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Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma

Year 2008, Issue: 2, 134 - 147, 01.09.2008


Son yıllarda pazarlama çalışmalarında çeşitli teknolojiler kullanılarak tüketicilerin ürünlerin ambalajları, raf tasarımları ve reklamlar hakkındaki düşünceleri ve tutumları fizyolojik ölçümlerle ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu teknolojilerden birini oluşturan göz izleme yöntemi bir yüzyıldan bu yana bilinmektedir fakat özellikle 2000’li yıllarda bu teknolojinin pazarlama alanında kullanılması oldukça artmıştır. Göz izleme yönteminde, göz bebeğimetrik, göz hareketi kayıt cihazı, katılımcının gözlem sırasındaki ilk izlenimini ölçen bir resmi saniyenin bir parçasında yanıp sönerek gösteren projektör t-scope kullanılmaktadır. Bu konuda yapılan araştırmalar, göz izleme yönteminin pazarlama alanında yaygın bir şekilde kullanıldığını göstermektedir


  • Anonymous (2002) Tip For Your Marketing Materials, National Driller, Sayı: Sep, 23, 9 26
  • Anonymous (2005) Us Company Takes Licence For Eye Tacking System, Electronic Weekly, Sayı: 21,76, 5 1-9
  • Anonymous (2008) Oneupweb Launches New Eye Tracking Service Latest Oneupweb Service Evaluates Eye Movement To Improve Website Usability And İncrease Sales Pr, Newswire, Sayı: Jan, 18, 3-4
  • Anonymous Business (2008) Wire Barriers On A Website, March, 27
  • Beatty J. Lucero B. (2000) the Eye Pupilmetric System In Cacioppo l. G. Tassinary G.
  • Bertrand K. (1991) Business Marketing Sales Management: Sell Beter By Tapping The Right Sense, Sayı: Aug. 60
  • Carricaburu L. (1998) The Eyes Have It Scanner Lets Internet Marketers Focus Their Efforts Eye Tracking Helps Focus Internet Ads, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sayı: Mar, 19
  • Centaur Communication (2005) Mazda Turns To Eye Tracking To Assist Revamp Of European Site, New Media Age, Sayı: Nov, 3, 8
  • Centaur Communication (2005). Eye Tracking What You Looking At, New Media Age, Sayı: Sep, 8; 21
  • Chandon P. Hutchinson W. Bradlow E. Young S. (2002) Measuring The Value Of Point Of Purchase Marketing With Commercial Eye Tracking Data, Working Paper Alliance Center For Global Research And Development, Wharton
  • Christianson S. vd. (1991) Eye Fixation and Memory For Emotional Events, Journal Of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory And Cognition, Sayı: 17, July, 693-701
  • Coulter K. (2007) The Effects Of Digit Direction On Eye Movement Bias And Price Rounding Behavior, The Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Sayı: 16, 7, 501
  • Day R.,Gary C.-W. Shyi, Jyun-Cheng Wang(2006) The Effects Of Flash Banners On Multiattribute Decision Making Distractor Or Source Of Arousal, Psychology Marketing, Sayı: 23, 5, 369-382
  • Deubel H. Scheinder, W. (1993) There Is No Expressway To Comprehensive Theory Of The Coordination Of Vision Eye Movements And Visual Attention, Behavioral And Brain Sciences, Sayı: 16, September, 575-576
  • Deutsch, C. (1991) Just What The Eye Piscks Up, New York Times, Sayı: Jun, 939
  • Gentry, Lance (2007) Marketing an deye Tracking Machines: Research Opportunities For An Affordable Tool, Journal of International Management Studies, Sayı: August, 60-65
  • Glenstrup, A. J., Engell-Nielsen, J. (1995) Theory. Eye Controlled Media, http://www. eyegaze/article.html Gündüz C. (2005) Göz Hareketlerinin Takip Edilmesi
  • Isaacowitz, D. (2005) The Gaze Of The Optimist, Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, Sayı: 31, 3, 407-415
  • Janiszewski C. (1998) The Influence Of Display Characteristics On Visual Exploratory Search Behavior, Journal Of Consumer Research, Sayı: 25, december, 290-301
  • Jepson, K. (2006) Cu Uses Eye Tracking Studies To Create More User Friendly, Website Credit Union Journal, Sayı: 10, 47, 14
  • Kroeber W. Riel M. (2001) Effects Of Emotional Pictorial Element Sin Ads Analyzed By Means Of Eye Movement, Monitoring, 591-596
  • Krugman D. Richard J. Fox J. Fletcher M. Fletcher T. (1994) Do Adolescents Attend To Warnings In Cigarette Advertising? An Eye Tracking Approach, Journal Advertising Research, Sayı: 34, November, 39-52
  • Loftus G. R. (1982) Picture Memory Methodology Handbook Of Research Methods In Human Memory And Cognition Ed. C. R. Puff New York London Academic Press, 258-287
  • Lohse G. (1997) Consumer Eye Movements Patterns On Yellow Pages Advertising, Journal Of Advertising, Sayı: 26, 1, 61-73
  • Lohse G. Johnson E. (1996) A Comparaison Of Two Process Tracing Methods For Choice Tasks, Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes, Sa- yı: 68, 1, 28-43
  • M2 Presswire Webtraffiq (2003) Eye Tracking and Web Analytics And Metrics Agency, Webtraffiq Partner Coventry, Sayı: Oct, 31, 1
  • Maughan L. Sergei G. Stevens, R. (2007) Like More Look More Look More Like More: The Evidence From Eye Tracking Brand Management, Sayı: 14, 4, 335- 342
  • Meyers W. (1982) Eye Tracking, New York Times, Sayı: Dec, 5, a29
  • Pieters R. Rosbergen E. Wedel M. (1999) Visual Attention To Repeated Print Advertising A Test Of Scanpath Theory, Journal Of Marketing Research, Sayı: 36, November, 424-438
  • Pieters R., Wedel M. (2004) Attention Capture And Transfer In Advertising Brand Pictorial And Text Size Effects, Journal Of Marketing, Sayı: 68, 2, 36-50
  • Pieters, R. Warlop L. (1999) Visual Attention During Brand Choice: The Impact Of Time Pressure And Task Motivation, International Journal Of Research In Marketing, Sayı: 16, 1, 1-16
  • Pigeon T. Jean Pierre Lacroix, Steve Candib, Ed Shikatani (1997) Eye Tracking, Canadian Packaging, Sayı: November, 50, 11 13
  • Rayner K. (1998) Eye Movement In Reading And Information Processing 20 Years Of Research, Psychological Bulletin, Sayı: 124, 3, 372-422
  • Rinck M. Becker E. S. (2006) Spider Fearful Individuals Attend To Threat, Then Quickly Avoid It: Evdience From Eye Movements, Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, Sayı: 115, 2, 231-238
  • Rosler, A. Ulrich C. Billino, J. Sterzer, P. Weidauer, S. Bernhardt, T. Steinmetz, A. Kleinschmidt (2005). “Effects of Arousing Emotional Scenes on The Distribution of visuospatial Attention: Changes With Aging and Early Subcortical Vascular Demetia, Journal of Neurological Sciences, Sayı: 229- 230, 109-116 H.
  • Russo E. France L. (1994) An Eye Fixation Analysis Of Choice Processes For Consumer Nondurables, Journal Of Consumer Research, Sayı: 21, September, 274-290
  • Shun Y., Albert Wai-Lap Chau, Sunhin John Wong (2007) Thubnails As Online Product Displays How Consumers Process Them, Journal Of Interactive Mar- keting, Winter, Sayı: 21, 1 -36
  • Smead R. Wilcox J. Wilkes R. (1981) How Valid Are Product Descriptions And Protocols In Choice Experiments, Journal Consumer Research, Sayı: 8, June, 37-42
  • Stewart A. Pickering M. Sturt P. (2005) Se Servir Du Movement Des Yeux Durant La Lecture Comme Mesure Implicite De L’acceptabilite Des Extensions De Marque ,Recherge Et Applications En Marketing, Sayı: 20, 4, 97-109
  • Stringer K. Ridder K. (2005) Eye Tracking Technology For Marketers, Tribune Business News, Sayı: Aug, 1, 1
  • Suppes P. (1994) Stochastic Models Of Reading J. Ygge G. Lennerstrand Eds. Eye Movements İn Reading Elsevier Science Inc. Tarrytown NY, 349-364
  • Treistman J. Gregg J. (1979) Visual Tracking Helped İdentify The More Sales- Effective Ad In Five Out Of Six Pairs, Journal Of Advertising Research, Sayı: 19, 4, August ,41-47
  • Vranica, S. (2006) Marketers Give Email Another Look: Firms Like Ibm Are Using Eye-Tracking Technology To Help Redesing Messages, Wall Street Journal, Sayı: Jul, 17, b7
  • Wedel, M. Pieters R. (2000) eye Fixation On Advertisements And Memory For Brands: A Model And Findings, Marketing Science, Sayı: 19, 4, 297-312
  • Weinblatt L. (1994) The Evolution Of Technology In Pretesting, Marketing Research, Sayı: 6, 2, 42- 44


Year 2008, Issue: 2, 134 - 147, 01.09.2008


Recently, consumers’ thoughts and attitudes about products’ packages, shelf designs and advertisements have been tried to find out by physiologic measurement via of technology. As one of these technological method, eye tracking has been known for a century but specifically after 2000’s , the applications of this technology in marketing research has been increased. In the method of eye tracking pupilmetric, eye tracking recorder and t-scopes are utilized. Researches show that eye tracking method has been used widely in marketing field


  • Anonymous (2002) Tip For Your Marketing Materials, National Driller, Sayı: Sep, 23, 9 26
  • Anonymous (2005) Us Company Takes Licence For Eye Tacking System, Electronic Weekly, Sayı: 21,76, 5 1-9
  • Anonymous (2008) Oneupweb Launches New Eye Tracking Service Latest Oneupweb Service Evaluates Eye Movement To Improve Website Usability And İncrease Sales Pr, Newswire, Sayı: Jan, 18, 3-4
  • Anonymous Business (2008) Wire Barriers On A Website, March, 27
  • Beatty J. Lucero B. (2000) the Eye Pupilmetric System In Cacioppo l. G. Tassinary G.
  • Bertrand K. (1991) Business Marketing Sales Management: Sell Beter By Tapping The Right Sense, Sayı: Aug. 60
  • Carricaburu L. (1998) The Eyes Have It Scanner Lets Internet Marketers Focus Their Efforts Eye Tracking Helps Focus Internet Ads, The Salt Lake Tribune, Sayı: Mar, 19
  • Centaur Communication (2005) Mazda Turns To Eye Tracking To Assist Revamp Of European Site, New Media Age, Sayı: Nov, 3, 8
  • Centaur Communication (2005). Eye Tracking What You Looking At, New Media Age, Sayı: Sep, 8; 21
  • Chandon P. Hutchinson W. Bradlow E. Young S. (2002) Measuring The Value Of Point Of Purchase Marketing With Commercial Eye Tracking Data, Working Paper Alliance Center For Global Research And Development, Wharton
  • Christianson S. vd. (1991) Eye Fixation and Memory For Emotional Events, Journal Of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory And Cognition, Sayı: 17, July, 693-701
  • Coulter K. (2007) The Effects Of Digit Direction On Eye Movement Bias And Price Rounding Behavior, The Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Sayı: 16, 7, 501
  • Day R.,Gary C.-W. Shyi, Jyun-Cheng Wang(2006) The Effects Of Flash Banners On Multiattribute Decision Making Distractor Or Source Of Arousal, Psychology Marketing, Sayı: 23, 5, 369-382
  • Deubel H. Scheinder, W. (1993) There Is No Expressway To Comprehensive Theory Of The Coordination Of Vision Eye Movements And Visual Attention, Behavioral And Brain Sciences, Sayı: 16, September, 575-576
  • Deutsch, C. (1991) Just What The Eye Piscks Up, New York Times, Sayı: Jun, 939
  • Gentry, Lance (2007) Marketing an deye Tracking Machines: Research Opportunities For An Affordable Tool, Journal of International Management Studies, Sayı: August, 60-65
  • Glenstrup, A. J., Engell-Nielsen, J. (1995) Theory. Eye Controlled Media, http://www. eyegaze/article.html Gündüz C. (2005) Göz Hareketlerinin Takip Edilmesi
  • Isaacowitz, D. (2005) The Gaze Of The Optimist, Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, Sayı: 31, 3, 407-415
  • Janiszewski C. (1998) The Influence Of Display Characteristics On Visual Exploratory Search Behavior, Journal Of Consumer Research, Sayı: 25, december, 290-301
  • Jepson, K. (2006) Cu Uses Eye Tracking Studies To Create More User Friendly, Website Credit Union Journal, Sayı: 10, 47, 14
  • Kroeber W. Riel M. (2001) Effects Of Emotional Pictorial Element Sin Ads Analyzed By Means Of Eye Movement, Monitoring, 591-596
  • Krugman D. Richard J. Fox J. Fletcher M. Fletcher T. (1994) Do Adolescents Attend To Warnings In Cigarette Advertising? An Eye Tracking Approach, Journal Advertising Research, Sayı: 34, November, 39-52
  • Loftus G. R. (1982) Picture Memory Methodology Handbook Of Research Methods In Human Memory And Cognition Ed. C. R. Puff New York London Academic Press, 258-287
  • Lohse G. (1997) Consumer Eye Movements Patterns On Yellow Pages Advertising, Journal Of Advertising, Sayı: 26, 1, 61-73
  • Lohse G. Johnson E. (1996) A Comparaison Of Two Process Tracing Methods For Choice Tasks, Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes, Sa- yı: 68, 1, 28-43
  • M2 Presswire Webtraffiq (2003) Eye Tracking and Web Analytics And Metrics Agency, Webtraffiq Partner Coventry, Sayı: Oct, 31, 1
  • Maughan L. Sergei G. Stevens, R. (2007) Like More Look More Look More Like More: The Evidence From Eye Tracking Brand Management, Sayı: 14, 4, 335- 342
  • Meyers W. (1982) Eye Tracking, New York Times, Sayı: Dec, 5, a29
  • Pieters R. Rosbergen E. Wedel M. (1999) Visual Attention To Repeated Print Advertising A Test Of Scanpath Theory, Journal Of Marketing Research, Sayı: 36, November, 424-438
  • Pieters R., Wedel M. (2004) Attention Capture And Transfer In Advertising Brand Pictorial And Text Size Effects, Journal Of Marketing, Sayı: 68, 2, 36-50
  • Pieters, R. Warlop L. (1999) Visual Attention During Brand Choice: The Impact Of Time Pressure And Task Motivation, International Journal Of Research In Marketing, Sayı: 16, 1, 1-16
  • Pigeon T. Jean Pierre Lacroix, Steve Candib, Ed Shikatani (1997) Eye Tracking, Canadian Packaging, Sayı: November, 50, 11 13
  • Rayner K. (1998) Eye Movement In Reading And Information Processing 20 Years Of Research, Psychological Bulletin, Sayı: 124, 3, 372-422
  • Rinck M. Becker E. S. (2006) Spider Fearful Individuals Attend To Threat, Then Quickly Avoid It: Evdience From Eye Movements, Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, Sayı: 115, 2, 231-238
  • Rosler, A. Ulrich C. Billino, J. Sterzer, P. Weidauer, S. Bernhardt, T. Steinmetz, A. Kleinschmidt (2005). “Effects of Arousing Emotional Scenes on The Distribution of visuospatial Attention: Changes With Aging and Early Subcortical Vascular Demetia, Journal of Neurological Sciences, Sayı: 229- 230, 109-116 H.
  • Russo E. France L. (1994) An Eye Fixation Analysis Of Choice Processes For Consumer Nondurables, Journal Of Consumer Research, Sayı: 21, September, 274-290
  • Shun Y., Albert Wai-Lap Chau, Sunhin John Wong (2007) Thubnails As Online Product Displays How Consumers Process Them, Journal Of Interactive Mar- keting, Winter, Sayı: 21, 1 -36
  • Smead R. Wilcox J. Wilkes R. (1981) How Valid Are Product Descriptions And Protocols In Choice Experiments, Journal Consumer Research, Sayı: 8, June, 37-42
  • Stewart A. Pickering M. Sturt P. (2005) Se Servir Du Movement Des Yeux Durant La Lecture Comme Mesure Implicite De L’acceptabilite Des Extensions De Marque ,Recherge Et Applications En Marketing, Sayı: 20, 4, 97-109
  • Stringer K. Ridder K. (2005) Eye Tracking Technology For Marketers, Tribune Business News, Sayı: Aug, 1, 1
  • Suppes P. (1994) Stochastic Models Of Reading J. Ygge G. Lennerstrand Eds. Eye Movements İn Reading Elsevier Science Inc. Tarrytown NY, 349-364
  • Treistman J. Gregg J. (1979) Visual Tracking Helped İdentify The More Sales- Effective Ad In Five Out Of Six Pairs, Journal Of Advertising Research, Sayı: 19, 4, August ,41-47
  • Vranica, S. (2006) Marketers Give Email Another Look: Firms Like Ibm Are Using Eye-Tracking Technology To Help Redesing Messages, Wall Street Journal, Sayı: Jul, 17, b7
  • Wedel, M. Pieters R. (2000) eye Fixation On Advertisements And Memory For Brands: A Model And Findings, Marketing Science, Sayı: 19, 4, 297-312
  • Weinblatt L. (1994) The Evolution Of Technology In Pretesting, Marketing Research, Sayı: 6, 2, 42- 44
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

F Bahar Özdoğan This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Issue: 2


APA Özdoğan, F. B. (2008). Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret Ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(2), 134-147.
AMA Özdoğan FB. Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. September 2008;(2):134-147.
Chicago Özdoğan, F Bahar. “Göz İzleme Ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma”. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret Ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 2 (September 2008): 134-47.
EndNote Özdoğan FB (September 1, 2008) Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 2 134–147.
IEEE F. B. Özdoğan, “Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma”, Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 2, pp. 134–147, September 2008.
ISNAD Özdoğan, F Bahar. “Göz İzleme Ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma”. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (September 2008), 134-147.
JAMA Özdoğan FB. Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2008;:134–147.
MLA Özdoğan, F Bahar. “Göz İzleme Ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma”. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret Ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, no. 2, 2008, pp. 134-47.
Vancouver Özdoğan FB. Göz İzleme ve Pazarlamada Kullanılması Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Çalışma. Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2008(2):134-47.