One of the social events that have gained universal significance in recent years, not falling from the agenda of the whole world, is terrorism. In this study, the fact and the perception of terrorism, that affects today’s contemporary societies at a great extend, has been discussed. First part of the study focuses on the concept of terrorism, goals, methods and tactics and the ways it follows to reach out these goals/objectives. In the second part of the study, it was emphasized how the individual perceives of terrorism. Act and position of individuals and public with regards to combatting terrorism have been discussed in line with basic standards. Flowingly, dilemma of civil liberties and national security with regards to combatting terrorism was examined and factors mentioned that defines policies towards combatting terrorism. Conclusion part of the study focuses on the main factors defines terrorism and touches on responsibilities of police and states to overcome the political fear that comes as a result of these factors
Aly, Anne; Green, Lelia; Balnaves, Mark, (2009), “Social Implications of Fearing Terro- rism: A Report on Australian Responses to the Images and Discourses of Terrorism and the Other: Establishing a Metric of Fear”, An Australian Research Council Disco- very Project, Edith Cowan University, le=1000&context=cexplodingmyth, (E.T.: 23.07.2017).
Bayley, David H.; Weisburd, David, (2009), “Cops and Spooks: The Role of Police in Counterterrorism”, David Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock, Si- mon Perry (eds.), To Protect and To Serve Policing in an Age of Terrorism, New York: Springer, ss. 81-99.
Beck, Ulrick, (2002), “The Terrorist Threat, World Risk Society Revisited”, Theory, Cul- ture & Society, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, Volume 19, Issue 4, ss. 39-55.
Becker, Gary S.; Yona Rubinstein, (2004), “Fear and the Response to Terrorism: An Eco- nomic Analysis”, CEP Discussion Papers, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE,, (E.T.: 02.02.2018).
Biernatzki, William E., (2002), “Terrorism and the Mass Media”, Communication Resear- ch Trends, Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture, Volume 21, Issue 1, ss. 1-39,, (E.T.: 12.12.2017).
Bratkowski, Stefan, (2005), “Killing and Terror”, American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 48, Issue 6, ss. 764-782.
Comer, Jonahtan S.; Furr, Jami M.; Beida, Reinad S.; Weiner, Courtney L. ve Kendall, Philip C., (2008), “Children and Terrorism- Related News: Training Parents in Copig and Media Literacy”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Volume 76, Is- sue 4, ss. 568-578.
Çağlar, Ali, (1997), “Terör ve Örgütlenme”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 30, Sayı 3, Ankara, ss. 120-133.
Davis, Darren W.; Silver, Brian D., (2004), “Civil Liberties vs. Security: Public Opinion in the Context of the Terrorist Attacks on America”, American Journal of Political Science, Volume 48, Issue 1, (January), ss. 28-46.
Demirçivi, Efe Recep, (2015), Metropollerde Terörizm Algısı: Ankara’da Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara: Kara Harp Okulu Savunma Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
Downes-Le Guin, Theodore; Hoffman, Bruce, (1993), The Impact of Terrorism on Public Opinion, 1988 to 1989, Malibu, CA: RAND Corporation, tent/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/2006/MR225.pdf, (E.T.: 24.01.2018).
Efron, Robert, (1969), “What is Perception?”, Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume 4, ss.137-173.
Enders, Walter; Sandler, Todd, (2005), “After 9/11: Is It All Different Now?”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 49, No. 2, (April), ss. 259-277.
Ergil, Doğu (1991), “Terörizmin Mantığı ve Hedefi”, Muammer Aksoy’a Armağan, Anka- ra Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Cilt 46, Sayı 1, Ankara, ss. 171-181.
Ergil, Doğu, (1980), Türkiye’de Terör ve Şiddet, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
Fischhoff, Baruch; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Lerner, Jennifer S, (2003), “Judged Terror Risk and Proximity to the World Trade Center”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 26, Issue 2, (Jaunary), ss.137-151.
Forst, Brian, (2007), “The Demand Side of Terrorism: Fear”, Ozgur Nikbay and Süleyman Hancerli (Eds.), Understanding and Responding to The Terrorism Phenomenon, Was- hington DC: IOS Press, ss. 43-54.
Gieber, Walter J., (1964), “News Is What Newspapermen Make It”, in Lewis A. Dexter and David Manning White (eds), People, Society, and Mass Communication, Lon- don: The Free Press of Glencoe, ss. 171-180.
Goodwin, Jeff, (2004), “What Must We Explain to Explain Terrorism?”, Social Movement Studies, Volume 3, Issue 2, ss. 259-262.
Goodwin, Robin; Gaines Jr., Stanley, (2009), “Terrorism Perception and Its Consequences Following the 7 July 2005 London Bombings”, Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Volume I, Issue 1, (January), ss. 50-65.
Goodwin, Robin; Willson, Michelle ve Gaines Jr., Stanley, (2005), “Terror Threat Percep- tion and Its Consequences in Modern Britain”, British Journal of Psychology, Volume 96, ss. 389-406.
Hasisi, Badi; Alpert, Geoffrey P. ve Flynn, Dan, (2009), “The Impacts of Policing Terro- rism on Society: Lessons from Israel and the US”, David Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock, Simon Perry (eds.), To Protect and To Serve Policing in an Age of Terrorism, New York: Springer, ss. 177-202.
Hazır, Hayati, (2001), Siyasal Şiddet ve Terörizm, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Huddy, Leonie; Feldman, Stanley; Taber, Charles ve Lahav, Gallya, (2005), “Threat, Anxiety, and Support of Antiterrorism Policies”, American Journal of Political Scien- ce, Volume 49, No. 3, (July), ss. 593-608.
Huddy, Leonie; Feldman, Stanley; Capelos, T. ve Provost, C, (2002a), “The Consequences of Terrorism: Disentangling the Effects of Personal and National Threat”, Political Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 3, ss. 485-509.
Huddy, Leonie; Khatib, Nadia ve Capelos, Theresa; (2002b), “Trends: Reactions to the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001”, The Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 66, No. 3, (Autumn), ss. 418-450.
Irmak, Fatih; Kahya, Yavuz, (2014), “Amerika Birleşik Devletl erinde Terörizm ve Terö- rizm Korkusu: 11 Eylül Terör Saldırılarının Öncesi ve Sonrasına İlişkin Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt. 7, Sayı. 33, ss. 315-324.
Jenkin, Clinton M., (2006). “Risk Perception and Terrorism: Applying the Psychometric Paradigm.” Homeland Security Affairs 2, Article 6, (July). les/169, (E.T.: 23.01.2017).
Jonathan, Tal, (2010), “Police Involvement in Counter-Terrorism and Public Attitudes Towards the Police in Israel 1998-2007”, The British Journal of Criminology, Volume 50, Issue 4, (1), (July), ss. 748-771.
Kıbrıs, Arzu, (2011), “Funerals and Elections: The Effects of Terrorism on Voting Behavi- or in Turkey”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 55, Issue 2, ss. 220-247.
Kunreuther, Howard, (2002), “Risk Analysis and Risk Management in an Uncertain Wor- ld”, Risk Analysis An International Journal, Volume 22, Issue 4, (August), ss. 655-664.
Lavanco, Gioacchino; Floriana, Romano ve Milio, Anna, (2008), “Terrorism’s Fear: Per- ceived Personal and National Threats”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 16, ss.413-416.
Lee, Jennifer E. C.; Lemyre, Louise, (2009), “A Social-Cognitive Perspective of Terrorism Risk Perception and Individual Response in Canada”, Risk Analysis, Volume 29, Issue 9, (September), ss. 1265-1280.
Lee, Jennifer E. C.; Lemyre, Louise ve Krewski, Daniel, (2010), “A Multi-Method, Mul- ti-Hazard Approach to Explore the Uniqueness of Terrorism Risk Perceptions and Wor- ry”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Volume 49, Issue 1, (January), ss. 241-272.
Lemyre, Louise; Turner, Michelle C.; Lee, Jennifer E. C. ve Krewski, Daniel, (2006), “Public Perception of Terrorism Threats and Related Information Sources in Canada: Implications for the Management of Terrorism Risks, Journal of Risk Research, Volu- me 9, Issue 7, (October), ss. 755-774.
Lerner, Jennifer S.; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Fischhoff, Baruch, (2003), “Effects of Fear and Anger on Perceived Risks of Terrorism: A National Field Experiment”, Psychological Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, (March), ss. 144-150.
Lerner, Jennifer S.; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Fischhoff, Baruch, (2003), “Effects of Fear and Anger on Perceived Risks of Terrorism: A National Field Experiment”, Psychological Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, (March), ss. 144-150.
Levi, Margaret; Sacks, Audrey ve Tyler, Tom R., (2009), “Conceptualizing Legitimacy, Measuring Legitimating Beliefs”, American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 53, Issue 3, ss. 354-375.
Lewis, Justin; Karin Wahl-Jorgensen; Sanna Inthorn, (2004), “Images of Citizenship on Television News: Constructing a Passive Public”, Journalism Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, s. 153-164.
Mythen, Gabe; Walklate, Sandra, (2006), “Criminology and Terrorism: Which thesis? Risk society or Governmentality?”, British Journal of Criminology, Volume 46, Issue 3, ss. 379-398.
Newman, D. Wilkons, (2003), “September 11: A Societal Reaction Perspective”, Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 39, Issue 3, (April), ss. 219-231.
Oltedal, Sigve; Moen, Bjİrg-Elin; Klempe, Hroar; Rundmo, Torbjİrn, (2004), “Expla- ining Risk Perception: An Evaluation of Cultural Theory”, Rotunde Publikasjoner, Rotunde No. 85, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychology, Trondheim, Norway, tural_theory.pdf, (E.T.: 27.12.2017).
Öymen, Onur, (2016), Arka Plan: Teröre Yön Verenler, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Özer, Mehmet Akif, (2012), “Bir Modern Yönetim Tekniği Olarak Algılama Yönetimi ve İç Güvenlik Hizmetleri”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 33, (Bahar), ss. 147-180.
Robin, Corey, (2004), Fear: The History of a Political Idea, USA: Oxford University Press.
Schmid, Alex P., (2011), (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research, New York and London: Routledge, ss. 39-98.
Sjöberg, Lennart, (2004), “The Perceived Risk of Terrorism”, SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Business Administration, No 2002: 11, download?doi=, (E.T.: 15.01.2018).
Smelser, Neil J., (2007), The Faces of Terrorism Social and Pscyhological Dimensions, Princenton, NJ: Princenton University Press.
Stevens, Garry; Agho Kingsley; Taylor, Melanie; Jones, Alison L.; Jacobs, Jennifer, Barr ve Raphael, Beverley, (2011), “Alert but Less Alarmed: A Pooled Analysis of Terro- rism Threat Perception in Australia”, BMC Public Health, Volume 11, ss. 797-798,, (E.T.: 03.01.2018).
Stevens, Micheal J., (2005), “What is Terrorism and Can Psychology Do Anything to Prevent It?”, Behavioral Sciences and The Law, Volume 23, Issue 4, (July/August), ss. 507-526.
Sunshine, Jason; Tyler, Tom R., (2003), “The Role of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Shaping Public Support for Policing”, Law and Society Review, Volume 37, Issue 3, ss. 513-548.
Sunstein, Cass R., (2003), “Terrorism and Probability Neglect”, Journal of Risk and Un- certainty, Volume 26, Issue 2-3, (March), ss. 121-136.
Şen, Yusuf Furkan, (2000), Şiddet ve Terör Ayrımı, Bitirme Tezi, Ankara: Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü-Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı.
Şen, Yusuf Furkan, (2015), (Sevilay Ece Gümüş ile birlikte), Terör ve Terörizm Üzerine: PKK Özelinde Nedenlere ve Sonuçlara İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme, Ankara: Yargı Ya- yınevi.
Turk, Austin T, (2004), “Sociology of Terrorism”, Annual Review of Sociology. Volume 30, ss. 271-286
Türkiye Barolar Birliği, (2006), Türkiye ve Terörizm, Yayın No: 107, Ankara.
Tyler, Tom R.; Huo, Yuen J., (2002), Trust in the Law: Encouraging Public Cooperation with the Police and Court, New York: Russell Sage.
Tyler, Tom R.; Wakslak, Cheryl J., (2004), “Profiling and Police Legitimacy: Procedural Justice, Attributions of Motive, and Acceptance of Police Authority”, Criminology, Volume 42, Issue 2, (May), ss. 253-282.
Viscusi, W. Kip; Zeckhauser, Richard J., (2003), “Sacrificing Civil Liberties to Reduce Terrorism Risks”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 26, Issue 2-3, ss. 99-120.
Wilkinson, Paul, (1998) “Trends in International Terrorism and the American Response”, Lawrence Freedman, Christopher Hill, Adam Roberts, R. J. Vincent, Paul Wilkinson ve Philip Windsor (eds), Terrorism and International Order, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Routledge.
Yayla, Atilla, (1990), “Terörizm: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve”, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Der- gisi, Cilt 45, Sayı 1, Ankara, ss. 335-386.
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Algı ve Gerçeklik Bağlamında Terörizm
Year 2018,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 7 - 33, 01.06.2018
Son yıllarda tüm dünyanın gündeminden düşmeyen, evrensel bir önem kazanan toplumsal olaylardan biri de terörizmdir. Bu çalışmada günümüz toplumları büyük ölçüde etkileyen terörizm gerçeği ve terörizm algısı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk kısmında terörizm kavramının incelenmesinin ardından, terörizmin amaçları ve bu amaçlara ulaşmak için uyguladığı yöntem ve taktikler tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci kısımda terörizmin amaçları için uyguladığı eylemler neticesinde bireyler tarafından nasıl algılandığı üzerine durulmuştur. Terörle mücadelede birey ve toplumun konuya yönelik tutum ve davranışları temel ölçütler bağlamında tartışılmıştır. Ardından terörle mücadelede sivil özgürlükler ve ulusal güvenlik ikilemi değerlendirilmiş, bu kapsamda terörle mücadeleye yönelik tutumları belirleyen faktörler açıklanmıştır. Sonuç kısmında ise terörizmin algısını belirleyen temel faktörler ve bunların sonucunda oluşan siyasi korkunun giderilmesi amacıyla polis ve devlete düşen sorumluluklara yönelik çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir
Aly, Anne; Green, Lelia; Balnaves, Mark, (2009), “Social Implications of Fearing Terro- rism: A Report on Australian Responses to the Images and Discourses of Terrorism and the Other: Establishing a Metric of Fear”, An Australian Research Council Disco- very Project, Edith Cowan University, le=1000&context=cexplodingmyth, (E.T.: 23.07.2017).
Bayley, David H.; Weisburd, David, (2009), “Cops and Spooks: The Role of Police in Counterterrorism”, David Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock, Si- mon Perry (eds.), To Protect and To Serve Policing in an Age of Terrorism, New York: Springer, ss. 81-99.
Beck, Ulrick, (2002), “The Terrorist Threat, World Risk Society Revisited”, Theory, Cul- ture & Society, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi, Volume 19, Issue 4, ss. 39-55.
Becker, Gary S.; Yona Rubinstein, (2004), “Fear and the Response to Terrorism: An Eco- nomic Analysis”, CEP Discussion Papers, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE,, (E.T.: 02.02.2018).
Biernatzki, William E., (2002), “Terrorism and the Mass Media”, Communication Resear- ch Trends, Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture, Volume 21, Issue 1, ss. 1-39,, (E.T.: 12.12.2017).
Bratkowski, Stefan, (2005), “Killing and Terror”, American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 48, Issue 6, ss. 764-782.
Comer, Jonahtan S.; Furr, Jami M.; Beida, Reinad S.; Weiner, Courtney L. ve Kendall, Philip C., (2008), “Children and Terrorism- Related News: Training Parents in Copig and Media Literacy”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Volume 76, Is- sue 4, ss. 568-578.
Çağlar, Ali, (1997), “Terör ve Örgütlenme”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, Cilt 30, Sayı 3, Ankara, ss. 120-133.
Davis, Darren W.; Silver, Brian D., (2004), “Civil Liberties vs. Security: Public Opinion in the Context of the Terrorist Attacks on America”, American Journal of Political Science, Volume 48, Issue 1, (January), ss. 28-46.
Demirçivi, Efe Recep, (2015), Metropollerde Terörizm Algısı: Ankara’da Bir Uygulama, Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara: Kara Harp Okulu Savunma Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
Downes-Le Guin, Theodore; Hoffman, Bruce, (1993), The Impact of Terrorism on Public Opinion, 1988 to 1989, Malibu, CA: RAND Corporation, tent/dam/rand/pubs/monograph_reports/2006/MR225.pdf, (E.T.: 24.01.2018).
Efron, Robert, (1969), “What is Perception?”, Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume 4, ss.137-173.
Enders, Walter; Sandler, Todd, (2005), “After 9/11: Is It All Different Now?”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 49, No. 2, (April), ss. 259-277.
Ergil, Doğu (1991), “Terörizmin Mantığı ve Hedefi”, Muammer Aksoy’a Armağan, Anka- ra Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Cilt 46, Sayı 1, Ankara, ss. 171-181.
Ergil, Doğu, (1980), Türkiye’de Terör ve Şiddet, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
Fischhoff, Baruch; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Lerner, Jennifer S, (2003), “Judged Terror Risk and Proximity to the World Trade Center”, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Volume 26, Issue 2, (Jaunary), ss.137-151.
Forst, Brian, (2007), “The Demand Side of Terrorism: Fear”, Ozgur Nikbay and Süleyman Hancerli (Eds.), Understanding and Responding to The Terrorism Phenomenon, Was- hington DC: IOS Press, ss. 43-54.
Gieber, Walter J., (1964), “News Is What Newspapermen Make It”, in Lewis A. Dexter and David Manning White (eds), People, Society, and Mass Communication, Lon- don: The Free Press of Glencoe, ss. 171-180.
Goodwin, Jeff, (2004), “What Must We Explain to Explain Terrorism?”, Social Movement Studies, Volume 3, Issue 2, ss. 259-262.
Goodwin, Robin; Gaines Jr., Stanley, (2009), “Terrorism Perception and Its Consequences Following the 7 July 2005 London Bombings”, Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Volume I, Issue 1, (January), ss. 50-65.
Goodwin, Robin; Willson, Michelle ve Gaines Jr., Stanley, (2005), “Terror Threat Percep- tion and Its Consequences in Modern Britain”, British Journal of Psychology, Volume 96, ss. 389-406.
Hasisi, Badi; Alpert, Geoffrey P. ve Flynn, Dan, (2009), “The Impacts of Policing Terro- rism on Society: Lessons from Israel and the US”, David Weisburd, Thomas Feucht, Idit Hakimi, Lois Mock, Simon Perry (eds.), To Protect and To Serve Policing in an Age of Terrorism, New York: Springer, ss. 177-202.
Hazır, Hayati, (2001), Siyasal Şiddet ve Terörizm, Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Huddy, Leonie; Feldman, Stanley; Taber, Charles ve Lahav, Gallya, (2005), “Threat, Anxiety, and Support of Antiterrorism Policies”, American Journal of Political Scien- ce, Volume 49, No. 3, (July), ss. 593-608.
Huddy, Leonie; Feldman, Stanley; Capelos, T. ve Provost, C, (2002a), “The Consequences of Terrorism: Disentangling the Effects of Personal and National Threat”, Political Psychology, Volume 23, Issue 3, ss. 485-509.
Huddy, Leonie; Khatib, Nadia ve Capelos, Theresa; (2002b), “Trends: Reactions to the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001”, The Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 66, No. 3, (Autumn), ss. 418-450.
Irmak, Fatih; Kahya, Yavuz, (2014), “Amerika Birleşik Devletl erinde Terörizm ve Terö- rizm Korkusu: 11 Eylül Terör Saldırılarının Öncesi ve Sonrasına İlişkin Bir Analiz”, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt. 7, Sayı. 33, ss. 315-324.
Jenkin, Clinton M., (2006). “Risk Perception and Terrorism: Applying the Psychometric Paradigm.” Homeland Security Affairs 2, Article 6, (July). les/169, (E.T.: 23.01.2017).
Jonathan, Tal, (2010), “Police Involvement in Counter-Terrorism and Public Attitudes Towards the Police in Israel 1998-2007”, The British Journal of Criminology, Volume 50, Issue 4, (1), (July), ss. 748-771.
Kıbrıs, Arzu, (2011), “Funerals and Elections: The Effects of Terrorism on Voting Behavi- or in Turkey”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 55, Issue 2, ss. 220-247.
Kunreuther, Howard, (2002), “Risk Analysis and Risk Management in an Uncertain Wor- ld”, Risk Analysis An International Journal, Volume 22, Issue 4, (August), ss. 655-664.
Lavanco, Gioacchino; Floriana, Romano ve Milio, Anna, (2008), “Terrorism’s Fear: Per- ceived Personal and National Threats”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 16, ss.413-416.
Lee, Jennifer E. C.; Lemyre, Louise, (2009), “A Social-Cognitive Perspective of Terrorism Risk Perception and Individual Response in Canada”, Risk Analysis, Volume 29, Issue 9, (September), ss. 1265-1280.
Lee, Jennifer E. C.; Lemyre, Louise ve Krewski, Daniel, (2010), “A Multi-Method, Mul- ti-Hazard Approach to Explore the Uniqueness of Terrorism Risk Perceptions and Wor- ry”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Volume 49, Issue 1, (January), ss. 241-272.
Lemyre, Louise; Turner, Michelle C.; Lee, Jennifer E. C. ve Krewski, Daniel, (2006), “Public Perception of Terrorism Threats and Related Information Sources in Canada: Implications for the Management of Terrorism Risks, Journal of Risk Research, Volu- me 9, Issue 7, (October), ss. 755-774.
Lerner, Jennifer S.; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Fischhoff, Baruch, (2003), “Effects of Fear and Anger on Perceived Risks of Terrorism: A National Field Experiment”, Psychological Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, (March), ss. 144-150.
Lerner, Jennifer S.; Gonzalez, Roxana M.; Small, Deborah A. ve Fischhoff, Baruch, (2003), “Effects of Fear and Anger on Perceived Risks of Terrorism: A National Field Experiment”, Psychological Science, Volume 14, Issue 2, (March), ss. 144-150.
Levi, Margaret; Sacks, Audrey ve Tyler, Tom R., (2009), “Conceptualizing Legitimacy, Measuring Legitimating Beliefs”, American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 53, Issue 3, ss. 354-375.
Lewis, Justin; Karin Wahl-Jorgensen; Sanna Inthorn, (2004), “Images of Citizenship on Television News: Constructing a Passive Public”, Journalism Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, s. 153-164.
Mythen, Gabe; Walklate, Sandra, (2006), “Criminology and Terrorism: Which thesis? Risk society or Governmentality?”, British Journal of Criminology, Volume 46, Issue 3, ss. 379-398.
Newman, D. Wilkons, (2003), “September 11: A Societal Reaction Perspective”, Crime, Law and Social Change, Volume 39, Issue 3, (April), ss. 219-231.
Oltedal, Sigve; Moen, Bjİrg-Elin; Klempe, Hroar; Rundmo, Torbjİrn, (2004), “Expla- ining Risk Perception: An Evaluation of Cultural Theory”, Rotunde Publikasjoner, Rotunde No. 85, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychology, Trondheim, Norway, tural_theory.pdf, (E.T.: 27.12.2017).
Öymen, Onur, (2016), Arka Plan: Teröre Yön Verenler, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Özer, Mehmet Akif, (2012), “Bir Modern Yönetim Tekniği Olarak Algılama Yönetimi ve İç Güvenlik Hizmetleri”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 33, (Bahar), ss. 147-180.
Robin, Corey, (2004), Fear: The History of a Political Idea, USA: Oxford University Press.
Schmid, Alex P., (2011), (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research, New York and London: Routledge, ss. 39-98.
Sjöberg, Lennart, (2004), “The Perceived Risk of Terrorism”, SSE/EFI Working Paper Series in Business Administration, No 2002: 11, download?doi=, (E.T.: 15.01.2018).
Smelser, Neil J., (2007), The Faces of Terrorism Social and Pscyhological Dimensions, Princenton, NJ: Princenton University Press.
Stevens, Garry; Agho Kingsley; Taylor, Melanie; Jones, Alison L.; Jacobs, Jennifer, Barr ve Raphael, Beverley, (2011), “Alert but Less Alarmed: A Pooled Analysis of Terro- rism Threat Perception in Australia”, BMC Public Health, Volume 11, ss. 797-798,, (E.T.: 03.01.2018).
Stevens, Micheal J., (2005), “What is Terrorism and Can Psychology Do Anything to Prevent It?”, Behavioral Sciences and The Law, Volume 23, Issue 4, (July/August), ss. 507-526.
Sunshine, Jason; Tyler, Tom R., (2003), “The Role of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Shaping Public Support for Policing”, Law and Society Review, Volume 37, Issue 3, ss. 513-548.
Sunstein, Cass R., (2003), “Terrorism and Probability Neglect”, Journal of Risk and Un- certainty, Volume 26, Issue 2-3, (March), ss. 121-136.
Şen, Yusuf Furkan, (2000), Şiddet ve Terör Ayrımı, Bitirme Tezi, Ankara: Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü-Polis Akademisi Başkanlığı.
Şen, Yusuf Furkan, (2015), (Sevilay Ece Gümüş ile birlikte), Terör ve Terörizm Üzerine: PKK Özelinde Nedenlere ve Sonuçlara İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme, Ankara: Yargı Ya- yınevi.
Turk, Austin T, (2004), “Sociology of Terrorism”, Annual Review of Sociology. Volume 30, ss. 271-286
Türkiye Barolar Birliği, (2006), Türkiye ve Terörizm, Yayın No: 107, Ankara.
Tyler, Tom R.; Huo, Yuen J., (2002), Trust in the Law: Encouraging Public Cooperation with the Police and Court, New York: Russell Sage.
Tyler, Tom R.; Wakslak, Cheryl J., (2004), “Profiling and Police Legitimacy: Procedural Justice, Attributions of Motive, and Acceptance of Police Authority”, Criminology, Volume 42, Issue 2, (May), ss. 253-282.
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Wilkinson, Paul, (1998) “Trends in International Terrorism and the American Response”, Lawrence Freedman, Christopher Hill, Adam Roberts, R. J. Vincent, Paul Wilkinson ve Philip Windsor (eds), Terrorism and International Order, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Routledge.
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