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Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 1715 - 1738, 30.12.2021


Özel eğitim alanında en yaygın olarak kullanılan deneysel çalışma yöntemlerinden birisi tek-denekli araştırmalardır. Bu araştırmalarda bağımlı değişken ve bağımsız değişken arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koyan çizgi grafikleri, görsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmektedir. Bu analizlerin objektif bir şekilde yapılabilmesi ve karmaşıklıklardan doğabilecek anlaşılmazlıkların önüne geçilebilmesi için belirli kalite standartlarının takip edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu araştırma kapsamında özel eğitim alanında tek-denekli modellerden yararlanmış çalışmalarda yer alan çizgi grafiklerinin temel yapı ve kalite özelliklerine göre geliştirilmiş standartlara uygunlukları incelenmiştir. Bulgular, grafiklerin oluşturulma aşamasında temel yapı ve kalite özelliklerinde eksiklikler olduğunu göstermiştir. Ek olarak, çizgi grafiklerindeki eksikliklerin nasıl iyileştirilebileceği ve standartlar takip edilerek nasıl daha kaliteli grafiklere ve dolayısıyla hem etkili hem de tutarlı görsel analizlere ulaşılabileceğinin altı çizilmiştir.


  • Alberto, P. A., & Troutman, A. C. (2013). Applied behavior analysis for teachers (9th ed.). Pearson.
  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • American Standards Association. (1938). Time series charts: a manual of design and construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • American Statistical Association. (1915). Joint committee on standard for graphic presentation. Publication of the American Statistical Association, 14 (112), 790- 797.
  • Barlow, D. H., Nock, M. K., & Hersen, M. (2009). Single case experimental designs: strategies for studying behavior change (3rd ed.). Pearson.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1984a). Graphs in scientific publications. The American Statistician, 38, 261- 269.
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1984b). Graphical methods for data presentation: Full scale breaks, dot charts, and multibased logging. The American Statistician, 38, 270- 280.
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1994). The elements of graphing data. Hobart Press.
  • Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3nd ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Dart, E. H., & Radley, K. C. (2017). The impact of ordinate scaling on the visual analysis of single-case data. Journal of School Psychology, 63, 105-118.
  • Genç Tosun, D. (2019). Grafik çizimi ve görsel analiz. D. Erbaş & Ş. Y. Özkan (Eds.), Uygulamalı Davranış Analizi (pp. 110- 144) içinde. Pegem Akademi
  • Grant, R. (2019). Data visualization: Charts, maps and interactive graphics. CRC Press
  • Harris, R. L. (1999). Information graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference. Oxford University Press.
  • Hartmann, D. P., Barrios, B. A., & Wood, D. D. (2004). Principles of behavioral observation. In S. N. Haynes and E. M. Hieby (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment (Vol. 3, pp. 108-127). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Horner, R. H., Carr, E. G., Halle, J., Mcgee, G., Odom, S., & Wolery, M. (2005). The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 165- 179.
  • Horner, R. H., & Spaulding, S. (2010). Single-case research designs. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of research design (pp. 1386- 1394). SAGE
  • Johnston, J. M., & Pennypacker, H. S. (2009). Strategies and tactics of behavioral research (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Kazdin, A. E. (2011). Single-case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press
  • Kennedy, C. H. (2005). Single-case designs for educational research. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Hitchcock, J. H., Horner, R. H., Levin, J. R., Odom, S. L., Rindskopf, D. M., & Shadish, W. (2010). Single case design technical documentation.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Hitchcock, J. H., Horner, R. H., Levin, J. R., Odom, S. L., Rindskopf, D. M., & Shadish, W. (2013). Single-case intervention research design standards. Remedial and Special Education, 34(1), 26- 38.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Levin, J. R., Horner, R. H., & Swoboda, C. M. (2014). Visual analysis of single-case intervention research: Conceptual and methodological issues. In T. R.
  • Kratochwill & J. R. Levin (Eds.), Single-case intervention research: Methodological and statistical advances. American Psychological Association.
  • Kubina, R. M., Kostewicz, D. E., Brennan, K. M., & King, S. A. (2017). A critical review of line graphs in behavior analytic journals. Educational Psychology Review, 29, 583- 598.
  • Lane, J. D., & Gast, D. L. (2014). Visual analysis in single case experimental design studies: brief review and guidelines. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, 24(3-4), 445- 463.
  • Lattal, K. A. (2004). Steps and pips in the history of the cumulative recorder. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 82, 329- 355.
  • Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., Severini, K. E., Zimmerman, K. N., & Pokorski, E. A. (2019). Visual display of graphic data in single case design studies: Systematic review and expert preference analysis. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 54(4), 315- 327.
  • Ledford, J. R., & Gast, D. L. (2018). Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • National Autism Center. (2015). Findings and conclusions: National standards project, Phase 2.
  • Nicol, A. A. M., & Pexman, P. M. (2013). Displaying your findings: A practical guide for creating figures, posters, and presentations. (6th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • Odom, S., Brantlinger, E., Gersten, R., Horner, R. H., Thompson, B., & Harris, K. B. (2005). Research in special education: Scientific methods and evidence-based practices. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 137- 148.
  • Ottenbacher, K. J. (1993). Interrater agreement of visual analysis in single-subject decisions: Quantitative review and analysis. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 98(1), 135- 142.
  • Parsonson, B., & Baer, D. (1978). The analysis and presentation of graphic data. In T. Kratochwill (Ed.), Single subject research (pp. 101- 166). Academic.
  • Peltier, C., McKenna, J. W., Sinclair, T. E., Garwood, J., & Vannest, K. J. (2021). Brief report: ordinate scaling and axis proportions of single-case graphs in two prominent EBD journals from 2010 to 2019. Behavioral Disorders, 1- 30.
  • Peltier, C., Morano, S., Shin, M., Stevenson, N., & McKenna, J. W. (2021). A decade review of single-case graph construction in the field of learning disabilities Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 1- 15.
  • Peltier, C., Muharib, R., Haas, A., & Dowdy, A. (2021). A decade review of two potential analysis altering variables in graph construction. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1- 12.
  • Radley, K. C., Dart, E. H., & Wright, S. J. (2018). The effect of data points per x- to y- axis ratio on visual analysts evaluation of single-case graphs. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 314- 322.
  • Pierce, W. D., & Cheney, C. D. (2013). Behavior analysis and learning (5th ed.). Psychology Press.
  • Robbins, N. B. (2005). Creating more effective graphs. Wiley.
  • Spriggs, A. D., Lane, J. D., & Gast, D. L. (2018). Visual representation of data. In J. R. Ledford & D. L. Gast (Ed.), Single subject research methodology in behavioral sciences (pp. 252- 283). Routledge.
  • Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information (2nd ed.). Graphic Press.
  • Wolery, M. (2013). A commentary: Single-case design technical document of the What Works Clearinghouse. Remedial and Special Education, 34(1), 39- 43.
Year 2021, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 1715 - 1738, 30.12.2021



  • Alberto, P. A., & Troutman, A. C. (2013). Applied behavior analysis for teachers (9th ed.). Pearson.
  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • American Standards Association. (1938). Time series charts: a manual of design and construction. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • American Statistical Association. (1915). Joint committee on standard for graphic presentation. Publication of the American Statistical Association, 14 (112), 790- 797.
  • Barlow, D. H., Nock, M. K., & Hersen, M. (2009). Single case experimental designs: strategies for studying behavior change (3rd ed.). Pearson.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1984a). Graphs in scientific publications. The American Statistician, 38, 261- 269.
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1984b). Graphical methods for data presentation: Full scale breaks, dot charts, and multibased logging. The American Statistician, 38, 270- 280.
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1994). The elements of graphing data. Hobart Press.
  • Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3nd ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Dart, E. H., & Radley, K. C. (2017). The impact of ordinate scaling on the visual analysis of single-case data. Journal of School Psychology, 63, 105-118.
  • Genç Tosun, D. (2019). Grafik çizimi ve görsel analiz. D. Erbaş & Ş. Y. Özkan (Eds.), Uygulamalı Davranış Analizi (pp. 110- 144) içinde. Pegem Akademi
  • Grant, R. (2019). Data visualization: Charts, maps and interactive graphics. CRC Press
  • Harris, R. L. (1999). Information graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference. Oxford University Press.
  • Hartmann, D. P., Barrios, B. A., & Wood, D. D. (2004). Principles of behavioral observation. In S. N. Haynes and E. M. Hieby (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of psychological assessment (Vol. 3, pp. 108-127). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Horner, R. H., Carr, E. G., Halle, J., Mcgee, G., Odom, S., & Wolery, M. (2005). The use of single-subject research to identify evidence-based practice in special education. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 165- 179.
  • Horner, R. H., & Spaulding, S. (2010). Single-case research designs. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of research design (pp. 1386- 1394). SAGE
  • Johnston, J. M., & Pennypacker, H. S. (2009). Strategies and tactics of behavioral research (3rd ed.). Routledge.
  • Kazdin, A. E. (2011). Single-case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press
  • Kennedy, C. H. (2005). Single-case designs for educational research. Allyn & Bacon.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Hitchcock, J. H., Horner, R. H., Levin, J. R., Odom, S. L., Rindskopf, D. M., & Shadish, W. (2010). Single case design technical documentation.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Hitchcock, J. H., Horner, R. H., Levin, J. R., Odom, S. L., Rindskopf, D. M., & Shadish, W. (2013). Single-case intervention research design standards. Remedial and Special Education, 34(1), 26- 38.
  • Kratochwill, T. R., Levin, J. R., Horner, R. H., & Swoboda, C. M. (2014). Visual analysis of single-case intervention research: Conceptual and methodological issues. In T. R.
  • Kratochwill & J. R. Levin (Eds.), Single-case intervention research: Methodological and statistical advances. American Psychological Association.
  • Kubina, R. M., Kostewicz, D. E., Brennan, K. M., & King, S. A. (2017). A critical review of line graphs in behavior analytic journals. Educational Psychology Review, 29, 583- 598.
  • Lane, J. D., & Gast, D. L. (2014). Visual analysis in single case experimental design studies: brief review and guidelines. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, 24(3-4), 445- 463.
  • Lattal, K. A. (2004). Steps and pips in the history of the cumulative recorder. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 82, 329- 355.
  • Ledford, J. R., Barton, E. E., Severini, K. E., Zimmerman, K. N., & Pokorski, E. A. (2019). Visual display of graphic data in single case design studies: Systematic review and expert preference analysis. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 54(4), 315- 327.
  • Ledford, J. R., & Gast, D. L. (2018). Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge.
  • National Autism Center. (2015). Findings and conclusions: National standards project, Phase 2.
  • Nicol, A. A. M., & Pexman, P. M. (2013). Displaying your findings: A practical guide for creating figures, posters, and presentations. (6th ed.). American Psychological Association.
  • Odom, S., Brantlinger, E., Gersten, R., Horner, R. H., Thompson, B., & Harris, K. B. (2005). Research in special education: Scientific methods and evidence-based practices. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 137- 148.
  • Ottenbacher, K. J. (1993). Interrater agreement of visual analysis in single-subject decisions: Quantitative review and analysis. American Journal of Mental Retardation, 98(1), 135- 142.
  • Parsonson, B., & Baer, D. (1978). The analysis and presentation of graphic data. In T. Kratochwill (Ed.), Single subject research (pp. 101- 166). Academic.
  • Peltier, C., McKenna, J. W., Sinclair, T. E., Garwood, J., & Vannest, K. J. (2021). Brief report: ordinate scaling and axis proportions of single-case graphs in two prominent EBD journals from 2010 to 2019. Behavioral Disorders, 1- 30.
  • Peltier, C., Morano, S., Shin, M., Stevenson, N., & McKenna, J. W. (2021). A decade review of single-case graph construction in the field of learning disabilities Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 1- 15.
  • Peltier, C., Muharib, R., Haas, A., & Dowdy, A. (2021). A decade review of two potential analysis altering variables in graph construction. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1- 12.
  • Radley, K. C., Dart, E. H., & Wright, S. J. (2018). The effect of data points per x- to y- axis ratio on visual analysts evaluation of single-case graphs. School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 314- 322.
  • Pierce, W. D., & Cheney, C. D. (2013). Behavior analysis and learning (5th ed.). Psychology Press.
  • Robbins, N. B. (2005). Creating more effective graphs. Wiley.
  • Spriggs, A. D., Lane, J. D., & Gast, D. L. (2018). Visual representation of data. In J. R. Ledford & D. L. Gast (Ed.), Single subject research methodology in behavioral sciences (pp. 252- 283). Routledge.
  • Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information (2nd ed.). Graphic Press.
  • Wolery, M. (2013). A commentary: Single-case design technical document of the What Works Clearinghouse. Remedial and Special Education, 34(1), 39- 43.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Muhammed A. Karal 0000-0001-7721-3555

Publication Date December 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 41 Issue: 3


APA Karal, M. A. (2021). Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(3), 1715-1738.
AMA Karal MA. Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi. GUJGEF. December 2021;41(3):1715-1738.
Chicago Karal, Muhammed A. “Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-Denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 41, no. 3 (December 2021): 1715-38.
EndNote Karal MA (December 1, 2021) Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 41 3 1715–1738.
IEEE M. A. Karal, “Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi”, GUJGEF, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 1715–1738, 2021.
ISNAD Karal, Muhammed A. “Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-Denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 41/3 (December 2021), 1715-1738.
JAMA Karal MA. Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi. GUJGEF. 2021;41:1715–1738.
MLA Karal, Muhammed A. “Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-Denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1715-38.
Vancouver Karal MA. Özel Eğitim Alanında Yayımlanmış Tek-denekli Çalışmalarda Yer Alan Çizgi Grafiklerinin İncelenmesi. GUJGEF. 2021;41(3):1715-38.