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Teacher Educators ICT Competencies Usage and Perceptions

Year 2009, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 109 - 125, 01.03.2009


This study presents survey findings about teacher educators\' perceptions about ICT integration into teacher education programs, their perceived ICT competencies and their ICT usage in their courses. The data were collected through a questionnaire from 111 teacher educators in 18 schools of teacher education (STE) and through interview with 6 teacher educators in 3 STE. The results indicated that most of the participants expressed positive perceptions about the integration of ICT into teacher education programs. Generally, their ICT competency was completely sufficient. They use the Internet as a supportive tool to their courses, and particularly search engines used by them.


  • Bai, H., & Ertmer, P. (2006). Teacher educators’ beliefs and technology uses in relation to preservice teachers’ beliefs and technology attitudes. In M. Simonson & M. Crawford (Eds.), 29th Annual Proceedings Volume #2 on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp.73-80). Dallas, TX: AECT.
  • Baron, L. C., & Goldman, E. S. (1994). Integrating technology with teacher preparation. In B. Means (Ed.), Technology and education reform (pp. 81-110). SF: Jossey-Bass Publ.
  • Göktaş, Y. (2006). The current status of information and communication technologies integration into schools of teacher education and K-12 in Turkey. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Goktas, Y., Yildirim, Z., & Yildirim, S. (2008). A Review of ICT related courses in preservice teacher education programs. Asia Pacific Education Review, 9(2), 81-92.
  • Glenn, A.D. (2002). Emergence of technology standards for preservice teacher education. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, NCREL’s Educational Technology. <> (2005, December 20)
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2008). ICT usage in higher education: A case study on preservice teachers and instructors. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 7(1).
  • HEC. (1998). Egitim fakulteleri ogretmen yetistirme programlarinin yeniden duzenlenmesi. Ankara: T.C. Yuksekogretim Kurulu Baskanligi.
  • Imer, G. (2000). Egitim fakultelerinde ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayara ve bilgisayari egitimde kullanmaya yonelik nitelikleri. Eskisehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • Kariuki, M., Franklin, T., & Duran, M. (2001). A technology partnership: lessons learned by mentors. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9 (3), 407-417.
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). An expendad sourcebook: Qualitative data analysis (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
  • NVIGM. (2006). Nufus istatistikleri: Isim istatistikleri.<,Ana_Sayfa_Isim_Istatistikleri_Sun.html > (2006, March 17)
  • Odabasi, H. F. (2000). Faculty use of technological resources in Turkey. Innovations in Education and Training International, 37(2), 103-107.
  • Ropp, M. M. (1999). Exploring individual characteristics associated with learning to use computers in preservice teacher preparation. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31(4), 402-417.
  • Rosenfeld, B., & Martinez-Pons, M. (2005). Promoting classroom technology use. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 6(2), 145–153.
  • SEIRTEC. (1998). Technology and preservice teacher education program survey.<> (2005, February 5)
  • Turkmen, H. (2006). Exploring Turkish science education faculties’ understanding of educational technology and use. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online], 2(2). <> (2006, August 10)
  • Vannatta, R. A., & O’Bannon, B. (2002). Beginning to put the pieces together: A technology infusion model for teacher education. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 18(4), 112-123.
  • Willis, E. M., & Tucker, G. R. (2001). Using constructionism to teach constructivism: Modeling hands-on technology integration in a preservice teacher technology course. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 17(2), 4-37.
  • Yildirim, S. (2000). Effects of an educational computing course on preservice and inservice teachers: A discussion and analysis of attitudes and use. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32(4), 479- 495.

Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları

Year 2009, Volume: 29 Issue: 1, 109 - 125, 01.03.2009


Bu çalışma; eğitim fakültesi öğretim elemanlarının Bilişim Teknolojilerinin (BT) eğitim fakültelerine bütünleştirilmesi konusundaki algılarını, BT konusundaki yeterliliklerini ve BT\'yi derslerinde ne şekilde kullandıklarını incelemektedir. Veriler; 18 eğitim fakültesindeki 111 öğretim elemanından anketler yoluyla, 3 eğitim fakültesindeki 6 öğretim elemanından da görüşmeler yoluyla toplanmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, çalışmaya katılanların büyük bir kısmının BT\'nin eğitim fakültelerine bütünleştirilmesi konusundaki algıları olumludur. Sonuçlar, çalışmaya katılanların BT konusunda gerekli yeterliliklere sahip olduklarını göstermektedir. İnternet\'i derslerine destek amaçlı olarak kullanan öğretim elemanlarının, en fazla da arama motorlarından yararlThis study presents survey findings about teacher educators\' perceptions about ICT integration into teacher education programs, their perceived ICT competencies and their ICT usage in their courses. The data were collected through a questionnaire from 111 teacher educators in 18 schools of teacher education (STE) and through interview with 6 teacher educators in 3 STE. The results indicated that most of the participants expressed positive perceptions about the integration of ICT into teacher education programs. Generally, their ICT competency was completely sufficient. They use the Internet as a supportive tool to their courses, and particularly search engines used by them.öğretmen eğitimi, BT algısı, BT yeterlilikleri, BT kullanımıteacher education, ICT perceptions, ICT competencies, ICT usage Tam Metin Arşiv Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:2Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:1Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:3Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:2Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:1Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:3Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:2Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:1Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:3Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:2Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:1Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:3Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:2Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:1Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:3Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:2Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:1Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:3Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:2Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:1Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:3Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:2Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:1Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:3Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:2Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:1Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:3Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:2Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:1Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:3Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:2Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:1Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:3Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:2Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:1Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:3Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:2Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:1Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:3Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:2Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:1


  • Bai, H., & Ertmer, P. (2006). Teacher educators’ beliefs and technology uses in relation to preservice teachers’ beliefs and technology attitudes. In M. Simonson & M. Crawford (Eds.), 29th Annual Proceedings Volume #2 on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp.73-80). Dallas, TX: AECT.
  • Baron, L. C., & Goldman, E. S. (1994). Integrating technology with teacher preparation. In B. Means (Ed.), Technology and education reform (pp. 81-110). SF: Jossey-Bass Publ.
  • Göktaş, Y. (2006). The current status of information and communication technologies integration into schools of teacher education and K-12 in Turkey. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Goktas, Y., Yildirim, Z., & Yildirim, S. (2008). A Review of ICT related courses in preservice teacher education programs. Asia Pacific Education Review, 9(2), 81-92.
  • Glenn, A.D. (2002). Emergence of technology standards for preservice teacher education. North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, NCREL’s Educational Technology. <> (2005, December 20)
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2008). ICT usage in higher education: A case study on preservice teachers and instructors. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 7(1).
  • HEC. (1998). Egitim fakulteleri ogretmen yetistirme programlarinin yeniden duzenlenmesi. Ankara: T.C. Yuksekogretim Kurulu Baskanligi.
  • Imer, G. (2000). Egitim fakultelerinde ogretmen adaylarinin bilgisayara ve bilgisayari egitimde kullanmaya yonelik nitelikleri. Eskisehir: Anadolu University Publications.
  • Kariuki, M., Franklin, T., & Duran, M. (2001). A technology partnership: lessons learned by mentors. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 9 (3), 407-417.
  • Miles, M.B., & Huberman, A.M. (1994). An expendad sourcebook: Qualitative data analysis (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
  • NVIGM. (2006). Nufus istatistikleri: Isim istatistikleri.<,Ana_Sayfa_Isim_Istatistikleri_Sun.html > (2006, March 17)
  • Odabasi, H. F. (2000). Faculty use of technological resources in Turkey. Innovations in Education and Training International, 37(2), 103-107.
  • Ropp, M. M. (1999). Exploring individual characteristics associated with learning to use computers in preservice teacher preparation. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31(4), 402-417.
  • Rosenfeld, B., & Martinez-Pons, M. (2005). Promoting classroom technology use. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 6(2), 145–153.
  • SEIRTEC. (1998). Technology and preservice teacher education program survey.<> (2005, February 5)
  • Turkmen, H. (2006). Exploring Turkish science education faculties’ understanding of educational technology and use. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT [Online], 2(2). <> (2006, August 10)
  • Vannatta, R. A., & O’Bannon, B. (2002). Beginning to put the pieces together: A technology infusion model for teacher education. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 18(4), 112-123.
  • Willis, E. M., & Tucker, G. R. (2001). Using constructionism to teach constructivism: Modeling hands-on technology integration in a preservice teacher technology course. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 17(2), 4-37.
  • Yildirim, S. (2000). Effects of an educational computing course on preservice and inservice teachers: A discussion and analysis of attitudes and use. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32(4), 479- 495.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yüksel Göktaş This is me

Soner Yıldırım This is me

Zahide Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 29 Issue: 1


APA Göktaş, Y., Yıldırım, S., & Yıldırım, Z. (2009). Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 109-125.
AMA Göktaş Y, Yıldırım S, Yıldırım Z. Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları. GUJGEF. March 2009;29(1):109-125.
Chicago Göktaş, Yüksel, Soner Yıldırım, and Zahide Yıldırım. “Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları Ve Algıları”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 29, no. 1 (March 2009): 109-25.
EndNote Göktaş Y, Yıldırım S, Yıldırım Z (March 1, 2009) Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 29 1 109–125.
IEEE Y. Göktaş, S. Yıldırım, and Z. Yıldırım, “Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları”, GUJGEF, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 109–125, 2009.
ISNAD Göktaş, Yüksel et al. “Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları Ve Algıları”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 29/1 (March 2009), 109-125.
JAMA Göktaş Y, Yıldırım S, Yıldırım Z. Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları. GUJGEF. 2009;29:109–125.
MLA Göktaş, Yüksel et al. “Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları Ve Algıları”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 29, no. 1, 2009, pp. 109-25.
Vancouver Göktaş Y, Yıldırım S, Yıldırım Z. Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının BT Yeterlilikleri Kullanımları ve Algıları. GUJGEF. 2009;29(1):109-25.