- Industrial Engineering, 55- 1, 253-278, 2008.
- Raharjo H., Brombacher A. C., Xie M., “Multi
- criteria decision making in product
- driven Process Synthesis”, Computer Aided
- Chemical Engineering, 25, 1021-1026, 2008.
- Ertay T., Büyükozan G., Kahraman C., Ruan D.,
- “Quality Function Deployment Implementation
- Based on Analytic Network Process with
- Linguistic Data: An application in automotive
- industry”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy
- Systems, 16, 221-232, 2005.
- Chen L.,Weng M.,“An evaluation approach to
- engineering design in QFD processes using
- fuzzy goal programming models”, European
- Journal Of Operational Research, 172, 230-
- , 2006.
- Delano G., Parnell G.S., Smith C. and Vance M.
- “Quality function deployment and decision
- analysis – A R&D case study”, International
- Journal of Operations and Production
- Management, 20, pp. 591–609, 2000.
- Önder H., Türker A. K., Ersöz S., “KOBİ’lerin
- Sorunlarının Tespiti ve QFD Yaklaşımı ile
- Çözümü”, YA-EM 2007 Bildiriler Kitabı,
- Sayfa 1134-1139, İzmir, 2007.
- Kauli, M.A., “Consumer and user involvement
- in product development: a framework and a
- review of selected methods”, Total Quality
- Management, 9(1),141-149, 1998.
- Shen X.X., Tan K.C.,Xie M., “An integrated
- approach to innovative product development
- using kano’s model and QFD”, European
- Journal Of Innovation Management,,3(2),91-
- , 2000.
- Bennera M., Linnemanna A.R:, Jongena
- W.M.F., Folstara P., “Quality function
- deployment –can it be used to develop food
- products?”, Food quality and preferences,
- ,327-339, 2003.
- Anjard R.P., Management and planning tools,
- Training for quality, 3(2),34-37, 1995.
- Hassan A.,Baksh M.S.N., Shahroun A.M.
- (2000), “Issues in quality engineering research”,
- International Journal Of Quality And
- Relaibility Management, 17,858-875, 2000.
- Saaty T.L., “The analytic hierarchy process”,
- New York: McGraw -Hill, 1980.
- Yüksel İ., Dağdeviren M., “Using the analytic
- network process (ANP) in a SWOT analysis – A
- case study for a textile firm”, Information
- Sciences, 177, 3364–3382, 2007.
- Saaty T.L, “Decision making with dependence
- and feedback: The analytic network process”,
- Pittsburg: RWS Publication, 1996.
- Chung, Amy H.I. Lee, W.L. Pearn Shu-Hsing,
- “Analytic network process (ANP) approach for
- product mix planning in semiconductor
- fabricator”, Int. J. Production Economics, 96,
- –36, 2005.
- Saaty T.L., Vargas L. G.,” Diagnosis with
- dependent symptoms: bayes theorem and the
- analytic hierarchy process”, Operation
- Research, 46,491-502, 1998.
- Charnes A., Cooper W., Lewin A.Y., Seiford
- L.M., “Data envelopment analysis: theory,
- methodology and applications”, Kluwer, Boston,
- -
- Ramanathan R., “Data envelopment analysis for
- weight derivation and aggregation in the analytic
- hierarchy process”, Computers And Operation
- Research, 33,1289-1307, 2006.
- Donthu N., Hersberger E.K., Osmonbekov T.,
- “Benchmarking marketing productivity using data envelopment analysis”, Journal Of
- Business Research, 58, 1474-1482, 2005.
- Seol H., Choi J., Park G., Park Y., “A framework
- for benchmarking service process using data
- envelopment analysis and decision tree”, Expert
- Systems With Applications, 2006.
- Kuosmanen T., Cherchye L.,Sipilanen T., “The
- law of one price in data envelopment analysis:
- Restricting weight flexibility across firms”,
- European Journal Of Operational Research,
- ,735-757, 2006.
- Lahdelma R., Salminan P., “Stochastic
- multicriterian acceptability analysis using the
- data envelopment model”, European Journal
- Of Operational Research, 170, 241-252, 2006.
- Ulutaş B., Ulutaş B., “An ANP Combined DEA
- Methodology to Evaluate the Performance of
- Airports in Turkey”, Proceedings of the 10th
- International Symposium on the Analytic
- Hierarchy/Network ProcessMulti-criteria
- Decision Making, 2009.
- Ertay T., Ruan D., “Data envelopment analysis
- based decision model for optimal operator
- allocation in CMS”, European Journal of
- Operational Research, 164, 800-810, 2005.
- Ramanathan R, “A multi factor efficiency
- perspective to the relationship among world
- GDP, energy consumption and carbon dioxide
- emissions”, Technological Forecasting &
- Social Change, 73, 483-494, 2006.
- Bernroider E., Stix V., “A method using weight
- restriction in data envelopment analysis for
- ranking and validity issues in decision making”,
- Computers& Operation Research, 34-9, 2637-
- , 2007.
- Ramanathan R., “An introduction to data
- envelopment analysis”, Sage, New Deldhi, 2003.
- Charnes D.,Cooper WW., Rhodes E.,
- “Measuring the efficiency of decision making
- units”, European Journal of Operational
- Research, 429-444, 1978.
- Ersöz S., Yaman N.,Birgören B., “Müşteri
- İlişkileri Yönetiminde Verilerin Yapay Sinir
- Ağları ile Modellenmesi ve Analizi”, Journal of
- the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- of Gazi University. Vol 23, No 4, 759-767,
- -
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 20.02.2013
Süleyman Ersöz
Adnan Aktepe
- Kahraman C.,Ertay T., Büyükozan G., “A fuzzy
- optimization model for QFD planning process
- using analytic network approach”, European
- Journal Of Operational Research,171,390-
- , 2006.
- Hao-Tien Liu, Chih-Hong Wang “An advanced
- quality function deployment model using fuzzy
- analytic network process” Applied
- Mathematical Modelling, Volume 34, Issue 11,
- November, Pages 3333-3351, 2010.
- Karsak E. E., Sozer S., Alptekin Emre S.,
- “Product planning in quality function
- deployment using a combined analytic network
- process and goal programming approach”
- Computers & Industrial Engineering, 44-1,
- , 171-190, 2003.
- Partovi F.Y., “An analytic model for locating
- facilities strategically”, Omega, 33-1, 41-55,
- -
- Partovi F.,Y., “An analytical model of process
- choice in the chemical industry”, International
- Journal of Production Economics, 105-1, 213-
- , 2007.
- Ridder K., Rivera C. A., Bongers P., Bruin S.,
- Flapper S. D., “Dealing with subjectivity in early
- product design phase: A systematic approach to
- exploit Quality Function
- Deployment potentials”, Computers &
- Industrial Engineering, 55- 1, 253-278, 2008.
- Raharjo H., Brombacher A. C., Xie M., “Multi
- criteria decision making in product
- driven Process Synthesis”, Computer Aided
- Chemical Engineering, 25, 1021-1026, 2008.
- Ertay T., Büyükozan G., Kahraman C., Ruan D.,
- “Quality Function Deployment Implementation
- Based on Analytic Network Process with
- Linguistic Data: An application in automotive
- industry”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy
- Systems, 16, 221-232, 2005.
- Chen L.,Weng M.,“An evaluation approach to
- engineering design in QFD processes using
- fuzzy goal programming models”, European
- Journal Of Operational Research, 172, 230-
- , 2006.
- Delano G., Parnell G.S., Smith C. and Vance M.
- “Quality function deployment and decision
- analysis – A R&D case study”, International
- Journal of Operations and Production
- Management, 20, pp. 591–609, 2000.
- Önder H., Türker A. K., Ersöz S., “KOBİ’lerin
- Sorunlarının Tespiti ve QFD Yaklaşımı ile
- Çözümü”, YA-EM 2007 Bildiriler Kitabı,
- Sayfa 1134-1139, İzmir, 2007.
- Kauli, M.A., “Consumer and user involvement
- in product development: a framework and a
- review of selected methods”, Total Quality
- Management, 9(1),141-149, 1998.
- Shen X.X., Tan K.C.,Xie M., “An integrated
- approach to innovative product development
- using kano’s model and QFD”, European
- Journal Of Innovation Management,,3(2),91-
- , 2000.
- Bennera M., Linnemanna A.R:, Jongena
- W.M.F., Folstara P., “Quality function
- deployment –can it be used to develop food
- products?”, Food quality and preferences,
- ,327-339, 2003.
- Anjard R.P., Management and planning tools,
- Training for quality, 3(2),34-37, 1995.
- Hassan A.,Baksh M.S.N., Shahroun A.M.
- (2000), “Issues in quality engineering research”,
- International Journal Of Quality And
- Relaibility Management, 17,858-875, 2000.
- Saaty T.L., “The analytic hierarchy process”,
- New York: McGraw -Hill, 1980.
- Yüksel İ., Dağdeviren M., “Using the analytic
- network process (ANP) in a SWOT analysis – A
- case study for a textile firm”, Information
- Sciences, 177, 3364–3382, 2007.
- Saaty T.L, “Decision making with dependence
- and feedback: The analytic network process”,
- Pittsburg: RWS Publication, 1996.
- Chung, Amy H.I. Lee, W.L. Pearn Shu-Hsing,
- “Analytic network process (ANP) approach for
- product mix planning in semiconductor
- fabricator”, Int. J. Production Economics, 96,
- –36, 2005.
- Saaty T.L., Vargas L. G.,” Diagnosis with
- dependent symptoms: bayes theorem and the
- analytic hierarchy process”, Operation
- Research, 46,491-502, 1998.
- Charnes A., Cooper W., Lewin A.Y., Seiford
- L.M., “Data envelopment analysis: theory,
- methodology and applications”, Kluwer, Boston,
- -
- Ramanathan R., “Data envelopment analysis for
- weight derivation and aggregation in the analytic
- hierarchy process”, Computers And Operation
- Research, 33,1289-1307, 2006.
- Donthu N., Hersberger E.K., Osmonbekov T.,
- “Benchmarking marketing productivity using data envelopment analysis”, Journal Of
- Business Research, 58, 1474-1482, 2005.
- Seol H., Choi J., Park G., Park Y., “A framework
- for benchmarking service process using data
- envelopment analysis and decision tree”, Expert
- Systems With Applications, 2006.
- Kuosmanen T., Cherchye L.,Sipilanen T., “The
- law of one price in data envelopment analysis:
- Restricting weight flexibility across firms”,
- European Journal Of Operational Research,
- ,735-757, 2006.
- Lahdelma R., Salminan P., “Stochastic
- multicriterian acceptability analysis using the
- data envelopment model”, European Journal
- Of Operational Research, 170, 241-252, 2006.
- Ulutaş B., Ulutaş B., “An ANP Combined DEA
- Methodology to Evaluate the Performance of
- Airports in Turkey”, Proceedings of the 10th
- International Symposium on the Analytic
- Hierarchy/Network ProcessMulti-criteria
- Decision Making, 2009.
- Ertay T., Ruan D., “Data envelopment analysis
- based decision model for optimal operator
- allocation in CMS”, European Journal of
- Operational Research, 164, 800-810, 2005.
- Ramanathan R, “A multi factor efficiency
- perspective to the relationship among world
- GDP, energy consumption and carbon dioxide
- emissions”, Technological Forecasting &
- Social Change, 73, 483-494, 2006.
- Bernroider E., Stix V., “A method using weight
- restriction in data envelopment analysis for
- ranking and validity issues in decision making”,
- Computers& Operation Research, 34-9, 2637-
- , 2007.
- Ramanathan R., “An introduction to data
- envelopment analysis”, Sage, New Deldhi, 2003.
- Charnes D.,Cooper WW., Rhodes E.,
- “Measuring the efficiency of decision making
- units”, European Journal of Operational
- Research, 429-444, 1978.
- Ersöz S., Yaman N.,Birgören B., “Müşteri
- İlişkileri Yönetiminde Verilerin Yapay Sinir
- Ağları ile Modellenmesi ve Analizi”, Journal of
- the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- of Gazi University. Vol 23, No 4, 759-767,
- -