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Ürolojik Cerrahi Geçiren Çocuklarda Postoperatif Ağrı ve Analjezik İhtiyacının FLACC Skoruna Göre Değerlendirilmesi : Retrospektif Gözlemsel Çalışma

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 178 - 183, 01.09.2020


Amaç: Pediatrik ürolojik girişim uygulanmış hastalardan postoperatif ağrı tedavisinde parasetamol ya da rejyonal tekniklerden kaudal blok kullanılmış olan ve FLACC skalası ile postoperatif analjezi ölçümü yapılmış olan hastaları retrospektif olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada yaşları 0 ile 12 arasında değişen, Nisan 2019 ile Temmuz 2019 tarihleri arasında ürolojik günübirlik cerrahi uygulanmış toplam 55 hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Kaudal epidural analjezi yapılan pediatrik hastalar Grup 1 olarak adlandırılırken, iv parasetamol verilen Grup 2 olarak adlandırılmıştır. FLACC skorları 10 dakika da bir olmak üzere 50 dakika boyunca uygulanmış. 10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50. dk’daki skorları hesaplanmıştır. Skor sonucuna göre ek analjezik yapılan hastalar not edilmiştir.Bulgular: Hastaların yaş ortalaması Grup 1’de 5.5±3.4 yıl iken Grup 2’de 6.2±3.6 yıl idi. Ortalama cerrahi süresi Grup 1’de 36.9±25.5, Grup 2’de ise 23.5±17.2 dakika idi. Postoperatif FLACC skorları 10, 20, 30, 40. dakikalarda grup 2’de Grup 1’e göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti ve yine 50. dakikada bile anlamlı derecede yüksek tespit edildi. Postoperatif ek analjezik ihtiyacı Grup 1’de hiçbir hastaya gerekmezken %0 , grup 2’deki 14 hastaya %50 ek analjezik olarak iv parasetamol 15 mg/kg verilmiştir.Sonuç: Çalışmamızda ağrı ortaya çıkmadan önce önleme konusunda kaudal epidural analjezi tekniğinin uygulanmasının postoperatif ağrı kontrolünü sağlamada etkin olduğunu tespit ettik. İlave olarak kaudal analjezinin postoperatif dönemde ek analjezik ihtiyacını azaltması, analjeziklerden oluşabilecek yan etkilerden sakınma ve maliyeti düşürme açısından avantajları düşünüldüğünde pediatrik grup hastalarda tercih sebebi olması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz


  • Alam A. Juurlink DN. The prescription opoid epide- mic: an overview for anesthesiologistc. Can J Anaesth 2016;63(1):61-8.
  • Astuto M, Rosano G, Rizzo G, Disma N, Di Cataldo A. Met- hodologiesfor the treatment of acute and chronic nononco- logic pain in children.Minerva Anestesiol. 2007;73:459-65.
  • Merkel SI, Voepel-Lewis T, Shayevitz JR, Malyiva S. The FLACC: a behavioral scale for scoring postoperative pain in young children. Pediatr Nurs 1997;23:293-7.
  • ( Edward R Mariano. Management of acute perioperative pain. Erişim tarihi: 20.9.2019 (Accessed August 02,2019).
  • Mixter CG 3rd, Meeker LD, Gavin TJ. Preemptive pain control in patients having laparoscopic herniarepa- ir: a comparison of ketorolac and ibuprofen. Arch Surg 1998;133(44):432-7.
  • Rosero EB, Joshi GB. Preemptive, preventive, multimodal analgesia: what do they really mean ? Plast Reconstr Surg 2014;134:85-93.
  • Morrison K, Herbst K, Corbett S, Herndon CD. Pain ma- nagement practice patterns for common pediatric urology procedures. Urology. 2014 Jan;83(1):206-10.)
  • Wilson CA, Sommerfield D, Drake-Brockman TFE, Lag- range C, Ramgolam A, von Ungern-Sternberg BS. A prospective audit of pain profiles following general and urological surgery in children. Paediatr Anaesth. 2017 Nov;27(11):1155-1164. doi: 10.1111/pan.13256.
  • Nowicki PD, Vanderhave KL, Gibbons K, et al. Peri- opera- tive pain control in pediatric patients under- going orthopa- edic surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20(12):755–65.
  • Moller PL, Sindet-Pedersen S, Petersen CT, Juhl GI, Dillen- schneider A, Skoglund LA. Onset of acetaminophen an- al- gesia: comparison of oral and intravenous routes after third molar surgery. Br J Anaesth 2005;94(5):642–8.
  • U.S. FDA: U.S. Food & Drug Administration. U.S. De- partment of Health and Human Services, 2018. Availab- le at: https://www.accessdata. nda/2010/022450_ofirmev_toc.cfm. Accessed August 21, 2018).
  • Pergolizzi JV Jr, Raffa RB, Tallarida R et al. Continuous multimechanistic postoperative analgesia: a rationale for transitioning from intravenous acetaminophen and opioids to oral formulations. Pain Pract 2012;12;159-73.
  • Garcia Rodriguez LA, Hernandez-Diaz S. Relative risk of upper gastrointestinal complications among users of aceta- minophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Epi- demiology 2001;12:570-6.
  • Polaner DM, Taenzer AH, Walker BJ, et al. Pediatric Regio- nal Anesthesia Network (PRAN): a multiinstitutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regi- onal anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2012; 115:1353–64.
  • Ecoffey C1, Lacroix F, Giaufré E, Orliaguet G, Courrèges P; Association des Anesthésistes Réanimateurs Pédiatriqu- es d'Expression Française (ADARPEF). Epidemiology and morbidity of regional anesthesia in children: a follow-up one-year prospective survey of the French-Language So- ciety of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists (ADARPEF). Paedi- atr Anaesth. 2010 Dec;20(12):1061-9.
  • Narasimhan P, Kashyap L, Mohan VK et al. Comparison of caudal epidural block with paravertebral block for renal surgeries in pediatric patients: A prospective randomised, blinded clinical trial. J Clin Anesth 2019;52:105-10.
  • Duhn LJ, Medves JM. A systematic integrative review of in- fant pain assessment tools. Adv Neonatal Care 2004;4:126– 40.
  • Crellin DJ, Harrison D, Santamaria N, Babl FE. Systema- tic review of the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability scale for assessing pain in infants and children: is it reliable, valid, and feasible for use?Pain. 2015 Nov;156(11):2132-51.
  • Dai Y, Lei D, Huang Z, Yin Y, Allen Finley G, Zuo Y. Es- timation of the minimum effective dose of tramadol for postoperative anal- gesia in infants using the continual re- assessment method. Front Med 2012;6:288-95.
  • Reiter PD, Ng J, Dobyns EL. Continuous hydromorphone for pain and sedation in mechanically ventilated infants and children. J Opioid Manag 2012;8:99-104.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on psycho- social aspects of child and family health, Task force on pain in in- fants, children, and adolescents. The assessment and management of acute pain in infants, children, and adoles- cents. Pediatrics 2001;108:793e7.
  • Gan JT, Meyer TA, Apfel CC et al. Society for ambulatory anaesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anaesth Analg 2007; 105: 1615-28.
  • Khalil SN, Roth AG, Cohen IT et al. A double-blind com- parison of intravenous ondansetron and placebo for pre- venting postoperative emesis in 1- to 24-month-old pediat- ric patients after surgery under general anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 356-61.
  • Subramaniam B, Madan R, Sadhasivam S et al. Dexamet- hasone is a cost-effective alternative to ondansetron in pre- venting PONV after paediatric strabismus repair. Br J Ana- esth 2001; 86: 84-9.
  • Darkow T, Gora-Harper ML, Goulsan DT, Record KE. Im- pact of antiemetic selection on postoperative nausea and vomiting and patient satisfaction. Pharmacotherapy 2001; 21: 540-8.

Evaluatıon of postoperatıve paın and analgesıc requırement ın children undergoıng urologıcal surgery accordıng to flacc score: a retrospectıve observatıonal study

Year 2020, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 178 - 183, 01.09.2020


Objective: We aimed to evaluate postoperative analgesia of intravenous paracetamol or caudal block at pediatric patients with using FLACC scale who underwent urologic intervention retrospectively.Material and Methods: The files of 55 patients aged between 0 and 12 who underwent urological surgery between April 2019 and July 2019 were evaluated retrospectively. Pediatric patients undergoing caudal epidural analgesia were referred to as Group 1, while Group 2 was given iv paracetamol. FLACC scores were administered for 50 minutes, once every 10 minutes. Scores at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 min were calculated. Patients who underwent additional analgesics based on the score were noted. Results: The mean age of the patients was 5.5 ± 3.4 years in Group 1 and 6.2 ± 3.6 years in Group 2. Mean duration of surgery was 36.9 ± 25.5 minutes in Group 1 and 23.5 ± 17.2 minutes in Group 2. Postoperative FLACC scores were significantly higher in group 2 at 10, 20, 30, 40 minutes compared to Group 1, and again significantly higher at 50 minutes. No additional postoperative analgesic requirement was required in Group 1 0% , while 14 patients 50% in group 2 received iv paracetamol 15 mg / kg as an additional analgesic.Conclusion: We found that the application of caudal epidural analgesia to prevent postoperative pain was effective. Caudal analgesia should be preferred in pediatric patients when it is considered to reduce requirement of additional analgesics in postoperative period, avoiding the side effects and reducing costs


  • Alam A. Juurlink DN. The prescription opoid epide- mic: an overview for anesthesiologistc. Can J Anaesth 2016;63(1):61-8.
  • Astuto M, Rosano G, Rizzo G, Disma N, Di Cataldo A. Met- hodologiesfor the treatment of acute and chronic nononco- logic pain in children.Minerva Anestesiol. 2007;73:459-65.
  • Merkel SI, Voepel-Lewis T, Shayevitz JR, Malyiva S. The FLACC: a behavioral scale for scoring postoperative pain in young children. Pediatr Nurs 1997;23:293-7.
  • ( Edward R Mariano. Management of acute perioperative pain. Erişim tarihi: 20.9.2019 (Accessed August 02,2019).
  • Mixter CG 3rd, Meeker LD, Gavin TJ. Preemptive pain control in patients having laparoscopic herniarepa- ir: a comparison of ketorolac and ibuprofen. Arch Surg 1998;133(44):432-7.
  • Rosero EB, Joshi GB. Preemptive, preventive, multimodal analgesia: what do they really mean ? Plast Reconstr Surg 2014;134:85-93.
  • Morrison K, Herbst K, Corbett S, Herndon CD. Pain ma- nagement practice patterns for common pediatric urology procedures. Urology. 2014 Jan;83(1):206-10.)
  • Wilson CA, Sommerfield D, Drake-Brockman TFE, Lag- range C, Ramgolam A, von Ungern-Sternberg BS. A prospective audit of pain profiles following general and urological surgery in children. Paediatr Anaesth. 2017 Nov;27(11):1155-1164. doi: 10.1111/pan.13256.
  • Nowicki PD, Vanderhave KL, Gibbons K, et al. Peri- opera- tive pain control in pediatric patients under- going orthopa- edic surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2012;20(12):755–65.
  • Moller PL, Sindet-Pedersen S, Petersen CT, Juhl GI, Dillen- schneider A, Skoglund LA. Onset of acetaminophen an- al- gesia: comparison of oral and intravenous routes after third molar surgery. Br J Anaesth 2005;94(5):642–8.
  • U.S. FDA: U.S. Food & Drug Administration. U.S. De- partment of Health and Human Services, 2018. Availab- le at: https://www.accessdata. nda/2010/022450_ofirmev_toc.cfm. Accessed August 21, 2018).
  • Pergolizzi JV Jr, Raffa RB, Tallarida R et al. Continuous multimechanistic postoperative analgesia: a rationale for transitioning from intravenous acetaminophen and opioids to oral formulations. Pain Pract 2012;12;159-73.
  • Garcia Rodriguez LA, Hernandez-Diaz S. Relative risk of upper gastrointestinal complications among users of aceta- minophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Epi- demiology 2001;12:570-6.
  • Polaner DM, Taenzer AH, Walker BJ, et al. Pediatric Regio- nal Anesthesia Network (PRAN): a multiinstitutional study of the use and incidence of complications of pediatric regi- onal anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2012; 115:1353–64.
  • Ecoffey C1, Lacroix F, Giaufré E, Orliaguet G, Courrèges P; Association des Anesthésistes Réanimateurs Pédiatriqu- es d'Expression Française (ADARPEF). Epidemiology and morbidity of regional anesthesia in children: a follow-up one-year prospective survey of the French-Language So- ciety of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists (ADARPEF). Paedi- atr Anaesth. 2010 Dec;20(12):1061-9.
  • Narasimhan P, Kashyap L, Mohan VK et al. Comparison of caudal epidural block with paravertebral block for renal surgeries in pediatric patients: A prospective randomised, blinded clinical trial. J Clin Anesth 2019;52:105-10.
  • Duhn LJ, Medves JM. A systematic integrative review of in- fant pain assessment tools. Adv Neonatal Care 2004;4:126– 40.
  • Crellin DJ, Harrison D, Santamaria N, Babl FE. Systema- tic review of the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability scale for assessing pain in infants and children: is it reliable, valid, and feasible for use?Pain. 2015 Nov;156(11):2132-51.
  • Dai Y, Lei D, Huang Z, Yin Y, Allen Finley G, Zuo Y. Es- timation of the minimum effective dose of tramadol for postoperative anal- gesia in infants using the continual re- assessment method. Front Med 2012;6:288-95.
  • Reiter PD, Ng J, Dobyns EL. Continuous hydromorphone for pain and sedation in mechanically ventilated infants and children. J Opioid Manag 2012;8:99-104.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Committee on psycho- social aspects of child and family health, Task force on pain in in- fants, children, and adolescents. The assessment and management of acute pain in infants, children, and adoles- cents. Pediatrics 2001;108:793e7.
  • Gan JT, Meyer TA, Apfel CC et al. Society for ambulatory anaesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anaesth Analg 2007; 105: 1615-28.
  • Khalil SN, Roth AG, Cohen IT et al. A double-blind com- parison of intravenous ondansetron and placebo for pre- venting postoperative emesis in 1- to 24-month-old pediat- ric patients after surgery under general anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 356-61.
  • Subramaniam B, Madan R, Sadhasivam S et al. Dexamet- hasone is a cost-effective alternative to ondansetron in pre- venting PONV after paediatric strabismus repair. Br J Ana- esth 2001; 86: 84-9.
  • Darkow T, Gora-Harper ML, Goulsan DT, Record KE. Im- pact of antiemetic selection on postoperative nausea and vomiting and patient satisfaction. Pharmacotherapy 2001; 21: 540-8.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Elzem Şen This is me

Ayse Mızrak Arslan This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 30 Issue: 3


Vancouver Şen E, Arslan AM. Ürolojik Cerrahi Geçiren Çocuklarda Postoperatif Ağrı ve Analjezik İhtiyacının FLACC Skoruna Göre Değerlendirilmesi : Retrospektif Gözlemsel Çalışma. Genel Tıp Derg. 2020;30(3):178-83.

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