Research Article
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Death Anxiety of Nursing Students Returning to Clinical Practice During The COVID-19 Pandemic Period

Year 2023, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 44 - 50, 28.02.2023


Aim: Diseases with high mortality rates such as COVID-19 increase the death anxiety level. This pandemic process has had an impact on the mental health of nursing students in terms of emotions and cognition such as fear of death and anxiety. The purpose of this present study was to determine the level of death anxiety among nursing students returning to clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out with the students enrolled nursing department of a university between March and July 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic (n= 337). The data were collected using the students’ information form and the Death Anxiety Scale through an online survey.
Results: The students had a low level of death anxiety. Nursing students’ age, gender, previous education about death, the state of infected with COVID-19, the state of afraid to be infected with COVID-19 and the afraid of caregiving for COVID-19 patients were found to be factors related to death anxiety.
Conclusion: This study highlights that COVID-19 affected the death anxiety of nursing students and students need support and preventive strategies to care for dying patients during the COVID-19 pandemic

Supporting Institution

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Project Number



The authors would like to thank the contribution of all the students who participated in the study.


  • 1Nienaber K, Goedereis E. Death anxiety and education: a comparison among undergraduate and graduate students. Death Studies 2015;39(8):483–490.
  • McKenzie EL, Brown PM, Mak AS, Chamberlain P. ‘Old and ill’: death anxiety and coping strategies influencing health professionals' well-being and dementia care. Aging Ment Health 2017;21(6):634–641.
  • World Health Organization. WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) dashboard overview. Retrieved from Access date; Junuary, 24, 2022.
  • Martin-Delgado L, Goni-Fuste, B., Alfonso-Arias, C., De Juan, M., Wennberg, L., Rodríguez, E., ... & Martin-Ferreres ML. Nursing students on the frontline: Impact and personal and professional gains of joining the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Journal of Professional Nursing 2021;37(3): 588-597.
  • Lai J, Ma S, Wang Y, et al. Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019. JAMA network open 2020;3(3), e203976-e203976.
  • Bandyopadhyay S, Baticulon RE, Kadhum M, et al. Infection and mortality of healthcare workers worldwide from COVID-19: a systematic review. BMJ global health 2020; 5(12), e003097.
  • Galehdar N, Toulabi T, Kamran A, et al. Exploring nurses' perception of taking care of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID‐19): A qualitative study. Nursing open 2021;8(1): 171-179.
  • Chew NW, Lee GK, Tan BY, et al. A multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak. Brain, behavior, and immunity 2020; 88: 559-565.
  • Menzies RE, Neimeyer RA, Menzies RG. Death anxiety, loss, and grief in the time of COVID-19. Behaviour Change 2020; 37(3): 111-115.
  • McKenzie EL, Brown PM. Nursing students’ death anxiety and fear towards dementia patients. Australasian journal on ageing 2017;36(3), E32-E35.
  • Lehto R, Stein KF. Death anxiety: An analysis of an evolving concept. 2009;23(9).
  • Lok GKI, Ng MWI, Zhu MMX, et al. Mediating effect of religious belief on death anxiety in Chinese adolescents: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of School Health. 2019; 6(4): 14-20.
  • Turhan E H. Ölüm sosyolojisi ekseninde ölüm kaygısı ve koronavirüs (Death anxiety and coronavirus on the axis of death sociology). Habitus Toplumbilim Dergisi 2021:2(2): 85-101.
  • Li J, Smothers A, Fang, W, et al. Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perception of End-of-Life Care Education Placement in the Nursing Curriculum. Journal of hospice and palliative nursing: JHPN: the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association 2019;21(5), E12.
  • O'Brien M R, Kinloch K, Groves KE, et al. Meeting patients’ spiritual needs during end‐of‐life care: A qualitative study of nurses’ and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of spiritual care training. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2019; 28(1-2): 182-189.
  • Özveren H, Gülnar E, Çalışkan, N. Effect of storytelling technique on the attitudes of nursing students toward death. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2020, 0030222820921026.
  • Nabavian M, Rahmani N, Alipour H. Experiences of Nursing Students in the Care for Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Patient Experience. 2021; 8, 23743735211039925.
  • Tülüce D, Kaplan Serin E. Nursing Students’ Opinions About Covid-19: A Qualitative Study. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2022; 00302228211067041.
  • Yıldırım D, Akman Ö, Sarıkaya A. The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Death Anxiety of Nursing Students. Psychiatria Danubina 2021; 33(13): 399-404.
  • Curșeu PL, Coman AD, Panchenko A, et al. Death anxiety, death reflection and interpersonal communication as predictors of social distance towards people infected with COVID 19. Current Psychology 2021; 1-14.
  • Cervera-Gasch Á, González-Chordá VM, Mena-Tudela D. COVID-19: Are Spanish medicine and nursing students prepared?. Nurse Education Today 2020; 92, 104473.
  • Sarıkaya Y, Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS). Death studies 2016;40(7): 419-431.
  • Giacalone M, Panarello D, Mattera R. Multicollinearity in regression: an efficiency comparison between L p-norm and least squares estimators. Quality & Quantity 2018; 52(4): 1831-1859.
  • Cevik B, Kav S. Attitudes and experiences of nurses toward death and caring for dying patients in Turkey. Cancer nursing 2013; 36(6): E58-E65.
  • Parry M. Student nurses' experience of their first death in clinical practice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2011; 17(9): 448-453.
  • Canet-Vélez O, Botigué, T, Santamaría AL, et al. The perception of training and professional development according to nursing students as health workers during COVID-19: A qualitative study. Nurse education in practice 2021; 53, 103072.
  • Cheng L, Guo X, Liu H, et al. Hope, death anxiety and simplified coping style scores of nursing students during the outbreak of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study. Medicine 2021;100(34).
  • Williamson EJ, Walker AJ, Bhaskaran K, et al. Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY. Nature 2020;584(7821): 430-436.
  • Reker, G. T., Peacock, E. J., & Wong, P. T. Meaning and purpose in life and well-being: A life-span perspective. Journal of gerontology 1987; 42(1), 44-49.
  • Russac R J, Gatliff C, Reece M, et al. Death anxiety across the adult years: An examination of age and gender effects. Death studies 2007; 31(6):549-561.
  • Harrawood LK, White LJ, Benshoff JJ. Death anxiety in a national sample of United States funeral directors and its relationship with death exposure, age, and sex. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2009; 58(2): 129-146
  • Depaola SJ, Griffin M, Young JR, et al. Death anxiety and attitudes towardthe elderly among older adults: The Role of gender and ethnicity. Death studies 2003; 27(4): 335-354.
  • Limonero J T, Tomás-Sábado J, Fernández-Castro J, et al. Perceived personal competence and death anxiety in nursing students. Ansiedad y Estres 2010; 16(2-3): 177-188.
  • McClatchey IS, King S. The impact of death education on fear of death and death anxiety among human services students. OMEGA-Journal of death and dying 2015; 71(4): 343-361.
  • Abdel-Khalek AM, El Nayal MA. Death anxiety in Lebanese college students in 1998 and 2015. Death studies 2019; 43(9): 542-546.
  • Şahin M, Demirkıran F, Adana F. Nursing Students’ Death Anxiety, Influencing Factors and Request of Caring For Dying People. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi 2016; 7(3).
  • Shin E J. Influence of the death education program on meaning in life, death anxiety and attitude toward nursing care of the dying patients among nursing students. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry 2011; 22(3), 65-74.
  • Chow HP. A time to be born and a time to die: Exploring the determinants of death anxiety among university students in a western Canadian city. Death Studies 2017; 41(6): 345-352.
  • Tang PL, Chiou CP, Lin HS, et al. Correlates of death anxiety among Taiwanese cancer patients Cancer nursing. 2011; 34(4): 286-292.
  • Huang Y, Zhao N. Generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms and sleep quality during COVID-19 outbreak in China: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Psychiatry research. 2020; 288, 112954.
  • Collado-Boira EJ, Ruiz-Palomino E, Salas-Media P, et al. “The COVID-19 outbreak”—An empirical phenomenological study on perceptions and psychosocial considerations surrounding the immediate incorporation of final-year Spanish nursing and medical students into the health system. Nurse education today 2020; 92, 104504.
  • Cici R, Yilmazel G. Determination of anxiety levels and perspectives on the nursing profession among candidate nurses with relation to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Perspectives in psychiatric care 2021; 57(1): 358-362.

COVID-19 Pandemi Döneminde Klinik Uygulamaya Dönen Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Ölüm Kaygısı

Year 2023, Volume: 33 Issue: 1, 44 - 50, 28.02.2023


Amaç: COVID-19 gibi ölüm oranlarının yüksek olduğu hastalıklar ölüm kaygısını artırmaktadır. Bu pandemi süreci, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ruh sağlığını ölüm korkusu ve kaygı gibi duygu ve bilişler açısından etkilemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, COVID-19 sırasında klinik uygulamayı deneyimleyen hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ölüm kaygısı düzeyini ve etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır.
Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipte olan bu araştırma, Türkiye'de bir üniversitenin sağlık bilimleri fakültesi hemşirelik bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrenciler ile Mart-Temmuz 2021 tarihleri arasında COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde yürütüldü. Veriler, öğrenci bilgi formu ve Ölüm Kaygısı Ölçeği kullanılarak çevrimiçi bir anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Öğrencilerin ölüm kaygısı düşük düzeydeydi. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin yaşı, cinsiyeti, ölüm ile ilgili önceki eğitim alma durumu, COVID-19 ile enfekte olma durumu, COVID-19 ile enfekte olmaktan korkma durumu ve COVID-19 hastalarına bakım verme korkusu öğrencilerin ölüm kaygısı ile ilişkili faktörlerdi.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma, COVID-19'un hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ölüm kaygısını etkilediğini ve öğrencilerin COVID-19 pandemisi sırasında ölmekte olan hastaların bakımı için desteğe ve önleyici stratejilere ihtiyaç duyduğunu vurgulamaktadır.

Project Number



  • 1Nienaber K, Goedereis E. Death anxiety and education: a comparison among undergraduate and graduate students. Death Studies 2015;39(8):483–490.
  • McKenzie EL, Brown PM, Mak AS, Chamberlain P. ‘Old and ill’: death anxiety and coping strategies influencing health professionals' well-being and dementia care. Aging Ment Health 2017;21(6):634–641.
  • World Health Organization. WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) dashboard overview. Retrieved from Access date; Junuary, 24, 2022.
  • Martin-Delgado L, Goni-Fuste, B., Alfonso-Arias, C., De Juan, M., Wennberg, L., Rodríguez, E., ... & Martin-Ferreres ML. Nursing students on the frontline: Impact and personal and professional gains of joining the health care workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain. Journal of Professional Nursing 2021;37(3): 588-597.
  • Lai J, Ma S, Wang Y, et al. Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019. JAMA network open 2020;3(3), e203976-e203976.
  • Bandyopadhyay S, Baticulon RE, Kadhum M, et al. Infection and mortality of healthcare workers worldwide from COVID-19: a systematic review. BMJ global health 2020; 5(12), e003097.
  • Galehdar N, Toulabi T, Kamran A, et al. Exploring nurses' perception of taking care of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID‐19): A qualitative study. Nursing open 2021;8(1): 171-179.
  • Chew NW, Lee GK, Tan BY, et al. A multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak. Brain, behavior, and immunity 2020; 88: 559-565.
  • Menzies RE, Neimeyer RA, Menzies RG. Death anxiety, loss, and grief in the time of COVID-19. Behaviour Change 2020; 37(3): 111-115.
  • McKenzie EL, Brown PM. Nursing students’ death anxiety and fear towards dementia patients. Australasian journal on ageing 2017;36(3), E32-E35.
  • Lehto R, Stein KF. Death anxiety: An analysis of an evolving concept. 2009;23(9).
  • Lok GKI, Ng MWI, Zhu MMX, et al. Mediating effect of religious belief on death anxiety in Chinese adolescents: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of School Health. 2019; 6(4): 14-20.
  • Turhan E H. Ölüm sosyolojisi ekseninde ölüm kaygısı ve koronavirüs (Death anxiety and coronavirus on the axis of death sociology). Habitus Toplumbilim Dergisi 2021:2(2): 85-101.
  • Li J, Smothers A, Fang, W, et al. Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Perception of End-of-Life Care Education Placement in the Nursing Curriculum. Journal of hospice and palliative nursing: JHPN: the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association 2019;21(5), E12.
  • O'Brien M R, Kinloch K, Groves KE, et al. Meeting patients’ spiritual needs during end‐of‐life care: A qualitative study of nurses’ and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of spiritual care training. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2019; 28(1-2): 182-189.
  • Özveren H, Gülnar E, Çalışkan, N. Effect of storytelling technique on the attitudes of nursing students toward death. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2020, 0030222820921026.
  • Nabavian M, Rahmani N, Alipour H. Experiences of Nursing Students in the Care for Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Patient Experience. 2021; 8, 23743735211039925.
  • Tülüce D, Kaplan Serin E. Nursing Students’ Opinions About Covid-19: A Qualitative Study. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2022; 00302228211067041.
  • Yıldırım D, Akman Ö, Sarıkaya A. The Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Death Anxiety of Nursing Students. Psychiatria Danubina 2021; 33(13): 399-404.
  • Curșeu PL, Coman AD, Panchenko A, et al. Death anxiety, death reflection and interpersonal communication as predictors of social distance towards people infected with COVID 19. Current Psychology 2021; 1-14.
  • Cervera-Gasch Á, González-Chordá VM, Mena-Tudela D. COVID-19: Are Spanish medicine and nursing students prepared?. Nurse Education Today 2020; 92, 104473.
  • Sarıkaya Y, Baloğlu M. The development and psychometric properties of the Turkish death anxiety scale (TDAS). Death studies 2016;40(7): 419-431.
  • Giacalone M, Panarello D, Mattera R. Multicollinearity in regression: an efficiency comparison between L p-norm and least squares estimators. Quality & Quantity 2018; 52(4): 1831-1859.
  • Cevik B, Kav S. Attitudes and experiences of nurses toward death and caring for dying patients in Turkey. Cancer nursing 2013; 36(6): E58-E65.
  • Parry M. Student nurses' experience of their first death in clinical practice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing 2011; 17(9): 448-453.
  • Canet-Vélez O, Botigué, T, Santamaría AL, et al. The perception of training and professional development according to nursing students as health workers during COVID-19: A qualitative study. Nurse education in practice 2021; 53, 103072.
  • Cheng L, Guo X, Liu H, et al. Hope, death anxiety and simplified coping style scores of nursing students during the outbreak of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study. Medicine 2021;100(34).
  • Williamson EJ, Walker AJ, Bhaskaran K, et al. Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY. Nature 2020;584(7821): 430-436.
  • Reker, G. T., Peacock, E. J., & Wong, P. T. Meaning and purpose in life and well-being: A life-span perspective. Journal of gerontology 1987; 42(1), 44-49.
  • Russac R J, Gatliff C, Reece M, et al. Death anxiety across the adult years: An examination of age and gender effects. Death studies 2007; 31(6):549-561.
  • Harrawood LK, White LJ, Benshoff JJ. Death anxiety in a national sample of United States funeral directors and its relationship with death exposure, age, and sex. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 2009; 58(2): 129-146
  • Depaola SJ, Griffin M, Young JR, et al. Death anxiety and attitudes towardthe elderly among older adults: The Role of gender and ethnicity. Death studies 2003; 27(4): 335-354.
  • Limonero J T, Tomás-Sábado J, Fernández-Castro J, et al. Perceived personal competence and death anxiety in nursing students. Ansiedad y Estres 2010; 16(2-3): 177-188.
  • McClatchey IS, King S. The impact of death education on fear of death and death anxiety among human services students. OMEGA-Journal of death and dying 2015; 71(4): 343-361.
  • Abdel-Khalek AM, El Nayal MA. Death anxiety in Lebanese college students in 1998 and 2015. Death studies 2019; 43(9): 542-546.
  • Şahin M, Demirkıran F, Adana F. Nursing Students’ Death Anxiety, Influencing Factors and Request of Caring For Dying People. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing/Psikiyatri Hemsireleri Dernegi 2016; 7(3).
  • Shin E J. Influence of the death education program on meaning in life, death anxiety and attitude toward nursing care of the dying patients among nursing students. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry 2011; 22(3), 65-74.
  • Chow HP. A time to be born and a time to die: Exploring the determinants of death anxiety among university students in a western Canadian city. Death Studies 2017; 41(6): 345-352.
  • Tang PL, Chiou CP, Lin HS, et al. Correlates of death anxiety among Taiwanese cancer patients Cancer nursing. 2011; 34(4): 286-292.
  • Huang Y, Zhao N. Generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms and sleep quality during COVID-19 outbreak in China: a web-based cross-sectional survey. Psychiatry research. 2020; 288, 112954.
  • Collado-Boira EJ, Ruiz-Palomino E, Salas-Media P, et al. “The COVID-19 outbreak”—An empirical phenomenological study on perceptions and psychosocial considerations surrounding the immediate incorporation of final-year Spanish nursing and medical students into the health system. Nurse education today 2020; 92, 104504.
  • Cici R, Yilmazel G. Determination of anxiety levels and perspectives on the nursing profession among candidate nurses with relation to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Perspectives in psychiatric care 2021; 57(1): 358-362.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Original Article

Berna Aksoy 0000-0003-1796-7819

Eylem Paslı Gürdoğan 0000-0003-0711-2112

Ezgi Kınıcı 0000-0002-5106-6013

Project Number -
Publication Date February 28, 2023
Submission Date October 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 33 Issue: 1


Vancouver Aksoy B, Paslı Gürdoğan E, Kınıcı E. Death Anxiety of Nursing Students Returning to Clinical Practice During The COVID-19 Pandemic Period. Genel Tıp Derg. 2023;33(1):44-50.