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Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi

Year 2014, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 0 - , 25.03.2014


Saf titanyum, düşük ağırlığı nedeniyle sanayide çok geniş kullanım potansiyeline sahiptir, fakat diğer taraftan düşük sertlik ve aşınma direnci, yüksek sıcaklıklarda zayıf korozyon direnci ve yüksek maliyet gibi taşıdığı bazı dezavantajlar nedeniyle kullanımı hala sınırlı olmaya devam etmektedir. Saf titanyumun bu zayıf yanlarını güçlendirmek amacıyla akımsız Ni-B kaplama alternatif çözümlerden biri olabilir. Bu çalışmada, saf titanyum üzerine akımsız kaplama yöntemi ile Ni-B kaplamalar yapılmış ve 450°C, 650°C ve 850°C sıcaklıklarda ısıl işlem uygulanmıştır. Isıl işlem uygulanmayan ve uygulanan bu kaplamalar, yapısal olarak SEM (taramalı
elektron mikroskop) ve XRD (X ışını kırınım ölçer) ile karakterize edilmiştir. Kaplamaların ısıl işleme bağlı
olarak amorf karakterden belirgin kristalin bir yapıya dönüştüğü gözlenmiştir.


  • Santos, E.C., Morita, M., Shiomi, M., Osakada, K.
  • ve Takahashi, M., “Laser gas nitriding of pure
  • titanium using CW and pulsed Nd: YAG lasers”,
  • Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt 201,
  • -1642, 2006.
  • Tian, Y.S., Chen, C.Z., Li, S.T. ve Huo, Q.H.,
  • “Research progress on laser surface modification
  • of titanium alloys”, Applied Surface Science, Cilt
  • , 177-184, 2005.
  • Stolyarov, V.V., Zhu, Y.T., Lowe, T.C. ve
  • Valiev, R.Z., “Microstructure and Properties of
  • Pure Ti Processed by ECAP and Cold Extrusion”,
  • Material Science and Engineering A, Cilt 303,
  • -89, 2001.
  • Lowe, T.C. ve Zhu, Y.T., “Commercialization of
  • Nanostructured Metals Produced by Severe
  • Plastic Deformation Processing”, Advanced
  • Engineering Materials, Cilt 5, 373-378, 2003.
  • Çelik, İ., “Ultra İnce Taneli Saf Titanyumun
  • Farklı Yüzey Yöntemleri ile Oksidasyonu”,
  • Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen
  • Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum, 2010.
  • Vreeling, J.A., Ocelík, V. ve De Hosson, J.T.M.,
  • “Ti-6Al-4V strengthened by laser melt injection
  • of WCp particles”, Acta Materialia, Cilt 50,
  • -4924, 2002.
  • Vijayaraghavan, T.V. ve Bensalem, A.,
  • “Electrodeposition of apatite coating on pure
  • titanium and titanium alloys”, Journal of
  • Materials Science Letters, Cilt 13, No 24, 1782-
  • , 1994.
  • Yen, S.K. ve Lin, C.M., “Cathodic reactions of
  • electrolytic hydroxyapatite coating on pure
  • titanium”, Materials Chemistry and Physics,
  • Cilt 77, 70–76, 2002.
  • Bülbül, F., “Antibacterial activity of electroless
  • Ni–B Coating”, Material Science and
  • Technology, Cilt 27, No 10, 1540-1546, 2011.
  • Rao, Q.L., Bi, G., Lu, Q.H., Wang, H.W., ve Fan,
  • X.L., “Microstructure evolution of electroless Ni-
  • B film during its depositing process”. Applied
  • Surface Science, Cilt 240, 28-33, 2005.
  • Dervos, C.T., Novakovic, J. ve Vassiliou, P.,
  • “Vacuum heat treatment of electroless Ni–B
  • coatings”, Material Letters, Cilt 58, 619-623,
  • -
  • Delaunois, F., Petitjean, J.P., Lienard, P. ve
  • Jacob-Duliere, M., “Autocatalytic electroless
  • nickel-boron plating on light alloys”, Surface
  • and Coatings Technology, Cilt 124, 201-209,
  • -
  • Gawrilow, G.G., Chemical (electroless) nickel
  • plating, Portcullis Press, LTD, Redhill, p. 55,
  • -
  • Bulbul, F., “The Effects of Deposition Parameters
  • on Surface Morphology and Crystallographic
  • Orientation of Electroless Ni-B Coatings”,
  • Metals and Materials International, Cilt 17, No
  • , 67-75, 2011.
  • Vitry, V., Delaunois, F. ve Dumortier C.,
  • “Mechanical properties and scratch test resistance
  • of nickel–boron coated aluminium alloy after
  • heat treatments”, Surface and Coatings
  • Technology, Cilt 202, 3316-3324, 2008.
  • Sahoo, P. ve Das, S.K., “Tribology of electroless
  • nickel coatings – A review”, Materials and
  • Design, Cilt 32, 1760-1775, 2011.
  • Baskaran, I., Sakthi, K.R., Narayanan, T.S.N. ve
  • Stephen, A., “Formation of electroless Ni–B
  • coatings using low temperature bath and
  • evaluation of their characteristic properties”,
  • Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt 200, No
  • , 6888-6894, 2006.
  • Narayanan, S.T.S.N, Krishnaveni, K. ve Seshadri
  • S.K., “Electroless Ni–P/Ni–B duplex coatings:
  • preparation and evaluation of micro-hardness,
  • wear and corrosion resistance”, Materials
  • Chemistry and Physics, Cilt 82, No 3, 771-779,
  • -
  • Venkatakrishnan, P.G., Nazirudeen, M.S.S. ve
  • Narayanan, S.T.S.N., “Electroless Ni-B-P ternary
  • alloy coatings: preparation and evaluation of
  • characteristic properties”. European Journal of
  • Science Research, Cilt 82, 506-514, 2012.
  • Bülbül, F., Altun, H., Küçük, Ö. ve Ezirmik, V.,
  • “Tribological and Corrosion Behaviour of
  • Electroless Ni-B Coating Possessing a Blackberry
  • Like Structure”, Metals and Materials
  • International, Cilt 18, No 4, 631-637, 2012.
  • Zhu, X., Processability of Nickel-Boron
  • Nanolayer Coated Boron Carbide, Doktora
  • Tezi, Sayfa 6, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
  • State University, Materials Science and
  • Engineering, 2008.
  • Lenfant, P., Legras, C. ve Kervella, B., “Sur la
  • structure des catalyseurs "borure de nickel",
  • Comptes Rend Academy Science, Cilt 260,
  • , 1965.
  • Hofer, L.J.E., Shultz, J.F., Panson, R.D. ve
  • Anderson, R.B., “The Nature of the Nickel
  • Boride Formed by the Action of Sodium
  • Borohydride on Nickel Salts”, Inorganic
  • Chemistry, Cilt 3, 1783-1784, 1964.
  • Anik, M., Körpe, E. ve Şen, E., “Effect of coating
  • bath composition on the properties of electroless
  • nickel–boron films”, Surface and Coatings
  • Technology, Cilt 202, No 9, 1718-1727, 2008.
  • Raghavan, V., “B-Fe-Ni (Boron-Iron-Nickel)”,
  • Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Cilt
  • , No 4, 377-378, 2007.
  • b7igK6/webviewable/28367.pdf
  • Kapfenberger, C., Hofmann, K. ve Albert, B.,
  • “Room-temperature synthesis of metal borides”,
  • Solid State Sciences, Cilt 5, 925–930, 2003.
  • Gumeniuk, R., Borrmann, H. ve Leithe-Jasper,
  • A., “Refinement of the crystal structures of
  • trinickel boron, Ni3B, and tripalladium boron,
  • Pd3B”, Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie: New
  • Crystal Structures, Cilt 221, No 4, 425-426,
  • -
  • Pal, S., Verma, N., Jayaram, V., Biswas, S.K. ve
  • Riddle, Y.,“Characterization of phase
  • transformation behaviour and microstructural
  • development of electroless Ni–B coating”
  • Material Science and Engineering A, Cilt 528,
  • -8276, 2011.
  • Delaunois, F. ve Lienard, P., “Heat treatments for
  • electroless nickel–boron plating on aluminium
  • alloys”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt
  • , 239-248, 2002.
  • Oraon, B., Majumdar, G. ve Ghosh, B.,
  • “Improving hardness of electroless Ni–B coatings
  • using optimized deposition conditions and
  • annealing”, Materials and Design, Cilt 29, 1412-
  • , 2008.
Year 2014, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 0 - , 25.03.2014



  • Santos, E.C., Morita, M., Shiomi, M., Osakada, K.
  • ve Takahashi, M., “Laser gas nitriding of pure
  • titanium using CW and pulsed Nd: YAG lasers”,
  • Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt 201,
  • -1642, 2006.
  • Tian, Y.S., Chen, C.Z., Li, S.T. ve Huo, Q.H.,
  • “Research progress on laser surface modification
  • of titanium alloys”, Applied Surface Science, Cilt
  • , 177-184, 2005.
  • Stolyarov, V.V., Zhu, Y.T., Lowe, T.C. ve
  • Valiev, R.Z., “Microstructure and Properties of
  • Pure Ti Processed by ECAP and Cold Extrusion”,
  • Material Science and Engineering A, Cilt 303,
  • -89, 2001.
  • Lowe, T.C. ve Zhu, Y.T., “Commercialization of
  • Nanostructured Metals Produced by Severe
  • Plastic Deformation Processing”, Advanced
  • Engineering Materials, Cilt 5, 373-378, 2003.
  • Çelik, İ., “Ultra İnce Taneli Saf Titanyumun
  • Farklı Yüzey Yöntemleri ile Oksidasyonu”,
  • Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Fen
  • Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum, 2010.
  • Vreeling, J.A., Ocelík, V. ve De Hosson, J.T.M.,
  • “Ti-6Al-4V strengthened by laser melt injection
  • of WCp particles”, Acta Materialia, Cilt 50,
  • -4924, 2002.
  • Vijayaraghavan, T.V. ve Bensalem, A.,
  • “Electrodeposition of apatite coating on pure
  • titanium and titanium alloys”, Journal of
  • Materials Science Letters, Cilt 13, No 24, 1782-
  • , 1994.
  • Yen, S.K. ve Lin, C.M., “Cathodic reactions of
  • electrolytic hydroxyapatite coating on pure
  • titanium”, Materials Chemistry and Physics,
  • Cilt 77, 70–76, 2002.
  • Bülbül, F., “Antibacterial activity of electroless
  • Ni–B Coating”, Material Science and
  • Technology, Cilt 27, No 10, 1540-1546, 2011.
  • Rao, Q.L., Bi, G., Lu, Q.H., Wang, H.W., ve Fan,
  • X.L., “Microstructure evolution of electroless Ni-
  • B film during its depositing process”. Applied
  • Surface Science, Cilt 240, 28-33, 2005.
  • Dervos, C.T., Novakovic, J. ve Vassiliou, P.,
  • “Vacuum heat treatment of electroless Ni–B
  • coatings”, Material Letters, Cilt 58, 619-623,
  • -
  • Delaunois, F., Petitjean, J.P., Lienard, P. ve
  • Jacob-Duliere, M., “Autocatalytic electroless
  • nickel-boron plating on light alloys”, Surface
  • and Coatings Technology, Cilt 124, 201-209,
  • -
  • Gawrilow, G.G., Chemical (electroless) nickel
  • plating, Portcullis Press, LTD, Redhill, p. 55,
  • -
  • Bulbul, F., “The Effects of Deposition Parameters
  • on Surface Morphology and Crystallographic
  • Orientation of Electroless Ni-B Coatings”,
  • Metals and Materials International, Cilt 17, No
  • , 67-75, 2011.
  • Vitry, V., Delaunois, F. ve Dumortier C.,
  • “Mechanical properties and scratch test resistance
  • of nickel–boron coated aluminium alloy after
  • heat treatments”, Surface and Coatings
  • Technology, Cilt 202, 3316-3324, 2008.
  • Sahoo, P. ve Das, S.K., “Tribology of electroless
  • nickel coatings – A review”, Materials and
  • Design, Cilt 32, 1760-1775, 2011.
  • Baskaran, I., Sakthi, K.R., Narayanan, T.S.N. ve
  • Stephen, A., “Formation of electroless Ni–B
  • coatings using low temperature bath and
  • evaluation of their characteristic properties”,
  • Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt 200, No
  • , 6888-6894, 2006.
  • Narayanan, S.T.S.N, Krishnaveni, K. ve Seshadri
  • S.K., “Electroless Ni–P/Ni–B duplex coatings:
  • preparation and evaluation of micro-hardness,
  • wear and corrosion resistance”, Materials
  • Chemistry and Physics, Cilt 82, No 3, 771-779,
  • -
  • Venkatakrishnan, P.G., Nazirudeen, M.S.S. ve
  • Narayanan, S.T.S.N., “Electroless Ni-B-P ternary
  • alloy coatings: preparation and evaluation of
  • characteristic properties”. European Journal of
  • Science Research, Cilt 82, 506-514, 2012.
  • Bülbül, F., Altun, H., Küçük, Ö. ve Ezirmik, V.,
  • “Tribological and Corrosion Behaviour of
  • Electroless Ni-B Coating Possessing a Blackberry
  • Like Structure”, Metals and Materials
  • International, Cilt 18, No 4, 631-637, 2012.
  • Zhu, X., Processability of Nickel-Boron
  • Nanolayer Coated Boron Carbide, Doktora
  • Tezi, Sayfa 6, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
  • State University, Materials Science and
  • Engineering, 2008.
  • Lenfant, P., Legras, C. ve Kervella, B., “Sur la
  • structure des catalyseurs "borure de nickel",
  • Comptes Rend Academy Science, Cilt 260,
  • , 1965.
  • Hofer, L.J.E., Shultz, J.F., Panson, R.D. ve
  • Anderson, R.B., “The Nature of the Nickel
  • Boride Formed by the Action of Sodium
  • Borohydride on Nickel Salts”, Inorganic
  • Chemistry, Cilt 3, 1783-1784, 1964.
  • Anik, M., Körpe, E. ve Şen, E., “Effect of coating
  • bath composition on the properties of electroless
  • nickel–boron films”, Surface and Coatings
  • Technology, Cilt 202, No 9, 1718-1727, 2008.
  • Raghavan, V., “B-Fe-Ni (Boron-Iron-Nickel)”,
  • Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Cilt
  • , No 4, 377-378, 2007.
  • b7igK6/webviewable/28367.pdf
  • Kapfenberger, C., Hofmann, K. ve Albert, B.,
  • “Room-temperature synthesis of metal borides”,
  • Solid State Sciences, Cilt 5, 925–930, 2003.
  • Gumeniuk, R., Borrmann, H. ve Leithe-Jasper,
  • A., “Refinement of the crystal structures of
  • trinickel boron, Ni3B, and tripalladium boron,
  • Pd3B”, Zeitschrift Für Kristallographie: New
  • Crystal Structures, Cilt 221, No 4, 425-426,
  • -
  • Pal, S., Verma, N., Jayaram, V., Biswas, S.K. ve
  • Riddle, Y.,“Characterization of phase
  • transformation behaviour and microstructural
  • development of electroless Ni–B coating”
  • Material Science and Engineering A, Cilt 528,
  • -8276, 2011.
  • Delaunois, F. ve Lienard, P., “Heat treatments for
  • electroless nickel–boron plating on aluminium
  • alloys”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Cilt
  • , 239-248, 2002.
  • Oraon, B., Majumdar, G. ve Ghosh, B.,
  • “Improving hardness of electroless Ni–B coatings
  • using optimized deposition conditions and
  • annealing”, Materials and Design, Cilt 29, 1412-
  • , 2008.
There are 136 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Ferhat Bülbül This is me

İlhan Çelik This is me

Publication Date March 25, 2014
Submission Date March 25, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA Bülbül, F., & Çelik, İ. (2014). Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1).
AMA Bülbül F, Çelik İ. Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi. GUMMFD. March 2014;29(1). doi:10.17341/gummfd.69914
Chicago Bülbül, Ferhat, and İlhan Çelik. “Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 29, no. 1 (March 2014).
EndNote Bülbül F, Çelik İ (March 1, 2014) Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 29 1
IEEE F. Bülbül and İ. Çelik, “Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi”, GUMMFD, vol. 29, no. 1, 2014, doi: 10.17341/gummfd.69914.
ISNAD Bülbül, Ferhat - Çelik, İlhan. “Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 29/1 (March 2014).
JAMA Bülbül F, Çelik İ. Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi. GUMMFD. 2014;29. doi:10.17341/gummfd.69914.
MLA Bülbül, Ferhat and İlhan Çelik. “Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 1, 2014, doi:10.17341/gummfd.69914.
Vancouver Bülbül F, Çelik İ. Isıl İşlemin Akımsız Ni-B Kaplanan Saf Titanyumun Yapısına Etkisi. GUMMFD. 2014;29(1).