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Bir Doğa Turizmi Olarak Macera Yarışlarına Katılan Sporcuların Zihinsel Dayanıklılıklarının İncelenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 215 - 226, 01.10.2019


Macera yarışları dayanıklılık ve performans isteyen bir spordur. Macera yarışlarında fiziksel performansın yanında zihinsel dayanıklılıkta önemlidir. Araştırmamızın amacı, macera yarışlarına katılan sporcuların zihinsel olarak dayanıklılık durumlarını incelemektir. Araştırmanın evrenini Türkiye’deki macera yarışçıları, örneklemini ise Aladağlar Sky Trail macera yarışı ve Kaçkar Ultra Maratonuna katılan sporcular (75 erkek, 28 kadın) oluşturmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak Sheard ve diğerleri (2009) tarafından geliştirilen ve Türkçe'ye uyarlaması Altıntaş ve Bayar Koruç (2016) tarafından yapılan “Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri” kullanılmıştır. Ölçek için Cronbach Alpha iç tutarlılık katsayısı .67 olarak bulunmuştur. Toplanan veriler istatistiksel paket program (SPSS 22.0) aracılığıyla analiz edilip sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde Independent Samples T testi ve iki gruptan fazla durumda tek yönlü varyans analizi (One way ANOVA) testi kullanılmıştır. Cinsiyet, yaş, antrenman sayısı, eğitim durumu ve deneyim değişkenlerine göre anlamlı farklara ulaşılmıştır. Yapılan doğa sporu türüne göre anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır. Buna göre zihinsel dayanıklılığın macera yarışları için önemli olduğu söylenebilir. Macera yarışlarının yapıldığı mevsim, parkur uzunluğu ve arazilerin bu sonuçlara etki ettiği düşünülmektedir. Araştırma sonuçlarının sporcuların zihinsel dayanıklılıklarının arttırılması için antrenörler tarafından değerlendirilmesi önerilmektedir.


  • 1. Adamson, I. (2004). Runner's world guide to adventure racing: how to become a successful racer and adventure athlete. Rodale Books.
  • 2. Altıntaş A, Bayar Koruç P. (2016). Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri’nin Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 27(4): 162–171.
  • 3. Bull, S., Shambrook, C., James, W., & Brooks, J. (2005). Towards an understanding of mental toughness in elite English cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17: 209–227.
  • 4. Burke, S.M. and Orlick, T. (2003). "Mental Strategies of Elite High Altitude Climbers: Overcoming Adversity on Mount Everest, Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments, 7(2): 15-22.
  • 5. Crust, L. (2008). A review and conceptual re-examination of mental toughness: Implications for future researchers. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(7): 576–583.
  • 6. Crust, L. & Clough, P.J. (2011). Developing mental toughness: From research to practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, (2): 21-32.
  • 7. Crust, L., R, Keegan. (2010). Mental toughness and attitudes to risk-taking, Personality and Individual Differences, 49: 164–168.
  • 8. Jones, G., Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). A framework of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 21: 243–264.
  • 9. Enqvist J.K, Mattsson C.M, Johansson P.H, Brink-Elfegoun T, Bakkman L, Ekblom B. (2010). Energy turnover during 24-hours and 6 days of Adventure Racing. J Sports Sci. 28:947-955.
  • 10. Fordham, S., Garbutt, G., & Lopes, P. (2004). Epidemiology of injuries in adventure racing athletes. British journal of sports medicine, 38(3), 300-303.
  • 11. Grabowski A.M, Kram R. (2008). Running with horizontal pulling forces: the benefits of towing. Eur J Appl Physiol. 104:473-479.
  • 12. Greenland K (2004). Medical support for Adventure Racing. Emerg Med Australas. 16:465-468.
  • 13. Gürer, B. (2015). The investigation of problem solving skill of the mountaineers in terms of demographic variables. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(11), 1496-1504.
  • 14. Gürer, B. (2012). Investigating The Leadership Skills In Outdoor Sports & Search And Rescue, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Unpublished PhD thesis.
  • 15. Gürer, B., Bektaş, F., & Kural, B. (2018). Doğa Sporları Faaliyetlerine Katılan Sporcuların Psikolojik Performanslarının İncelenmesi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 74-85.
  • 16. Fordham, S., Garbutt, G., Lopes, P. (2004). Epidemiology of injuries in adventure racing athletes. Br J Sports Med. 38:300-303.
  • 17. Mahoney J.W, Gucciardi D.F, Mallett C.J, Ntoumanis N. (2014). Adolescent performers’ perspectives on mental toughness and its development: The Utility of the Bioecological Model. Sport Psychologist, 28 (3): 233-244.
  • 18. Mattsson, C. M. (2011). Physiology of adventure racing – with emphasis on circulatory response and cardiac fatigue. (Doctoral thesis, Karolinska Institutet). Retrieved from diva2:401774/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  • 19. Levada-Pires, A. C., Fonseca, C. E. R., Hatanaka, E., Alba-Loureiro, T., Velhote, F. B., Curi, R., & Pithon-Curi, T. C. (2010). The effect of an adventure race on lymphocyte and neutrophil death. European journal of applied physiology, 109(3), 447-453.
  • 20. Lucas SJE, Anglem N, Roberts WS, Anson JG, Palmer CD, Walker RJ, Cook CJ, Cotter JD (2008). Intensity and Physiological strain of competitive ultra-endurance exercise in human. J Sports Sci. 26:477-489.
  • 21. Luthans, F. (2002). Positive Organizational Behavior: Developing and Managing Psychological Strengths, Academy of Management Executive, 16(1): 57-72.
  • 22. Maddi, Salvatore, R., Richard H. Harvey, Deborah M. Khoshaba, John L. Lu, Michele Persico, Marnie Brow. (2006). The Personality Construct of Hardiness, III: Relationships Between Repression, İnnovativeness, Authoritarianism, and Performance. Journal of Personality. 74(2): 575- 598.
  • 23. McLaughlin KA, Townes DA, Wedmore IS, Billingsley RT, Listrom CD, Iverson LD (2006). Pattern of injury and illness during expedition-length adventure races. Wilderness Environ Med. 17:158-161.
  • 24. Newsham-West, R. J., Marley, J., Schneiders, A. G., & Gray, A. (2010). Pre-race health status and medical events during the 2005 World Adventure Racing Championships. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 13(1), 27-31.
  • 25. Sheard M, Golby J, Van Wersch A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25: 186-193.
  • 26. Sheard M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition, Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • 27. Talbot, T.S., Townes, D. A., & Wedmore, I.S. (2004). To air is human: altitude illness during an expedition length adventure race. Wilderness & environmental medicine, 15(2), 90-94.
  • 28. Townes DA. (2005). Wilderness medicine: strategies for provision of medical support for adventure racing. Sports Med. 35:557–564.
  • 29. Townes DA, Talbot TS, Wedmore S, Billingsly R (2004). Injury and illness during an expedition length adventure race. J Emer Med. (27):161-165.
  • 30. Turizm ve Yatırım Dergisi (2015). Macera ve doğa turizmi için 400 milyar dolar harcanıyor. Yetkin Medya Yayıncılık Ticaret Limited Şirketi. Erişim Tarihi: 04.02.2019.
  • 31. TÜRSAB. (2015). Doğa ve Macera Turizmi Raporu, Erişim Tarihi: 27.09.2018
  • 32. Pomfret, G. (2006). Mountaineering adventure tourists: a conceptual framework for research. Tourism Management, 27(1): 113-123.
  • 33. Iso-Ahola, S.E. (1980). The social psychology of leisure and recreation. WC Brown Co. Publishers.
  • 34. Page, S.J., Bentley, T.A and Walker, L. (2005). Scoping the nature and extent of adventure tourism operations in Scotland: How safe are they? Tourism Management, (26): 381-397.

Investigation of Mental Toughness of Sportsmen Participating Adventure Racing as a Nature Tourism

Year 2019, Volume: 24 Issue: 4, 215 - 226, 01.10.2019


Adventure racings are sports requaring endurance and performance. In adventure races, in addition to physical performance, mental toughness is also a necessity. The aim of our research is to examine the mental toughness of the athletes participating in adventure racing. The research population is adventure racers in Turkey and the sample is athletes whom participated adventure races of Aladağlar Sky Trail and Kaçkar Ultra Marathon (75 male, 28 female). In this study “Sport Mental Toughness Questionnaire” (Sheard et al., 2009) was used as data collecting tool which was adapted to Turkish by Altınbaş and Bayar Koruç (2016). Cronbach Alpha internal consistency coefficient was founded .67 for the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by statistical package program (SPSS 22.0) and the results were interpreted. The t-test and one way ANOVA analysis were used in the evaluation of the research data. Significant differences were reached according to gender, age, number of training, educational status and experience variables. No significant difference was found according to the performed outdoor sport. Accordingly, it can be said that mental toughness is important for adventure racing. It has been thought that the season, the length of the course and the terrain in adventure races are affecting these results. It is recommended that the results of the research be evaluated by the coaches to increase the mental toughness of the athletes.


  • 1. Adamson, I. (2004). Runner's world guide to adventure racing: how to become a successful racer and adventure athlete. Rodale Books.
  • 2. Altıntaş A, Bayar Koruç P. (2016). Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri’nin Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 27(4): 162–171.
  • 3. Bull, S., Shambrook, C., James, W., & Brooks, J. (2005). Towards an understanding of mental toughness in elite English cricketers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17: 209–227.
  • 4. Burke, S.M. and Orlick, T. (2003). "Mental Strategies of Elite High Altitude Climbers: Overcoming Adversity on Mount Everest, Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments, 7(2): 15-22.
  • 5. Crust, L. (2008). A review and conceptual re-examination of mental toughness: Implications for future researchers. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(7): 576–583.
  • 6. Crust, L. & Clough, P.J. (2011). Developing mental toughness: From research to practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, (2): 21-32.
  • 7. Crust, L., R, Keegan. (2010). Mental toughness and attitudes to risk-taking, Personality and Individual Differences, 49: 164–168.
  • 8. Jones, G., Hanton, S., & Connaughton, D. (2007). A framework of mental toughness in the world’s best performers. The Sport Psychologist, 21: 243–264.
  • 9. Enqvist J.K, Mattsson C.M, Johansson P.H, Brink-Elfegoun T, Bakkman L, Ekblom B. (2010). Energy turnover during 24-hours and 6 days of Adventure Racing. J Sports Sci. 28:947-955.
  • 10. Fordham, S., Garbutt, G., & Lopes, P. (2004). Epidemiology of injuries in adventure racing athletes. British journal of sports medicine, 38(3), 300-303.
  • 11. Grabowski A.M, Kram R. (2008). Running with horizontal pulling forces: the benefits of towing. Eur J Appl Physiol. 104:473-479.
  • 12. Greenland K (2004). Medical support for Adventure Racing. Emerg Med Australas. 16:465-468.
  • 13. Gürer, B. (2015). The investigation of problem solving skill of the mountaineers in terms of demographic variables. Educational Research and Reviews, 10(11), 1496-1504.
  • 14. Gürer, B. (2012). Investigating The Leadership Skills In Outdoor Sports & Search And Rescue, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Unpublished PhD thesis.
  • 15. Gürer, B., Bektaş, F., & Kural, B. (2018). Doğa Sporları Faaliyetlerine Katılan Sporcuların Psikolojik Performanslarının İncelenmesi. Spor ve Performans Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 74-85.
  • 16. Fordham, S., Garbutt, G., Lopes, P. (2004). Epidemiology of injuries in adventure racing athletes. Br J Sports Med. 38:300-303.
  • 17. Mahoney J.W, Gucciardi D.F, Mallett C.J, Ntoumanis N. (2014). Adolescent performers’ perspectives on mental toughness and its development: The Utility of the Bioecological Model. Sport Psychologist, 28 (3): 233-244.
  • 18. Mattsson, C. M. (2011). Physiology of adventure racing – with emphasis on circulatory response and cardiac fatigue. (Doctoral thesis, Karolinska Institutet). Retrieved from diva2:401774/FULLTEXT01.pdf
  • 19. Levada-Pires, A. C., Fonseca, C. E. R., Hatanaka, E., Alba-Loureiro, T., Velhote, F. B., Curi, R., & Pithon-Curi, T. C. (2010). The effect of an adventure race on lymphocyte and neutrophil death. European journal of applied physiology, 109(3), 447-453.
  • 20. Lucas SJE, Anglem N, Roberts WS, Anson JG, Palmer CD, Walker RJ, Cook CJ, Cotter JD (2008). Intensity and Physiological strain of competitive ultra-endurance exercise in human. J Sports Sci. 26:477-489.
  • 21. Luthans, F. (2002). Positive Organizational Behavior: Developing and Managing Psychological Strengths, Academy of Management Executive, 16(1): 57-72.
  • 22. Maddi, Salvatore, R., Richard H. Harvey, Deborah M. Khoshaba, John L. Lu, Michele Persico, Marnie Brow. (2006). The Personality Construct of Hardiness, III: Relationships Between Repression, İnnovativeness, Authoritarianism, and Performance. Journal of Personality. 74(2): 575- 598.
  • 23. McLaughlin KA, Townes DA, Wedmore IS, Billingsley RT, Listrom CD, Iverson LD (2006). Pattern of injury and illness during expedition-length adventure races. Wilderness Environ Med. 17:158-161.
  • 24. Newsham-West, R. J., Marley, J., Schneiders, A. G., & Gray, A. (2010). Pre-race health status and medical events during the 2005 World Adventure Racing Championships. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 13(1), 27-31.
  • 25. Sheard M, Golby J, Van Wersch A. (2009). Progress towards construct validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25: 186-193.
  • 26. Sheard M. (2013). Mental Toughness: The Mindset Behind Sporting Achievement. Second Edition, Hove, East Sussex: Routledge.
  • 27. Talbot, T.S., Townes, D. A., & Wedmore, I.S. (2004). To air is human: altitude illness during an expedition length adventure race. Wilderness & environmental medicine, 15(2), 90-94.
  • 28. Townes DA. (2005). Wilderness medicine: strategies for provision of medical support for adventure racing. Sports Med. 35:557–564.
  • 29. Townes DA, Talbot TS, Wedmore S, Billingsly R (2004). Injury and illness during an expedition length adventure race. J Emer Med. (27):161-165.
  • 30. Turizm ve Yatırım Dergisi (2015). Macera ve doğa turizmi için 400 milyar dolar harcanıyor. Yetkin Medya Yayıncılık Ticaret Limited Şirketi. Erişim Tarihi: 04.02.2019.
  • 31. TÜRSAB. (2015). Doğa ve Macera Turizmi Raporu, Erişim Tarihi: 27.09.2018
  • 32. Pomfret, G. (2006). Mountaineering adventure tourists: a conceptual framework for research. Tourism Management, 27(1): 113-123.
  • 33. Iso-Ahola, S.E. (1980). The social psychology of leisure and recreation. WC Brown Co. Publishers.
  • 34. Page, S.J., Bentley, T.A and Walker, L. (2005). Scoping the nature and extent of adventure tourism operations in Scotland: How safe are they? Tourism Management, (26): 381-397.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Burak Gürer 0000-0002-0605-3272

Fikret Alıncak 0000-0003-3459-3441

Güçlü Özen 0000-0003-0360-5358

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Submission Date May 7, 2019
Acceptance Date September 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 24 Issue: 4


APA Gürer, B., Alıncak, F., & Özen, G. (2019). Bir Doğa Turizmi Olarak Macera Yarışlarına Katılan Sporcuların Zihinsel Dayanıklılıklarının İncelenmesi. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 24(4), 215-226.

Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal published quarterly.