Research Article
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Year 2011, Volume: 8, 1 - 18, 15.05.2011



  • M. C. Astour, New Evidence on the Last Days of Ugarit, American Journal of Archaeology 69, 1965, 253–258.
  • J. C. Billigmeier, A contribution toward identification of the language contained in the cypro–minoan II inscriptions from Enkomi, in: Colloquium Mycenaeum. Actes du sixième colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens tenu à Chaumont sur Neuchatel du 7 au 13 septembre 1975, Neuchatel 1979, 421.
  • O. Carruba, Contributo alla storia di Cipro nel II millennio, Studi Classici ed Orientali 17, 1968, 5–20.
  • C. Consani, Le scritture sillabiche egee: dati esterni e caratteri strutturali, in: Atti e memorie del II congresso internazionale di micenologia, Roma–Napoli 14–20 ottobre 1991, ed. E. De Miro – L. Godart – A. Sacconi, Roma 1996, I 229–236.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ricerche sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. L'applicazione del metodo alla lineare B, Studi Classici ed Orientali 34, 171–188.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ancora sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. La lineare A ed il sillabario cipriota, Studi Classici ed Orientali 36, 17–34.
  • S. Davis, The decipherment of the minoan linear A and Pictographic Scripts, Johannesburg 1967.
  • P. Dikaios, A second inscribed tablet from Enkomi, Antiquity 27, 1953, 233–237.
  • H. Ephron, The JÄ“sŏn tablet of Enkomi, Harvard Studies of the Classical Philology 65, 1961, 39–107.
  • J. Gelb, Nuzi Personal Names, Chicago 1943.
  • L. Godart, La scrittura lineare A, La Parola del Passato 31, 1976, 40–41.
  • L. Godart – A. Sacconi, La plus ancienne tablette d'Enkomi et le linéaire A, in: Acts of the international Archaeological Symposium «The relations betwen Cyprus and Crete, ca.2000–500 B.C.» Nicosia 16th April–22nd April 1978, ed. V. Karageorghis, Nicosia 1979, 128–134.
  • C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (UT), Analecta Orientalia 38, 18–19.
  • F. Gröndhal, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit, Rom 1967.
  • R. Kamm, Eine statistische Grundanalyse der minoischen Linear–A–Schrift, Orbis 14, 1965, 237–249.
  • S. Koskenniemi – A. Parpola – S. Parpola, A Method to classify Characters of unknown ancient Scripts, Linguistics 61, 1970, 65–91.
  • E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • E. Masson, Étude de vingt–six boules d'argile inscrites trouvées a Enkomi et Hala Sultan Tekke, Göteborg 1971 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 1).
  • E. Masson, La tablette chypro–minoenne 20.25 de Ras Shamra: essai d'interprétation, Comptes–rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles–Lettres 117, 1973, 32–53.
  • E. Masson, Cyprominoica: repertoires, documents de Ras Shamra, essais d'interpretation, Goteborg 1974 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 2).
  • O. Masson, Les écritures chypro minoennes et les autres écritures chypriotes, in: Atti e memorie del I Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia, Roma 27 settembre – 3 ottobre, I, Roma 1968, 417–425.
  • P. Meriggi, Hieroglyphisch–hethitisches Glossar, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • P. Meriggi, I nuovi testi ciprominoici, Minos 13, 1973, 197–258.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Forms of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean World, in: The Written Word. Literacy in Transition, ed. G. Baumann, Oxford 1986, 51–77.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Mycenaean and Greek Syllabification, in: Tractata Mycenaea, Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, held in Ohrid, 15–20 September 1985, ed. P. H. Ilievski – L. Crepajac, Skopje 1987, 91–104.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift, Kadmos 20, 1981, 52–63.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift II, Kadmos 23, 1984, 164–179.
  • J.–P. Olivier, Linéaire B et ordinateur électronique, Antiquité Classique 34, 1965, 387–397.
  • J. –P. Olivier, Édition holistique des textes chypro–minoens, Biblioteca di Pasifae 6, Roma 2007.
  • D. W. Packard, Computer techniques in the study of the Minoan Linear Script A, Kadmos 10, 1971, 52–59.
  • Th. G. Palaima, Comments on Mycenaean Literacy, Minos n.s. 20–22, 1987, 499–510.
  • N. Parmegiani, Elaborazione informatica dei testi cuneiformi in lingua hurrica, La Parola del Passato 55, 2000, 366–380.
  • E. Peruzzi, Il minoico è indeuropeo?, La Parola del Passato 14, 1959, 106–116.
  • C. Saporetti, Ipotesi su alcuni segni del sillabario cipro–minoico, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 31–35.
  • M. Setatos, Comparaison des tablettes mycéniennes sur la base d'une statistique phonétique, Minos 10, 1970, 96–108.
  • E. Sittig, Zur Entzifferung der minoisch–kyprischen Tafel von Enkomi, Minos 4, 1956, 33–42.
  • I. Vincentelli, AlaÅ¡ia: per una storia di Cipro nell'età del Bronzo, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 9–50.

Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?

Year 2011, Volume: 8, 1 - 18, 15.05.2011



  • M. C. Astour, New Evidence on the Last Days of Ugarit, American Journal of Archaeology 69, 1965, 253–258.
  • J. C. Billigmeier, A contribution toward identification of the language contained in the cypro–minoan II inscriptions from Enkomi, in: Colloquium Mycenaeum. Actes du sixième colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens tenu à Chaumont sur Neuchatel du 7 au 13 septembre 1975, Neuchatel 1979, 421.
  • O. Carruba, Contributo alla storia di Cipro nel II millennio, Studi Classici ed Orientali 17, 1968, 5–20.
  • C. Consani, Le scritture sillabiche egee: dati esterni e caratteri strutturali, in: Atti e memorie del II congresso internazionale di micenologia, Roma–Napoli 14–20 ottobre 1991, ed. E. De Miro – L. Godart – A. Sacconi, Roma 1996, I 229–236.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ricerche sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. L'applicazione del metodo alla lineare B, Studi Classici ed Orientali 34, 171–188.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ancora sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. La lineare A ed il sillabario cipriota, Studi Classici ed Orientali 36, 17–34.
  • S. Davis, The decipherment of the minoan linear A and Pictographic Scripts, Johannesburg 1967.
  • P. Dikaios, A second inscribed tablet from Enkomi, Antiquity 27, 1953, 233–237.
  • H. Ephron, The JÄ“sŏn tablet of Enkomi, Harvard Studies of the Classical Philology 65, 1961, 39–107.
  • J. Gelb, Nuzi Personal Names, Chicago 1943.
  • L. Godart, La scrittura lineare A, La Parola del Passato 31, 1976, 40–41.
  • L. Godart – A. Sacconi, La plus ancienne tablette d'Enkomi et le linéaire A, in: Acts of the international Archaeological Symposium «The relations betwen Cyprus and Crete, ca.2000–500 B.C.» Nicosia 16th April–22nd April 1978, ed. V. Karageorghis, Nicosia 1979, 128–134.
  • C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (UT), Analecta Orientalia 38, 18–19.
  • F. Gröndhal, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit, Rom 1967.
  • R. Kamm, Eine statistische Grundanalyse der minoischen Linear–A–Schrift, Orbis 14, 1965, 237–249.
  • S. Koskenniemi – A. Parpola – S. Parpola, A Method to classify Characters of unknown ancient Scripts, Linguistics 61, 1970, 65–91.
  • E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • E. Masson, Étude de vingt–six boules d'argile inscrites trouvées a Enkomi et Hala Sultan Tekke, Göteborg 1971 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 1).
  • E. Masson, La tablette chypro–minoenne 20.25 de Ras Shamra: essai d'interprétation, Comptes–rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles–Lettres 117, 1973, 32–53.
  • E. Masson, Cyprominoica: repertoires, documents de Ras Shamra, essais d'interpretation, Goteborg 1974 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 2).
  • O. Masson, Les écritures chypro minoennes et les autres écritures chypriotes, in: Atti e memorie del I Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia, Roma 27 settembre – 3 ottobre, I, Roma 1968, 417–425.
  • P. Meriggi, Hieroglyphisch–hethitisches Glossar, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • P. Meriggi, I nuovi testi ciprominoici, Minos 13, 1973, 197–258.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Forms of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean World, in: The Written Word. Literacy in Transition, ed. G. Baumann, Oxford 1986, 51–77.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Mycenaean and Greek Syllabification, in: Tractata Mycenaea, Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, held in Ohrid, 15–20 September 1985, ed. P. H. Ilievski – L. Crepajac, Skopje 1987, 91–104.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift, Kadmos 20, 1981, 52–63.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift II, Kadmos 23, 1984, 164–179.
  • J.–P. Olivier, Linéaire B et ordinateur électronique, Antiquité Classique 34, 1965, 387–397.
  • J. –P. Olivier, Édition holistique des textes chypro–minoens, Biblioteca di Pasifae 6, Roma 2007.
  • D. W. Packard, Computer techniques in the study of the Minoan Linear Script A, Kadmos 10, 1971, 52–59.
  • Th. G. Palaima, Comments on Mycenaean Literacy, Minos n.s. 20–22, 1987, 499–510.
  • N. Parmegiani, Elaborazione informatica dei testi cuneiformi in lingua hurrica, La Parola del Passato 55, 2000, 366–380.
  • E. Peruzzi, Il minoico è indeuropeo?, La Parola del Passato 14, 1959, 106–116.
  • C. Saporetti, Ipotesi su alcuni segni del sillabario cipro–minoico, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 31–35.
  • M. Setatos, Comparaison des tablettes mycéniennes sur la base d'une statistique phonétique, Minos 10, 1970, 96–108.
  • E. Sittig, Zur Entzifferung der minoisch–kyprischen Tafel von Enkomi, Minos 4, 1956, 33–42.
  • I. Vincentelli, AlaÅ¡ia: per una storia di Cipro nell'età del Bronzo, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 9–50.

Geç Tunç Çağ Kıbrıs Yazı Sisteminin Çözümlemesi Mümkün mü?

Year 2011, Volume: 8, 1 - 18, 15.05.2011


“Kıbrıs–Minos” olarak adlandırılan sistemin çözümlemesine ilişkin güncel çalışmalar doğrultusunda, bir hece yazısı sisteminin Kıbrıs Geç Bronz döneminde büyük olasılıkla üç farklı dili ifade etmek için kullanıldığı haklı olarak iddia edilebilir. Bu nedenle hecelemede kulla­nılan işaretler diğer Ege Linear yazım sistemlerinde kullanılan işaretlerle belirgin ben­zerlikler gösterir. Son yirmi–otuz yıldır ileri sürülen birçok çözümleme önerisi, farklı kesin sonuçlara götürmemiştir. “İkili sıklıklar” (binary frequencies) – bir işaretin ne sıklıkla her bir diğer işaretin ardında ya da önünde durduğu – ve işaretler arasındaki aralık – iki işaretin sol/sağında bulunan işaretler arasındaki benzerlik/farklılık, bu işaretlerin kendileri arasında herhangi bir benzerlik/farklılık gösterip göstermedikleri – analizine dayalı tümleşik yöntem kullanımı, söylenilen hipotezlerin güvenilir olup olmadıklarını saptayabilir. C. Consani ve M. Federighi tarafından Klasik Kıbrıs Hece Yazısı üzerinde denenmiş olan bu yöntem, bu makalede Cm 2'deki kayma'yı tanımlamak için kullanılmıştır. Bu ilk testten elde edilen sonuç, her bir işaretin, en azından Cm 2'ye ait olanlarının, ses değerinin tespitinin artık nasıl mümkün göründüğünü ortaya koyar. Sonuç olarak, Cm 2, zaten Linear B ile ilişkili gösterildiği üzere, bir “uyarlama yazı” olmalıdır.


  • M. C. Astour, New Evidence on the Last Days of Ugarit, American Journal of Archaeology 69, 1965, 253–258.
  • J. C. Billigmeier, A contribution toward identification of the language contained in the cypro–minoan II inscriptions from Enkomi, in: Colloquium Mycenaeum. Actes du sixième colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens tenu à Chaumont sur Neuchatel du 7 au 13 septembre 1975, Neuchatel 1979, 421.
  • O. Carruba, Contributo alla storia di Cipro nel II millennio, Studi Classici ed Orientali 17, 1968, 5–20.
  • C. Consani, Le scritture sillabiche egee: dati esterni e caratteri strutturali, in: Atti e memorie del II congresso internazionale di micenologia, Roma–Napoli 14–20 ottobre 1991, ed. E. De Miro – L. Godart – A. Sacconi, Roma 1996, I 229–236.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ricerche sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. L'applicazione del metodo alla lineare B, Studi Classici ed Orientali 34, 171–188.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ancora sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. La lineare A ed il sillabario cipriota, Studi Classici ed Orientali 36, 17–34.
  • S. Davis, The decipherment of the minoan linear A and Pictographic Scripts, Johannesburg 1967.
  • P. Dikaios, A second inscribed tablet from Enkomi, Antiquity 27, 1953, 233–237.
  • H. Ephron, The JÄ“sŏn tablet of Enkomi, Harvard Studies of the Classical Philology 65, 1961, 39–107.
  • J. Gelb, Nuzi Personal Names, Chicago 1943.
  • L. Godart, La scrittura lineare A, La Parola del Passato 31, 1976, 40–41.
  • L. Godart – A. Sacconi, La plus ancienne tablette d'Enkomi et le linéaire A, in: Acts of the international Archaeological Symposium «The relations betwen Cyprus and Crete, ca.2000–500 B.C.» Nicosia 16th April–22nd April 1978, ed. V. Karageorghis, Nicosia 1979, 128–134.
  • C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (UT), Analecta Orientalia 38, 18–19.
  • F. Gröndhal, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit, Rom 1967.
  • R. Kamm, Eine statistische Grundanalyse der minoischen Linear–A–Schrift, Orbis 14, 1965, 237–249.
  • S. Koskenniemi – A. Parpola – S. Parpola, A Method to classify Characters of unknown ancient Scripts, Linguistics 61, 1970, 65–91.
  • E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • E. Masson, Étude de vingt–six boules d'argile inscrites trouvées a Enkomi et Hala Sultan Tekke, Göteborg 1971 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 1).
  • E. Masson, La tablette chypro–minoenne 20.25 de Ras Shamra: essai d'interprétation, Comptes–rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles–Lettres 117, 1973, 32–53.
  • E. Masson, Cyprominoica: repertoires, documents de Ras Shamra, essais d'interpretation, Goteborg 1974 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 2).
  • O. Masson, Les écritures chypro minoennes et les autres écritures chypriotes, in: Atti e memorie del I Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia, Roma 27 settembre – 3 ottobre, I, Roma 1968, 417–425.
  • P. Meriggi, Hieroglyphisch–hethitisches Glossar, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • P. Meriggi, I nuovi testi ciprominoici, Minos 13, 1973, 197–258.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Forms of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean World, in: The Written Word. Literacy in Transition, ed. G. Baumann, Oxford 1986, 51–77.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Mycenaean and Greek Syllabification, in: Tractata Mycenaea, Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, held in Ohrid, 15–20 September 1985, ed. P. H. Ilievski – L. Crepajac, Skopje 1987, 91–104.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift, Kadmos 20, 1981, 52–63.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift II, Kadmos 23, 1984, 164–179.
  • J.–P. Olivier, Linéaire B et ordinateur électronique, Antiquité Classique 34, 1965, 387–397.
  • J. –P. Olivier, Édition holistique des textes chypro–minoens, Biblioteca di Pasifae 6, Roma 2007.
  • D. W. Packard, Computer techniques in the study of the Minoan Linear Script A, Kadmos 10, 1971, 52–59.
  • Th. G. Palaima, Comments on Mycenaean Literacy, Minos n.s. 20–22, 1987, 499–510.
  • N. Parmegiani, Elaborazione informatica dei testi cuneiformi in lingua hurrica, La Parola del Passato 55, 2000, 366–380.
  • E. Peruzzi, Il minoico è indeuropeo?, La Parola del Passato 14, 1959, 106–116.
  • C. Saporetti, Ipotesi su alcuni segni del sillabario cipro–minoico, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 31–35.
  • M. Setatos, Comparaison des tablettes mycéniennes sur la base d'une statistique phonétique, Minos 10, 1970, 96–108.
  • E. Sittig, Zur Entzifferung der minoisch–kyprischen Tafel von Enkomi, Minos 4, 1956, 33–42.
  • I. Vincentelli, AlaÅ¡ia: per una storia di Cipro nell'età del Bronzo, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 9–50.

The so-called "Ciprominoic 2": A possible decipherment?

Year 2011, Volume: 8, 1 - 18, 15.05.2011


At the current state of the studies concerning the decipherment of the so–called «Cypro–Minoan», it can be justly claimed that a syllabic writing system was used in Late Bronze Age Cyprus to express probably three different languages. The signs of the syllabary therefore show evident similarities with the signs of the other Aegean Linear writing systems. Many decipherment proposals brought forward in the last few decades have lead to no other certain conclusion. The use of the combinatorial method based on the analysis of the binary frequencies – how often a sign is followed or preceded by each of the other signs – and of the distance between the signs – whether the similarity/difference between the signs at the left/right of two signs reveals any similarity/difference between the signs themselves – could determine whether or not said hypotheses are reliable. Already tested on Linears B and A as well as on the Classical Cypriot Syllabary by C. Consani and M. Federighi, this method is used in this article to identify the glide in the Cm 2. The result obtained from this first test reveals how each sign's phonetic value, at least that of the Cm 2, now seems to be ascertainable. Consequently, Cm 2 could have been an «adaptation writing», as has been demonstrated in respect of Linear B.


  • M. C. Astour, New Evidence on the Last Days of Ugarit, American Journal of Archaeology 69, 1965, 253–258.
  • J. C. Billigmeier, A contribution toward identification of the language contained in the cypro–minoan II inscriptions from Enkomi, in: Colloquium Mycenaeum. Actes du sixième colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens tenu à Chaumont sur Neuchatel du 7 au 13 septembre 1975, Neuchatel 1979, 421.
  • O. Carruba, Contributo alla storia di Cipro nel II millennio, Studi Classici ed Orientali 17, 1968, 5–20.
  • C. Consani, Le scritture sillabiche egee: dati esterni e caratteri strutturali, in: Atti e memorie del II congresso internazionale di micenologia, Roma–Napoli 14–20 ottobre 1991, ed. E. De Miro – L. Godart – A. Sacconi, Roma 1996, I 229–236.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ricerche sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. L'applicazione del metodo alla lineare B, Studi Classici ed Orientali 34, 171–188.
  • C. Consani – M. Federighi, Ancora sulle proprietà statistiche delle scritture sillabiche. La lineare A ed il sillabario cipriota, Studi Classici ed Orientali 36, 17–34.
  • S. Davis, The decipherment of the minoan linear A and Pictographic Scripts, Johannesburg 1967.
  • P. Dikaios, A second inscribed tablet from Enkomi, Antiquity 27, 1953, 233–237.
  • H. Ephron, The JÄ“sŏn tablet of Enkomi, Harvard Studies of the Classical Philology 65, 1961, 39–107.
  • J. Gelb, Nuzi Personal Names, Chicago 1943.
  • L. Godart, La scrittura lineare A, La Parola del Passato 31, 1976, 40–41.
  • L. Godart – A. Sacconi, La plus ancienne tablette d'Enkomi et le linéaire A, in: Acts of the international Archaeological Symposium «The relations betwen Cyprus and Crete, ca.2000–500 B.C.» Nicosia 16th April–22nd April 1978, ed. V. Karageorghis, Nicosia 1979, 128–134.
  • C. H. Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (UT), Analecta Orientalia 38, 18–19.
  • F. Gröndhal, Die Personennamen der Texte aus Ugarit, Rom 1967.
  • R. Kamm, Eine statistische Grundanalyse der minoischen Linear–A–Schrift, Orbis 14, 1965, 237–249.
  • S. Koskenniemi – A. Parpola – S. Parpola, A Method to classify Characters of unknown ancient Scripts, Linguistics 61, 1970, 65–91.
  • E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • E. Masson, Étude de vingt–six boules d'argile inscrites trouvées a Enkomi et Hala Sultan Tekke, Göteborg 1971 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 1).
  • E. Masson, La tablette chypro–minoenne 20.25 de Ras Shamra: essai d'interprétation, Comptes–rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles–Lettres 117, 1973, 32–53.
  • E. Masson, Cyprominoica: repertoires, documents de Ras Shamra, essais d'interpretation, Goteborg 1974 (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 31, 2).
  • O. Masson, Les écritures chypro minoennes et les autres écritures chypriotes, in: Atti e memorie del I Congresso Internazionale di Micenologia, Roma 27 settembre – 3 ottobre, I, Roma 1968, 417–425.
  • P. Meriggi, Hieroglyphisch–hethitisches Glossar, Wiesbaden 1962.
  • P. Meriggi, I nuovi testi ciprominoici, Minos 13, 1973, 197–258.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Forms of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean World, in: The Written Word. Literacy in Transition, ed. G. Baumann, Oxford 1986, 51–77.
  • A. Morpurgo-Davies, Mycenaean and Greek Syllabification, in: Tractata Mycenaea, Proceedings of the Eighth International Colloquium on Mycenaean Studies, held in Ohrid, 15–20 September 1985, ed. P. H. Ilievski – L. Crepajac, Skopje 1987, 91–104.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift, Kadmos 20, 1981, 52–63.
  • W. Nahm, Studien zur kypro–minoischen Schrift II, Kadmos 23, 1984, 164–179.
  • J.–P. Olivier, Linéaire B et ordinateur électronique, Antiquité Classique 34, 1965, 387–397.
  • J. –P. Olivier, Édition holistique des textes chypro–minoens, Biblioteca di Pasifae 6, Roma 2007.
  • D. W. Packard, Computer techniques in the study of the Minoan Linear Script A, Kadmos 10, 1971, 52–59.
  • Th. G. Palaima, Comments on Mycenaean Literacy, Minos n.s. 20–22, 1987, 499–510.
  • N. Parmegiani, Elaborazione informatica dei testi cuneiformi in lingua hurrica, La Parola del Passato 55, 2000, 366–380.
  • E. Peruzzi, Il minoico è indeuropeo?, La Parola del Passato 14, 1959, 106–116.
  • C. Saporetti, Ipotesi su alcuni segni del sillabario cipro–minoico, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 31–35.
  • M. Setatos, Comparaison des tablettes mycéniennes sur la base d'une statistique phonétique, Minos 10, 1970, 96–108.
  • E. Sittig, Zur Entzifferung der minoisch–kyprischen Tafel von Enkomi, Minos 4, 1956, 33–42.
  • I. Vincentelli, AlaÅ¡ia: per una storia di Cipro nell'età del Bronzo, in: Studi ciprioti e rapporti di scavo 2, Roma 1976, 9–50.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Italian
Journal Section Research Articles

Matilde Serangeli

Publication Date May 15, 2011
Submission Date December 17, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 8


APA Serangeli, M. (2011). Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?. Gephyra, 8, 1-18.
AMA Serangeli M. Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?. GEPHYRA. May 2011;8:1-18.
Chicago Serangeli, Matilde. “Il Cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una Decifrazione Possibile?”. Gephyra 8, May (May 2011): 1-18.
EndNote Serangeli M (May 1, 2011) Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?. Gephyra 8 1–18.
IEEE M. Serangeli, “Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?”, GEPHYRA, vol. 8, pp. 1–18, 2011.
ISNAD Serangeli, Matilde. “Il Cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una Decifrazione Possibile?”. Gephyra 8 (May 2011), 1-18.
JAMA Serangeli M. Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?. GEPHYRA. 2011;8:1–18.
MLA Serangeli, Matilde. “Il Cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una Decifrazione Possibile?”. Gephyra, vol. 8, 2011, pp. 1-18.
Vancouver Serangeli M. Il cosiddetto «Ciprominoico 2»: Una decifrazione possibile?. GEPHYRA. 2011;8:1-18.