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Eşik altı yoğunluğundaki egzersizin genç erkeklerde vücut yağ ve karbonhidrat yakım miktari ve oranı üzerine olan etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 48 - 54, 01.03.2019


Amaç: Bozulan substrat kullanım durumu obezite ve diyabet gibi metabolik hastalıklar ile yakından ilişkilidir. Egzersiz yoğunluğu substrat kullanımını belirleyen önemli faktörlerden birisidir. Bu çalışmada iş gücü yoğunluğunun düşük ve orta seviyelerine denk gelen maksimal iş kapasitesinin Wmax %45 seviyesindeki egzersizin yağ karbonhidrat kullanım oranı ve miktarları üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Toplam 10 sağlıklı erkek denek bisiklet ergometre ile yoruluncaya kadar devam eden artan yüke karşı yapılan egzersiz testine katıldılar. Farklı günlerde, her bir denek Wmax kapasitesinin %45 seviyesine denk gelen iş gücünde 30 dk süre ile sabit yük egzersiz testine katıldılar. Egzersiz sırasında, deneklerin O2 alım VO2 ve CO2 atım VCO2 değerleri solunumdan solunuma metabolik gaz analizörü ile ölçüldü. Substrat kullanım durumu solunum katsayısı RQ: ΔVCO2/ΔVO2 ile değerlendirildi. Yağ ve karbonhidrat yakım miktarları Frayn formülü ile belirlendi. Bulgular: Maksimal iş kapasitesi ve O2 alım değerleri 219±8 W ve 3.00±0.11 L/dk bulundular. Wmax değerini %45’ine gelen iş gücü 99±4 W olarak bulundu. RQ değeri 0.90±0.001 olup karışık yağ ve karbonhidrat kullanımını göstermektedir. Egzersiz sırasında ortalama ±SE yağ ve karbonhidrat yakım miktarları sırası ile 0.246±0.002 gr/dk ve 1.577±0.009 gr/dk bulundular. Sonuç: Düşük ve orta egzersiz yoğunluğuna denk gelen Wmax değerinin %45’indeki eşik-altı egzersiz testleri klinik bilimlerince kabul edilen önemli bir yağ yakımına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle, araştırmacılar veya klinisyenler yüksek yoğunluklu ve artmış metabolik stres oluşturmadan, düşük ve orta yoğunluktaki egzersiz uygulamaları ile yağ yakımını uyarabileceklerini göz önünde bulundurmaları gerekir


  • Wasserman K, Hansen JE, Sue DY, et al. Principles of Exer- cise Testing and Interpretation: Including Pathophysiolgy and Clinical Applications, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 5th edition, 2012.
  • Palange P, Ward SA, Carlsen KH, et al. Recommendations on the use of exercise testing in clinical practice. Eur Resp J 2007;29:185-209.
  • Whipp BJ, Wagner PD and Agusti A. Determinants of the physiological systems responses to muscular exercise in he- althy subjects. In: Clinical Exercise Testing (Ed: P. Palange and S.A. Ward), European Respiratory Monograph 2007; 1-35.
  • Sahlin K, Tonkonogi M, and Söderlund K. Energy supp- ly and muscle fatigue in humans. Acta Physiol Scand 1998;162:261–6.
  • Pérez-Martin A, Dumortier M, Raynaud E, Brun et al. Ba- lance of substrate oxidation during submaximal exercise in lean and obese people. Diabetes Metab 2001;27:466-44.
  • Kelley DE, Simoneau JA. Impaired free fatty acid utilization by skeletal muscle in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mel- litus. J Clin Invest 1994;94: 2349–56.
  • Samuel VT, Petersen KF, Shulman GI. Lipid-induced insü- lin resistance: unravelling the mechanism. Lancet 2010;375: 2267–77.
  • Kiens B, Alsted TJ and Jeppesen J. Factors regulating fat oxi- dation in human skeletal muscle. Obes Rev 2011;12:852–8.
  • Ozcelik O, Dogan H, Kelestimur H. Effects of a weight re- duction program with orlistat on serum leptin levels in obese women: A 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 2004;65:127-37.
  • Ozcelik O, Ozkan Y, Algul, S, and Colak R. Beneficial ef- fects of training at the anaerobic threshold in addition to pharmacotherapy on weight loss, body composition, and exercise performance in women with obesity. Patient Pre- fer Adherence 2015;9:999-1004.
  • Achten J, and Jeukendrup AE. Relation between plasma lac- tate concentration and fat oxidation rates over a wide range of exercise intensities. Int J Sports Med 2004;25:32–7.
  • Scherrer U , Randin D, Tappy L at al. Body Fat and Sym- pathetic Nerve Activity in Healthy Subjects Circulation 1994;89:2634-40.
  • Yasuda N, Ruby BC and Gaskill SE. Substrate oxidation during incremental arm and leg exercise in men and women matched for ventilatory threshold. J Sports Sci 2006;24:1281-9.
  • Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, at al. Regulation of en- dogenous fat and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to exercise intensity and duration. Am J Physiol 1993;265:380- 91.
  • Rosenkilde M, Reichkendler MH, Auerbach P, at al. Chan- ges in peak fat oxidation in response to different doses of endurance training. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2015;25:41-52.
  • Kiens B, Essen-Gustavsson B, Christensen NJ & Saltin B Skeletal muscle substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in man: effect of endurance training. J Physiol 1993;469:459–78.
  • Roepstorff C, Steffensen CH, Madsen M, at al. Gender dif- ferences in substrate utilization during submaximal exerci- se in endurance-trained subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002;282: E435–E47.
  • Spriet LL and Watt MJ. Regulatory mechanisms in the in- teraction between carbohydrate and lipid oxidation during exercise. Acta Physiol Scand 2003;178:443–52.
  • Brooks GA and Mercier J. Balance of carbohydrate and lipid utilization during exercise: the “crossover” concept. J Appl Physiol 1994;76:2253–61.
  • Jeppesen J and Kiens B. Regulation and limitations to fatty acid oxidation during exercise J Physiol 2012; 1059–68.
  • Kaya H, Özçelik O. Tıp öğrencilerinde bir yılda vücut kom- pozisyonlarında meydana gelen değişimlerin belirlenmesi Fırat Tıp Derg 2005;10:164-8.
  • Whipp BJ, Davis JA, Torres F, Wasserman K. A test to deter- mine parameters of aerobic function during exercise. J Appl Physiol 1981;50:217-21.
  • Ozcelik O, Wards SA and Whipp BJ. Effects of altered body CO2 stores on pulmonary gas exchange dynamics during incremental exercise in humans. Exp Physiol 1999;84:999- 1011.
  • Beaver WL, Wasserman K, and Whipp BJ. A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange. J Appl Physiol 1986;60:2020-7.
  • Whipp BJ, Ward SA and Wasserman K. Respiratory mar- kers of the anaerobic threshold. Adv Cardiol 1986;35:47-64.
  • Frayn KN. Calculation of substrate oxidation rates in vivo from gaseous exchange. J Appl Physiol 1983;55:628–34.
  • Ozcelik O, Aslan M, Ayar A, Kelestimur H. Effects of body mass index on maximal work production capacity and aerobic fitness during incremental exercise. Physiol Res 2004; 53:165-70.
  • Venables MC, Achten J and Jeukendrup AE. Determinants of fat oxidation during exercise in healthy men and women: a cross-sectional study. J Appl Physiol 2005;98:160–7.
  • Jones NL, Heigenhauser GJ, Kuksis A, at al. Fat metabolism in heavy exercise. Clin Sci 1980;59:469-78.
  • Thompson DL, Townsend KM, Boughey R, Patterson K and Basset D. Substrate use during and following moderate- and low-intensity\exercise: Implications for weight control. Eur JAppl Physiol 1998;78:43-9.
  • Achten J, Gleeson M and Jeukendrup AE. Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34:92–7.
  • Lazzer S, Busti C, Agosti F, at al. Optimizing fat oxidation through exercise in severely obese Caucasian adolescents. Clin Endocrinol 2007;67:582-8.
  • Peronnet F, Massicote D. Table of nonprotein respiratory quotient: an uptake. Can J Sport Sci 1991;16:23-9.
  • Çolak R, Özçelik O. Effects of progressively increasing work rate exercise on body substrate utilisation. Turk J Endocrin Metab 2002;6:81-4.
  • Özçelik O, Doğan H, Keleştimur H. Effects of Acute Hy- poxia on Body Substrate Utilisation During Progressi- vely Increasing Work Rate Exercise Tests. Turk J Med Sci 2003;33 :223-8.
  • McArdle W and Katch FKV. Essentials of exercise physio- logy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2000.
  • Helge JW, Fraser AM, Kriketos AD, at al. Interrelationships between muscle Şbre type, substrate oxidation and body fat. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:986–91.
  • Manetta J, Brun JF, MaRmoun L, et al. Carbohydrate de- pendence during hard-intensity exercise in trained cyclists in the competitive season: importance of training status. Int J Sports Med 2002;23:516-23.
Year 2019, Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 48 - 54, 01.03.2019


Objective: Impaired substrate oxidation is closely related with metabolic diseases, including obesity and diabetes. Exercise intensity is one of the important factor on body substrate oxidations. In the present study we aimed to evaluate effects of exercise at 45% of maximal exercise capacity Wmax reflecting low-to moderate exercise intensity on rate and amount of fat and carbohydrate oxidations. Material and Methods: Total of 10 healthy male performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer. Then each subjects performed a constant load exercise test at their 45% of Wmax for 30 min on separate days. During exercise, the subjects O2 uptake VO2 and CO2 output VCO2 values were measured breath-by-breath using metabolic gas analyser. Substrate oxidation ratio is determined using respiratory quotient RQ: ΔVCO2/ΔVO2 . The Frayn formula was used to estimate amount of fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Results: Wmax and VO2 peak were found to be 219±8 W and 3.00±0.11 L/min, respectively. The work protocol at 45% of Wmax was 99±4 W. The RQ was 0.90±0.001 reflecting mixed fat and carbohydrate oxidation ratio. During exercise mean ±SE fat and carbohydrate oxidations were found to be 0.246±0.002 gr/min and 1.577±0.009 gr/min, respectively. Conclusion: Exercise performed at the 45% of Wmax sub-threshold reflecting low to moderate exercise intensity provide a clinically acceptably amount of fat oxidation. Thus, investigator or clinicians should be consider low to moderate exercise intensity to stimulate fat oxidation instead of higher exercise intensity that may cause elevated metabolic stress


  • Wasserman K, Hansen JE, Sue DY, et al. Principles of Exer- cise Testing and Interpretation: Including Pathophysiolgy and Clinical Applications, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 5th edition, 2012.
  • Palange P, Ward SA, Carlsen KH, et al. Recommendations on the use of exercise testing in clinical practice. Eur Resp J 2007;29:185-209.
  • Whipp BJ, Wagner PD and Agusti A. Determinants of the physiological systems responses to muscular exercise in he- althy subjects. In: Clinical Exercise Testing (Ed: P. Palange and S.A. Ward), European Respiratory Monograph 2007; 1-35.
  • Sahlin K, Tonkonogi M, and Söderlund K. Energy supp- ly and muscle fatigue in humans. Acta Physiol Scand 1998;162:261–6.
  • Pérez-Martin A, Dumortier M, Raynaud E, Brun et al. Ba- lance of substrate oxidation during submaximal exercise in lean and obese people. Diabetes Metab 2001;27:466-44.
  • Kelley DE, Simoneau JA. Impaired free fatty acid utilization by skeletal muscle in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mel- litus. J Clin Invest 1994;94: 2349–56.
  • Samuel VT, Petersen KF, Shulman GI. Lipid-induced insü- lin resistance: unravelling the mechanism. Lancet 2010;375: 2267–77.
  • Kiens B, Alsted TJ and Jeppesen J. Factors regulating fat oxi- dation in human skeletal muscle. Obes Rev 2011;12:852–8.
  • Ozcelik O, Dogan H, Kelestimur H. Effects of a weight re- duction program with orlistat on serum leptin levels in obese women: A 12-week, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 2004;65:127-37.
  • Ozcelik O, Ozkan Y, Algul, S, and Colak R. Beneficial ef- fects of training at the anaerobic threshold in addition to pharmacotherapy on weight loss, body composition, and exercise performance in women with obesity. Patient Pre- fer Adherence 2015;9:999-1004.
  • Achten J, and Jeukendrup AE. Relation between plasma lac- tate concentration and fat oxidation rates over a wide range of exercise intensities. Int J Sports Med 2004;25:32–7.
  • Scherrer U , Randin D, Tappy L at al. Body Fat and Sym- pathetic Nerve Activity in Healthy Subjects Circulation 1994;89:2634-40.
  • Yasuda N, Ruby BC and Gaskill SE. Substrate oxidation during incremental arm and leg exercise in men and women matched for ventilatory threshold. J Sports Sci 2006;24:1281-9.
  • Romijn JA, Coyle EF, Sidossis LS, at al. Regulation of en- dogenous fat and carbohydrate metabolism in relation to exercise intensity and duration. Am J Physiol 1993;265:380- 91.
  • Rosenkilde M, Reichkendler MH, Auerbach P, at al. Chan- ges in peak fat oxidation in response to different doses of endurance training. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2015;25:41-52.
  • Kiens B, Essen-Gustavsson B, Christensen NJ & Saltin B Skeletal muscle substrate utilization during submaximal exercise in man: effect of endurance training. J Physiol 1993;469:459–78.
  • Roepstorff C, Steffensen CH, Madsen M, at al. Gender dif- ferences in substrate utilization during submaximal exerci- se in endurance-trained subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2002;282: E435–E47.
  • Spriet LL and Watt MJ. Regulatory mechanisms in the in- teraction between carbohydrate and lipid oxidation during exercise. Acta Physiol Scand 2003;178:443–52.
  • Brooks GA and Mercier J. Balance of carbohydrate and lipid utilization during exercise: the “crossover” concept. J Appl Physiol 1994;76:2253–61.
  • Jeppesen J and Kiens B. Regulation and limitations to fatty acid oxidation during exercise J Physiol 2012; 1059–68.
  • Kaya H, Özçelik O. Tıp öğrencilerinde bir yılda vücut kom- pozisyonlarında meydana gelen değişimlerin belirlenmesi Fırat Tıp Derg 2005;10:164-8.
  • Whipp BJ, Davis JA, Torres F, Wasserman K. A test to deter- mine parameters of aerobic function during exercise. J Appl Physiol 1981;50:217-21.
  • Ozcelik O, Wards SA and Whipp BJ. Effects of altered body CO2 stores on pulmonary gas exchange dynamics during incremental exercise in humans. Exp Physiol 1999;84:999- 1011.
  • Beaver WL, Wasserman K, and Whipp BJ. A new method for detecting anaerobic threshold by gas exchange. J Appl Physiol 1986;60:2020-7.
  • Whipp BJ, Ward SA and Wasserman K. Respiratory mar- kers of the anaerobic threshold. Adv Cardiol 1986;35:47-64.
  • Frayn KN. Calculation of substrate oxidation rates in vivo from gaseous exchange. J Appl Physiol 1983;55:628–34.
  • Ozcelik O, Aslan M, Ayar A, Kelestimur H. Effects of body mass index on maximal work production capacity and aerobic fitness during incremental exercise. Physiol Res 2004; 53:165-70.
  • Venables MC, Achten J and Jeukendrup AE. Determinants of fat oxidation during exercise in healthy men and women: a cross-sectional study. J Appl Physiol 2005;98:160–7.
  • Jones NL, Heigenhauser GJ, Kuksis A, at al. Fat metabolism in heavy exercise. Clin Sci 1980;59:469-78.
  • Thompson DL, Townsend KM, Boughey R, Patterson K and Basset D. Substrate use during and following moderate- and low-intensity\exercise: Implications for weight control. Eur JAppl Physiol 1998;78:43-9.
  • Achten J, Gleeson M and Jeukendrup AE. Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34:92–7.
  • Lazzer S, Busti C, Agosti F, at al. Optimizing fat oxidation through exercise in severely obese Caucasian adolescents. Clin Endocrinol 2007;67:582-8.
  • Peronnet F, Massicote D. Table of nonprotein respiratory quotient: an uptake. Can J Sport Sci 1991;16:23-9.
  • Çolak R, Özçelik O. Effects of progressively increasing work rate exercise on body substrate utilisation. Turk J Endocrin Metab 2002;6:81-4.
  • Özçelik O, Doğan H, Keleştimur H. Effects of Acute Hy- poxia on Body Substrate Utilisation During Progressi- vely Increasing Work Rate Exercise Tests. Turk J Med Sci 2003;33 :223-8.
  • McArdle W and Katch FKV. Essentials of exercise physio- logy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2000.
  • Helge JW, Fraser AM, Kriketos AD, at al. Interrelationships between muscle Şbre type, substrate oxidation and body fat. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999;23:986–91.
  • Manetta J, Brun JF, MaRmoun L, et al. Carbohydrate de- pendence during hard-intensity exercise in trained cyclists in the competitive season: importance of training status. Int J Sports Med 2002;23:516-23.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Seda Uğraş This is me

Oğuz Özçelik This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 29 Issue: 2


Vancouver Uğraş S, Özçelik O. Eşik altı yoğunluğundaki egzersizin genç erkeklerde vücut yağ ve karbonhidrat yakım miktari ve oranı üzerine olan etkileri. Genel Tıp Derg. 2019;29(2):48-54.

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