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Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 26.02.2014


Serbest pistonlu Stirling motorları, ısı enerjisini titreşim tarzında doğrusal bir harekete dönüştüren basit yapılı termodinamik sistemlerdir. Kinematik motorlardaki volanların yerini serbest pistonlu Stirling motorlarında mekanik yaylar ya da gazlı yaylandırıcılar almaktadır. Yer değiştirme pistonu ve güç pistonunun yaptığı titreşim hareketinin genliğini kontrol altında tutmak bu motorların önemli sorunlarından birisidir. Yapısı gereği serbest pistonlu Stirling motorlarının tasarımı dinamik ve termodinamik analizlerin birlikte yapılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Motorun dinamik parçalarının kütleleri, sistemde kullanılan yayların yay sabitleri, sürtünmeler, iş transferinden kaynaklanan kuvvetler ile güç pistonu ve yer değiştirme pistonuna etkiyen gaz kuvvetlerini ihtiva eden kapsamlı bir dinamik-termodinamik analiz ile motorun tasarımı yapılmakta ve performans değerleri
belirlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada 700 K sıcak kaynak ve 350 K soğuk kaynak sıcaklığı arasında çalışan, silindirleri soğuk uçtan birleştirmeli, gama tipi, serbest pistonlu bir Stirling motorunun dinamik ve termodinamik analizi yapılmıştır. Motor gücünün; sıcak kaynak sıcaklığına, güç pistonu ile yer değiştirme pistonu yaylarının sabitlerine, yer değiştirme pistonunun kuyruk çapına, çalışma hacmindeki gaz kütlesine ve iş transferinin yarattığı sönümleme sabitine göre değişimleri incelenerek motorun çalışma limitleri belirlenmiştir.


  • Walker, G., Stirling Engines, Clarendon Press,
  • Oxford, 1980.
  • Beale, W.T., “Free Piston Stirling Engines -
  • Some Model Tests and Simulations”,
  • International Automotive Engineering
  • Congress, Detroit, Michigan, 1-10, 13-17 Ocak
  • -
  • Karabulut, H., “Dynamic Analysis of a Free
  • Piston Stirling Engine Working With Closed and
  • Open Thermodynamic Cycles”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 36, No 6, 1704-1709, 2011.
  • Boucher, J., Lanzetta, F., ve Nika, P.,
  • “Optimization of a Dual Free Piston Stirling
  • Engine”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt
  • , No 4, 802–811, 2007.
  • Rogdakis, E.D., Bormpilas, N.A. ve Koniakos,
  • I.K., “A Thermodynamic Study for the
  • Optimization of Stableoperation of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines”, Energy Conversion and
  • Management, Cilt 45, No 4, 575-593, 2004.
  • Hsu, S.T., Lin, F.Y. ve Chiou, J.S., “Heat
  • Transfer Aspects of Stirling Power Generation
  • Using Incinerator Waste Energy”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 28, No 1, 59-69, 2003.
  • Lane, N.W. ve Beale, W.T., “A 5kW Electric
  • Free-Piston Stirling Engine”, Proceedings of the
  • Seventh International Conference on Stirling
  • Cycle Machines, Tokyo, Japan, Kasım 1995.
  • Hsieh, Y.C., Hsu, T.C. ve Chiou, J.S.,
  • “Integration of a Free-Piston Stirling Engine and
  • a Moving Grate Incinerator”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 33, No 1, 48-54, 2008.
  • Arof, H., Wijono ve Nor, K.M., “Linear
  • Generator: Design and Simulation”, National
  • Power and Energy Conference (PECon) 2003
  • Proceedings, Bangi, Malaysia, 306-311, 15-16
  • Aralık 2003.
  • Fazal, I., Karsiti, M.N., Zulkifli, S.A., Ibrahim, T.
  • ve Rao, K.S.R., “Modeling and Simulation of a
  • Moving-Coil Linear Generator”, International
  • Conference on Intelligent and Advanced
  • Systems (ICIAS 2010), Kuala Lumpur,
  • Malaysia, 1-5, 15-17 Haziran 2010.
  • Boldea, I. ve Nasar, S.A., Linear Electric
  • Actuators and Generators, Cambridge
  • University Press, New York, 1997.
  • Ping, H.W. ve Arof, H., “Design of a Permanent
  • Magnet Linear Generator”, Proceedings of the
  • st International Forum on Strategic
  • Technology, Ulsan, Korea, 231-234, 18-20 Ekim
  • -
  • Gomez, A., Berry, J.J., Roychoudhury, S.,
  • Coriton, B. ve Huth J., “From Jet Fuel to Electric
  • Power Using a Mesoscale, Efficient Stirling
  • Cycle”, Proceedings of the Combustion
  • Institute, Cilt 31, 3251-3259, 2007.
  • Yang, Q., Luo, E., Dai, W. ve Yu, G.,
  • “Thermoacoustic Model of a Modified Free
  • Piston Stirling Engine with a Thermal Buffer
  • Tube”, Applied Energy, Cilt 90, No 1, 266-270,
  • -
  • Kim, S.Y. ve Berchowitz, D.M., “Specific Power
  • Estimations for Free-Piston Stirling Engines”,
  • th International Energy Conversion
  • Engineering Conference and Exhibit, San
  • Diego, 1-8, 26-29 Haziran 2006.
  • Formosa, F., “Coupled Thermodynamic–
  • Dynamic Semi-Analytical Model of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines”, Energy Conversion and
  • Management, Cilt 52, No 5, 2098-2109, 2011.
  • Lange, R.G. ve Caroll, W.P., “Review of Recent
  • Advances of Radioisotope Power Systems”,
  • Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 49,
  • No 3, 393–401, 2008.
  • Formosa, F. ve Despesse, G., “Analytical Model
  • for Stirling Cycle Machine Design”, Energy
  • Conversion and Management, Cilt 51, No 10,
  • -1863, 2010.
  • De Monte, F. ve Benvenuto, G., “Reflections on
  • Free-Piston Stirling Engines. Part 1: Cycling
  • Steady Operation”, Journal of Propulsion and
  • Power, Cilt 14, No 4, 499–508, 1998.
  • Schmidt, G., “The theory of Lehmann_s
  • calorimetric machine”, Zeitschrift Des Vereines
  • Deutscher Ingenieure, Cilt 15, No 1, 1872.
  • Kongtragool, B. ve Wongwises, S.,
  • “Thermodynamic Analysis of a Stirling Engine
  • Including Dead Volumes of Hot Space, Cold
  • Space and Regenerator”, Renewable Energy,
  • Cilt 31, No 3, 345–59, 2006.
  • Ibrahim, M. B. ve Tew, R. C., “Study of Two-
  • Dimensional Compressible Non-Acoustic
  • Modeling of Stirling Machine Type
  • Components”, Proceedings of IECEC’01 36th
  • Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
  • Conference, Savannah, Georgia, 1-6, 29
  • Temmuz – 2 Ağustos 2001.
  • Choudhary, F., Dynamics of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines, Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
  • University of Maryland, Faculty of the Graduate
  • School, 2009.
  • Benvenuto, G., De Monte, F. ve Farina, F.,
  • “Dynamic Behaviour Prediction of Free-Piston
  • Stirling Engine”, Proceedings of IECEC’90 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion
  • Engineering Conference (IECEC-90), Reno,
  • Nevada, Cilt 5, 346-351, 12-17 Ağustos 1990.
  • Redlich, R.W. ve Berchowitz, D.M., “Linear
  • Dynamics of Free-Piston Stirling Engine”,
  • Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
  • Engineers Part A: Power and Process
  • Engineering, Cilt 199, No A3, 203-213, 1985.
  • Karabulut, H., Öztürk, E. ve Çınar, C., “Dynamic
  • Modelling and Investigation of Vibrations of a
  • Single Cylinder Four-Stroke Diesel Engine”,
  • Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and
  • Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 26, No 1,
  • -183, 2011.
  • Çınar, C., Topgül, T., Yücesu, H.S.,
  • “Manufacturing and testing of a beta-type Stirling
  • cycle engine”, Journal of the Faculty of
  • Engineering and Architecture of Gazi
  • University, Cilt 22, No 2, 411-415, 2007.
  • Çınar, C., Koca, A., Karabulut, H., “An
  • experimental investigation of the effects of
  • various working fluids on stirling engine
  • performance”, Journal of the Faculty of
  • Engineering and Architecture of Gazi
  • University, Cilt 20, No 2, 247-250, 2005.
  • Özgören, Y.Ö., Çetinkaya, S., “Experimental
  • study on the performance of a beta type stirling
  • engine using helium and air as working gas”,
  • Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and
  • Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 24, No 2,
  • -228, 2009.
  • Karabulut, H., Yucesu, H.S., Çinar, C. ve Aksoy,
  • F., “An Experimental Study on the Development
  • of a β Type Stirling Engine for Low and
  • Moderate Temperature Heat Sources”, Applied
  • Energy, Cilt 86, No 1, 68-73, 2009.
Yıl 2013, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 26.02.2014



  • Walker, G., Stirling Engines, Clarendon Press,
  • Oxford, 1980.
  • Beale, W.T., “Free Piston Stirling Engines -
  • Some Model Tests and Simulations”,
  • International Automotive Engineering
  • Congress, Detroit, Michigan, 1-10, 13-17 Ocak
  • -
  • Karabulut, H., “Dynamic Analysis of a Free
  • Piston Stirling Engine Working With Closed and
  • Open Thermodynamic Cycles”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 36, No 6, 1704-1709, 2011.
  • Boucher, J., Lanzetta, F., ve Nika, P.,
  • “Optimization of a Dual Free Piston Stirling
  • Engine”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cilt
  • , No 4, 802–811, 2007.
  • Rogdakis, E.D., Bormpilas, N.A. ve Koniakos,
  • I.K., “A Thermodynamic Study for the
  • Optimization of Stableoperation of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines”, Energy Conversion and
  • Management, Cilt 45, No 4, 575-593, 2004.
  • Hsu, S.T., Lin, F.Y. ve Chiou, J.S., “Heat
  • Transfer Aspects of Stirling Power Generation
  • Using Incinerator Waste Energy”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 28, No 1, 59-69, 2003.
  • Lane, N.W. ve Beale, W.T., “A 5kW Electric
  • Free-Piston Stirling Engine”, Proceedings of the
  • Seventh International Conference on Stirling
  • Cycle Machines, Tokyo, Japan, Kasım 1995.
  • Hsieh, Y.C., Hsu, T.C. ve Chiou, J.S.,
  • “Integration of a Free-Piston Stirling Engine and
  • a Moving Grate Incinerator”, Renewable
  • Energy, Cilt 33, No 1, 48-54, 2008.
  • Arof, H., Wijono ve Nor, K.M., “Linear
  • Generator: Design and Simulation”, National
  • Power and Energy Conference (PECon) 2003
  • Proceedings, Bangi, Malaysia, 306-311, 15-16
  • Aralık 2003.
  • Fazal, I., Karsiti, M.N., Zulkifli, S.A., Ibrahim, T.
  • ve Rao, K.S.R., “Modeling and Simulation of a
  • Moving-Coil Linear Generator”, International
  • Conference on Intelligent and Advanced
  • Systems (ICIAS 2010), Kuala Lumpur,
  • Malaysia, 1-5, 15-17 Haziran 2010.
  • Boldea, I. ve Nasar, S.A., Linear Electric
  • Actuators and Generators, Cambridge
  • University Press, New York, 1997.
  • Ping, H.W. ve Arof, H., “Design of a Permanent
  • Magnet Linear Generator”, Proceedings of the
  • st International Forum on Strategic
  • Technology, Ulsan, Korea, 231-234, 18-20 Ekim
  • -
  • Gomez, A., Berry, J.J., Roychoudhury, S.,
  • Coriton, B. ve Huth J., “From Jet Fuel to Electric
  • Power Using a Mesoscale, Efficient Stirling
  • Cycle”, Proceedings of the Combustion
  • Institute, Cilt 31, 3251-3259, 2007.
  • Yang, Q., Luo, E., Dai, W. ve Yu, G.,
  • “Thermoacoustic Model of a Modified Free
  • Piston Stirling Engine with a Thermal Buffer
  • Tube”, Applied Energy, Cilt 90, No 1, 266-270,
  • -
  • Kim, S.Y. ve Berchowitz, D.M., “Specific Power
  • Estimations for Free-Piston Stirling Engines”,
  • th International Energy Conversion
  • Engineering Conference and Exhibit, San
  • Diego, 1-8, 26-29 Haziran 2006.
  • Formosa, F., “Coupled Thermodynamic–
  • Dynamic Semi-Analytical Model of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines”, Energy Conversion and
  • Management, Cilt 52, No 5, 2098-2109, 2011.
  • Lange, R.G. ve Caroll, W.P., “Review of Recent
  • Advances of Radioisotope Power Systems”,
  • Energy Conversion and Management, Cilt 49,
  • No 3, 393–401, 2008.
  • Formosa, F. ve Despesse, G., “Analytical Model
  • for Stirling Cycle Machine Design”, Energy
  • Conversion and Management, Cilt 51, No 10,
  • -1863, 2010.
  • De Monte, F. ve Benvenuto, G., “Reflections on
  • Free-Piston Stirling Engines. Part 1: Cycling
  • Steady Operation”, Journal of Propulsion and
  • Power, Cilt 14, No 4, 499–508, 1998.
  • Schmidt, G., “The theory of Lehmann_s
  • calorimetric machine”, Zeitschrift Des Vereines
  • Deutscher Ingenieure, Cilt 15, No 1, 1872.
  • Kongtragool, B. ve Wongwises, S.,
  • “Thermodynamic Analysis of a Stirling Engine
  • Including Dead Volumes of Hot Space, Cold
  • Space and Regenerator”, Renewable Energy,
  • Cilt 31, No 3, 345–59, 2006.
  • Ibrahim, M. B. ve Tew, R. C., “Study of Two-
  • Dimensional Compressible Non-Acoustic
  • Modeling of Stirling Machine Type
  • Components”, Proceedings of IECEC’01 36th
  • Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
  • Conference, Savannah, Georgia, 1-6, 29
  • Temmuz – 2 Ağustos 2001.
  • Choudhary, F., Dynamics of Free Piston
  • Stirling Engines, Yüksek Lisans Tezi,
  • University of Maryland, Faculty of the Graduate
  • School, 2009.
  • Benvenuto, G., De Monte, F. ve Farina, F.,
  • “Dynamic Behaviour Prediction of Free-Piston
  • Stirling Engine”, Proceedings of IECEC’90 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion
  • Engineering Conference (IECEC-90), Reno,
  • Nevada, Cilt 5, 346-351, 12-17 Ağustos 1990.
  • Redlich, R.W. ve Berchowitz, D.M., “Linear
  • Dynamics of Free-Piston Stirling Engine”,
  • Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
  • Engineers Part A: Power and Process
  • Engineering, Cilt 199, No A3, 203-213, 1985.
  • Karabulut, H., Öztürk, E. ve Çınar, C., “Dynamic
  • Modelling and Investigation of Vibrations of a
  • Single Cylinder Four-Stroke Diesel Engine”,
  • Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and
  • Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 26, No 1,
  • -183, 2011.
  • Çınar, C., Topgül, T., Yücesu, H.S.,
  • “Manufacturing and testing of a beta-type Stirling
  • cycle engine”, Journal of the Faculty of
  • Engineering and Architecture of Gazi
  • University, Cilt 22, No 2, 411-415, 2007.
  • Çınar, C., Koca, A., Karabulut, H., “An
  • experimental investigation of the effects of
  • various working fluids on stirling engine
  • performance”, Journal of the Faculty of
  • Engineering and Architecture of Gazi
  • University, Cilt 20, No 2, 247-250, 2005.
  • Özgören, Y.Ö., Çetinkaya, S., “Experimental
  • study on the performance of a beta type stirling
  • engine using helium and air as working gas”,
  • Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and
  • Architecture of Gazi University, Cilt 24, No 2,
  • -228, 2009.
  • Karabulut, H., Yucesu, H.S., Çinar, C. ve Aksoy,
  • F., “An Experimental Study on the Development
  • of a β Type Stirling Engine for Low and
  • Moderate Temperature Heat Sources”, Applied
  • Energy, Cilt 86, No 1, 68-73, 2009.
Toplam 139 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Halit Karabulut Bu kişi benim

Hamit Solmaz Bu kişi benim

Melih Okur Bu kişi benim

Fatih Şahin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Şubat 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karabulut, H., Solmaz, H., Okur, M., Şahin, F. (2014). Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(2).
AMA Karabulut H, Solmaz H, Okur M, Şahin F. Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi. GUMMFD. Şubat 2014;28(2).
Chicago Karabulut, Halit, Hamit Solmaz, Melih Okur, ve Fatih Şahin. “Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28, sy. 2 (Şubat 2014).
EndNote Karabulut H, Solmaz H, Okur M, Şahin F (01 Şubat 2014) Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28 2
IEEE H. Karabulut, H. Solmaz, M. Okur, ve F. Şahin, “Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi”, GUMMFD, c. 28, sy. 2, 2014.
ISNAD Karabulut, Halit vd. “Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 28/2 (Şubat 2014).
JAMA Karabulut H, Solmaz H, Okur M, Şahin F. Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi. GUMMFD. 2014;28.
MLA Karabulut, Halit vd. “Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 2, 2014.
Vancouver Karabulut H, Solmaz H, Okur M, Şahin F. Gama Tipi Serbest Pistonlu Bir Stirling Motorunun Dinamik Ve Termodinamik Analizi. GUMMFD. 2014;28(2).