Mesleğe Yeni Başlamış ve Deneyimli Öğretmenlerin Sözel Düzeltici Dönüte İlişkin İnançları ve Tutumları
Year 2024,
Volume: 44 Issue: 2, 1115 - 1144, 30.08.2024
Hale Ülkü Aydın
Kemal Sinan Özmen
Bu çalışma mesleğe yeni başlamış ve deneyimli öğretmenlerin sözel düzeltici dönüt hakkındaki inançları ve beyan edilmiş tutumlarını ve bu iki grup arasındaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada araştırma sorularına cevap bulmak amacıyla belirli nitel ve nicel araştırma tekniklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Nitel yöntem olarak mesleğe yeni başlamış ve deneyimli öğretmenlerin sözel düzeltici dönüt hakkındaki inançlarını ortaya çıkarmak için bazı mülakatlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın nicel kısmı Hata Düzeltme Durumları Benzetimi’nden gelen veriden oluşmaktadır. Mesleğe yeni başlamış ve deneyimli öğretmenlerden her bir duruma nasıl ve neden karşılık vereceklerini yazmaları istenmiştir. Bu aracın amacı mesleğe yeni başlamış ve deneyimli öğretmenlerin beyan edilmiş davranışlarını belirlemektir. Sonuçlar mesleğe yeni başlamış ve deneyimli öğretmenlerin sözel düzeltici dönüte ilişkin inanç ve tutumları arasında bazı benzerlikler olmasına rağmen, dil bileşenlerine ilişkin hataları düzeltme konusunda kullandıkları sözel düzeltici dönüt tekniklerinin ve inançlarının farklılık gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur.
- Annett, J. (1969). Feedback and human behaviour: The effects of knowledge of results, incentives and reinforcement on learning and performance. Penguin Books.
- Bailey, K. M. (1996). The best laid plans: Teachers’ in-class decisions to depart from their lesson plans. Voices from the Language Classroom, 15-40.
- Basturkmen, H., Loewen, S., & Ellis, R. (2004). Teachers' stated beliefs about incidental focus on form and their classroom practices. Applied Linguistics, 25(2), 243-272. doi:10.1093/applin/25.2.243
- Borg, S. (2015). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Brians, P. (2003). Common errors in English usage. Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc..
- Brown, D. (2016). The type and linguistic foci of oral corrective feedback in the L2 classroom: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research, 20(4), 436-458. doi:10.1177/1362168814563200
- Chaudron, C. (1977). A descriptive model of discourse in the corrective treatment of learners’ errors.. Language learning, 27(1), 29-46. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1977.tb00290.x
- Clark, C. M. (1984). Teachers' thought processes (No. 72). Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University.
- Dilans, G. (2010). Corrective feedback and L2 vocabulary development: Prompts and recasts in the adult ESL classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 66(6), 787-816. doi:10.3138/cmlr.66.6.787
- Doughty, C., & Williams, J. (1998). Issues and terminology. Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition, 1-11.
- Ellis, R. (2000). Task-based research and language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 193-220. doi:10.1177/136216880000400302
- Fang, Z. (1996). A review of research on teacher beliefs and practices. Educational Research, 38(1), 47-65. doi:10.1080/0013188960380104
- Fanselow, J. F. (1977). The treatment of error in oral work. Foreign Language Annals, 10(5), 583-593. doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.1977.tb03035.x
- Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1977). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Retrieved from
- Havranek, G. (2002). When is corrective feedback most likely to succeed?. International Journal of Educational Research, 37(3-4), 255-270. doi:10.1016/S0883-0355(03)00004-1
- Hendrickson, J. M. (1978). Error correction in foreign language teaching: Recent theory, research, and practice. The Modern Language Journal, 62(8), 387-398.doi:10.2307/32617
- James, C. (1998). Errors in language learning and use. Routledge.
- Kasper, G. (1985). Repair in foreign language teaching. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 200-215. doi:10.1017/S0272263100005374
- Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Permagon.
- Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (1990). Focus-on-form and corrective feedback in communicative language teaching: Effects on second language learning. Studies In Second Language Acquisition, 12(4), 429-4.doi:10.1017/S0272263100009517
- Lightbown, P. M., Spada, N., & Spada, N. M. (1999). How Languages are Learned. Oxford University Press, USA. Retrieved from,+P.+M.,+%26+Spada,+N.+(1999).+How+languages+are+learned&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api
- Long, M. H. (1983). Native speaker/non-native speaker conversation and the negotiation of comprehensible input1. Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 126-141. doi:10.1093/applin/4.2.126
- Long, M. H. (1996). The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition. In W. C. Ritchie, & T. K. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 413-468). New York: Academic Press.
- Long, M. (2001). Focus on Form: A Design Feature in Language Teaching Methodology. In K. De Bot, R. Ginsberg, & C. Kramsch (Eds.), Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Lyster, R., & Ranta, L. (1997). Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classrooms. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19(1), 37-66. doi:10.1017/S0272263197001034
- Lyster, R., & Saito, K. (2010). Oral feedback in classroom SLA: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition , 32(2), 265-302. doi:10.1017/S0272263109990520
- Lyster, R., Saito, K., & Sato, M. (2013). Oral corrective feedback in second language classrooms. Language Teaching, 46(1), 1-40. doi:10.1017/S0261444812000365
- Méndez, E. H., & Cruz, M. R. R. (2012). Teachers' perceptions about oral corrective feedback and their practice in EFL classrooms. Profile Issues in Teachers Professional Development, 14(2), 63-75.
- Numrich, C. (1996). On becoming a language teacher: Insights from diary studies. Tesol Quarterly, 30(1), 131-153. doi:10.2307/3587610
- Özmen, K. S., & Aydın, H. U. (2015). Examining student teachers' beliefs about oral corrective feedback: Insights from a teacher education program in Turkey. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 40(12), 141-164. doi:10.14221/ajte.2015v40n12.10
- Panova, I., & Lyster, R. (2002). Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom. Tesol Quarterly, 36(4), 573-595. doi:10.2307/3588241
- Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-195. doi:10.1016/S0346-251X(01)00010-0
- Roothooft, H. (2014). The relationship between adult EFL teachers' oral feedback practices and their beliefs. System, 46, 65-79. doi:10.1016/j.system.2014.07.012
- Sheen, Y. (2004). Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings. Language Teaching Research, 8(3), 263-300. doi:10.1191/1362168804lr14
- Swan, M., & Smith, B. (2001). Learner English: A teacher's guide to interference and other problems (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.
- Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating classroom discourse. Routledge.White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition, 1-210.
Novice and Experienced Teachers’ Beliefs and Stated Attitudes About Oral Corrective Feedback
Year 2024,
Volume: 44 Issue: 2, 1115 - 1144, 30.08.2024
Hale Ülkü Aydın
Kemal Sinan Özmen
This study aims to investigate novice and experienced teachers’ stated beliefs and attitudes about oral corrective feedback (OCF) and the similarities and differences between them. Certain qualitative and quantitative research techniques were employed in this study to answer the research questions. Regarding qualitative design, some interviews were conducted to find out novice and experienced teachers’ stated beliefs about OCF. The quantitative part of the study is based on data collected through Situations for Error Correction (SEC) Simulation. The novice and experienced teachers were asked to write how they would respond to each situation and why they would respond that way. The aim of this tool was to identify the novice and experienced teachers’ stated attitudes. The results indicated that although there were some similarities between the novice and experienced teachers’ beliefs and attitudes about OCF, their OCF strategies and beliefs varied regarding correcting errors concerning language components.
- Annett, J. (1969). Feedback and human behaviour: The effects of knowledge of results, incentives and reinforcement on learning and performance. Penguin Books.
- Bailey, K. M. (1996). The best laid plans: Teachers’ in-class decisions to depart from their lesson plans. Voices from the Language Classroom, 15-40.
- Basturkmen, H., Loewen, S., & Ellis, R. (2004). Teachers' stated beliefs about incidental focus on form and their classroom practices. Applied Linguistics, 25(2), 243-272. doi:10.1093/applin/25.2.243
- Borg, S. (2015). Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Brians, P. (2003). Common errors in English usage. Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc..
- Brown, D. (2016). The type and linguistic foci of oral corrective feedback in the L2 classroom: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research, 20(4), 436-458. doi:10.1177/1362168814563200
- Chaudron, C. (1977). A descriptive model of discourse in the corrective treatment of learners’ errors.. Language learning, 27(1), 29-46. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1977.tb00290.x
- Clark, C. M. (1984). Teachers' thought processes (No. 72). Institute for Research on Teaching, Michigan State University.
- Dilans, G. (2010). Corrective feedback and L2 vocabulary development: Prompts and recasts in the adult ESL classroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 66(6), 787-816. doi:10.3138/cmlr.66.6.787
- Doughty, C., & Williams, J. (1998). Issues and terminology. Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition, 1-11.
- Ellis, R. (2000). Task-based research and language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 193-220. doi:10.1177/136216880000400302
- Fang, Z. (1996). A review of research on teacher beliefs and practices. Educational Research, 38(1), 47-65. doi:10.1080/0013188960380104
- Fanselow, J. F. (1977). The treatment of error in oral work. Foreign Language Annals, 10(5), 583-593. doi:10.1111/j.1944-9720.1977.tb03035.x
- Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1977). The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Retrieved from
- Havranek, G. (2002). When is corrective feedback most likely to succeed?. International Journal of Educational Research, 37(3-4), 255-270. doi:10.1016/S0883-0355(03)00004-1
- Hendrickson, J. M. (1978). Error correction in foreign language teaching: Recent theory, research, and practice. The Modern Language Journal, 62(8), 387-398.doi:10.2307/32617
- James, C. (1998). Errors in language learning and use. Routledge.
- Kasper, G. (1985). Repair in foreign language teaching. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 200-215. doi:10.1017/S0272263100005374
- Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Permagon.
- Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (1990). Focus-on-form and corrective feedback in communicative language teaching: Effects on second language learning. Studies In Second Language Acquisition, 12(4), 429-4.doi:10.1017/S0272263100009517
- Lightbown, P. M., Spada, N., & Spada, N. M. (1999). How Languages are Learned. Oxford University Press, USA. Retrieved from,+P.+M.,+%26+Spada,+N.+(1999).+How+languages+are+learned&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api
- Long, M. H. (1983). Native speaker/non-native speaker conversation and the negotiation of comprehensible input1. Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 126-141. doi:10.1093/applin/4.2.126
- Long, M. H. (1996). The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition. In W. C. Ritchie, & T. K. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 413-468). New York: Academic Press.
- Long, M. (2001). Focus on Form: A Design Feature in Language Teaching Methodology. In K. De Bot, R. Ginsberg, & C. Kramsch (Eds.), Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (pp. 39-52). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Lyster, R., & Ranta, L. (1997). Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classrooms. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 19(1), 37-66. doi:10.1017/S0272263197001034
- Lyster, R., & Saito, K. (2010). Oral feedback in classroom SLA: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition , 32(2), 265-302. doi:10.1017/S0272263109990520
- Lyster, R., Saito, K., & Sato, M. (2013). Oral corrective feedback in second language classrooms. Language Teaching, 46(1), 1-40. doi:10.1017/S0261444812000365
- Méndez, E. H., & Cruz, M. R. R. (2012). Teachers' perceptions about oral corrective feedback and their practice in EFL classrooms. Profile Issues in Teachers Professional Development, 14(2), 63-75.
- Numrich, C. (1996). On becoming a language teacher: Insights from diary studies. Tesol Quarterly, 30(1), 131-153. doi:10.2307/3587610
- Özmen, K. S., & Aydın, H. U. (2015). Examining student teachers' beliefs about oral corrective feedback: Insights from a teacher education program in Turkey. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 40(12), 141-164. doi:10.14221/ajte.2015v40n12.10
- Panova, I., & Lyster, R. (2002). Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom. Tesol Quarterly, 36(4), 573-595. doi:10.2307/3588241
- Peacock, M. (2001). Pre-service ESL teachers' beliefs about second language learning: A longitudinal study. System, 29(2), 177-195. doi:10.1016/S0346-251X(01)00010-0
- Roothooft, H. (2014). The relationship between adult EFL teachers' oral feedback practices and their beliefs. System, 46, 65-79. doi:10.1016/j.system.2014.07.012
- Sheen, Y. (2004). Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicative classrooms across instructional settings. Language Teaching Research, 8(3), 263-300. doi:10.1191/1362168804lr14
- Swan, M., & Smith, B. (2001). Learner English: A teacher's guide to interference and other problems (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.
- Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating classroom discourse. Routledge.White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition, 1-210.