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Amatör Sporcularda Ayak Bileği Pozisyon Hissinin Değerlendirmesinde Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Pilot Çalışma

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 133 - 141, 01.07.2019


Postüral kontrolde meydana gelen zayıflık sporcuları sakatlık riskiyle karşı karşıya bırakır. Sporcuların özellikle sakatlanma sonrası rehabilitasyon sürecinde denge becerisinin bileşeni olan eklem pozisyon hissi değerlendirmesi eklemin stabilitesi hakkında bilgi verir. Bu araştırmada sakatlık öyküsü olan (n=6) ve olmayan (n=28) amatör sporcuların (5 kadın, 29 erkek) ayak bileği pozisyon hissi değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan veri analizinde sporcuların ayak bileği pozisyon hissi ortalama hata dereceleri 2,5 derece ile 7,6 derece arasında değişmektedir. Sakatlık öyküsü olanlarla olmayanlar arasında ve kadınlarla erkekler arasında anlamlı bir fark bulgulanmamıştır (p>0.05). Sporcuların ayak pozisyon hissi değerlendirmesi normal değerlendirme yöntemi (test açısı ve hata derecesi tespiti) yanında pratik değerlendirme metodu olarak düşünülen ardışık pozisyon hissi değerlendirmesi şeklinde kurgulanmış ve bu değerlendirmede başarılı olan sporcu olmamıştır.


  • Aarseth, L. M., Suprak, D. N., Chalmers, G. R., Lyon, L. ve Dahlquist, D. T. (2015). Kinesio tape and shoulder joint position sense. Journal of Athletic Training. 50(8), 785-791.
  • Allum, J.H.J., Bloem, B.R., Carpenter, M.G., Hulliger, M., Hadders, A. M. (1998). Proprioceptive control of posture: a review of new concepts. Gait and Posture. 8(3), 214-242.
  • Brown, C., Ross, S., Mynark, R. ve Guskiewicz, K. (2004). Assessing functional ankle instability with joint position sense, time to stabilization and electromyography. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 13(2), 122-134.
  • Emery, C.A., Cassidy, D., Klassen, T.P., Rosychuk, R.J. ve Rowe B.H. (2005). Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: A cluster randomized controlled trial. The Canadian Medical Association Journal. 172 (6), 749-754.
  • Gribble, P.A., Hertel, J. Ve Plisky, P. (2012). Using the star excursion balance test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: A literature and systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training. 47(3),339-357.
  • Halasi, T., Kynsburg, A., Tállay, A. ve Berkes, I. (2005). Changes in joint position sense after surgically treated chronic lateral ankle instability. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 39(11), 818-824.
  • Hertel, J. (2000). Functional instability following lateral ankle sprain. Sports Medicine. 29(5),361-371.
  • Hertel J. (2008). Sensorimotor deficits with ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability. Clinical Sports Medicine. 27(3),353–370.
  • Jerosch, J., Pryinka, M. (1996). Proprioception aid joint stability. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 4(3),171-179.
  • Juul, K.B., Lund, H., Hansen, K. ve Christensen, H., Danneskiold-Samsøe B. ve Bliddal H. (2008). Test-retest reliability of joint position and kinesthetic sense in the elbow of healthy subjects. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 24(1),65-72.
  • Konradsen L. (2002). Factors contributing to chronic ankle instability: Kinesthesia and joint position sense. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4),381-385.
  • Malliou, P., Gioftsidou, A. ve Pafis G. (2004). Proprioceptive training (balance exercises) reduces lower extremity injuries in young soccer players. Journal of Back Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 17(3-4),101-104.
  • Mattacola, C.G., Dwyer, M.K. (2002). Rehabilitation of the ankle after acute sprain or chronic instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4), 413-429.
  • Olsson, L., Lund, H., Henriksen, M., Rogind, H., Bliddal H. ve Danneskiold-Samsøe B. (2004). Test-retest reliability of a knee joint position sense measurement method in sitting and prone position. Advanced Physiotherapy. 6(1), 37-47.
  • Plisky, P.J., Rauh, M.J., Kaminski, T.W. ve Underwood, F.B. (2006). Star excursion balance test as a predictor of lower extremity injury in high school basketball players. Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. 36(12), 911-919.
  • Ramirez, C.R., Meylan, C.M. ve Alvarez-Lepin C. (2015). The effects of interday rest on adaptation to 6 weeks of plyometric training in young soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(4), 972-979.
  • Riemann, B.L. ve Lephart, S.M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part 1: The physiologic basis of functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training. 37(1), 71-79.
  • Riemann, B.L., Lephart, S.M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part 2: The role of proprioception in motor control and functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training. 37(1), 80-84.
  • Rozzi, S.L., Lephart, S.M., Sterner, R. ve Kuligowski L. (1999). Balance training for persons with functionally unstable ankles. Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. 29(8), 478-486.
  • Rubenstein, L.Z. ve Josephson, K.R. (2006). Falls and their prevention in elderly people: What does the evidence show? Medical Clinics of North America. 90(5), 807-824.
  • Soderman, K., Werner, S., Pietila, T., Engstrom, B., Alfredson, H. (2000). Balance board training: Prevention of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in female soccer players? A prospective randomized intervention study. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 8(6),356-363.
  • Trojian, T.H. ve McKeag, D.B. Single leg balance test to identify risk of ankle sprains. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(7), 610-613.
  • Twist, C., Gleeson, N.P. ve Eston, R. 2008. The effects of plyometric exercise on unilateral balance performance. Journal of Sports Science. 26(10), 1073-1080
  • Verhagen, E., Van Der Beek, A.J. ve Twisk, J. (2004). The effect of a proprioceptive balance board training program for the prevention of ankle sprains: A prospective controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine.32(6),1385-1393
  • Winter, D.A. (1995). Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait and posture. 3(4), 193-214.
  • Willems, T., Witvrouw, E., Verstuyft, J., Vaes, P. ve De Clercq D. (2002). Proprioception and muscle strength in subjects with a history of ankle sprains and chronic instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4),487-493.

A New Approach in Ankle Joint Position Sense Assessment of Amateur Athletes: Pilot Study

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 133 - 141, 01.07.2019


Weakness in postural control makes athletes confront injury. Especially after injury joint position sense assestment a compenent of balance skill gives information about joint stabilization in rehabilitation progress. In this study ankle joint position sense of amateur athletes (5 female, 29 male) with injury history (n=6) and without injury history (n=28) were assessed. As a result of statistical analysis the mean error degrees of ankle position sense range between 2.5 degrees and 7.6 degrees and there is no significant difference of the mean error degree between the ones with injury history or without, female and male participants (p>0.05). Near normal ankle position sense assessment (test degree and determination of error degree) sequential joint position sense assessment thought as practical assessment method, is designed and in this assessment no athletes is determined as successful.


  • Aarseth, L. M., Suprak, D. N., Chalmers, G. R., Lyon, L. ve Dahlquist, D. T. (2015). Kinesio tape and shoulder joint position sense. Journal of Athletic Training. 50(8), 785-791.
  • Allum, J.H.J., Bloem, B.R., Carpenter, M.G., Hulliger, M., Hadders, A. M. (1998). Proprioceptive control of posture: a review of new concepts. Gait and Posture. 8(3), 214-242.
  • Brown, C., Ross, S., Mynark, R. ve Guskiewicz, K. (2004). Assessing functional ankle instability with joint position sense, time to stabilization and electromyography. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 13(2), 122-134.
  • Emery, C.A., Cassidy, D., Klassen, T.P., Rosychuk, R.J. ve Rowe B.H. (2005). Effectiveness of a home-based balance-training program in reducing sports-related injuries among healthy adolescents: A cluster randomized controlled trial. The Canadian Medical Association Journal. 172 (6), 749-754.
  • Gribble, P.A., Hertel, J. Ve Plisky, P. (2012). Using the star excursion balance test to assess dynamic postural-control deficits and outcomes in lower extremity injury: A literature and systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training. 47(3),339-357.
  • Halasi, T., Kynsburg, A., Tállay, A. ve Berkes, I. (2005). Changes in joint position sense after surgically treated chronic lateral ankle instability. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 39(11), 818-824.
  • Hertel, J. (2000). Functional instability following lateral ankle sprain. Sports Medicine. 29(5),361-371.
  • Hertel J. (2008). Sensorimotor deficits with ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability. Clinical Sports Medicine. 27(3),353–370.
  • Jerosch, J., Pryinka, M. (1996). Proprioception aid joint stability. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 4(3),171-179.
  • Juul, K.B., Lund, H., Hansen, K. ve Christensen, H., Danneskiold-Samsøe B. ve Bliddal H. (2008). Test-retest reliability of joint position and kinesthetic sense in the elbow of healthy subjects. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 24(1),65-72.
  • Konradsen L. (2002). Factors contributing to chronic ankle instability: Kinesthesia and joint position sense. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4),381-385.
  • Malliou, P., Gioftsidou, A. ve Pafis G. (2004). Proprioceptive training (balance exercises) reduces lower extremity injuries in young soccer players. Journal of Back Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 17(3-4),101-104.
  • Mattacola, C.G., Dwyer, M.K. (2002). Rehabilitation of the ankle after acute sprain or chronic instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4), 413-429.
  • Olsson, L., Lund, H., Henriksen, M., Rogind, H., Bliddal H. ve Danneskiold-Samsøe B. (2004). Test-retest reliability of a knee joint position sense measurement method in sitting and prone position. Advanced Physiotherapy. 6(1), 37-47.
  • Plisky, P.J., Rauh, M.J., Kaminski, T.W. ve Underwood, F.B. (2006). Star excursion balance test as a predictor of lower extremity injury in high school basketball players. Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. 36(12), 911-919.
  • Ramirez, C.R., Meylan, C.M. ve Alvarez-Lepin C. (2015). The effects of interday rest on adaptation to 6 weeks of plyometric training in young soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 29(4), 972-979.
  • Riemann, B.L. ve Lephart, S.M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part 1: The physiologic basis of functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training. 37(1), 71-79.
  • Riemann, B.L., Lephart, S.M. (2002). The sensorimotor system, part 2: The role of proprioception in motor control and functional joint stability. Journal of athletic training. 37(1), 80-84.
  • Rozzi, S.L., Lephart, S.M., Sterner, R. ve Kuligowski L. (1999). Balance training for persons with functionally unstable ankles. Journal of Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy. 29(8), 478-486.
  • Rubenstein, L.Z. ve Josephson, K.R. (2006). Falls and their prevention in elderly people: What does the evidence show? Medical Clinics of North America. 90(5), 807-824.
  • Soderman, K., Werner, S., Pietila, T., Engstrom, B., Alfredson, H. (2000). Balance board training: Prevention of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in female soccer players? A prospective randomized intervention study. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 8(6),356-363.
  • Trojian, T.H. ve McKeag, D.B. Single leg balance test to identify risk of ankle sprains. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40(7), 610-613.
  • Twist, C., Gleeson, N.P. ve Eston, R. 2008. The effects of plyometric exercise on unilateral balance performance. Journal of Sports Science. 26(10), 1073-1080
  • Verhagen, E., Van Der Beek, A.J. ve Twisk, J. (2004). The effect of a proprioceptive balance board training program for the prevention of ankle sprains: A prospective controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine.32(6),1385-1393
  • Winter, D.A. (1995). Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait and posture. 3(4), 193-214.
  • Willems, T., Witvrouw, E., Verstuyft, J., Vaes, P. ve De Clercq D. (2002). Proprioception and muscle strength in subjects with a history of ankle sprains and chronic instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 37(4),487-493.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Ertuğrul Çakır

Reşat Sadık

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Submission Date February 22, 2019
Acceptance Date May 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 3


APA Çakır, E., & Sadık, R. (2019). Amatör Sporcularda Ayak Bileği Pozisyon Hissinin Değerlendirmesinde Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Pilot Çalışma. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 24(3), 133-141.

Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly.