Üst ekstremitede arteriyel ve muskuler varyasyonlar
Year 2014,
Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 75 - 78, 01.01.2014
Nadire Ünver Doğan
Aynur Emine Çiçekçibaşi
Mehmet Tuğrul Yılmaz
İsmihan İlknur Uysal
Taner Ziylan
Rutin öğrenci diseksiyonlarımızda, bir erkek kadavranın sol üst ekstremitesinde arteriyel ve müsküler varyasyonlar gözlendi. Arteria radialis’in yüzeyelde olduğu, arcus palmaris superficialis’in sadece a. ulnaris tarafından oluşturulduğu, m. palmaris longus’un yoklu- ğu ve m. extensor digiti miniminin üç adet tendona sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Varyasyonlar embriyolojik kökenli olduğundan aynı bölgede farklı yapılarda normalin dışında görünümler birliktelik gösterebilir. Bu yüzden anatomik ve klinik çalışmalarda bir varyas- yon tespit edildiğinde aynı bölgede diğer yapılarda da farklılık gözlenebileceği akılda tutulmalıdır
- Gökmen FG. Sistematik Anatomi. Güven Kitabevi. 2003.
- Sebastin SJ, Lim AYT, Wong HW. Clinical assessment of absence of the palmaris longus and its association with other anatomical anomalies. A Chinese population study. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2006;35:249-53.
- Sebastin SJ, Puhaindran ME, Lim AYT, Lim IJ, Bee WH. The prevalence of absence of the palmaris longus. A study in a chi- nese population and a review of the literature. J Hand Surg Br 2005;30:525-7.
- Sebastin SJ, Lım AYT, Bee WH, Wong TCM, Methil BV. Does the absence of the palmaris lon gus affect grip and pinch strength. J Hand Surg Br 2005;30:406-8.
- Thompson NW, Mockford BJ, Cran GW. Absence of the palmaris longus muscle: A population study. Ulster Med J 2001;70:22-4.
- Troha F, Baibak GJ, Kelleher JC. Frequency of the palmaris lon- gus tendon in North American Caucasians. Ann Plast Surg 1990;25:477-8.
- Ceylan O, Mavt A. Distrubition of agenesis of the palmaris longus muscle in 12-18 year old age groups. Indian J Med Sci 1997;51:156- 60.
- Sullivan EO, Mitchell BS. Association of the absebce of palmaris longus tendon with an anomalous superficial palmar arch in the human hand. J Anat 2002;201:405-8.
- Vanderhoof E. The frequency and relationship between the pal- maris longus and plantaris tendons. Am J Orthop 1996;25:38-41.
- Tağıl SM, Çiçekçibaşı AE, Öğün TC, Büyükmumcu M, Salbacak A. Variations and clinical importance of the superficial palmar arch. SDÜ Tıp Fakül Derg 2007;14:11-6.
- Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi Güneş Kitabevi. 2001. 50-2.
- Gellman H, Botte MJ, Shankwiler J, Gelberman RH. Arterial pat- terns of the deep and superficial palmar arches. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2001;383:41-6.
- Bilge O, Pınar Y, Özer MA, Gövsa F. A morphometric study on the superficial palmar arch of the hand. Surg Radiol Anat 2006;28:343- 50.
- Fazan VPS, Borges CT, Silva JH, Caetano AG, Filho OAR. Super- ficial palmar arch: an arterial diameter study. J Anat 2004;204:307- 11.
- Wood SJ, Abrahams PH, Sanudo JR, Ferreira BJ. Bilateral super- ficial radial artery at the wrist associated with a radial origin of a unilateral median artery. J Anat 1997;189:691-3.
- Sachs M. The arteria radialis superficialis. An unusual variati- on of the arteria radialis of man and its phylogenetic. Acta Anat 1987;128:110-23.
- Morris Lg, Rowe Nm, Delacure MD. Superficial dorsal artery of the forearm: case report and review of the literature. Ann Plast Surg 2005;55:538-41.
- Seradge H, Tian W, Baer C. Anatomic variation of the extensor tenons to the ring and little fingers: a cadaver dissection study. Am J Orthop 1999;28:399-401.
- Seradge H, Tian W, Roberts C. Clinical significance of an extensor tendon anomaly to the little finger: a new finding. J Okla State Med Assoc 1999;92:7-9.
- Hirai Y, Yoshida K, Inoue A, Yamaki K, Yoshizuka M. An anatomic study of the extensor tendons of the human hand. J Hand Surg 2001;26:1009-15.
- Osonuga A, Mahama HM, Brown AA, et al. The prevalence of pal- maris longus agenesis among the Ghanaian population. APJTD 2012;2:887-9.
- Kapoor SK, Tiwari A, Kumar A, Bhatia R, Tantuway V, Kapoor S. Clinical relevance of palmaris longus agenesis: common anatomi- cal aberration. Anat Sci Int 2008;83:45-8.
Arterial and muscular variations in the upper limb
Year 2014,
Volume: 24 Issue: 2, 75 - 78, 01.01.2014
Nadire Ünver Doğan
Aynur Emine Çiçekçibaşi
Mehmet Tuğrul Yılmaz
İsmihan İlknur Uysal
Taner Ziylan
During our routine dissection studies we observed arterial and muscular variations in the left upper limb of an adult male cadaver. In this case we observed the superficial radial artery, the superficial palmar arch was formed by the ulnar artery along, the palmaris longus muscle was absent and the extensor digiti minimi muscle had got three tendons. Variations in the same area may be observed in different structures as the variations are embryological origin. For this reason, when a variation is detected in anatomic and clinical studies, it should be kept in mind that differences may be observed in the other structures in the same area
- Gökmen FG. Sistematik Anatomi. Güven Kitabevi. 2003.
- Sebastin SJ, Lim AYT, Wong HW. Clinical assessment of absence of the palmaris longus and its association with other anatomical anomalies. A Chinese population study. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2006;35:249-53.
- Sebastin SJ, Puhaindran ME, Lim AYT, Lim IJ, Bee WH. The prevalence of absence of the palmaris longus. A study in a chi- nese population and a review of the literature. J Hand Surg Br 2005;30:525-7.
- Sebastin SJ, Lım AYT, Bee WH, Wong TCM, Methil BV. Does the absence of the palmaris lon gus affect grip and pinch strength. J Hand Surg Br 2005;30:406-8.
- Thompson NW, Mockford BJ, Cran GW. Absence of the palmaris longus muscle: A population study. Ulster Med J 2001;70:22-4.
- Troha F, Baibak GJ, Kelleher JC. Frequency of the palmaris lon- gus tendon in North American Caucasians. Ann Plast Surg 1990;25:477-8.
- Ceylan O, Mavt A. Distrubition of agenesis of the palmaris longus muscle in 12-18 year old age groups. Indian J Med Sci 1997;51:156- 60.
- Sullivan EO, Mitchell BS. Association of the absebce of palmaris longus tendon with an anomalous superficial palmar arch in the human hand. J Anat 2002;201:405-8.
- Vanderhoof E. The frequency and relationship between the pal- maris longus and plantaris tendons. Am J Orthop 1996;25:38-41.
- Tağıl SM, Çiçekçibaşı AE, Öğün TC, Büyükmumcu M, Salbacak A. Variations and clinical importance of the superficial palmar arch. SDÜ Tıp Fakül Derg 2007;14:11-6.
- Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi Güneş Kitabevi. 2001. 50-2.
- Gellman H, Botte MJ, Shankwiler J, Gelberman RH. Arterial pat- terns of the deep and superficial palmar arches. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2001;383:41-6.
- Bilge O, Pınar Y, Özer MA, Gövsa F. A morphometric study on the superficial palmar arch of the hand. Surg Radiol Anat 2006;28:343- 50.
- Fazan VPS, Borges CT, Silva JH, Caetano AG, Filho OAR. Super- ficial palmar arch: an arterial diameter study. J Anat 2004;204:307- 11.
- Wood SJ, Abrahams PH, Sanudo JR, Ferreira BJ. Bilateral super- ficial radial artery at the wrist associated with a radial origin of a unilateral median artery. J Anat 1997;189:691-3.
- Sachs M. The arteria radialis superficialis. An unusual variati- on of the arteria radialis of man and its phylogenetic. Acta Anat 1987;128:110-23.
- Morris Lg, Rowe Nm, Delacure MD. Superficial dorsal artery of the forearm: case report and review of the literature. Ann Plast Surg 2005;55:538-41.
- Seradge H, Tian W, Baer C. Anatomic variation of the extensor tenons to the ring and little fingers: a cadaver dissection study. Am J Orthop 1999;28:399-401.
- Seradge H, Tian W, Roberts C. Clinical significance of an extensor tendon anomaly to the little finger: a new finding. J Okla State Med Assoc 1999;92:7-9.
- Hirai Y, Yoshida K, Inoue A, Yamaki K, Yoshizuka M. An anatomic study of the extensor tendons of the human hand. J Hand Surg 2001;26:1009-15.
- Osonuga A, Mahama HM, Brown AA, et al. The prevalence of pal- maris longus agenesis among the Ghanaian population. APJTD 2012;2:887-9.
- Kapoor SK, Tiwari A, Kumar A, Bhatia R, Tantuway V, Kapoor S. Clinical relevance of palmaris longus agenesis: common anatomi- cal aberration. Anat Sci Int 2008;83:45-8.