This study aimed to examine the influence of effective marketing mix on satisfaction level of gym members. The subjects were sampled through simple random sampling method. 146 gym members who actively involved in sports were recruited for the study after consent obtained and data was collected with survey method. Subjects completed demographic form, Sport Consumer Satisfaction Scale (SCSS), Sport Marketing Mix Instrument (SMMI). SCSS developed by Alexandris and Palialia (1999) and consists 18 factors and 5 subscales. It was adapted to Turkish by Şimşek and Mercanoğlu (2014). SMMI is a 24 factor and 8 subscale scale which was developed by Yalçın et al. (2004). The internal consistency of the SCSS and SMMI for this study was found respectively 0,93 and 0,96. The statistical analyses of the study included descriptive statistics, independent samples t test, correlational and regression analyses. Based on a median split of the SMMI score from all participants, they were grouped into either high or low effective mix use groups. T test results showed that participants from more effective marketing mix group scored significantly higher than counter group. Pearson analyses revealed that SCSS and SMMI had low and middle level positive correlations. Consequently, it could be argued that ability to use marketing mix more effectively influence satisfaction level of the gym members.
1. Alexandris, K. ve Palialia, E. (1999). Measuring customer satisfaction in fitness centres in Greece: an exploratory study. Managing Leisure, 4(4), 218-228.
2. Armstrong, T., Bauman, A. E. ve Davies, J. (2000). Physical activity patterns of Australian adults: results of the 1999 national physical activity survey. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
3. Aslan, M. ve Koçak, M. S. (2011). Determination of the service quality among sport and fitness centers of the selected universities. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(2), 817-833.
4. Baker, B. J., Jordan, J. S. ve Funk, D. C. (2018). Run again another day: The role of consumer characteristics and satisfaction in repeat consumption of a sport-related experience product. Journal of Sport Management, 32(1), 38-52.
5. Covell, D. ve Walker, S. (2013). Managing sport organizations: Responsibility for performance. New York: Routledge.
6. Funk, D. C. (2017). Introducing a sport experience design (SX) framework for sport consumer behaviour research. Sport Management Review, 20(2), 145-158.
7. Funk, D., Alexandris, K. ve McDonald, H. (2008). Consumer behaviour in sport and events. New York: Routledge.
8. García-Fernández, J., Gálvez-Ruíz, P., Fernández-Gavira, J., Vélez-Colón, L., Pitts, B. ve Bernal-García, A. (2018a). The effects of service convenience and perceived quality on perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty in low-cost fitness centers. Sport Management Review, 21(3), 250-262.
9. García-Fernández, J., Gálvez-Ruiz, P., Vélez-Colon, L., Ortega-Gutiérrez, J., ve Fernández-Gavira, J. (2018b). Exploring fitness centre consumer loyalty: differences of non-profit and low-cost business models in Spain. Economic research, 31(1), 1042-1058.
10. Greenwell, T. C., Fink, J. S. ve Pastore, D. L. (2002). Assessing the influence of the physical sports facility on customer satisfaction within the context of the service experience. Sport Management Review, 5(2), 129-148.
11. Karwowski, W., Soares, M. M. ve Stanton, N. A. (2011). Human factors and ergonomics in consumer product design: Uses and applications. New York: CRC Press.
12. Kaura, V., Durga-Prasad, C. S. ve Sharma, S. (2015). Service quality, service convenience, price and fairness, customer loyalty, and the mediating role of customer satisfaction. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(4), 404-422.
13. Lapa, T. Y. ve Baştaç, E. (2012). Evaluating the service quality assessment of individuals attending fitness centers in Antalya. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(1), 42-52.
14. Lloyd, C. (2007). Qualifications and an employer-led system: recruitment practices in the UK fitness industry. ESRC centre on skills, knowledge and organisational performance. SKOPE Research Paper, 75, 1–32.
15. Moital, M., Bain, A. ve Thomas, H. (2018). Summary of cognitive, affective, and behavioural outcomes of consuming prestigious sports events. Sport Management Review, 22, 652-666.
16. Orak, M. E. (2017). Fiziksel aktivite merkezlerine gelen bireylerin hizmet kalite beklentisi ve motivasyonlarının incelenmesi (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çorum.
17. Redden, J. ve Steiner, C. J. (2000). Fanatical consumers: towards a framework for research. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 322-337.
18. Rosenbaum, M. S. ve Massiah, C. A. (2007). When customers receive support from other customers: exploring the influence of intercustomer social support on customer voluntary performance. Journal of Service Research, 9(3), 257-270.
19. Stewart, B., Smith, A. ve Nicholson, M. (2003). Sport consumer typologies: A critical review. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 12(4), 206-216.
20. Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal ve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
21. Şimşek, K. Y. ve Mercanoğlu, A. O. (2014). Spor tüketicisi tatmin ölçeğinin Türkçe uyarlaması: rekreatif spor tüketicisi örneği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(4), 159-171.
22. Theodorakis, N. D., Howat, G., Ko, Y. J. ve Avourdiadou, S. (2014). A comparison of service evaluation models in the context of sport and fitness centres in Greece. Managing Leisure, 19(1), 18-35.
23. Theodorakis, N. D., Kaplanidou, K., Alexandris, K. ve Papadimitriou, D. (2019). From sport event quality to quality of life: The role of satisfaction and purchase happiness. In Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20(3), 241-260.
24. Wann, D. L. ve Branscombe, N. R. (1993). Sports fans: Measuring degree of identification with their team. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24(1), 1-17.
25. Wann, D. L., Melnick, M. J., Russell, G. W. ve Pease, D. G. (2001). Sport fans: The psychology and social impact of spectators. New York: Routledge.
26. Westerbeek, H. M. ve Shilbury, D. (1999). Increasing the focus on “place” in the marketing mix for facility dependent sport services. Sport Management Review, 2(1), 1-23.
27. Whytcross, D. (2014). Gyms and fitness centres in Australia: Market research report. Melbourne: IBISWorld.
28. Yalçın, H. B., Yüktaşır, B. ve Doğru, Z. (2004). Spor tüketiminde pazarlama bileşenleri: ölçek geliştirme. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 219-232.
Pazarlama Bileşenlerinin Etkin Kullanımının Spor Tüketicilerinin Memnuniyet Düzeylerine Etkisi
Year 2021,
Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 33 - 43, 02.01.2021
Bu araştırmanın amacı spor tesisleri tarafından etkili kullanılan pazarlama karmasının spor salonu üyelerinin memnuniyet düzeylerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın evrenini kesit alma yöntemiyle seçilen örnekleme dâhil olan bireyler oluşturmaktadır Katılımcılar basit rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle seçilerek onayları alındıktan sonra araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir Araştırma için aktif olarak spor salonu üyeliği bulunan 146 bireyden ölçek ile veri toplanmıştır. Formun birinci bölümünde demografik bilgiler toplanırken ikinci bölümünde ise Spor Tüketicisi Tatmin Ölçeği (STTÖ) ve Spor Pazarlaması Bileşenleri Ölçeği (SPBÖ) kullanılmıştır. STTÖ Alexandris and Palialia (1999) tarafından geliştirilmiş, Şimşek and Mercanoğlu (2014) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan ölçek toplamda 18 madde ve 5 alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. SPBÖ Yalçın, Yüktaşır, and Doğru (2004) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan ölçek toplamda 24 madde ve 8 alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Bu araştırma için STTÖ’nün genel iç tutarlılık katsayısı 0.93 bulunurken SPBÖ’nün 0,96 bulunmuştur. Katılımcılar Spor Pazarlaması Bileşenleri Ölçeğinden aldıkları toplam puan üzerinden medyan alınarak ikiye bölünmüş ve daha yüksek veya daha düşük etkin kullanımı gruplarına atanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, bağımsız grup t testi, pearson korelasyon analizi ve regresyon analizleri kullanılmıştır. Bağımsız grup t testi sonucunda pazarlama karmasını etkin kullanan salon üyelerinin tatmin düzeylerinin nispeten daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Pearson korelasyon analizi sonucunda STTÖ ile SPBÖ ölçekleri alt boyutları arasında pozitif yönde orta ve düşük düzeyde anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda pazarlama karmasının etkin kullanımının tüketici memnuniyetini artırdığı söylenebilir.
1. Alexandris, K. ve Palialia, E. (1999). Measuring customer satisfaction in fitness centres in Greece: an exploratory study. Managing Leisure, 4(4), 218-228.
2. Armstrong, T., Bauman, A. E. ve Davies, J. (2000). Physical activity patterns of Australian adults: results of the 1999 national physical activity survey. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
3. Aslan, M. ve Koçak, M. S. (2011). Determination of the service quality among sport and fitness centers of the selected universities. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(2), 817-833.
4. Baker, B. J., Jordan, J. S. ve Funk, D. C. (2018). Run again another day: The role of consumer characteristics and satisfaction in repeat consumption of a sport-related experience product. Journal of Sport Management, 32(1), 38-52.
5. Covell, D. ve Walker, S. (2013). Managing sport organizations: Responsibility for performance. New York: Routledge.
6. Funk, D. C. (2017). Introducing a sport experience design (SX) framework for sport consumer behaviour research. Sport Management Review, 20(2), 145-158.
7. Funk, D., Alexandris, K. ve McDonald, H. (2008). Consumer behaviour in sport and events. New York: Routledge.
8. García-Fernández, J., Gálvez-Ruíz, P., Fernández-Gavira, J., Vélez-Colón, L., Pitts, B. ve Bernal-García, A. (2018a). The effects of service convenience and perceived quality on perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty in low-cost fitness centers. Sport Management Review, 21(3), 250-262.
9. García-Fernández, J., Gálvez-Ruiz, P., Vélez-Colon, L., Ortega-Gutiérrez, J., ve Fernández-Gavira, J. (2018b). Exploring fitness centre consumer loyalty: differences of non-profit and low-cost business models in Spain. Economic research, 31(1), 1042-1058.
10. Greenwell, T. C., Fink, J. S. ve Pastore, D. L. (2002). Assessing the influence of the physical sports facility on customer satisfaction within the context of the service experience. Sport Management Review, 5(2), 129-148.
11. Karwowski, W., Soares, M. M. ve Stanton, N. A. (2011). Human factors and ergonomics in consumer product design: Uses and applications. New York: CRC Press.
12. Kaura, V., Durga-Prasad, C. S. ve Sharma, S. (2015). Service quality, service convenience, price and fairness, customer loyalty, and the mediating role of customer satisfaction. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(4), 404-422.
13. Lapa, T. Y. ve Baştaç, E. (2012). Evaluating the service quality assessment of individuals attending fitness centers in Antalya. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(1), 42-52.
14. Lloyd, C. (2007). Qualifications and an employer-led system: recruitment practices in the UK fitness industry. ESRC centre on skills, knowledge and organisational performance. SKOPE Research Paper, 75, 1–32.
15. Moital, M., Bain, A. ve Thomas, H. (2018). Summary of cognitive, affective, and behavioural outcomes of consuming prestigious sports events. Sport Management Review, 22, 652-666.
16. Orak, M. E. (2017). Fiziksel aktivite merkezlerine gelen bireylerin hizmet kalite beklentisi ve motivasyonlarının incelenmesi (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çorum.
17. Redden, J. ve Steiner, C. J. (2000). Fanatical consumers: towards a framework for research. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 322-337.
18. Rosenbaum, M. S. ve Massiah, C. A. (2007). When customers receive support from other customers: exploring the influence of intercustomer social support on customer voluntary performance. Journal of Service Research, 9(3), 257-270.
19. Stewart, B., Smith, A. ve Nicholson, M. (2003). Sport consumer typologies: A critical review. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 12(4), 206-216.
20. Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyal ve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
21. Şimşek, K. Y. ve Mercanoğlu, A. O. (2014). Spor tüketicisi tatmin ölçeğinin Türkçe uyarlaması: rekreatif spor tüketicisi örneği. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(4), 159-171.
22. Theodorakis, N. D., Howat, G., Ko, Y. J. ve Avourdiadou, S. (2014). A comparison of service evaluation models in the context of sport and fitness centres in Greece. Managing Leisure, 19(1), 18-35.
23. Theodorakis, N. D., Kaplanidou, K., Alexandris, K. ve Papadimitriou, D. (2019). From sport event quality to quality of life: The role of satisfaction and purchase happiness. In Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20(3), 241-260.
24. Wann, D. L. ve Branscombe, N. R. (1993). Sports fans: Measuring degree of identification with their team. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 24(1), 1-17.
25. Wann, D. L., Melnick, M. J., Russell, G. W. ve Pease, D. G. (2001). Sport fans: The psychology and social impact of spectators. New York: Routledge.
26. Westerbeek, H. M. ve Shilbury, D. (1999). Increasing the focus on “place” in the marketing mix for facility dependent sport services. Sport Management Review, 2(1), 1-23.
27. Whytcross, D. (2014). Gyms and fitness centres in Australia: Market research report. Melbourne: IBISWorld.
28. Yalçın, H. B., Yüktaşır, B. ve Doğru, Z. (2004). Spor tüketiminde pazarlama bileşenleri: ölçek geliştirme. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 219-232.
Cıftcı, M. C., Doğu, G., & Yılmaz, B. (2021). Pazarlama Bileşenlerinin Etkin Kullanımının Spor Tüketicilerinin Memnuniyet Düzeylerine Etkisi. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 26(1), 33-43.