Testiküler kitlenin nadir sebebi: Fıtık eşliğinde paratestiküler liposarkom
Year 2015,
Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 68 - 70, 01.06.2015
Mehmet Kaynar
Murat Akand
Murat Gül
Serdar Göktaş
Yumuşak dokunun sık gözlenen tümörü olan liposarkomun paratestiküler yerleşimi oldukça nadir görülmektedir. Sıklıkla ekstrape- ritoneal yağ dokusundan köken alan bu tümörler distale doğru korda ait yağ dokusuyla devam etmektedir. Tanı; genellikle operasyon sırasında şüphe üzerine histopatolojik değerlendirme ile konur. Bu yazıda testiküler kitle nedeni ile opere edilen paratestiküler lipo- sarkom ve beraberinde inguinal hernisi olan olgu sunulmuştur
- Torosian MH, Wein AJ. Liposarcoma of the spermatic cord. Case report and review of literature. J Surg Oncol 1987;34:179-81.
- Vázquez-Lavista LG, Pérez-Pruna C, Flores-Balcázar C, et al. Spermatic cord liposarcoma: a diagnostic challenge. Hernia 2006;10:195-7.
- Alyousef H1, Osman EM, Gomha MA. Paratesticular liposar- coma: a case report and review of the literature. Case Rep Urol 2013;2013:806289.
- Ballo MT, Zagars GK, Pisters PW, et al. Spermatic cord sar- coma: outcome, patterns of failure and management. J Urol 2001;166:1306-10.
- Raza M, Gurureddy H, Ali M, Siddesh G. Bilateral paratesticular liposarcoma – a rare case report. J Surg Tech Case Rep 2014;1:15-7.
- Abolhasani M, Babashahi M, Shooshtarizadeh T, et al. Well diffe- rentiated liposarcoma of spermatic cord: report of 3 rare cases Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2014;28:10.
- Montgomery E, Fisher C. Paratesticular liposarcoma: A clinicopat- hologic study. Am J Sur Pathol 2003;27:40-7.
- Hashimoto H, Enjoji M. Liposarcoma. A clinicopathologic subty- ping of 52 cases. Acta Pathol Jpn 1982;32:933-48.
- Stranne J, Hugosson J, Lodding P. Post-radical retropubic prostate- ctomy inguinal hernia: An analysis of risk factors with special refe- rence to preoperative inguinal hernia morbidity and pelvic lymph node dissection. J Urol 2006;176:2072-6.
A Rare Cause of Testicular Mass: Paratesticular Liposarcoma Accompanied By Hernia
Year 2015,
Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 68 - 70, 01.06.2015
Mehmet Kaynar
Murat Akand
Murat Gül
Serdar Göktaş
The common soft tissue tumor Liposarcoma that located in paratesticular area is quite rare. These tumors originating from the retro- peritoneal adipose tissue often continue to distal with the fat of the cords It is usually diagnosed by histopathological examination af- ter intraoperative suspicion. In this paper we presented an operated case with testicular inguinal hernia and paratesticular liposarcom
- Torosian MH, Wein AJ. Liposarcoma of the spermatic cord. Case report and review of literature. J Surg Oncol 1987;34:179-81.
- Vázquez-Lavista LG, Pérez-Pruna C, Flores-Balcázar C, et al. Spermatic cord liposarcoma: a diagnostic challenge. Hernia 2006;10:195-7.
- Alyousef H1, Osman EM, Gomha MA. Paratesticular liposar- coma: a case report and review of the literature. Case Rep Urol 2013;2013:806289.
- Ballo MT, Zagars GK, Pisters PW, et al. Spermatic cord sar- coma: outcome, patterns of failure and management. J Urol 2001;166:1306-10.
- Raza M, Gurureddy H, Ali M, Siddesh G. Bilateral paratesticular liposarcoma – a rare case report. J Surg Tech Case Rep 2014;1:15-7.
- Abolhasani M, Babashahi M, Shooshtarizadeh T, et al. Well diffe- rentiated liposarcoma of spermatic cord: report of 3 rare cases Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2014;28:10.
- Montgomery E, Fisher C. Paratesticular liposarcoma: A clinicopat- hologic study. Am J Sur Pathol 2003;27:40-7.
- Hashimoto H, Enjoji M. Liposarcoma. A clinicopathologic subty- ping of 52 cases. Acta Pathol Jpn 1982;32:933-48.
- Stranne J, Hugosson J, Lodding P. Post-radical retropubic prostate- ctomy inguinal hernia: An analysis of risk factors with special refe- rence to preoperative inguinal hernia morbidity and pelvic lymph node dissection. J Urol 2006;176:2072-6.