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Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi`nde 2007-2011 yılları arasında yapılan jinekolojik intraoperatif konsültasyon sonuçlarımızın değerlendirmesi

Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 47 - 52, 01.01.2014


Amaç: Jinekolojik patolojilerde intraoperatif konsültasyonun tanımı, tanı doğruluğunu, jinekopatolojik uyumu, sorunlarını ve çözümlerini ortaya koymak. Gereç ve yöntem: 1 Ocak 2007-31 Aralık 2011 tarihleri arasında hastanemizde Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı’ndan Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’na gönderilen 363 hastaya uygulanan toplam 404 intraoperatif konsültasyon sonuçları patoloji arşivinden elde edilen raporlardan değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Sonuçlarımıza göre jinekolojik operasyonlarda intraoperatif konsültasyon istem oranı %4.7’dir. Olguların %95.3’ünde frozen kesit tanıları ile parafin kesit tanıları uyumlu olup, yanlış negatif oranımız %4.4’tür. Yanlış negatif sonuçlar intraoperatif konsültasyon sırasında örneklemenin kısıtlı olması nedeniyledir. Olguların %3.7’sinde tanı parafin kesitlere ertelenmiştir. Tanının parafin kesitlere ertelendiği bu olguların yeterli sayıda kesit alınmasını, ayırıcı tanıda mitoz sayımı yanı sıra immünhistokimyasal çalışmaları gerektiren komplike olgular olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Olguların %67.8’i neoplastik, %32.2’si non-neoplastik olmak üzere %93.8’i primer, %1.2’si multipl primer, %5’i metastatik tümörlerdir. Over en sık intraoperatif konsültasyon istenen organ olup bunu endometrium, miyometrium, serviks ve vulva takip etmektedir. Sonuç: İntraoperatif konsültasyonlarda jinekolog ve patoloğun iletişimi, uyumu ve tecrübeleri güvenilir sonuçlar için önemlidir. Kliniğimizin sonuçlarının güvenilir olduğu belirlenmiştir


  • Yeo EL, Yu KM, Poddar NC, Hui PK, Tang LC. The accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1998;24:189-95.
  • Twaalfhoven FC, Peters AA, Trimbos JB, Hermans J, Fleuren GJ. The accuracy of frozen section diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Gyne- col Oncol 1991;41:189-92.
  • Baker P, Oliva E. A practical approach to intraoperative consulta- tion in gynecological pathology. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2008;27:353- 65.
  • Ismiil N, Ghorab Z, Nofech-Mozes S, et al. Intraoperative consul- tation in gynecologic pathology: a 6-year audit at a tertiary care medical center. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009;19:152-7.
  • Zarbo RJ, Hoffman GG, Howanitz PJ. Interinstitutional compari- son of frozen-section consultation. A College of American Patho- logists Q-Probe study of 79,647 consultations in 297 North Ameri- can institutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1991;115:1187-94.
  • Cross PA, Naik R, Patel A, et al. Intra-operative frozen section analysis for suspected early-stage ovarian cancer: 11 years of Ga- teshead Cancer Centre experience. BJOG 2012;119:194-201.
  • North of England Cancer Network Gynaecological Clinical Gui- delines, version 1.4, July 2010. [ home/guidelines/gynae-oncology]. Last accessed 25 March 2011.
  • Fırat P, Mocan G, Usubütün A, Özdamar Ş, Küçükali T, Ayhan A. Overin germ hücreli neoplazmları: intraoperatif konsültasyonun tanı değeri. Patol Bül 2000;17:155-8.
  • Usubütün A, Küçükali T. Cerrahi patolojide ve jinekolojik onkolo- jide “frozen section”. Ankara Patol Bül 1999;16: 46-8.
  • Arıkan İ, Barut A, Harma M, et al. Accuracy of intra-operative frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. JPMA 2011;61: 856-8.
  • Pongsuvareeyakul T, Khunamornpong S, Settakorn J, et al. Accu- racy of frozen-section diagnosis of ovarian mucinous tumors. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012;22:400-6.
  • Chen EY, Lee KR, Nucci MR. Intraoperative evaluation of ovarian tumors. In Crum CP, Nucci MR, Lee KR (Eds). Diagnostic Gyne- cologic and Obstetric Pathology. Second ed., Philadelphia, Else- vier Saunders, 2011, 800-817.
  • Wang KG, Chen TC, Wang TY, Yang YC, Su TH. Accuracy of fro- zen section in gyenecology. Gynecol Oncol 1998;70:105-10.
  • Özer H, Aker H, Boztosun A, Yanık A, Çiftçi A, Yıldırım M. Over lezyonlarında beş yıllık intraoperatif konsültasyon sonuçlarımızın değerlendirmesi. Cumhuriyet Tıp Derg 2014;36: 88-95.
  • Ozturk E, Dikensoy E, Balat O, Ugur MG, Aydin A. Intraoperative frozen section is essential for assessment of myometrial invasion but not for histologic grade confirmation in endometrial cancer: a ten-year experience. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;285: 1415-9.
  • Stephan JM, Hansen J, Samuelson M, et al. Intra-operative frozen section results reliably predict final pathology in endometrial can- cer. Gynecol Oncol 2014;133:499-505.

Evaluation of the gynecologic intraoperative consultation results in Cumhuriyet University Hospital between 2007-2011

Year 2014, Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 47 - 52, 01.01.2014


Objectives: To identify definition of intraoperative consultation and diagnostic accuracy in gynecologic pathology, gynecologi- cal-pathological agreement and solutions. Material and method: The results of 404 intraoperative consultations of 363 patients sent to Pathology Department by Obstetrics & Gynecology Department of hospital between 1 January, 2007 and 31 December, 2011, were assessed by using pathology reports, obtained from the database of Pathology Department. Results: According to our results, rate of intraoperative consultation was 4.7%. Frozen section diagnosis in 95.3% of cases was compatible with the paraffin sections, our false negative rate was 4.4%. False negative results during intraoperative consultation were due to the limited sampling. Definite diagnosis was left to paraffin sections in 3.7% of the cases. They were complicated cases and for differential diagnosis, immunohistochemical staining as well as requiring adequate number of sections and mitosis count was needed. There were primary tumors in 93.8%; mul- tiple primary tumors in 1.2% and metastatic tumors in 5.0%, as being neoplastic in 67.8% and non-neoplastic in 32.2%. Intraoperative consultation was most frequently ordered in ovary; followed by endometrium, myometrium, cervix and vulva. Conclusion: In int- raoperative consultations, communication and coordination of the gynecologist and pathologist and their experience are crucial for reliable results. It was found that results of our clinic was reliable


  • Yeo EL, Yu KM, Poddar NC, Hui PK, Tang LC. The accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 1998;24:189-95.
  • Twaalfhoven FC, Peters AA, Trimbos JB, Hermans J, Fleuren GJ. The accuracy of frozen section diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Gyne- col Oncol 1991;41:189-92.
  • Baker P, Oliva E. A practical approach to intraoperative consulta- tion in gynecological pathology. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2008;27:353- 65.
  • Ismiil N, Ghorab Z, Nofech-Mozes S, et al. Intraoperative consul- tation in gynecologic pathology: a 6-year audit at a tertiary care medical center. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2009;19:152-7.
  • Zarbo RJ, Hoffman GG, Howanitz PJ. Interinstitutional compari- son of frozen-section consultation. A College of American Patho- logists Q-Probe study of 79,647 consultations in 297 North Ameri- can institutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1991;115:1187-94.
  • Cross PA, Naik R, Patel A, et al. Intra-operative frozen section analysis for suspected early-stage ovarian cancer: 11 years of Ga- teshead Cancer Centre experience. BJOG 2012;119:194-201.
  • North of England Cancer Network Gynaecological Clinical Gui- delines, version 1.4, July 2010. [ home/guidelines/gynae-oncology]. Last accessed 25 March 2011.
  • Fırat P, Mocan G, Usubütün A, Özdamar Ş, Küçükali T, Ayhan A. Overin germ hücreli neoplazmları: intraoperatif konsültasyonun tanı değeri. Patol Bül 2000;17:155-8.
  • Usubütün A, Küçükali T. Cerrahi patolojide ve jinekolojik onkolo- jide “frozen section”. Ankara Patol Bül 1999;16: 46-8.
  • Arıkan İ, Barut A, Harma M, et al. Accuracy of intra-operative frozen section in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours. JPMA 2011;61: 856-8.
  • Pongsuvareeyakul T, Khunamornpong S, Settakorn J, et al. Accu- racy of frozen-section diagnosis of ovarian mucinous tumors. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2012;22:400-6.
  • Chen EY, Lee KR, Nucci MR. Intraoperative evaluation of ovarian tumors. In Crum CP, Nucci MR, Lee KR (Eds). Diagnostic Gyne- cologic and Obstetric Pathology. Second ed., Philadelphia, Else- vier Saunders, 2011, 800-817.
  • Wang KG, Chen TC, Wang TY, Yang YC, Su TH. Accuracy of fro- zen section in gyenecology. Gynecol Oncol 1998;70:105-10.
  • Özer H, Aker H, Boztosun A, Yanık A, Çiftçi A, Yıldırım M. Over lezyonlarında beş yıllık intraoperatif konsültasyon sonuçlarımızın değerlendirmesi. Cumhuriyet Tıp Derg 2014;36: 88-95.
  • Ozturk E, Dikensoy E, Balat O, Ugur MG, Aydin A. Intraoperative frozen section is essential for assessment of myometrial invasion but not for histologic grade confirmation in endometrial cancer: a ten-year experience. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;285: 1415-9.
  • Stephan JM, Hansen J, Samuelson M, et al. Intra-operative frozen section results reliably predict final pathology in endometrial can- cer. Gynecol Oncol 2014;133:499-505.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Hatice Özer This is me

Abdullah Boztosun This is me

Handan Aker This is me

Ali Yanık This is me

Muradiye Yıldırım

Ayşe Çiftçi This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 24 Issue: 2


Vancouver Özer H, Boztosun A, Aker H, Yanık A, Yıldırım M, Çiftçi A. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi`nde 2007-2011 yılları arasında yapılan jinekolojik intraoperatif konsültasyon sonuçlarımızın değerlendirmesi. Genel Tıp Derg. 2014;24(2):47-52.

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