Research Article
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Characteristics of Patients Receiving Home Care Services from A Tertiary Care Facility and Examination of Provided Medical Services

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 4, 472 - 475, 31.08.2024


Aim: It is important to know patient characteristics and medical needs in the planning and operation of home care services (HCS). In this study, the descriptive characteristics of patients who received HCS and the medical services provided were evaluated.
Materials and Methods: Patients receiving HCS for at least one-year were included this cross-sectional study. Patient records were examined and in addition to descriptive features, the number of visits made by the HCS unit in the last year for each patient, the reasons for these visits and the procedures performed was recorded.
Results: While 60.4% of the patients were female, 83.6% were ≥65 years. It was determined that 72.6% of the patients were bedridden, 30.5% used a urinary catheter and 32.9% had pressure ulcer. A total of 2774 (median=16) home visits were made, and the most common medical procedures were blood test and wound dressing. Functional bed use and pressure ulcer for wound dressing, rural location and diabetes for blood test and rural location, urinary catheter use and history of pulmonary embolism for urinalysis were determined as risk factors.
Conclusion: The characteristics of the patients receiving HCS, and the services provided were determined and it was seen that they were related to each other.


  • Cornwell T, Schwartzberg JG. Medical management of the home care patient: guidelines for physicians. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association and American Academy of Home Care Physicians; 2012. p.1-14.
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health [internet]. Regulation on the provision of home health services by the Ministry of Health and its affiliated institutions. 2015 [cited 2023 Jan 26]. Available from:
  • Çubukçu M, Yazıcıoğlu B. Evaluation of the patients registered to Samsun Education and Research Hospital home care services unit. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;16(4):325-31. doi: 10.17098/amj.70290
  • Demirkol ME, Bicer EK, Çiçek SC. Home health care services in Turkey: The sample of Bolu. Konuralp Medical Journal 2020;12(2):200-7. doi: 10.18521/ktd.716781
  • Turkish Statistical Institute [internet]. Elderly people in statistics, 2023. 2024 [cited 2024 Apr 07]. Available from:
  • Yavuz E. Home health care services as a primary care approach to end-of-life care. In: Enginyurt Ö (Ed.). Hopes at the end of life in Family Medicine. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2022. p. 56-62.
  • Emin Ç. Evaluation of Erfelek State Hospital home care services unit. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 2018;10(5):1-6.
  • Artantaş AB, Köroğlu FT. Evaluation of services provided by home health care unit in a training and research hospital: 2018 statistics. Ankara Medical Journal 2019;19(1):170-7. doi: 10.17098/amj.542307
  • Güdük Ö, Güdük Ö, Sertbaş Y. Characteristics of patients benefiting from home health care services and examination of service demand. Celal Bayar University Journal of Institute of Health Sciences 2021;8(1):78-83. doi: 10.34087/cbusbed.771913
  • Aslan Ş, Seda U, Güzel Ş. Home health care services practice in Turkey. Journal of Social Research and Management 2018(1):45-56. doi: 10.35375/sayod.520957
  • Çalışkan T, Esen H. Regarding the needs of the aging population: home health care case 2020 assessment education research hospital example. Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics 2021;8(3):514-22.
  • Uzan MM, Sarıkaya Uzan G, Sarıkaya D, Toprak D. Home health services in E2 type district state hospital. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 2018;10(5):11-4.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute [internet]. Life tables, 2017-2019. 2020 [cited 2023 Jan 26]. Available from:
  • Taşdemir R, Oğuzöncül AF. Evaluation of diseases and sosyo-demographic charesteristics of patients who are given home care. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi 2019;17(2):11-28.
  • Selçuk H. Malnutrition and its importance. Güncel gastroenteroloji. 2012;16(2):158-62.

Üçüncü Basamak Bir Bakım Kuruluşundan Evde Bakım Hizmeti Alan Hastaların Özellikleri ve Sunulan Sağlık Hizmetlerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 4, 472 - 475, 31.08.2024


Amaç: Evde sağlık hizmetlerinin (ESH) planlanması ve yürütülmesinde, hasta özelliklerinin ve tıbbi ihtiyaçların bilinmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada ESH alan hastaların tanımlayıcı özellikleri ve sunulan tıbbi hizmetler değerlendirildi.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu kesitsel çalışmaya en az bir yıl boyunca ESH alan hastalar dahil edildi. Hasta kayıtları incelenerek tanımlayıcı özelliklerin yanı sıra ESH biriminin her hasta için son bir yılda yaptığı ziyaret sayısı, bu ziyaretlerin nedenleri ve yapılan işlemler kaydedildi.
Bulgular: Hastaların %60,4'ü kadın, %83,6'sı 65 yaş ve üzeriydi. Hastaların %72,6'sının yatağa tam bağımlı olduğu, %30,5'inin idrar sondası kullandığı ve %32,9'unun bası ülseri olduğu belirlendi. Toplam 2774 (ortanca=16) ev ziyareti yapıldı ve en sık uygulanan tıbbi prosedürler kan tetkiki ve yara pansumanıydı. Yara pansumanı için; fonksiyonel yatak kullanımı ve bası yarası, kan tahlili için; kırsal yerleşim ve diyabet, idrar tahlili için; kırsal yerleşim, idrar sondası kullanımı ve pulmoner emboli öyküsünün olması risk faktörleri olarak belirlendi.
Sonuç: ESH alan hastaların özellikleri ve sunulan hizmetler belirlendi ve bu iki olgunun birbirleriyle ilişkili oldukları görüldü.


  • Cornwell T, Schwartzberg JG. Medical management of the home care patient: guidelines for physicians. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association and American Academy of Home Care Physicians; 2012. p.1-14.
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Health [internet]. Regulation on the provision of home health services by the Ministry of Health and its affiliated institutions. 2015 [cited 2023 Jan 26]. Available from:
  • Çubukçu M, Yazıcıoğlu B. Evaluation of the patients registered to Samsun Education and Research Hospital home care services unit. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;16(4):325-31. doi: 10.17098/amj.70290
  • Demirkol ME, Bicer EK, Çiçek SC. Home health care services in Turkey: The sample of Bolu. Konuralp Medical Journal 2020;12(2):200-7. doi: 10.18521/ktd.716781
  • Turkish Statistical Institute [internet]. Elderly people in statistics, 2023. 2024 [cited 2024 Apr 07]. Available from:
  • Yavuz E. Home health care services as a primary care approach to end-of-life care. In: Enginyurt Ö (Ed.). Hopes at the end of life in Family Medicine. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2022. p. 56-62.
  • Emin Ç. Evaluation of Erfelek State Hospital home care services unit. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 2018;10(5):1-6.
  • Artantaş AB, Köroğlu FT. Evaluation of services provided by home health care unit in a training and research hospital: 2018 statistics. Ankara Medical Journal 2019;19(1):170-7. doi: 10.17098/amj.542307
  • Güdük Ö, Güdük Ö, Sertbaş Y. Characteristics of patients benefiting from home health care services and examination of service demand. Celal Bayar University Journal of Institute of Health Sciences 2021;8(1):78-83. doi: 10.34087/cbusbed.771913
  • Aslan Ş, Seda U, Güzel Ş. Home health care services practice in Turkey. Journal of Social Research and Management 2018(1):45-56. doi: 10.35375/sayod.520957
  • Çalışkan T, Esen H. Regarding the needs of the aging population: home health care case 2020 assessment education research hospital example. Eurasian Journal of Researches in Social and Economics 2021;8(3):514-22.
  • Uzan MM, Sarıkaya Uzan G, Sarıkaya D, Toprak D. Home health services in E2 type district state hospital. Klinik Tıp Aile Hekimliği 2018;10(5):11-4.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute [internet]. Life tables, 2017-2019. 2020 [cited 2023 Jan 26]. Available from:
  • Taşdemir R, Oğuzöncül AF. Evaluation of diseases and sosyo-demographic charesteristics of patients who are given home care. Sağlıkta Performans ve Kalite Dergisi 2019;17(2):11-28.
  • Selçuk H. Malnutrition and its importance. Güncel gastroenteroloji. 2012;16(2):158-62.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geriatrics and Gerontology, ​Internal Diseases, Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Original Article

Ceyhun Yurtsever 0000-0003-4889-9919

Volkan Atasoy 0000-0003-4707-7972

Burcu Aykanat Yurtsever 0000-0001-9020-6069

Early Pub Date August 30, 2024
Publication Date August 31, 2024
Submission Date March 1, 2024
Acceptance Date August 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 34 Issue: 4


Vancouver Yurtsever C, Atasoy V, Aykanat Yurtsever B. Characteristics of Patients Receiving Home Care Services from A Tertiary Care Facility and Examination of Provided Medical Services. Genel Tıp Derg. 2024;34(4):472-5.