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Solunum sistemi hastalığı olan çocuk ve ergenlerde psikiyatrik bozukluk ve belirtiler

Year 2015, Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 140 - 146, 01.12.2015


Solunum sistemi hastalıkları bireyi fiziksel, duygusal ve sosyal yönden etkileyen ve hastaların sosyal destek gereksinimlerinin art- masına neden olan önemli hastalıklardır. Hastalarda psikopatoloji ve uyum bozuklukları beklenenden daha yaygındır. Çocuğun hasta olması sadece hasta olan çocuğu değil ailesini de doğrudan etkileyecektir. Çocuklarda ve onlara bakımverenlerde artmış olan psikopatoji riski ve uyum sorunları, tedaviye uyumu, semptom kontrolünü ve tedavi sonuçlarını olumsuz olarak etkilemektedir. Bu derleme solunum sistami hastalığı olan çocuk hastalarda organik hastalığın tedavisine ek olarak çocuk ve ailenin psikiyatrik belirti ve uyum problemlerinide içeren multidisipliner yaklaşım verilmesi gerektiğini desteklemektedir


  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Türkiye kronik hava yolu hastalıklarını (astım-koah) önleme ve kontrol programı (2009 - 2013) eylem planı, Ankara, 2009.
  • Shay DK, Holman RC, Newman RD, et al. Bronchiolitis-asso- ciated hospitalizatons among US Children 1980-1996. JAMA 1999;82:1440-6.
  • Yilmaz O, Sogut A, Gulle S et. al. Sleep quality and depression – anxiety in mothers of children with two chronic respiratory di- seases: Asthma and cystic fibrosis, J Cyst Fibros 2008;7:495–500.
  • Slattery MJ, Essex MJ. Specificity in the association of anxiety, depression, and atopic disorders in a community sample of ado- lescents. J Psychiatr Res 2011;45:788-95.
  • O’Connell EJ. The burden of atopy and asthma in children. Allergy 2004;59:78:7-11.
  • Bateman ED, Hurd SS, Barnes PJ et al. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary. Eur Res- pir J 2008;31:143-78
  • Türk Toraks Derneği. Dünya Astım Günü. Erişim tarihi: 21 Mart 2013.
  • Demoly P, Gueron B, Annunziata K, et. al. Update on asthma cont- rol in five European countries: results of a 2008 survey. Eur Respir Rev 2010;19:150–7.
  • Wise PH. The future pediatrician: The challenge of chronic illness. J Pediatrics 2007;151:6-10.
  • Chetta A, Gerra G, Foresi A, et al. Personality profiles and breath- lessness perception in outpatients with different grading of asth- ma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:116-22.
  • Güzelhan Y, Çöpür M, Çalışkan M, ve ark. Astımlı hastalarda kaygı düzeyleri. Konsültasyon-Liyezon Psikiyatrisi Kongre Kitabı, İstanbul 1999;365-8.
  • Sandberg S, Paton J, Ahola S, et al. The role of acute and chronic stress in Asthma attacks in children. Lancet 2000;356:982-7.
  • Goldney RD, Ruffin R, Fisher LJ, Wilson DH. Asthma symptoms associated with depression and lower quality of life: a population survey. Med J Aust 2003;178:437-41.
  • Kullowatz A, Kanniess F, Dahme B, et. al. Association of depres- sion and anxiety with health care use and quality of life in asthma patients. Respir Med 2007;101:638-44.
  • Wainwright NW, Surtees PG, Wareham NJ, et. al.. Psychosocial factors and incident asthma hospital admissions in the EPIC-Nor- folk cohort study. Allergy 2007;62:554-60.
  • Mrazek DA., Wendy B. Schuman. Early asthma onset: risk of emotional and behavioral difficulties, J. Child Psychol. Psychiat 1998;39:247-254.
  • Wassermann, AL. Principles of psychiatric care of children and adolescents with medical ıllnesses, in psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, B.D. Garfinkel, Editor., W.B. Saunders Company: Philadelphia. 1990. p. 486-502
  • Hendrik M. Koopman, Rolanda M, et. al. Illness through the eyes of the child: the development of children’s understanding of the causes of illness. Patient Educ Counsel 2004;55:363-370.
  • Bitsko MJ, Everhart RS, Rubin BK. The adolescent with asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev 2014;15:146-53.
  • Greaves CJ, Eiser C, Seamark D, Halpin DM. Attack context: an important mediator of the relationship between psychological sta- tus and asthma outcomes. Thorax 2002;57:217–21.
  • Gökler B. Ölümcül hastalık karşısında çocuk aile ve hekim. A Ekşi (Ed.), Ben hasta değilim, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 1999, s.471-475
  • Janson C, Björnsson E, Hetta J. et. al. Anxiety and depression in relation to respiratory symptoms and asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994;149:930-4.
  • Singh GK, Yu SM, Kogan MD. Health, chronic conditions, and behavioral risk disparities among U.S. immigrant children and adolescents. Public Health Rep. 2013;128:463-79.
  • Cluley S, Cochrane GM. Psychological disorder in asthma is asso- ciated with poor control and poor adherence to inhaled steroids. Respir Med 2001;95:37- 9.
  • Goodwin R, Jacobi F, Thefeld W. Mental disorders and asthma in the community. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003;60:1125–30.
  • Bender G, Risk taking, depression, adherence, and symptom cont- rol in adolescents and young adults with asthma, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;173:953-7.
  • Wamboldt MZ, Weintraub P, Krafchick D, et al. Psychiatric family history in adolescents with severe asthma, J Am Acad Child Ado- lesc Psychiatry 1996;35:1042-9.
  • Roy-Byrne P, Stein M. Inspiring panic. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2001;58:223–4.
  • Gorman J, Ken J, Martinez, J, et al. Physiologic changes during carbon dioxide inhalation in patients with panic disorder, major depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: evidence for a central fear mechanism. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2001;58:125–31.
  • Katon WJ, Richardson L, Lozano P, McCauley E. The relationship of asthma and anxiety disorders, Psychosom Med 2004;66:349-55
  • Scott KM, Von Korff M, Alonso J, et al. Childhood adversity, early onset depressive/anxiety disorders, and adult-onset asthma. Psy- chosom Med 2008;70:1035-43
  • Calam R, Greggs L, Simpson A, et al. Behavior problems antecede the development of wheeze in childhood. Am J Respir CritCare Med 2005;171:323-7.
  • Dahlem NK, Kinsman RA, Horton DJ. Panic-fear in asthma: requ- ests for as- needed medication in relation to pulmonary function measurements. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1977;60:295-300.
  • Bandiera FC, Ramirez R, Arheart KL, et al. Asthma and suicidal ideation and behavior among Puerto Rican older children and adolescents. J Nerv Ment Dis 2013;201:587-91.
  • Peiffer C, Poline J, Thivard L, et al. Neural substrates for the per- ception of acutely induced dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:951-7.
  • Ader R, Cohen N, Felten D. Psychoneuroimmunology: interacti- ons between the nervous system and the immune system. Lancet 1995;345:99-103
  • Chang HY, Seo JH, Kim HY, et al. Allergic diseases in preschoolers are associated with psychological and behavioural problems. Al- lergy Asthma Immunol Res 2013;5:315-21
  • Forsythe P, Ebeling C, Gordon JR, et al. Opposing effects of short- and long-term stress on airway inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169:220-6.
  • Schmaling KB, Afari N, Blume AW. Assessment of psychological factors associated with adherence to medication regimens among adult patients with astıma. Asthma 2000;37:335-43
  • Nascimento I, Nardi AE, Valenca AM, et al. Psychiatric disorders in asthmatic outpatients. Psychiatry Research 2002;110:73–80.
  • Slattery MJ, Klein DF, Mannuzza S, et al. Relationship between separation anxiety disorder, parental panic disorder, and atopic di- sorders in children: a controlled high-risk study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2002;41:947-54.
  • Feldman JM, Siddique MI, Morales E, et al. Psychiatric disorders and asthma outcomes among high-risk inner-city patients. Psy- chosom Med 2005;67:989-96.
  • Asnaashari AM, Talaei A, Haghigh B. Evaluation of psychological status in patients with asthma and COPD. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2012;11:65-71.
  • Heaney LG, Conway E, Kelly C, Gamble J. Prevalence of psychi- atric morbidity in a difficult asthma population: relationship to asthma outcome. Respir Med 2005;99:1152-9.
  • Türkoglu S, Kerimoglu E. Psychiatric disorders and symptoms in children with bronchial asthma. Arch Neuropsych 2012;49:218- 23.
  • Rose JM, Davis MA, Hogg DY. Screening and assessing adolescent asthmatics for anxiety disorders, Clin Nurs Res 2007;16;5-24.
  • Ortega A, Huertas S, Coniro G, et. al. Childhood asthma, chronic illness and psychiatric disorders. J Nerv Ment Dis 2002;190:275– 81.
  • Cooper CL, Parry DG, Saul C, et al. Anxiety and panic fear in adults with asthma: prevalence in primary care. BMC Fam Pract. 2007;26;8:62.
  • Thomas M, Griffiths C. Asthma and panic: scope for intervention? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171:1197-8.
  • Kean EM, Kelsay K, Wamboldt Fet al. Posttraumatic stress in ado- lescents with asthma and their parents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006;45:78–86.
  • Goodwin RD, Ferguson DM, Horwood L. Asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders among young persons in the community. Psychological Medicine 2004;34:1465–74.
  • Maurer J, Rebbapragada V, Borson S, et al., ACCP Workshop Panel on anxiety and depression in COPD. Anxiety and depression in COPD: current understanding, unanswered questions, and resear- ch needs. Chest 2008;134:43-56.
  • Solano JP, Gomes B, Higginson IJ. A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, IDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease. J Pain Symptom Manage 2006;31:58-69.
  • D Staab, K Wenninger, N Gebert, et al. Quality of life in patients with cystic fibrosis and their parents: what is important besides disease severity?, Thorax 1998;53:727-31.
  • Smith BA, Modi AC, Quittner AL, et al.. Depressive symptoms in children with cystic fibrosis and parents and its effects on adheren- ce to airway clearance. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010;45:756–63.
  • Ward C, Massie J, Glazner J, et al. Problem behaviours and pa- renting in preschool children with cystic fibrosis . Arch Dis Child 2009;94:341-7.
  • Yilmaz O, Sogut A, Gulle S, et al. Sleep quality and depression – anxiety in mothers of children with two chronic respiratory di- seases: Asthma and cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2008;6:495-500.
  • Silverstein MD, Mair JE, Katusic SK, et al. School attendance and school performance: a population-based study of children with asthma. J Pediatr 2001;139:278-83.
  • Gutstadt LB, Gillette JW, Mrazek DA, et al. Determinants of scho- ol performance in children with chronic asthma. Am J Dis Child 1989;143:471-5.
  • Özkan S, Durnaz Z, Demir T, Gemicioğlu B. KOAH ve astım has- talarında fonksiyonel performans ve yaşam kalitesinin incelenme- si. Solunum 2007;9:158-66.
  • Mo F, Robinson C, Choi BC, et al. Analysis of prevalence, triggers, risk factors and the related socio-economic effects of childhood asthma in the Student Lung Health Survey (SLHS) database. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2003;15:349-58.
  • Taras H, Potts-Datema W. Childhood asthma and student perfor- mance at school. J Sch Health. 2005;75:296-312.
  • Rand CS, Butz AM, Kolodner K, et al. Emergency department vi- sits by urban African American children with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:83-90.
  • Taylor WR, Newacheck PW. Impact of asthma on health. Pediat- rics 1992;90:657-62.
  • Kayaalp SO. Tıbbi farmakoloji. 9.baskı s;683-713.
  • Bender BG, Lerner JA, Ikle D, et al. Psychological change associa- ted with theophylline treatment of asthmatic children: A 6-month study. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1991;11:233-42.
  • Stuart FA, Segal TY, Keady S. Adverse psychological effects of cort- costeroids in children and adolescent, Arch dis child 2005;90;500- 6.
  • Iovchhuk N. M. The rehabilitative help for family with mentally ill Child. Eur Child & Psych 2003;2:12-63.
  • Shalowitz MU, Mijanovich T, Berry CA. Context matters: A com- munity-based study of maternal mental health, life stressors, social support, and children’s asthma. Pediatrics 2006;117:940-8.
  • Bartlett SJ, Krishnan JA, Riekert KA. Maternal depressive symp- toms and adherence to therapy in inner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2004;113:229-37.
  • Klinnert MD. Psychosocial influences on asthma among innercity children. Pediatr Pulmonol 1997; 24:234-6.
  • Bartlett SJ, Krishnan JA, Riekert KA. Maternal depressive symp- toms and adherence to therapy in inner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2004;113:229-37.
  • Tanıdır C. Alerji astım ve çocuk. Çocuk hastalıklarına biyopsi- kososyal yaklaşım kitabı, (Tüzün E, Hergüner S. Editor) 2007 s. 105-5.
  • Anthony KK, Gil KM, Schanberg LE. Brief report: Parental per- ceptions of child vulnerability in children with chronic illness. J Pediatr Psychol 2003;28:185-90.

Psychiatric disorders and symptoms in children with respiratory system disease

Year 2015, Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 140 - 146, 01.12.2015


Respiratory system diseases is a significant diseases which affects the individual physically, emotionally, and socially and leads to an increase in the social support needs of the patients. Psychopathology and adjustment disorder occur more commonly in patients than expected. Pediatric illness influences not only the child with the illness but it also the family. Increased rates of psychopathology and adjustment problems for the child and their primer caregivers can lead to non-adherence to their medical regimens, poor symptom control and poor treatment outcomes. This review supports a multidisciplinary care approach to child patients with respiratory system diseases, including psychiatric symptoms and adjustment problems of the child and family, in addition to the treatment of organic disease


  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Türkiye kronik hava yolu hastalıklarını (astım-koah) önleme ve kontrol programı (2009 - 2013) eylem planı, Ankara, 2009.
  • Shay DK, Holman RC, Newman RD, et al. Bronchiolitis-asso- ciated hospitalizatons among US Children 1980-1996. JAMA 1999;82:1440-6.
  • Yilmaz O, Sogut A, Gulle S et. al. Sleep quality and depression – anxiety in mothers of children with two chronic respiratory di- seases: Asthma and cystic fibrosis, J Cyst Fibros 2008;7:495–500.
  • Slattery MJ, Essex MJ. Specificity in the association of anxiety, depression, and atopic disorders in a community sample of ado- lescents. J Psychiatr Res 2011;45:788-95.
  • O’Connell EJ. The burden of atopy and asthma in children. Allergy 2004;59:78:7-11.
  • Bateman ED, Hurd SS, Barnes PJ et al. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention: GINA executive summary. Eur Res- pir J 2008;31:143-78
  • Türk Toraks Derneği. Dünya Astım Günü. Erişim tarihi: 21 Mart 2013.
  • Demoly P, Gueron B, Annunziata K, et. al. Update on asthma cont- rol in five European countries: results of a 2008 survey. Eur Respir Rev 2010;19:150–7.
  • Wise PH. The future pediatrician: The challenge of chronic illness. J Pediatrics 2007;151:6-10.
  • Chetta A, Gerra G, Foresi A, et al. Personality profiles and breath- lessness perception in outpatients with different grading of asth- ma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:116-22.
  • Güzelhan Y, Çöpür M, Çalışkan M, ve ark. Astımlı hastalarda kaygı düzeyleri. Konsültasyon-Liyezon Psikiyatrisi Kongre Kitabı, İstanbul 1999;365-8.
  • Sandberg S, Paton J, Ahola S, et al. The role of acute and chronic stress in Asthma attacks in children. Lancet 2000;356:982-7.
  • Goldney RD, Ruffin R, Fisher LJ, Wilson DH. Asthma symptoms associated with depression and lower quality of life: a population survey. Med J Aust 2003;178:437-41.
  • Kullowatz A, Kanniess F, Dahme B, et. al. Association of depres- sion and anxiety with health care use and quality of life in asthma patients. Respir Med 2007;101:638-44.
  • Wainwright NW, Surtees PG, Wareham NJ, et. al.. Psychosocial factors and incident asthma hospital admissions in the EPIC-Nor- folk cohort study. Allergy 2007;62:554-60.
  • Mrazek DA., Wendy B. Schuman. Early asthma onset: risk of emotional and behavioral difficulties, J. Child Psychol. Psychiat 1998;39:247-254.
  • Wassermann, AL. Principles of psychiatric care of children and adolescents with medical ıllnesses, in psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, B.D. Garfinkel, Editor., W.B. Saunders Company: Philadelphia. 1990. p. 486-502
  • Hendrik M. Koopman, Rolanda M, et. al. Illness through the eyes of the child: the development of children’s understanding of the causes of illness. Patient Educ Counsel 2004;55:363-370.
  • Bitsko MJ, Everhart RS, Rubin BK. The adolescent with asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev 2014;15:146-53.
  • Greaves CJ, Eiser C, Seamark D, Halpin DM. Attack context: an important mediator of the relationship between psychological sta- tus and asthma outcomes. Thorax 2002;57:217–21.
  • Gökler B. Ölümcül hastalık karşısında çocuk aile ve hekim. A Ekşi (Ed.), Ben hasta değilim, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 1999, s.471-475
  • Janson C, Björnsson E, Hetta J. et. al. Anxiety and depression in relation to respiratory symptoms and asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994;149:930-4.
  • Singh GK, Yu SM, Kogan MD. Health, chronic conditions, and behavioral risk disparities among U.S. immigrant children and adolescents. Public Health Rep. 2013;128:463-79.
  • Cluley S, Cochrane GM. Psychological disorder in asthma is asso- ciated with poor control and poor adherence to inhaled steroids. Respir Med 2001;95:37- 9.
  • Goodwin R, Jacobi F, Thefeld W. Mental disorders and asthma in the community. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003;60:1125–30.
  • Bender G, Risk taking, depression, adherence, and symptom cont- rol in adolescents and young adults with asthma, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;173:953-7.
  • Wamboldt MZ, Weintraub P, Krafchick D, et al. Psychiatric family history in adolescents with severe asthma, J Am Acad Child Ado- lesc Psychiatry 1996;35:1042-9.
  • Roy-Byrne P, Stein M. Inspiring panic. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2001;58:223–4.
  • Gorman J, Ken J, Martinez, J, et al. Physiologic changes during carbon dioxide inhalation in patients with panic disorder, major depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: evidence for a central fear mechanism. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2001;58:125–31.
  • Katon WJ, Richardson L, Lozano P, McCauley E. The relationship of asthma and anxiety disorders, Psychosom Med 2004;66:349-55
  • Scott KM, Von Korff M, Alonso J, et al. Childhood adversity, early onset depressive/anxiety disorders, and adult-onset asthma. Psy- chosom Med 2008;70:1035-43
  • Calam R, Greggs L, Simpson A, et al. Behavior problems antecede the development of wheeze in childhood. Am J Respir CritCare Med 2005;171:323-7.
  • Dahlem NK, Kinsman RA, Horton DJ. Panic-fear in asthma: requ- ests for as- needed medication in relation to pulmonary function measurements. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1977;60:295-300.
  • Bandiera FC, Ramirez R, Arheart KL, et al. Asthma and suicidal ideation and behavior among Puerto Rican older children and adolescents. J Nerv Ment Dis 2013;201:587-91.
  • Peiffer C, Poline J, Thivard L, et al. Neural substrates for the per- ception of acutely induced dyspnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163:951-7.
  • Ader R, Cohen N, Felten D. Psychoneuroimmunology: interacti- ons between the nervous system and the immune system. Lancet 1995;345:99-103
  • Chang HY, Seo JH, Kim HY, et al. Allergic diseases in preschoolers are associated with psychological and behavioural problems. Al- lergy Asthma Immunol Res 2013;5:315-21
  • Forsythe P, Ebeling C, Gordon JR, et al. Opposing effects of short- and long-term stress on airway inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004;169:220-6.
  • Schmaling KB, Afari N, Blume AW. Assessment of psychological factors associated with adherence to medication regimens among adult patients with astıma. Asthma 2000;37:335-43
  • Nascimento I, Nardi AE, Valenca AM, et al. Psychiatric disorders in asthmatic outpatients. Psychiatry Research 2002;110:73–80.
  • Slattery MJ, Klein DF, Mannuzza S, et al. Relationship between separation anxiety disorder, parental panic disorder, and atopic di- sorders in children: a controlled high-risk study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2002;41:947-54.
  • Feldman JM, Siddique MI, Morales E, et al. Psychiatric disorders and asthma outcomes among high-risk inner-city patients. Psy- chosom Med 2005;67:989-96.
  • Asnaashari AM, Talaei A, Haghigh B. Evaluation of psychological status in patients with asthma and COPD. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol 2012;11:65-71.
  • Heaney LG, Conway E, Kelly C, Gamble J. Prevalence of psychi- atric morbidity in a difficult asthma population: relationship to asthma outcome. Respir Med 2005;99:1152-9.
  • Türkoglu S, Kerimoglu E. Psychiatric disorders and symptoms in children with bronchial asthma. Arch Neuropsych 2012;49:218- 23.
  • Rose JM, Davis MA, Hogg DY. Screening and assessing adolescent asthmatics for anxiety disorders, Clin Nurs Res 2007;16;5-24.
  • Ortega A, Huertas S, Coniro G, et. al. Childhood asthma, chronic illness and psychiatric disorders. J Nerv Ment Dis 2002;190:275– 81.
  • Cooper CL, Parry DG, Saul C, et al. Anxiety and panic fear in adults with asthma: prevalence in primary care. BMC Fam Pract. 2007;26;8:62.
  • Thomas M, Griffiths C. Asthma and panic: scope for intervention? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171:1197-8.
  • Kean EM, Kelsay K, Wamboldt Fet al. Posttraumatic stress in ado- lescents with asthma and their parents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2006;45:78–86.
  • Goodwin RD, Ferguson DM, Horwood L. Asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders among young persons in the community. Psychological Medicine 2004;34:1465–74.
  • Maurer J, Rebbapragada V, Borson S, et al., ACCP Workshop Panel on anxiety and depression in COPD. Anxiety and depression in COPD: current understanding, unanswered questions, and resear- ch needs. Chest 2008;134:43-56.
  • Solano JP, Gomes B, Higginson IJ. A comparison of symptom prevalence in far advanced cancer, IDS, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and renal disease. J Pain Symptom Manage 2006;31:58-69.
  • D Staab, K Wenninger, N Gebert, et al. Quality of life in patients with cystic fibrosis and their parents: what is important besides disease severity?, Thorax 1998;53:727-31.
  • Smith BA, Modi AC, Quittner AL, et al.. Depressive symptoms in children with cystic fibrosis and parents and its effects on adheren- ce to airway clearance. Pediatr Pulmonol 2010;45:756–63.
  • Ward C, Massie J, Glazner J, et al. Problem behaviours and pa- renting in preschool children with cystic fibrosis . Arch Dis Child 2009;94:341-7.
  • Yilmaz O, Sogut A, Gulle S, et al. Sleep quality and depression – anxiety in mothers of children with two chronic respiratory di- seases: Asthma and cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros 2008;6:495-500.
  • Silverstein MD, Mair JE, Katusic SK, et al. School attendance and school performance: a population-based study of children with asthma. J Pediatr 2001;139:278-83.
  • Gutstadt LB, Gillette JW, Mrazek DA, et al. Determinants of scho- ol performance in children with chronic asthma. Am J Dis Child 1989;143:471-5.
  • Özkan S, Durnaz Z, Demir T, Gemicioğlu B. KOAH ve astım has- talarında fonksiyonel performans ve yaşam kalitesinin incelenme- si. Solunum 2007;9:158-66.
  • Mo F, Robinson C, Choi BC, et al. Analysis of prevalence, triggers, risk factors and the related socio-economic effects of childhood asthma in the Student Lung Health Survey (SLHS) database. Int J Adolesc Med Health 2003;15:349-58.
  • Taras H, Potts-Datema W. Childhood asthma and student perfor- mance at school. J Sch Health. 2005;75:296-312.
  • Rand CS, Butz AM, Kolodner K, et al. Emergency department vi- sits by urban African American children with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:83-90.
  • Taylor WR, Newacheck PW. Impact of asthma on health. Pediat- rics 1992;90:657-62.
  • Kayaalp SO. Tıbbi farmakoloji. 9.baskı s;683-713.
  • Bender BG, Lerner JA, Ikle D, et al. Psychological change associa- ted with theophylline treatment of asthmatic children: A 6-month study. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1991;11:233-42.
  • Stuart FA, Segal TY, Keady S. Adverse psychological effects of cort- costeroids in children and adolescent, Arch dis child 2005;90;500- 6.
  • Iovchhuk N. M. The rehabilitative help for family with mentally ill Child. Eur Child & Psych 2003;2:12-63.
  • Shalowitz MU, Mijanovich T, Berry CA. Context matters: A com- munity-based study of maternal mental health, life stressors, social support, and children’s asthma. Pediatrics 2006;117:940-8.
  • Bartlett SJ, Krishnan JA, Riekert KA. Maternal depressive symp- toms and adherence to therapy in inner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2004;113:229-37.
  • Klinnert MD. Psychosocial influences on asthma among innercity children. Pediatr Pulmonol 1997; 24:234-6.
  • Bartlett SJ, Krishnan JA, Riekert KA. Maternal depressive symp- toms and adherence to therapy in inner-city children with asthma. Pediatrics 2004;113:229-37.
  • Tanıdır C. Alerji astım ve çocuk. Çocuk hastalıklarına biyopsi- kososyal yaklaşım kitabı, (Tüzün E, Hergüner S. Editor) 2007 s. 105-5.
  • Anthony KK, Gil KM, Schanberg LE. Brief report: Parental per- ceptions of child vulnerability in children with chronic illness. J Pediatr Psychol 2003;28:185-90.
There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Serhat Türkoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 25 Issue: 4


Vancouver Türkoğlu S. Solunum sistemi hastalığı olan çocuk ve ergenlerde psikiyatrik bozukluk ve belirtiler. Genel Tıp Derg. 2015;25(4):140-6.

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