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Mavi Kod çağrısına bağlı kardiyo-pulmoner resüsitasyon uygulamaları sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 70 - 76, 01.01.2013


Amaç: Mavi Kod, kardiyopulmoner arrest KPA durumunda hastaya en kısa sürede müdahale edilmesini sağlayan acil durum çağrı ve yönlendirme sistemidir. tüm dünyada tek ve aynı renk kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Mavi Kod uygulamaları, kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyonda ilk ritim ve resüsitasyon sonrası bu ritim ile ilişkili olarak hayatta kalma ve taburculuk oranlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Mayıs 2011 ile Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasındaki Mavi Kod çağrısı MKÇ verilen 301 hastanın verileri hastane etik komitesi izninden sonra geriye dönük olarak analiz edildi. Yaş, cinsiyet, Mavi Kod veriliş tarih ve saati, MKÇ’nin verildiği birim, ekibin birime varış süresi, çağrının doğruluğu, KPR süresi, başlangıç ritmi asistoli, VT / NVF , ilk 24 saatte hayatta kalma ve taburcu olma oranları araştırıldı. Bulgular: Yaklaşık 1 yıllık sürede Mavi Kod Ekibi 301 MKÇ aldı. Gerçek olmayan arrest çağrıları hariç tutulduğunda 238’ü doğru çağrı –gerçek arrest olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. 86 %28,6 hastada spontan dolaşım geri dönmüş SDGD tür. Bu hastaların, 62 % 26 ’si KPR’den sonra ilk 24 saat hayatta kalırken. ancak 17 %7,1 hasta taburcu edilmiştir. KPR’de ilk ritimlerine göre, hayatta kalan hasta oranı asistolide 26 %41,9 , VF/NVT’de 35 %56,5 , taburculuk oranları ise ritmi asistoli olanlarda 2 %11,8 , VF/NVT’de 15 %88,2 hasta olmuştur. Sonuç: Hastanemizde Mavi Kod çağrıları değerlendirildiğinde, hastalarda KPR’de ilk ritim en sık asistoli olmasına rağmen, ilk ritmi VF/NVT olanlarda hayatta kalma ve taburcu olma oranlarının daha fazla olduğunu söyleyebiliriz


  • Sandroni C,Nolan J, Cavallaro F, Antonelli M. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve sur- vival. Intensive Care Med 2007;33:237-45.
  • Peters R, Boyde M. Improving survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest: The Australian experience. Am J Crit Care 2007;16:240-7.
  • Mavi Kod Uygulama Talimatı. Available at:http://www.kalite.sag- files/hizmet_kalite_standartlari_2011/hasta- ne_hks/hskkitap.pdf. Erişim tarihi 14 Haziran 2012 (Accessed 14 June 2012)
  • Field JM, Hazinski MF, Sayre MR, et al. Part 1: executive summary: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for cardiopulmo- nary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation 2010;122:S640-56.
  • Mendes A, Carvalho F, Dias C, Granja C. In-hospital cardiac arrest: factors in the decision not to resuscitate. The impact of an organi- zed in-hospital emergency system. Rev Port Cardiol 2009;28:131- 41.
  • Saghafinia M, Motamedi MH, Piryaie M, et al. Survival after in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a major referral cen- ter. Saudi J Anaesth 2010;4:68-71.
  • Brindley PG, Markland DM, Mayers I, et al. Predictors of survival following in-hospital adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CMAJ 2002;167:343-8.
  • Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, et al. Quality of cardiopul- monary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA 2005;293:305-10.
  • Oğuztürk H, Turtay MG, Tekin YK, Sarıhan E. Acil serviste ger- çekleşen kardiyak arrestler ve kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon dene- yimlerimiz. Kafkas J Med Sci 2011;1:114-7.
  • Villamaria FJ, Pliego JF, Wehbe-Janek H, et al. Using simulation to orient code blue teams to a new hospital facility. Simul Healthc 2008;3:209-16.
  • Peberdy MA, Ornato JP, Larkin GL, et al. Survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest during nights and weekends. JAMA 2008;299:785- 92.
  • Peberdy MA, Kaye W, Ornato JP, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion of adults in the hospital: a report of 14720 cardiac arrests from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Resusci- tation 2003;58:297-308.
  • Nadkarni VM, Larkin GL, Peberdy MA, et al. First documented rh- ythm and clinical outcome from in-hospital cardiac arrest among children and adults. JAMA 2006;295:50-7.
  • Herlitz J, Bang A, Alsen B, et al. Characteristics and outcome among patients suffering from in hospital cardiac arrest in relation to whether the arrest took place during office hours. Resuscitation 2002;53:127-33.
  • Chan PS, Krumholz HM, Nichol G, et al. Delayed time to defibril- lation after in-hospital cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2008;358:9-17.
  • Cobb LA, Weaver WD, Fahrenbruch CE, et al. Community-based interventions for sudden cardiac death. Impact, limitations, and changes. Circulation 1992;85:I98-102.
  • Kinney KG, Boyd SY, Simpson DE. Guidelines for appropriate in-hospital emergency team time management: the Brooke Army Medical Center approach. Resuscitation 2004;60:33-8.
  • Mondrup F, Brabrand M, Folkestad L, et al. In-hospital resuscitati- on evaluated by in situ simulation: a prospective simulation study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2011;19:55.
  • Shin TG, Jo IJ, Song HG, et al. Improving survival rate of patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest: five years of experience in a single center in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 2012;27:146-52.
  • Mohnle P, Huge V, Polasek J, et al. Survival after cardiac arrest and changing task profile of the cardiac arrest team in a tertiary care center. Scientific World Journal 2012;2012:294512.
  • Zafari AM, Zarter SK, Heggen V, et al. A program encouraging early defibrillation results in improved in-hospital resuscitation efficacy. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44:846-52.
  • Danciu SC, Klein L, Hosseini MM, et al. A predictive model for survival after in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation 2004;62:35-42.
  • van Walraven C, Forster AJ, Parish DC, et al. Validation of a clinical decision aid to discontinue in-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitati- ons. JAMA 2001;285:1602-6.
  • Huang CH, Chen WJ, Ma MH, et al. Factors influencing the out- comes after in-hospital resuscitation in Taiwan. Resuscitation 2002;53:265-70.

The evaluation of the results of cardiopulmoner resusitation associated with code-blue

Year 2013, Volume: 23 Issue: 3, 70 - 76, 01.01.2013


Objectives: Code Blue is emergency call and routing system allows to intervene cardiopulmonary arrest as soon as possible. It is used just only and the same color all over the world. In this study it is aimed to evaluate the code clue application, initial rhythm of cardio- pulmoner resusitition CPR and survival and discharge rates related with the initial rhythm after CPR. Material and metods: Data of 301 patients with Code Blue call between May 2011 and May 2012 were retrospectively analysed after having approval of the hospital ethics committee. Patients age, gender, code blue call time and date, the call given unit, team’s arrival time to unit , the accuracy of the call, CPR time, the initial rhythm asystole, VF/pulseless VT , survival and discharge rates in first 24 hours were investigated. Results: Approximately a year period, Code Blue Team received 301 the calls. Except wrong calls, 238 correct calls-real arrest were included in the study. 86 36.1% patients circulation was return of spontaneous circulation. When 62 26% of the patient were sur- vival after 24 hour from CPR, however 17 7.1% of them were discharged. 26 41,9% asistoly and 35 56,5% VF/NVT were that the first rythm in CPR cases p


  • Sandroni C,Nolan J, Cavallaro F, Antonelli M. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve sur- vival. Intensive Care Med 2007;33:237-45.
  • Peters R, Boyde M. Improving survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest: The Australian experience. Am J Crit Care 2007;16:240-7.
  • Mavi Kod Uygulama Talimatı. Available at:http://www.kalite.sag- files/hizmet_kalite_standartlari_2011/hasta- ne_hks/hskkitap.pdf. Erişim tarihi 14 Haziran 2012 (Accessed 14 June 2012)
  • Field JM, Hazinski MF, Sayre MR, et al. Part 1: executive summary: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for cardiopulmo- nary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation 2010;122:S640-56.
  • Mendes A, Carvalho F, Dias C, Granja C. In-hospital cardiac arrest: factors in the decision not to resuscitate. The impact of an organi- zed in-hospital emergency system. Rev Port Cardiol 2009;28:131- 41.
  • Saghafinia M, Motamedi MH, Piryaie M, et al. Survival after in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a major referral cen- ter. Saudi J Anaesth 2010;4:68-71.
  • Brindley PG, Markland DM, Mayers I, et al. Predictors of survival following in-hospital adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CMAJ 2002;167:343-8.
  • Abella BS, Alvarado JP, Myklebust H, et al. Quality of cardiopul- monary resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrest. JAMA 2005;293:305-10.
  • Oğuztürk H, Turtay MG, Tekin YK, Sarıhan E. Acil serviste ger- çekleşen kardiyak arrestler ve kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon dene- yimlerimiz. Kafkas J Med Sci 2011;1:114-7.
  • Villamaria FJ, Pliego JF, Wehbe-Janek H, et al. Using simulation to orient code blue teams to a new hospital facility. Simul Healthc 2008;3:209-16.
  • Peberdy MA, Ornato JP, Larkin GL, et al. Survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest during nights and weekends. JAMA 2008;299:785- 92.
  • Peberdy MA, Kaye W, Ornato JP, et al. Cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion of adults in the hospital: a report of 14720 cardiac arrests from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Resusci- tation 2003;58:297-308.
  • Nadkarni VM, Larkin GL, Peberdy MA, et al. First documented rh- ythm and clinical outcome from in-hospital cardiac arrest among children and adults. JAMA 2006;295:50-7.
  • Herlitz J, Bang A, Alsen B, et al. Characteristics and outcome among patients suffering from in hospital cardiac arrest in relation to whether the arrest took place during office hours. Resuscitation 2002;53:127-33.
  • Chan PS, Krumholz HM, Nichol G, et al. Delayed time to defibril- lation after in-hospital cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2008;358:9-17.
  • Cobb LA, Weaver WD, Fahrenbruch CE, et al. Community-based interventions for sudden cardiac death. Impact, limitations, and changes. Circulation 1992;85:I98-102.
  • Kinney KG, Boyd SY, Simpson DE. Guidelines for appropriate in-hospital emergency team time management: the Brooke Army Medical Center approach. Resuscitation 2004;60:33-8.
  • Mondrup F, Brabrand M, Folkestad L, et al. In-hospital resuscitati- on evaluated by in situ simulation: a prospective simulation study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2011;19:55.
  • Shin TG, Jo IJ, Song HG, et al. Improving survival rate of patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest: five years of experience in a single center in Korea. J Korean Med Sci 2012;27:146-52.
  • Mohnle P, Huge V, Polasek J, et al. Survival after cardiac arrest and changing task profile of the cardiac arrest team in a tertiary care center. Scientific World Journal 2012;2012:294512.
  • Zafari AM, Zarter SK, Heggen V, et al. A program encouraging early defibrillation results in improved in-hospital resuscitation efficacy. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44:846-52.
  • Danciu SC, Klein L, Hosseini MM, et al. A predictive model for survival after in-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation 2004;62:35-42.
  • van Walraven C, Forster AJ, Parish DC, et al. Validation of a clinical decision aid to discontinue in-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitati- ons. JAMA 2001;285:1602-6.
  • Huang CH, Chen WJ, Ma MH, et al. Factors influencing the out- comes after in-hospital resuscitation in Taiwan. Resuscitation 2002;53:265-70.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Article

Faruk Çiçekci This is me

Sait Selçuk Atıcı This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 23 Issue: 3


Vancouver Çiçekci F, Atıcı SS. Mavi Kod çağrısına bağlı kardiyo-pulmoner resüsitasyon uygulamaları sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Genel Tıp Derg. 2013;23(3):70-6.