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Hipertiroidili Sıçanlarda Uzamsal Öğrenme Performansına Cinsiyetin Etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 01.03.2018


Amaç: Gelişimsel dönemdeki hipotiroidi ve hipertiroidi gibi tiroid hormon seviyesi bozukluklarında, beyinde yapısal ve fonksiyonel değişikliklerin olduğu deneysel çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Bu değişikliklerin, hipokampüsün önemli rol oynadığı öğrenme ve bellek gibi bilişsel süreçlerde bozulmalara ve nörolojik bozukluklara neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu amaçla hipertiroidili erkek ve dişi sıçanlar arasında uzamsal öğrenme performansının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Hipertiroidi oluşturmak için erkek ve dişi sıçanlara 21 gün süreyle 0,2 mg/kg dozda L-Tiroksin İp olarak uygulanmıştır. Öğrenme ve bellek performansını değerlendirmek için Morris su tankı testi MST kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Tekrarlayan ölçümlerle ANOVA testi yapıldığında cinsiyet faktörü platforma olan ortalama uzaklığı anlamlı p


  • Jarrard LE. On the role of the hippocampus in learning and memory in the rat. Behavioral and neural biology 1993;60:9-26.
  • Herron CE, Lester RA, Coan EJ, et al. Frequency-depen- dent involvement of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus: a novel synaptic mechanism. Nature 1986;322:265-8.
  • Morris R, Garrud P, Rawlins J, et al. Place navigation impai- red in rats with hippocampal lesions. Nature 1982;297:681- 3.
  • Dagi TF, Poletti CE. Reformulation of the Papez circuit: absence of hippocampal influence on cingulate cortex unit activity in the primate. Brain research 1983;259:229-36.
  • Kimura D. Sex, sexual orientation and sex hormones influ- ence human cognitive function. Current opinion in neuro- biology 1996;6:259-63.
  • Bell EC, Willson MC, Wilman AH, et al. Males and females differ in brain activation during cognitive tasks. Neuroima- ge 2006;30:529-38.
  • Astur RS, Tropp J, Sava S, et al. Sex differences and corre- lations in a virtual Morris water task, a virtual radial arm maze, and mental rotation. Behavioural brain research 2004;151:103-15.
  • Woolley DG, Vermaercke B, de Beeck HO, et al. Sex dif- ferences in human virtual water maze performance: Novel measures reveal the relative contribution of directional responding and spatial knowledge. Behavioural brain rese- arch 2010;208:408-14.
  • Andersen NE, Dahmani L, Konishi K, et al. Eye tracking, strategies, and sex differences in virtual navigation. Neuro- biology of learning and memory 2012;97:81-9.
  • Jonasson Z. Meta-analysis of sex differences in rodent mo- dels of learning and memory: a review of behavioral and biological data. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2005;28:811-25.
  • Saucier D, Shultz S, Keller A, et al. Sex differences in object location memory and spatial navigation in Long-Evans rats. Animal cognition 2008;11:129-37.
  • Méndez-López M, Méndez M, López L, et al. Spatial wor- king memory learning in young male and female rats: involvement of different limbic system regions revealed by cytochrome oxidase activity. Neuroscience research 2009;65:28-34.
  • Koibuchi N, Chin WW. Thyroid hormone action and bra- in development. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 2000;11:123-8.
  • Dos Reis-Lunardelli EA, Castro CC, Bavaresco C, et al. Ef- fects of thyroid hormones on memory and on Na+, K+-AT- Pase activity in rat brain. Current neurovascular research 2007;4:184-93.
  • Porterfield SP, Hendrich CE. The role of thyroid hormones in prenatal and neonatal neurological development—cur- rent perspectives. Endocrine reviews 1993;14:94-106.
  • Rami A, Rabié A. Delayed synaptogenesis in the dentate gy- rus of the thyroid-deficient developing rat. Developmental neuroscience 1990;12:398-405.
  • Baldini IM, Vita A, Mauri MC, et al. Psychopathological and cognitive features in subclinical hypothyroidism. Prog- ress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychi- atry 1997;21:925-35.
  • Fundaro A. Behavioral modifications in relation to hypo- thyroidism and hyperthyroidism in adult rats. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry 1989;13:927-40.
  • Kopp P, Kitajima K, Jameson JL. Syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone: insights into thyroid hormone action. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1996;211:49-61.
  • Hayashi F, Takashima N, Murayama A, et al. Decreased postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampus combined with stress experience during adolescence is accompanied by an enhanced incidence of behavioral pathologies in adult mice. Molecular brain 2008;1:22.
  • Kimura H, Kawagoe Y, Kaneko N, et al. Low efficiency of oxygen utilization during exercise in hyperthyroidism. Chest 1996;110:1264-70.
  • Keeley RJ, Tyndall AV, Scott GA, et al. Sex difference in cue strategy in a modified version of the Morris water task: correlations between brain and behaviour. PloS one 2013;8:e69727.
  • Bitiktas S, Kandemir B, Tan B, et al. Adult-onset hypert- hyroidism impairs spatial learning: possible involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. NeuroReport 2016;27:802-8.
  • Warren SG, Juraska JM. Spatial and nonspatial learning across the rat estrous cycle. Behavioral neuroscience 1997;111:259.
  • Packard MG, Teather LA. Intra‐hippocampal estradiol in- fusion enhances memory in ovariectomized rats. Neurore- port 1997;8:3009-13.
  • Chow YMC. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cell ac- tivation are regulated by sex differences in spatial learning: University of British Columbia; 2012.
  • Knoth R, Singec I, Ditter M, et al. Murine features of neurogenesis in the human hippocampus across the lifes- pan from 0 to 100 years. PloS one 2010;5:e8809.
  • Leuner B, Gould E. Structural plasticity and hippocampal function. Annual review of psychology 2010;61:111-40.
  • Glasper ER, Gould E. Sexual experience restores age‐rela- ted decline in adult neurogenesis and hippocampal functi- on. Hippocampus 2013;23:303-12.
  • Wilcoxon JS, Nadolski GJ, Samarut J, et al. Behavioral inhi- bition and impaired spatial learning and memory in hypo- thyroid mice lacking thyroid hormone receptor α. Behavi- oural brain research 2007;177:109-16.
  • Pavlides C, Westlind-Danielsson A, Nyborg H, et al. Neo- natal hyperthyroidism disrupts hippocampal LTP and spa- tial learning. Experimental brain research 1991;85:559-64.
  • Hosseini M, Hadjzadeh MA-R, Derakhshan M, et al. The beneficial effects of olibanum on memory deficit induced by hypothyroidism in adult rats tested in Morris water maze. Archives of pharmacal research 2010;33:463-8.
  • Taşkın E, Artis AS, Bitiktas S, et al. Experimentally induced hyperthyroidism disrupts hippocampal long-term potenti- ation in adult rats. Neuroendocrinology 2011;94:218-27.
  • Jabłkowska K, Karbownik-Lewińska M, Nowakowska K, et al. Working memory and executive functions in hypert- hyroid patients with Graves' disease. Psychiatria polska 2008;42:249-59.
Year 2018, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 01.03.2018


Objective: In thyroid hormone level disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism in developmental period, experimental studies have shown that structural and functional changes in the brain. These changes are known to cause neurological disorders and impairments in cognitive processes, such as learning and memory, in which the hippocampus plays an important role. For this purpose, it is aimed to investigate spatial learning performance between hyperthyroidized male and female rats. Materials and Methods: Male and female rats were administered with L-thyroxine intraperitoneally at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg for 21 days to induce hyperthyroidism. Morris water maze MWM was used to assess learning and memory performance. Results: When repeated ANOVA tests were performed, the gender factor significantly affected the mean distance to the platform p


  • Jarrard LE. On the role of the hippocampus in learning and memory in the rat. Behavioral and neural biology 1993;60:9-26.
  • Herron CE, Lester RA, Coan EJ, et al. Frequency-depen- dent involvement of NMDA receptors in the hippocampus: a novel synaptic mechanism. Nature 1986;322:265-8.
  • Morris R, Garrud P, Rawlins J, et al. Place navigation impai- red in rats with hippocampal lesions. Nature 1982;297:681- 3.
  • Dagi TF, Poletti CE. Reformulation of the Papez circuit: absence of hippocampal influence on cingulate cortex unit activity in the primate. Brain research 1983;259:229-36.
  • Kimura D. Sex, sexual orientation and sex hormones influ- ence human cognitive function. Current opinion in neuro- biology 1996;6:259-63.
  • Bell EC, Willson MC, Wilman AH, et al. Males and females differ in brain activation during cognitive tasks. Neuroima- ge 2006;30:529-38.
  • Astur RS, Tropp J, Sava S, et al. Sex differences and corre- lations in a virtual Morris water task, a virtual radial arm maze, and mental rotation. Behavioural brain research 2004;151:103-15.
  • Woolley DG, Vermaercke B, de Beeck HO, et al. Sex dif- ferences in human virtual water maze performance: Novel measures reveal the relative contribution of directional responding and spatial knowledge. Behavioural brain rese- arch 2010;208:408-14.
  • Andersen NE, Dahmani L, Konishi K, et al. Eye tracking, strategies, and sex differences in virtual navigation. Neuro- biology of learning and memory 2012;97:81-9.
  • Jonasson Z. Meta-analysis of sex differences in rodent mo- dels of learning and memory: a review of behavioral and biological data. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2005;28:811-25.
  • Saucier D, Shultz S, Keller A, et al. Sex differences in object location memory and spatial navigation in Long-Evans rats. Animal cognition 2008;11:129-37.
  • Méndez-López M, Méndez M, López L, et al. Spatial wor- king memory learning in young male and female rats: involvement of different limbic system regions revealed by cytochrome oxidase activity. Neuroscience research 2009;65:28-34.
  • Koibuchi N, Chin WW. Thyroid hormone action and bra- in development. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 2000;11:123-8.
  • Dos Reis-Lunardelli EA, Castro CC, Bavaresco C, et al. Ef- fects of thyroid hormones on memory and on Na+, K+-AT- Pase activity in rat brain. Current neurovascular research 2007;4:184-93.
  • Porterfield SP, Hendrich CE. The role of thyroid hormones in prenatal and neonatal neurological development—cur- rent perspectives. Endocrine reviews 1993;14:94-106.
  • Rami A, Rabié A. Delayed synaptogenesis in the dentate gy- rus of the thyroid-deficient developing rat. Developmental neuroscience 1990;12:398-405.
  • Baldini IM, Vita A, Mauri MC, et al. Psychopathological and cognitive features in subclinical hypothyroidism. Prog- ress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychi- atry 1997;21:925-35.
  • Fundaro A. Behavioral modifications in relation to hypo- thyroidism and hyperthyroidism in adult rats. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry 1989;13:927-40.
  • Kopp P, Kitajima K, Jameson JL. Syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone: insights into thyroid hormone action. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1996;211:49-61.
  • Hayashi F, Takashima N, Murayama A, et al. Decreased postnatal neurogenesis in the hippocampus combined with stress experience during adolescence is accompanied by an enhanced incidence of behavioral pathologies in adult mice. Molecular brain 2008;1:22.
  • Kimura H, Kawagoe Y, Kaneko N, et al. Low efficiency of oxygen utilization during exercise in hyperthyroidism. Chest 1996;110:1264-70.
  • Keeley RJ, Tyndall AV, Scott GA, et al. Sex difference in cue strategy in a modified version of the Morris water task: correlations between brain and behaviour. PloS one 2013;8:e69727.
  • Bitiktas S, Kandemir B, Tan B, et al. Adult-onset hypert- hyroidism impairs spatial learning: possible involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways. NeuroReport 2016;27:802-8.
  • Warren SG, Juraska JM. Spatial and nonspatial learning across the rat estrous cycle. Behavioral neuroscience 1997;111:259.
  • Packard MG, Teather LA. Intra‐hippocampal estradiol in- fusion enhances memory in ovariectomized rats. Neurore- port 1997;8:3009-13.
  • Chow YMC. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cell ac- tivation are regulated by sex differences in spatial learning: University of British Columbia; 2012.
  • Knoth R, Singec I, Ditter M, et al. Murine features of neurogenesis in the human hippocampus across the lifes- pan from 0 to 100 years. PloS one 2010;5:e8809.
  • Leuner B, Gould E. Structural plasticity and hippocampal function. Annual review of psychology 2010;61:111-40.
  • Glasper ER, Gould E. Sexual experience restores age‐rela- ted decline in adult neurogenesis and hippocampal functi- on. Hippocampus 2013;23:303-12.
  • Wilcoxon JS, Nadolski GJ, Samarut J, et al. Behavioral inhi- bition and impaired spatial learning and memory in hypo- thyroid mice lacking thyroid hormone receptor α. Behavi- oural brain research 2007;177:109-16.
  • Pavlides C, Westlind-Danielsson A, Nyborg H, et al. Neo- natal hyperthyroidism disrupts hippocampal LTP and spa- tial learning. Experimental brain research 1991;85:559-64.
  • Hosseini M, Hadjzadeh MA-R, Derakhshan M, et al. The beneficial effects of olibanum on memory deficit induced by hypothyroidism in adult rats tested in Morris water maze. Archives of pharmacal research 2010;33:463-8.
  • Taşkın E, Artis AS, Bitiktas S, et al. Experimentally induced hyperthyroidism disrupts hippocampal long-term potenti- ation in adult rats. Neuroendocrinology 2011;94:218-27.
  • Jabłkowska K, Karbownik-Lewińska M, Nowakowska K, et al. Working memory and executive functions in hypert- hyroid patients with Graves' disease. Psychiatria polska 2008;42:249-59.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Burak Tan This is me

Ercan Babur

Hikmet Fırat Örnek This is me

Cem Süer This is me

Nurcan Dursun This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


Vancouver Tan B, Babur E, Örnek HF, Süer C, Dursun N. Hipertiroidili Sıçanlarda Uzamsal Öğrenme Performansına Cinsiyetin Etkisi. Genel Tıp Derg. 2018;28(2):69-75.