Trajectory Tracking Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Using Fractional Order Sliding-Mode Control
Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 43 - 54, 15.04.2018
Kamil Orman
Adnan Derdiyok
UAVs have a nonlinear structure and a high performance controller design is
required to control such systems. Robust controllers are needed when
considering system dynamics and structural and non-structural constraints for
four-rotor quadrotor control. For this purpose, the design of the Fractional
Order Sliding Mode Controller (FOSMC) has been considered. The nonlinear system
is considered as two linear subsystems connected in cascade as inner loop
(position control) and outer loop (position control). A virtual control term is
used to connect the system to the cascade structure. A well-tuned PI controller
was applied to the UAV for the same trajectorys to compare the performance of
the designed FOSMC. The simulation results show that the FOSMC is performing
satisfactorily in terms of error elimination when compared to the PI
- Achtelik, M., Bachrach, A., He R. and Prentice S., Roy N, 2009. “Stereo vision and laser odometry for autonomous helicopters in GPS-denied indoor environments”. SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology XI. 7332 (1) :733219-10,
Blöandsch, M, Weiss S, Scaramuzza D, Siegwart R., 2010. Vision based MAV navigation in unknown and unstructured environments. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 3-8 May 2010, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Bouadi, Hakim, et al. "Adaptive sliding mode control for quadrotor attitude stabilization and altitude tracking." Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI), 2011 IEEE 12th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2011.
- Can, K., Orman, K., Başçi, A., Derdiyok, A., 2016. "Trajectory tracking control of a four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using two degree of freedom PI controller." Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), National Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
- Chen, F., et al., 2016. "Robust backstepping sliding-mode control and observer-based fault estimation for a quadrotor UAV." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63.8: 5044-5056.
- Dong, W., et al., 2017. "Towards the Development of Fractional-Order Flight Controllers for the Quadrotor." International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Giernacki, W., et al. 2017. "Rotational speed control of multirotor UAV's propulsion unit based on fractional-order PI controller." Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 22nd International Conference on. IEEE,
- Han, J., et al., 2014. "Pitch loop control of a VTOL UAV using fractional order controller." Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 73.1-4 : 187-195.
- Hoffmann, G.M., Steven L. Waslander, and Claire J T, 2008. “Quadrotor helicopter trajectory tracking control”, AIAA guidance, navigation and control conference and exhibit. Hanolulu, Hawai, 18-21 August, pp:1-14.
- Jezernik, K., B. Curk, J. Harnik, 1994. “Observer based sliding mode control of robotic manipulator”, Robotica, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 443–448, [Online]. Available: 0017999
- Katal, N., Kumar P., and Shiv N., 2015. "Design of PIλDμ controller for robust flight control of a UAV using multi-objective bat algorithm." Recent Advances in Engineering & Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2015 2nd International Conference on. IEEE,
- Kendoul, F., Zhenyu Y., and Kenzo N., 2010. "Guidance and nonlinear control system for autonomous flight of minirotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles." Journal of Field Robotics 27.3: 311-334.
- Krajnik, T, Vonasek V, Fiser D and Faigl J., 2011. “AR-Drone as a Platform for Robotic Research and Education”, In: Research and Education in Robotics: EUROBOT 2011, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp:172-186.
- Lee, D., H. Jin Kim, and Shankar S., 2009. "Feedback linearization vs. adaptive sliding mode control for a quadrotor helicopter." International Journal of control, Automation and systems7.3: 419-428.
- Mellinger, D, Michael N, Kumar V., 2014. Trajectory generation and control for precise aggressive maneuvers with Quadrotors. International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 79:361- 373.
- Michael, N, Fink J, Kumar V., 2011. “Cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots.” Autonomous Robots, 30: 73–86
- Oldham, K.B. and Spanier, J., 1974. “The Fractional Calculus”, Academic Press.
- Podlubny, I. 1999. “Fractional Differential Equations”, Academic Press, San Diego, California,.
- Qianying, L., 2014. “Grey-Box System Identification of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”,Msc Thesis, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology
- Sabanovic, A., K. Jezernik, K. Wada, 1996. “Chattering-free sliding modes in robotic manipulators control”, Robotica, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 17–29, [Online]. Available: 8907
- Solc, F., 2007. “Modelling and control of a quadcopter” Advanced in Military Technology 1:29–38.
- Tang, Yinggan, et al., 2013 "Fractional order sliding mode controller design for antilock braking systems." Neurocomputing 111: 122-130.
- Tayebi, A. and McGilvray S.,2006. "Attitude Stabilization of a VTOL QuadrotorAircraft," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 14, pp. 562-571
- Xu, Rong, and Umit Ozguner.,2006 "Sliding mode control of a quadrotor helicopter." Decision and Control, 2006 45th IEEE Conference on. IEEE
- Zhao, B., et al., 2015. "Nonlinear robust adaptive tracking control of a quadrotor UAV via immersion and invariance methodology." Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 62.5 :2891-2902.
- Zheng, En-Hui, Jing-Jing Xiong, and Ji-Liang Luo., 2014. "Second order sliding mode control for a quadrotor UAV." ISA transactions 53.4 : 1350-1356.
İnsansız Hava Aracının (İHA) Kesir Dereceli Kayan Kipli Kontrolcü ile Yörünge Kontrolü
Year 2018,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 43 - 54, 15.04.2018
Kamil Orman
Adnan Derdiyok
İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) doğrusal olmayan yapıya sahiptir ve bu tip
sistemlerin kontrolü için yüksek performanslı kontrolcü tasarımı gerekmektedir.
Dört rotorlu quadrotorun kontrolü için sistem dinamikleri, yapısal ve yapısal
olmayan kısıtlar da göz önüne alındığında gürbüz kontrolörlere ihtiyaç
duyulmaktadır. Bu amaçla dört rotorlu İHA’nın yörünge kontrolü için bir Kesir
Dereceli Kayan Kipli Kontrolcü (KDKKK) tasarımı önerilmiştir. Doğrusal olmayan
sistem iç döngü (duruş kontrolü) ve dış döngü (konum kontrolü) olarak kaskad
yapıda bağlı iki doğrusal alt sistem halinde ele alınmıştır. Hava aracının
duruş ve konum kontrol yapısını kaskad olarak birleştirmek için bir ara kontrol
işareti tanımlanmıştır. Tasarlanan KDKKK’nün performansını kıyaslamak için
parametreleri iyi ayarlanmış bir PI kontrolcü aynı yörüngeler için İHA’ya
uygulanmıştır. Benzetim sonuçları, KDKKK'nün PI denetleyiciyle
karşılaştırıldığında hata giderme açısından tatmin edici performans
gösterdiğini göstermektedir.
- Achtelik, M., Bachrach, A., He R. and Prentice S., Roy N, 2009. “Stereo vision and laser odometry for autonomous helicopters in GPS-denied indoor environments”. SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology XI. 7332 (1) :733219-10,
Blöandsch, M, Weiss S, Scaramuzza D, Siegwart R., 2010. Vision based MAV navigation in unknown and unstructured environments. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 3-8 May 2010, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Bouadi, Hakim, et al. "Adaptive sliding mode control for quadrotor attitude stabilization and altitude tracking." Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI), 2011 IEEE 12th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2011.
- Can, K., Orman, K., Başçi, A., Derdiyok, A., 2016. "Trajectory tracking control of a four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using two degree of freedom PI controller." Electrical, Electronics and Biomedical Engineering (ELECO), National Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
- Chen, F., et al., 2016. "Robust backstepping sliding-mode control and observer-based fault estimation for a quadrotor UAV." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63.8: 5044-5056.
- Dong, W., et al., 2017. "Towards the Development of Fractional-Order Flight Controllers for the Quadrotor." International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2016.
- Giernacki, W., et al. 2017. "Rotational speed control of multirotor UAV's propulsion unit based on fractional-order PI controller." Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 22nd International Conference on. IEEE,
- Han, J., et al., 2014. "Pitch loop control of a VTOL UAV using fractional order controller." Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 73.1-4 : 187-195.
- Hoffmann, G.M., Steven L. Waslander, and Claire J T, 2008. “Quadrotor helicopter trajectory tracking control”, AIAA guidance, navigation and control conference and exhibit. Hanolulu, Hawai, 18-21 August, pp:1-14.
- Jezernik, K., B. Curk, J. Harnik, 1994. “Observer based sliding mode control of robotic manipulator”, Robotica, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 443–448, [Online]. Available: 0017999
- Katal, N., Kumar P., and Shiv N., 2015. "Design of PIλDμ controller for robust flight control of a UAV using multi-objective bat algorithm." Recent Advances in Engineering & Computational Sciences (RAECS), 2015 2nd International Conference on. IEEE,
- Kendoul, F., Zhenyu Y., and Kenzo N., 2010. "Guidance and nonlinear control system for autonomous flight of minirotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles." Journal of Field Robotics 27.3: 311-334.
- Krajnik, T, Vonasek V, Fiser D and Faigl J., 2011. “AR-Drone as a Platform for Robotic Research and Education”, In: Research and Education in Robotics: EUROBOT 2011, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp:172-186.
- Lee, D., H. Jin Kim, and Shankar S., 2009. "Feedback linearization vs. adaptive sliding mode control for a quadrotor helicopter." International Journal of control, Automation and systems7.3: 419-428.
- Mellinger, D, Michael N, Kumar V., 2014. Trajectory generation and control for precise aggressive maneuvers with Quadrotors. International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 79:361- 373.
- Michael, N, Fink J, Kumar V., 2011. “Cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots.” Autonomous Robots, 30: 73–86
- Oldham, K.B. and Spanier, J., 1974. “The Fractional Calculus”, Academic Press.
- Podlubny, I. 1999. “Fractional Differential Equations”, Academic Press, San Diego, California,.
- Qianying, L., 2014. “Grey-Box System Identification of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”,Msc Thesis, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology
- Sabanovic, A., K. Jezernik, K. Wada, 1996. “Chattering-free sliding modes in robotic manipulators control”, Robotica, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 17–29, [Online]. Available: 8907
- Solc, F., 2007. “Modelling and control of a quadcopter” Advanced in Military Technology 1:29–38.
- Tang, Yinggan, et al., 2013 "Fractional order sliding mode controller design for antilock braking systems." Neurocomputing 111: 122-130.
- Tayebi, A. and McGilvray S.,2006. "Attitude Stabilization of a VTOL QuadrotorAircraft," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 14, pp. 562-571
- Xu, Rong, and Umit Ozguner.,2006 "Sliding mode control of a quadrotor helicopter." Decision and Control, 2006 45th IEEE Conference on. IEEE
- Zhao, B., et al., 2015. "Nonlinear robust adaptive tracking control of a quadrotor UAV via immersion and invariance methodology." Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 62.5 :2891-2902.
- Zheng, En-Hui, Jing-Jing Xiong, and Ji-Liang Luo., 2014. "Second order sliding mode control for a quadrotor UAV." ISA transactions 53.4 : 1350-1356.