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Obez Bireylerde Metabolik Sağlık Durumuna Göre Visseral Adipozite Ölçümlerinin ve Diyet Kalitesinin Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 167 - 177, 01.09.2020


Amaç: Yetişkin obez katılımcılarda metabolik sağlık durumuna göre visseral adipozite ve diyet kalitesi ile yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişki değerlendirilmiştir.Gereç ve Yöntem: Kriterleri sağlayan 137 obez birey dahil edildikten sonra bireylerden bazı kan örnekleri ve antropometrik ölçümleri alınmış ve kan basıncı ölçümü yapılmıştır. Ankette yer alan genel bilgiler, obezlere özgü yaşam kalitesi ölçeği ve besin tüketim kaydı bölümlerini katılımcılar tarafından doldurulması sağlanmıştır. Bazı biyokimyasal ve antopometrik parametrelerden yola çıkılarak visseral adipozit ölçüm indeksleri hesaplanmıştır. Bunlar: VAI, DAAT, LAP indekstir. Besin tüketim kaydından yola çıkılarak HEI-2015 hesaplanmıştır. Metabolik sağlık durumuna göre sınıflandırılması için NCEP ATP III tanı kriterlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için SPSS 21.0 paket programı kullanıldı.Bulgular: MetS’lu bireylerde yaşam kalitesi skoru 46.2±15.8 olup MetS görülmeyen bireylere göre 54.9±19.8 daha düşük bulunmuştur. Metabolik sağlık durumuna göre her iki grupta visseral adipozite ölçümleri ile yaşam kalitesi arasında herhangi bir ilişki bulunmazken, bütün katılımcılarda VAİ ve LAP-indeks ile yaşam kalitesi arasında ters ilişki bulunmuştur r= -0.213 ve p=0.012; r= -0.305 ve p


  • Satman İ, Grubu TÇ. TURDEP-II Çalışması ilk sonuçlar. TEMH Kongresi 2010; 13-7.
  • Nigatu YT, Reijneveld SA, de Jonge P, et al. The combined effects of obesity, abdominal obesity and major depression/ anxiety on health-related quality of life: the lifelines cohort study. PloS one 2016; 11: e0148871.
  • Busutil R, Espallardo O, Torres A, et al. The impact of obe- sity on health-related quality of life in Spain. Health and quality of life outcomes 2017; 15: 197-207.
  • Barcones-Molero MF, Sánchez-Villegas A, Martínez-Gon- zález MA, et al. The influence of obesity and weight gain on quality of life according to the SF-36 for individuals of the dynamic follow-up cohort of the University of Navarra. Re- vista Clínica Española (English Edition) 2018; 218: 408-16.
  • Slagter SN, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, van Beek AP, et al. Health-related quality of life in relation to obesity grade, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and inflammation. PloS one 2015; 10: 1-17.
  • Whitaker BN, Fisher PL, Jambhekar S, et al. Impact of deg- ree of obesity on sleep, quality of life, and depression in youth. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2018: 32; 37-44.
  • Fontana AD, Lopes AD, Lunardi AC. Bariatric Surgery As- sociated with Practice of Moderate to Intense Physical Ac- tivity Related to Weight Loss, Activity Level in Daily Life, Dyspnea, and Quality of Life of Sedentary Individuals with Morbid Obesity: a Prospective Longitudinal Study. Obesity surgery, 2019; 29: 2442-8.
  • Uçan O, Ovayolu N. Relationship between diabetes mel- litus, hypertension and obesity, and health‐related quality of life in Gaziantep, a central south‐eastern city in Turkey. Journal of clinical nursing 2010; 19: 2511-9.
  • Değirmenci T. Obez erişkinlerde benlik saygısı, yaşam kali- tesi, yeme tutumu, depresyon ve anksiyete. Uzmanlık Tezi, Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2006.
  • Thurston RC, Sowers MR, Sutton-Tyrrell K, et al. Abdomi- nal adiposity and hot flashes among midlife women. Meno- pause 2008; 15: 429-34.
  • Vgontzas A. Does obesity play a major role in the pathoge- nesis of sleep apnoea and its associated manifestations via inflammation, visceral adiposity, and insulin resistance?. Archives of physiology and biochemistry 2008; 114: 211-23.
  • Gopinath B, Russell J, Flood VM, et al. Adherence to die- tary guidelines positively affects quality of life and functio- nal status of older adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutri- tion and Dietetics 2014; 114: 220-9.
  • Şahin MA. Yetişkin bireylerde diyet kalitesi ile yaşam ka- litesi arasındaki ilişkinin değerlenlendirilmesi. Yüksek Li- sans Tezi, Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014.
  • Cesari M, Pahor M, Bartali B, et al. Antioxidants and physi- cal performance in elderly persons: the Invecchiare in Chi- anti (InCHIANTI) study. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2004; 79: 289-94.
  • Baş M, Sağlam D. Yetişkinlerde ağırlık yönetimi. In: Alphan ET (Editor). Hastalıklarda Beslenme Tedavisi, 2st Edition. Hatiboğlu Yayınevi: Ankara, 2013; 137-265.
  • WHO. World Health Organization body mass index (BMI) classification.
  • Casiglia E, Tikhonoff V, Albertini F, Palatini P. Poor reli- ability of wrist blood pressure self-measurement at home: a population-based study. Hypertension 2016; 68, 896-903.
  • Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Daniels SR, et al. Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: an American He- art Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute scientific statement. Circulation 2005; 112: 2735-52.
  • Xia C, Li R, Zhang S, et al. Lipid accumulation product is a powerful index for recognizing insulin resistance in non-diabetic individuals. European journal of clinical nut- rition 2012; 66: 1035-8.
  • Kahn HS. The" lipid accumulation product" performs better than the body mass index for recognizing cardiovascular risk: a population-based comparison. BMC cardiovascular disorders 2005; 5: 26-35.
  • Bozorgmanesh M, Hadaegh F, Azizi F. Predictive perfor- mances of lipid accumulation product vs. adiposity mea- sures for cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality, 8.6-year follow-up: Tehran lipid and glucose study. Lipids in health and disease 2010; 9: 100-12.
  • Mohammadreza B, Farzad H, Davoud K. Prognostic signi- ficance of the complex" Visceral Adiposity Index" vs. simple anthropometric measures: Tehran lipid and glucose study. Cardiovascular diabetology 2012; 11: 20-9.
  • Amato MC, Giordano C, Galia M, et al. Visceral adiposity index (VAI): a reliable indicator of visceral fat function as- sociated with cardiometabolic risk. Diabetes care 2010; 33: 920-2.
  • Brundavani V, Murthy S, Kurpad AV. Estimation of de- ep-abdominal-adipose-tissue (DAAT) accumulation from simple anthropometric measurements in Indian men and women. European journal of clinical nutrition 2006; 60: 658-66.
  • Krebs-Smith SM, Pannucci TE, Subar AF, Kirkpatrick SI, Lerman JL, Tooze JA, et al. Update of the healthy eating in- dex: HEI-2015. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2018; 118: 1591-602.
  • Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Rothman MJOr. Performance of two self‐report measures for evaluating obesity and weight loss. Obesity research 2004; 12: 48-57.
  • Gündüzoğlu NÇ, Fadiloğlu Ç, Yilmaz C. Obezlere özgü ya- şam kalitesi ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenirliğinin incelen- mesi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2014; 15: 63-8.
  • Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V. Biyoistatistik. 15. Baskı, An- kara: Hatiboğlu Yayınları, 2012: 1-298.
  • Flegal KM, Kit BK, Orpana H, et al. Association of all-cause mortality with overweight and obesity using standard body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analy- sis. JAMA 2013; 309: 71-82.
  • Amiri P, Hosseinpanah F, Rambod M, et al. Metabolic synd- rome predicts poor health-related quality of life in women but not in men: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Journal of women's health 2010; 19: 1201-7.
  • Vetter ML, Wadden TA, Lavenberg J, et al. Relation of he- alth-related quality of life to metabolic syndrome, obesity, depression and comorbid illnesses. International journal of obesity 2011; 35: 1087-94.
  • Choo J, Jeon S, Lee J. Gender differences in health-related quality of life associated with abdominal obesity in a Kore- an population. BMJ open 2014; 4: 1-8.
  • Zhu Y, Wang Q, Pang G, Lin L, Origasa H, Wang Y, et al. Association between body mass index and health-related quality of life: The" Obesity Paradox" in 21,218 adults of the Chinese general population. PloS one 2015; 10: e0130613.
  • So ES. Waist circumference and health-related quality of life by sex in the Korean elderly. Journal of aging and health 2014; 26: 887-99.
  • De Koning L, Merchant AT, Pogue J, et al. Waist circumfe- rence and waist-to-hip ratio as predictors of cardiovascu- lar events: meta-regression analysis of prospective studies. European heart journal 2007; 28: 850-6.
  • Hinnouho G-M, Czernichow S, Dugravot A, et al. Metabo- lically healthy obesity and the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes: the Whitehall II cohort study. Europe- an heart journal 2014; 36: 551-9.
  • Al-khalidi B, Kimball SM, Kuk JL, et al. Metabolically he- althy obesity, vitamin D, and all-cause and cardiometabolic mortality risk in NHANES III. Clinical Nutrition 2018: 1-9.
  • Beberashvili I, Azar A, Sinuani I, et al. Geriatric nutritio- nal risk index, muscle function, quality of life and clinical outcome in hemodialysis patients. Clinical nutrition 2016: 35; 1522-9.
  • Park SS, Yoon YS, Oh S. Health-related quality of life in metabolic syndrome: The Korea National Health and Nut- rition Examination Survey 2005. Diabetes research and cli- nical practice 2011; 91: 381-8.
  • Stefan N, Häring H-U, Hu FB, et al. Metabolically healthy obesity: epidemiology, mechanisms, and clinical implicati- ons. The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology 2013; 1: 152-62.
  • Kloting N, Fasshauer M, Dietrich A, Kovacs P, Schon M, Kern M. Insulin-sensitive obesity. AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010; 299: 506-15.
  • Jacka FN, Kremer PJ, Berk M, et al. A prospective study of diet quality and mental health in adolescents. PloS one 2011; 6: e24805.
  • Costarelli V, Koretsi E, Georgitsogianni E. Health-related quality of life of Greek adolescents: the role of the Mediter- ranean diet. Quality of life research 2013; 22: 951-6.
  • Bonaccio M, Di Castelnuovo A, Bonanni A, et al. Adhe- rence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a better health-related quality of life: a possible role of high dietary antioxidant content. BMJ open 2013; 3: e003003.
  • Livingstone KM, McNaughton SA. Diet quality is associ- ated with obesity and hypertension in Australian adults: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 2016; 16: 1037-46.
  • Alcubierre N, Martinez-Alonso M, Valls J, et al. Relati- onship of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional study. Health and quality of life outcomes 2016; 14: 69-74.
  • Haridass V, Ziogas A, Neuhausen SL, et al. Diet Quality Scores Inversely Associated with Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk Are Not Associated with Premenopausal Bre- ast Cancer Risk in the California Teachers Study. The Jour- nal of nutrition 2018; 148: 1830-7.
  • Alkerwi Aa, Vernier C, Crichton GE, et al. Cross-compa- rison of diet quality indices for predicting chronic disease risk: findings from the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study. British Journal of Nutrition 2015; 113: 259-69.
  • Hankinson AL, Daviglus ML, Horn LV, et al. Diet compo- sition and activity level of at risk and metabolically healthy obese American adults. Obesity 2013; 21: 637-43.
  • Camhi SM, Evans EW, Hayman LL, et al. Healthy eating index and metabolically healthy obesity in US adolescents and adults. Preventive medicine 2015; 77: 23-7.
  • Açık M, Çakıroğlu FP. Comparison of dietary quality (He- althy Eating Index-2010) according to metabolic health sta- tus in obesity: a crosssectional study 2019; 21: 1-9.
  • Lopez-Garcia E, Guallar-Castillon P, Garcia-Esquinas E, et al. Metabolically healthy obesity and health-related quality of life: A prospective cohort study. Clinical Nutrition 2017; 36: 853-60.

The effect of visceral adipocyte measurements and dietary quality on quality of life in obese ındividuals according to metabolic health status

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 167 - 177, 01.09.2020


Objective: In adult obese participants, the relationship between visceral adiposity and diet quality and quality of life was evaluated according to metabolic health status.Material and Methods: After the inclusion of 137 obese individuals who provided the criteria, some blood samples and anthropometric measurements were taken from the individuals.The general information, obese-specific quality of life scale and food record in the questionnaire were answered by the participants. Visceral adiposity measurements were performed using some anthropometric and biochemical parameters. These include visceral adiposity index VAI , lipid accumulation product LAP and deep-abdominal-adipose-tissue DAAT . HEI-2015 is calculated from the food record. NCEP-ATPIII diagnostic criteria were used for classification according to metabolic health status. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS21.0 version.Results: The quality of life score was 46.2±15.8 in individuals with MetS and it was lower than those without MetS 54.9±19.8 . According to the state of metabolic health, there was no relationship between visceral adipocyte measurements and quality of life in both groups, but there was an inverse relationship between VAI and LAP-index and quality of life r=-0.213 and p=0.012;r=-0.305 and p


  • Satman İ, Grubu TÇ. TURDEP-II Çalışması ilk sonuçlar. TEMH Kongresi 2010; 13-7.
  • Nigatu YT, Reijneveld SA, de Jonge P, et al. The combined effects of obesity, abdominal obesity and major depression/ anxiety on health-related quality of life: the lifelines cohort study. PloS one 2016; 11: e0148871.
  • Busutil R, Espallardo O, Torres A, et al. The impact of obe- sity on health-related quality of life in Spain. Health and quality of life outcomes 2017; 15: 197-207.
  • Barcones-Molero MF, Sánchez-Villegas A, Martínez-Gon- zález MA, et al. The influence of obesity and weight gain on quality of life according to the SF-36 for individuals of the dynamic follow-up cohort of the University of Navarra. Re- vista Clínica Española (English Edition) 2018; 218: 408-16.
  • Slagter SN, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, van Beek AP, et al. Health-related quality of life in relation to obesity grade, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and inflammation. PloS one 2015; 10: 1-17.
  • Whitaker BN, Fisher PL, Jambhekar S, et al. Impact of deg- ree of obesity on sleep, quality of life, and depression in youth. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2018: 32; 37-44.
  • Fontana AD, Lopes AD, Lunardi AC. Bariatric Surgery As- sociated with Practice of Moderate to Intense Physical Ac- tivity Related to Weight Loss, Activity Level in Daily Life, Dyspnea, and Quality of Life of Sedentary Individuals with Morbid Obesity: a Prospective Longitudinal Study. Obesity surgery, 2019; 29: 2442-8.
  • Uçan O, Ovayolu N. Relationship between diabetes mel- litus, hypertension and obesity, and health‐related quality of life in Gaziantep, a central south‐eastern city in Turkey. Journal of clinical nursing 2010; 19: 2511-9.
  • Değirmenci T. Obez erişkinlerde benlik saygısı, yaşam kali- tesi, yeme tutumu, depresyon ve anksiyete. Uzmanlık Tezi, Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2006.
  • Thurston RC, Sowers MR, Sutton-Tyrrell K, et al. Abdomi- nal adiposity and hot flashes among midlife women. Meno- pause 2008; 15: 429-34.
  • Vgontzas A. Does obesity play a major role in the pathoge- nesis of sleep apnoea and its associated manifestations via inflammation, visceral adiposity, and insulin resistance?. Archives of physiology and biochemistry 2008; 114: 211-23.
  • Gopinath B, Russell J, Flood VM, et al. Adherence to die- tary guidelines positively affects quality of life and functio- nal status of older adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutri- tion and Dietetics 2014; 114: 220-9.
  • Şahin MA. Yetişkin bireylerde diyet kalitesi ile yaşam ka- litesi arasındaki ilişkinin değerlenlendirilmesi. Yüksek Li- sans Tezi, Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014.
  • Cesari M, Pahor M, Bartali B, et al. Antioxidants and physi- cal performance in elderly persons: the Invecchiare in Chi- anti (InCHIANTI) study. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2004; 79: 289-94.
  • Baş M, Sağlam D. Yetişkinlerde ağırlık yönetimi. In: Alphan ET (Editor). Hastalıklarda Beslenme Tedavisi, 2st Edition. Hatiboğlu Yayınevi: Ankara, 2013; 137-265.
  • WHO. World Health Organization body mass index (BMI) classification.
  • Casiglia E, Tikhonoff V, Albertini F, Palatini P. Poor reli- ability of wrist blood pressure self-measurement at home: a population-based study. Hypertension 2016; 68, 896-903.
  • Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Daniels SR, et al. Diagnosis and management of the metabolic syndrome: an American He- art Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute scientific statement. Circulation 2005; 112: 2735-52.
  • Xia C, Li R, Zhang S, et al. Lipid accumulation product is a powerful index for recognizing insulin resistance in non-diabetic individuals. European journal of clinical nut- rition 2012; 66: 1035-8.
  • Kahn HS. The" lipid accumulation product" performs better than the body mass index for recognizing cardiovascular risk: a population-based comparison. BMC cardiovascular disorders 2005; 5: 26-35.
  • Bozorgmanesh M, Hadaegh F, Azizi F. Predictive perfor- mances of lipid accumulation product vs. adiposity mea- sures for cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality, 8.6-year follow-up: Tehran lipid and glucose study. Lipids in health and disease 2010; 9: 100-12.
  • Mohammadreza B, Farzad H, Davoud K. Prognostic signi- ficance of the complex" Visceral Adiposity Index" vs. simple anthropometric measures: Tehran lipid and glucose study. Cardiovascular diabetology 2012; 11: 20-9.
  • Amato MC, Giordano C, Galia M, et al. Visceral adiposity index (VAI): a reliable indicator of visceral fat function as- sociated with cardiometabolic risk. Diabetes care 2010; 33: 920-2.
  • Brundavani V, Murthy S, Kurpad AV. Estimation of de- ep-abdominal-adipose-tissue (DAAT) accumulation from simple anthropometric measurements in Indian men and women. European journal of clinical nutrition 2006; 60: 658-66.
  • Krebs-Smith SM, Pannucci TE, Subar AF, Kirkpatrick SI, Lerman JL, Tooze JA, et al. Update of the healthy eating in- dex: HEI-2015. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2018; 118: 1591-602.
  • Patrick DL, Bushnell DM, Rothman MJOr. Performance of two self‐report measures for evaluating obesity and weight loss. Obesity research 2004; 12: 48-57.
  • Gündüzoğlu NÇ, Fadiloğlu Ç, Yilmaz C. Obezlere özgü ya- şam kalitesi ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenirliğinin incelen- mesi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2014; 15: 63-8.
  • Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V. Biyoistatistik. 15. Baskı, An- kara: Hatiboğlu Yayınları, 2012: 1-298.
  • Flegal KM, Kit BK, Orpana H, et al. Association of all-cause mortality with overweight and obesity using standard body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analy- sis. JAMA 2013; 309: 71-82.
  • Amiri P, Hosseinpanah F, Rambod M, et al. Metabolic synd- rome predicts poor health-related quality of life in women but not in men: Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Journal of women's health 2010; 19: 1201-7.
  • Vetter ML, Wadden TA, Lavenberg J, et al. Relation of he- alth-related quality of life to metabolic syndrome, obesity, depression and comorbid illnesses. International journal of obesity 2011; 35: 1087-94.
  • Choo J, Jeon S, Lee J. Gender differences in health-related quality of life associated with abdominal obesity in a Kore- an population. BMJ open 2014; 4: 1-8.
  • Zhu Y, Wang Q, Pang G, Lin L, Origasa H, Wang Y, et al. Association between body mass index and health-related quality of life: The" Obesity Paradox" in 21,218 adults of the Chinese general population. PloS one 2015; 10: e0130613.
  • So ES. Waist circumference and health-related quality of life by sex in the Korean elderly. Journal of aging and health 2014; 26: 887-99.
  • De Koning L, Merchant AT, Pogue J, et al. Waist circumfe- rence and waist-to-hip ratio as predictors of cardiovascu- lar events: meta-regression analysis of prospective studies. European heart journal 2007; 28: 850-6.
  • Hinnouho G-M, Czernichow S, Dugravot A, et al. Metabo- lically healthy obesity and the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes: the Whitehall II cohort study. Europe- an heart journal 2014; 36: 551-9.
  • Al-khalidi B, Kimball SM, Kuk JL, et al. Metabolically he- althy obesity, vitamin D, and all-cause and cardiometabolic mortality risk in NHANES III. Clinical Nutrition 2018: 1-9.
  • Beberashvili I, Azar A, Sinuani I, et al. Geriatric nutritio- nal risk index, muscle function, quality of life and clinical outcome in hemodialysis patients. Clinical nutrition 2016: 35; 1522-9.
  • Park SS, Yoon YS, Oh S. Health-related quality of life in metabolic syndrome: The Korea National Health and Nut- rition Examination Survey 2005. Diabetes research and cli- nical practice 2011; 91: 381-8.
  • Stefan N, Häring H-U, Hu FB, et al. Metabolically healthy obesity: epidemiology, mechanisms, and clinical implicati- ons. The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology 2013; 1: 152-62.
  • Kloting N, Fasshauer M, Dietrich A, Kovacs P, Schon M, Kern M. Insulin-sensitive obesity. AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism AJP: Endocrinology and Metabolism 2010; 299: 506-15.
  • Jacka FN, Kremer PJ, Berk M, et al. A prospective study of diet quality and mental health in adolescents. PloS one 2011; 6: e24805.
  • Costarelli V, Koretsi E, Georgitsogianni E. Health-related quality of life of Greek adolescents: the role of the Mediter- ranean diet. Quality of life research 2013; 22: 951-6.
  • Bonaccio M, Di Castelnuovo A, Bonanni A, et al. Adhe- rence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a better health-related quality of life: a possible role of high dietary antioxidant content. BMJ open 2013; 3: e003003.
  • Livingstone KM, McNaughton SA. Diet quality is associ- ated with obesity and hypertension in Australian adults: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health 2016; 16: 1037-46.
  • Alcubierre N, Martinez-Alonso M, Valls J, et al. Relati- onship of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet with health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a post-hoc analysis of a cross-sectional study. Health and quality of life outcomes 2016; 14: 69-74.
  • Haridass V, Ziogas A, Neuhausen SL, et al. Diet Quality Scores Inversely Associated with Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk Are Not Associated with Premenopausal Bre- ast Cancer Risk in the California Teachers Study. The Jour- nal of nutrition 2018; 148: 1830-7.
  • Alkerwi Aa, Vernier C, Crichton GE, et al. Cross-compa- rison of diet quality indices for predicting chronic disease risk: findings from the Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Luxembourg (ORISCAV-LUX) study. British Journal of Nutrition 2015; 113: 259-69.
  • Hankinson AL, Daviglus ML, Horn LV, et al. Diet compo- sition and activity level of at risk and metabolically healthy obese American adults. Obesity 2013; 21: 637-43.
  • Camhi SM, Evans EW, Hayman LL, et al. Healthy eating index and metabolically healthy obesity in US adolescents and adults. Preventive medicine 2015; 77: 23-7.
  • Açık M, Çakıroğlu FP. Comparison of dietary quality (He- althy Eating Index-2010) according to metabolic health sta- tus in obesity: a crosssectional study 2019; 21: 1-9.
  • Lopez-Garcia E, Guallar-Castillon P, Garcia-Esquinas E, et al. Metabolically healthy obesity and health-related quality of life: A prospective cohort study. Clinical Nutrition 2017; 36: 853-60.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Murat Açık This is me

Funda Pınar Çakıroğlu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 3


Vancouver Açık M, Çakıroğlu FP. Obez Bireylerde Metabolik Sağlık Durumuna Göre Visseral Adipozite Ölçümlerinin ve Diyet Kalitesinin Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerindeki Etkisi. Genel Tıp Derg. 2020;30(3):167-7.

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