Research Article
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Self-Management Perceptions and Death Concerns of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Year 2024, , 743 - 749, 31.12.2024


Aims: In this study, it was aimed to determine the death anxiety and diabetes self-management perceptions of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients.
Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 351 DM patients. As a data collection tool in the research; Patient Diagnosis Form, Death Anxiety Scale, and Diabetes Self-Management Perception Scale were used.
Results: It was determined that 50.1% of the DM patients participating in the study were in the 36-64 age range, 67% were female, and 39.3% had death anxiety. It was found that the death anxiety scale mean score of the patients was 9.24±3.70 and the diabetes self-management perception scale mean score was 24.84±3.28. It was determined that the self-management of the primary school graduates was significantly higher than those who did not develop acute complications and those who did not develop acute complications (p<0.05). It was determined that the death anxiety levels of women compared to men and those who have fear of death were significantly higher than those who did not (p<0.05). No significant correlation was found between the Death Anxiety Scale Total Score and the Diabetes Self-Management Scale Total Score (r=-0.093, p=0.081), p>0.05.
Conclusion: It was determined that the majority of patients with DM who participated in the study experienced moderate-severe death anxiety and their awareness of diabetes management was above moderate.


  • 1. Kaner G, Ayer C, Yalcin T, Bakir B. Associations of Dietary Fructose and Sucrose Intake with HbA1c and Anthropometric Measurements in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Galician Medical Journal. 2023;30(3):E202333-E.
  • 2. American Diabetes A. Standards of medical care in diabetes—2022 abridged for primary care providers. Clinical Diabetes. 2022;40(1):10-38.
  • 3. Satman I, Bayirlioglu S, Okumus F, Erturk N, Yemenici M, Cinemre S, et al. Estimates and Forecasts on the Burden of Prediabetes and Diabetes in Adult and Elderly Population in Turkiye. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2023;38(3):313-23.
  • 4. Schulman‐Green D, Jaser SS, Park C, Whittemore R. A meta-synthesis of factors affecting self‐management of chronic illness. Journal of advanced nursing. 2016;72(7):1469-89.
  • 5. Almutairi N, Hosseinzadeh H, Gopaldasani V. The effectiveness of patient activation intervention on type 2 diabetes mellitus glycemic control and self-management behaviors: a systematic review of RCTs. Primary care diabetes. 2020;14(1):12-20.
  • 6. Kretchy IA, Koduah A, Ohene-Agyei T, Boima V, Appiah B. The association between diabetes-related distress and medication adherence in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. Journal of diabetes research. 2020;2020.
  • 7. Adakan FY, Vural R, Boylubay ŞM, Yilmaz Ü, KulaksizoğLu B, YeŞİL B, et al. The relation of socio-demographic and clinical factors to depression and anxiety levels in diabetic patients. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2017;9(2):96-105.
  • 8. Mukhtar S, Mukhtar S. Mental health and psychological distress in people with diabetes during COVID-19. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. 2020;108.
  • 9. Whittemore R, Vilar-Compte M, De La Cerda S, Marron D, Conover R, Delvy R, et al. Challenges to diabetes self-management for adults with type 2 diabetes in low-resource settings in Mexico City: a qualitative descriptive study. International journal for equity in health. 2019;18(1):1-10.
  • 10. Kaplan Serin E, Bülbüloğlu S. The effect of attitude to death on self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2023;87(2):448-68.
  • 11. Nozari M, Dousti Y. Attitude toward death in healthy people and patients with diabetes and cancer. Iranian journal of cancer prevention. 2013;6(2):95.
  • 12. Nefs G, Hendrieckx C, Reddy P, Browne JL, Bot M, Dixon J, et al. Comorbid elevated symptoms of anxiety and depression in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: Results from the International Diabetes MILES Study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2019;33(8):523-9.
  • 13. Demmer RT, Gelb S, Suglia SF, Keyes KM, Aiello AE, Colombo PC, et al. Sex differences in the association between depression, anxiety, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Psychosomatic medicine. 2015;77(4):467.
  • 14. Naicker K, Johnson JA, Skogen JC, Manuel D, Øverland S, Sivertsen B, et al. Type 2 diabetes and comorbid symptoms of depression and anxiety: longitudinal associations with mortality risk. Diabetes care. 2017;40(3):352-8.
  • 15. Bahar A, Shahriary M, Fazlali M. Effectiveness of logotherapy on death anxiety, hope, depression, and proper use of glucose control drugs in diabetic patients with depression. International journal of preventive medicine. 2021;12.
  • 16. Sarıkaya Y, Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS). Death studies. 2016;40(7):419-31.
  • 17. Yalçın M, Yetkin İ. Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up guide of diabetes mellitus and its complications-2022. 2022.
  • 18. Aghajani S, Samadifard H. The relationship between cognitive fusion and cognitive distortion with death anxiety in patients with diabetes mellitus. Chronic Diseases Journal. 2018:18-22.
  • 19. Kaplan Serin E, Bülbüloğlu S. The effect of attitude to death on self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2021:00302228211020602.
  • 20. Rahrovi G, Nouhi S, Khastar H. The comparison of self-concept and death anxiety between women affected by Type 1 and 2 diabetes and healthy women. International Journal of Health Studies. 2017.
  • 21. Doğan R, Arslantas D, Ünsal A. Assessment of depression and death anxiety level in diabetic patients in Eskisehir, Turkey. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2015;35:242-9.
  • 22. Korkut B, Sevinç N. Effects of chronic diseases and polypharmacy on death anxiety. Ann Clin Anal Med 2021; 12 (3): 338.42.
  • 23. Yıldırım D, Kocatepe V. Evaluating death anxiety and death depression levels among patients with acute myocardial infarction. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2023;86(4):1402-14.
  • 24. Hajihasani M, Naderi N. Death anxiety in the elderly: The role of spiritual health and perceived social support. Aging Psychology. 2021;6(4):319-09.
  • 25. Aghajani S, Samadifard H, Narimani M. The Role of Cognitive Avoidance Components and Metacognitive Belief in the Prediction of Quality of Life in Diabetic Patients. Health Psychology. 2017;6(21):142-56.
Year 2024, , 743 - 749, 31.12.2024



  • 1. Kaner G, Ayer C, Yalcin T, Bakir B. Associations of Dietary Fructose and Sucrose Intake with HbA1c and Anthropometric Measurements in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Galician Medical Journal. 2023;30(3):E202333-E.
  • 2. American Diabetes A. Standards of medical care in diabetes—2022 abridged for primary care providers. Clinical Diabetes. 2022;40(1):10-38.
  • 3. Satman I, Bayirlioglu S, Okumus F, Erturk N, Yemenici M, Cinemre S, et al. Estimates and Forecasts on the Burden of Prediabetes and Diabetes in Adult and Elderly Population in Turkiye. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2023;38(3):313-23.
  • 4. Schulman‐Green D, Jaser SS, Park C, Whittemore R. A meta-synthesis of factors affecting self‐management of chronic illness. Journal of advanced nursing. 2016;72(7):1469-89.
  • 5. Almutairi N, Hosseinzadeh H, Gopaldasani V. The effectiveness of patient activation intervention on type 2 diabetes mellitus glycemic control and self-management behaviors: a systematic review of RCTs. Primary care diabetes. 2020;14(1):12-20.
  • 6. Kretchy IA, Koduah A, Ohene-Agyei T, Boima V, Appiah B. The association between diabetes-related distress and medication adherence in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study. Journal of diabetes research. 2020;2020.
  • 7. Adakan FY, Vural R, Boylubay ŞM, Yilmaz Ü, KulaksizoğLu B, YeŞİL B, et al. The relation of socio-demographic and clinical factors to depression and anxiety levels in diabetic patients. Konuralp Medical Journal. 2017;9(2):96-105.
  • 8. Mukhtar S, Mukhtar S. Mental health and psychological distress in people with diabetes during COVID-19. Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental. 2020;108.
  • 9. Whittemore R, Vilar-Compte M, De La Cerda S, Marron D, Conover R, Delvy R, et al. Challenges to diabetes self-management for adults with type 2 diabetes in low-resource settings in Mexico City: a qualitative descriptive study. International journal for equity in health. 2019;18(1):1-10.
  • 10. Kaplan Serin E, Bülbüloğlu S. The effect of attitude to death on self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2023;87(2):448-68.
  • 11. Nozari M, Dousti Y. Attitude toward death in healthy people and patients with diabetes and cancer. Iranian journal of cancer prevention. 2013;6(2):95.
  • 12. Nefs G, Hendrieckx C, Reddy P, Browne JL, Bot M, Dixon J, et al. Comorbid elevated symptoms of anxiety and depression in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: Results from the International Diabetes MILES Study. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2019;33(8):523-9.
  • 13. Demmer RT, Gelb S, Suglia SF, Keyes KM, Aiello AE, Colombo PC, et al. Sex differences in the association between depression, anxiety, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Psychosomatic medicine. 2015;77(4):467.
  • 14. Naicker K, Johnson JA, Skogen JC, Manuel D, Øverland S, Sivertsen B, et al. Type 2 diabetes and comorbid symptoms of depression and anxiety: longitudinal associations with mortality risk. Diabetes care. 2017;40(3):352-8.
  • 15. Bahar A, Shahriary M, Fazlali M. Effectiveness of logotherapy on death anxiety, hope, depression, and proper use of glucose control drugs in diabetic patients with depression. International journal of preventive medicine. 2021;12.
  • 16. Sarıkaya Y, Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS). Death studies. 2016;40(7):419-31.
  • 17. Yalçın M, Yetkin İ. Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up guide of diabetes mellitus and its complications-2022. 2022.
  • 18. Aghajani S, Samadifard H. The relationship between cognitive fusion and cognitive distortion with death anxiety in patients with diabetes mellitus. Chronic Diseases Journal. 2018:18-22.
  • 19. Kaplan Serin E, Bülbüloğlu S. The effect of attitude to death on self-management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2021:00302228211020602.
  • 20. Rahrovi G, Nouhi S, Khastar H. The comparison of self-concept and death anxiety between women affected by Type 1 and 2 diabetes and healthy women. International Journal of Health Studies. 2017.
  • 21. Doğan R, Arslantas D, Ünsal A. Assessment of depression and death anxiety level in diabetic patients in Eskisehir, Turkey. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2015;35:242-9.
  • 22. Korkut B, Sevinç N. Effects of chronic diseases and polypharmacy on death anxiety. Ann Clin Anal Med 2021; 12 (3): 338.42.
  • 23. Yıldırım D, Kocatepe V. Evaluating death anxiety and death depression levels among patients with acute myocardial infarction. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying. 2023;86(4):1402-14.
  • 24. Hajihasani M, Naderi N. Death anxiety in the elderly: The role of spiritual health and perceived social support. Aging Psychology. 2021;6(4):319-09.
  • 25. Aghajani S, Samadifard H, Narimani M. The Role of Cognitive Avoidance Components and Metacognitive Belief in the Prediction of Quality of Life in Diabetic Patients. Health Psychology. 2017;6(21):142-56.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Article

Alev Yıldırım Keskin 0000-0003-0981-5364

Halil İbrahim Tuna 0000-0003-2119-5874

Enes Günhan 0000-0002-9157-0804

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date April 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Yıldırım Keskin A, Tuna Hİ, Günhan E. Self-Management Perceptions and Death Concerns of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Genel Tıp Derg. 2024;34(6):743-9.