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Stadiasmus Patarensis için Parerga (8): Sionlu Nikolaos'un Hayatındaki Kurban Töreni Ziyaretlerinde Adı Geçen Yerler Üzerine

Year 2011, Volume: 8, 99 - 124, 15.05.2011


Bu makale, Sionlu Nikolaos'un, Vita'da kaydedilen kurban töreni ziyaretlerindeki güzergahları belirlemek ve adı geçen yerlerin lokalizasyonuna dair bazı öneriler getirmek amacındadır. İlk olarak Tragalassos'un yeri hakkında daha önce yapılmış öneriler eleştirilmekte ve alternatif olarak Arapyurdu önerilmektedir. Tragalassos'un teritoryumunda olması gereken Pharroa için de, Alacahisar kilisesinin 1 km kuzeydoğusunda yer alan yeni bir yerleşim yeri teklif edilmektedir. Bundan sonra Nikolaos'un 25 gün süren kurban töreni gezisi incelenmektedir. Bu seyahatte adı geçen yerler sırasıyla: Karkabo, Kausai, Nea Kome, Partaessos, Symbolon, Nautes, Serine, Trebendai, Kastellon ve Hemalissoi'dur. Nikolaos bu seyahate kendi manastırı Kutsal Sion'dan (büyük bir ihtimalle Alacahisar kilisesi) yola çıkarak başlamıştır ve ilk ziyaret yeri Karkabo'daki Aziz Cebrail kilisesidir. Alakilise'de ele geçen ve buradaki kilisenin Cebrail'e adandğını gösteren bir yazıt vasıtasıyla Karkabo'nun Alakilise'ye yerleştirilmesi gerektiği daha önceden önerilmiştir. Bu lokalizasyon son derece makuldür. Karkabo/Alakise'den sonra Nikolaos güney istikametinde bir güzergah takip etmiş olmalıdır. Alakilise vadisi civarındaki mevcut kiliselerin konumu böyle bir rotayı zorunlu kılmaktadır. Nikolaos'un ikinci ziyaret yeri Kausai'ın yeri için herhangi bir belge yoktur. Fakat Dikmen Tepesi Alakilise'ye en yakın olduğundan dolayı (1 km güneybatısında) Kausai için önerilebilir. Bir sonraki yer Nea Kome, Alakilise vadisinin 2 km doğusundaki vadide bulunan Karacaören-Günağı mevkiindeki yerleşime (yeni bir yerleşim ve bir kilise ilk olarak bu makalede tanıtılmaktadır) lokalize edilebilir. Nea Kome'den sonraki yer Partaessos, Alakilise'nin yakl. 3 km güneydoğusunda, Günağı kilisesinin 1 km güneydoğusunda yer alan Yılanbaşı ile özdeşleştirilebilir. Nikolaos'un, Partaessos'tan sonra aşağıya inerek gittiği yer Symbolon, büyük bir olasılıkla Myra'nın 4 km doğusunda yer alan lagünün adı idi. Altıncı sıradaki yer Nautes, “gemici” anlamında bir yer adıdır ve muhtemelen lagün civarında olmalıdır. Symbolon ve Nautes'ten sonra Nikolaos kuzey yönünde ilerleyerek yeniden dağlık alana çıkmış olmalıdır. Çünkü en son durak noktası kendi manastırıdır. Nautes'in hemen ardından Aziz'in gittiği Serine için Turant Asarı önerilebilir. Bir sonraki ziyaret yeri, Hellenistik dönemde bağımsız bir yerleşim olduğu bilinen Trebendai ise çok büyük ihtimalle Muskar ile özdeştir. Muskar'ın 500 m güneybatısındaki Asarbelen Tepesi'nde bulunan yeni bir Hellenistik yazıttaki kısmi bilgiler bu lokalizasyonu gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu seyahatteki son iki yerleşim Kastellon ve Hemalissoi'un yerleşirilebilmesi için kesin bir belge yoktur. Kastellon'un Sion manastırı ile Myra arasında olması gerektiği zaten bilinmektedir. Hemalissoi da Sion manastırından önceki son istasyon olduğu için onun da manastır yakınlarında bir yerde olması gerekir. Bunlara göre, Nikolaos'un bu seyahatindeki muhtemel güzergahı da hesaba katılarak, Kastellon için Devekuyusu veya yakınlarında bir yer, Hemalissoi için de Karabel önerilebilir.


  • M. Alkan, A Re–examination of the Sarcophagus Inscription at Turant Asarı, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities I/1, 33–41.
  • G. Anrich, Hagios Nikolaos. Der Heilige Nikolaos in der griechischen Kirche. Bd. I: Texte; Bd. II: Prologemena, Untersuchungen. Leipzig – Berlin 1913–1917.
  • H. Blum, Demographie und Kirchenorganisation in Zentrallykien: Bemerkungen zur Vita Nicolai Sionitae, Lykia I, 52–67. Antalya.
  • H. Blum, Die Vita Nicolai Sionitae. Griechischer Text. Übersetzt und kommentiert. Bonn 1997.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Akropolis von Myra, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 45–47.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Ruinen von Gürses, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 81–86.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Ruinen von Belen, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 90–91.
  • C. Bruns-Özgan, Lykische Grabreliefs des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.. Tübingen 1987 (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 33).
  • M. Chronz, Die Vita des heiligen Nikolaos Sionites. Übersetzung – Anmerkungen – Kommentar (Unpublished phil. thesis, Univ. Würzburg) 1985.
  • C. Foss, Cities and Villages of Lycia in the Life of St Nicholas of Holy Sion, Greek Orthodox Theological Review 36, 1991, 303–339.
  • P. Frei, Die Götterkulte Lykiens in der Kaiserzeit, in: ANRW II 18.3, Berlin – Newyork 1990, 1729–1864.
  • T. E. Gregory, The Coins (Appendix I: Arapyurdu), in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 140–154.
  • T. E. Gregory, The Ancient and Byzantine Coins, in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 169–171.
  • P. Grossmann – H. G. Severin, Frühchristliche und byzantinische Bauten im südöstlichen Lykien. Ergebnisse zweier Surveys, Tübingen 2003 (Istanbuler Forschungen 46).
  • M. Harrison, Churches and Chapels of Central Lycia, Anatolian Studies 13, 1963, 117–151.
  • M. Harrison, Mountain and Plain. From the Lycian Coast to the Phrygian Plateau in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Period. Edited by Wendy Young. Ann Arbor 2001.
  • R. Heberdey – E. Kalinka, Bericht über zwei Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien. Denkschriften, ÖAW, 45/1. Vienna 1897.
  • H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Lykien und Pamphylien, (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8/1–3). Vienna 2004.
  • Sh. Jameson, The Lycian League: Some Problems in its Administration, in: ANRW II 7.2, 832–855. Berlin, New York.
  • F. Kolb – W. Tietz, Zagaba: Münzprägung und politische Geographie in Zentrallykien, Chiron 31, 2001, 347–416.
  • Ph. Le Bas – W. H. Waddington (ed.), Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Asie Mineure I–II, Paris 1870 (ND Hildesheim – New York 1972 [Subsidia Epigraphica 1, 2]).
  • A. D. Macro, The Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Imperium, in: ANRW II 7.2, Berlin–New York 1980, 658–697.
  • D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor I–II. Princeton 1950.
  • T. Marksteiner, Die befestigte Siedlung von Limyra. Studien zur vorrömischen Wehrarchitektur und Siedlungsentwicklung in Lykien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der klassischen Periode (Forschungen in Limyra 1) Vienna 1997.
  • J. Morganstern – W. W. Wurster, Appendix I: Evidence of Habitation at Arap Yurdu, in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 167–168, 172.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Yazıtlar Işığında Myra ve Çevresinin Antik Çağ Tarihi, in: N. Çevik (ed.), Akeolojisinden Doğasına Myra/Demre ve Çevresi, Antalya 2010, 295–303.
  • E. Petersen – F. von Luschan, Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis (Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien II). Vienna 1889.
  • L. Robert, Villes et Monnaies de Lycie, Hellenica X, 188–222.
  • D. Rousset, De Lycie en Cabalide. La convention entre les Lyciens et Termessos près d'Oinoanda (Fouilles de Xanthos X). Geneva 2010.
  • W. Ruge, Trebendai, in: RE VI A/2, 2267 – 2268.
  • A. V. Schweyer, Essai de definition des χώραι de Telmessos et de Myra. In J. Borchhardt – G. Dobesch (ed.), Akten des II. Internationalen Lykien–Symposions Wien, 6.–12. Mai 1990. Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris, 18, Band II, Vienna 1993, 39–42.
  • I. Å evčenko – N. P. Å evčenko, The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion. Brookline, Massachussetts 1984.
  • I. Å evčenko, The Sion Treasure: The Evidence of the Inscriptions, in: S. A. Boyd – M. M. Mango (ed.), Ecclesiastical Silver Plate in Sixth–Century Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC 1992, 39–56.
  • H. A. Troxell, The Coinage of the Lycian League New York 1982 (Numismatic Notes and Monographs 162).
  • M. Wörrle, Ein Weilhalter aus Kilepe/Yeşilköy, in: F. Blakolmer et al. (ed.), Fremde Zeiten. Festschrift für Jürgen Borchhardt zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 25. Februar 1996, Band I, Vienna 1996, 153–160.
  • W. W. Wurster, Die Ruinen oberhalb von Yukarı Beymelek, in J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine Lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 87–89.
  • L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.
  • M. Zimmermann, Untersuchungen zur historischen Landeskunde Zentrallykiens, Bonn 1992 (Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte 42).
  • M. Zimmermann, Trebendai, in: Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike, Band 12/1, Stuttgart – Weimar 2002, 776.

Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion

Year 2011, Volume: 8, 99 - 124, 15.05.2011


This paper aims to determine the route taken by Nicholas of Holy Sion in his journeys of sacrifice which are recorded in his Vita and in so doing, presents some suggestions as to the locations of Tragalassos and its territory and of the ten places with churches that were visited by him on the second long journey which lasted 25 days. The settlement of Arapyurdu is suggested as the location of Tragalassos. The hamlet of Pharroa, belonging to Tragalassos, is identified with a new settlement located 1 km to the northeast of Alacahisar church. The following are the places recorded in the course of this 25-day journey: Karkabo, Kausai, Nea Kome, Partaessos, Symbolon, Nautes, Serine, Trebendai, Kastellon and Hemalissoi. This journey began from the monastery of Holy Sion (probably to be identified as the Alacahisar church) and the first visit was to the shrine of Gabriel at Karkabo which is identified with the basilica at Alakilise through an inscription found in the Alakilise valley 7 km to the northeast of Myra (an identification already proposed by C. Foss). After Karkabo/Alakilise, Nicholas would have taken a route in a southerly direction to visit the extant sanctuaries around the Alakilise valley. The second destination, Kausai, might be Dikmen Tepesi, the closest settlement having an early Byzantine church 1 km south of the basilica at Alakilise. The next place Nea Kome can be localized at Karacaören–Günağı (the newly discovered settlement and an early Byzantine church are introduced in this paper) lying ca. 2 km southeast of Alakilise. The fourth station Partaessos was probably at Yılanbaşı ca. 3 km southeast of Alakilise and ca. 1 km southeast of the Günağı church. Nicholas went down from Partaessos to the fifth stop Symbolon, probably being the ancient name of the “Dalyan” lagoon, lying 4 km east of Myra. The next place visited, Nautes meaning “sailor”, must be near to the lagoon (Symbolon). After Symbolon and Nautes, Nicholas continued his route in a northerly direction to visit the remaining four places and to return to his monastery. Serine can be localized as Turant Asarı located 5 km to the northeast of Myra and 2 km east of Muskar/Belören. The next place Trebendai, which was an independent city during the Hellenistic period, should be localized as Muskar due to a previously unpublished inscription, published here, the contents of which have been employed in order to identify Trebendai as Muskar. The ninth stop, Kastellon, should be located between the monastery of H. Sion and Myra according to the Vita, and the last station Hemalissoi should be between Kastellon and the monastery of Sion. If the distribution of the churches in the area and Nicholas's route are taken into consideration, Kastellon should be located in or around Devekuyusu, and Hemalissoi can be identified with the village of Karabel.


  • M. Alkan, A Re–examination of the Sarcophagus Inscription at Turant Asarı, Mediterranean Journal of Humanities I/1, 33–41.
  • G. Anrich, Hagios Nikolaos. Der Heilige Nikolaos in der griechischen Kirche. Bd. I: Texte; Bd. II: Prologemena, Untersuchungen. Leipzig – Berlin 1913–1917.
  • H. Blum, Demographie und Kirchenorganisation in Zentrallykien: Bemerkungen zur Vita Nicolai Sionitae, Lykia I, 52–67. Antalya.
  • H. Blum, Die Vita Nicolai Sionitae. Griechischer Text. Übersetzt und kommentiert. Bonn 1997.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Akropolis von Myra, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 45–47.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Ruinen von Gürses, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 81–86.
  • J. Borchhardt, Die Ruinen von Belen, in: J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 90–91.
  • C. Bruns-Özgan, Lykische Grabreliefs des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.. Tübingen 1987 (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 33).
  • M. Chronz, Die Vita des heiligen Nikolaos Sionites. Übersetzung – Anmerkungen – Kommentar (Unpublished phil. thesis, Univ. Würzburg) 1985.
  • C. Foss, Cities and Villages of Lycia in the Life of St Nicholas of Holy Sion, Greek Orthodox Theological Review 36, 1991, 303–339.
  • P. Frei, Die Götterkulte Lykiens in der Kaiserzeit, in: ANRW II 18.3, Berlin – Newyork 1990, 1729–1864.
  • T. E. Gregory, The Coins (Appendix I: Arapyurdu), in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 140–154.
  • T. E. Gregory, The Ancient and Byzantine Coins, in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 169–171.
  • P. Grossmann – H. G. Severin, Frühchristliche und byzantinische Bauten im südöstlichen Lykien. Ergebnisse zweier Surveys, Tübingen 2003 (Istanbuler Forschungen 46).
  • M. Harrison, Churches and Chapels of Central Lycia, Anatolian Studies 13, 1963, 117–151.
  • M. Harrison, Mountain and Plain. From the Lycian Coast to the Phrygian Plateau in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Period. Edited by Wendy Young. Ann Arbor 2001.
  • R. Heberdey – E. Kalinka, Bericht über zwei Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien. Denkschriften, ÖAW, 45/1. Vienna 1897.
  • H. Hellenkemper – F. Hild, Lykien und Pamphylien, (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 8/1–3). Vienna 2004.
  • Sh. Jameson, The Lycian League: Some Problems in its Administration, in: ANRW II 7.2, 832–855. Berlin, New York.
  • F. Kolb – W. Tietz, Zagaba: Münzprägung und politische Geographie in Zentrallykien, Chiron 31, 2001, 347–416.
  • Ph. Le Bas – W. H. Waddington (ed.), Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Asie Mineure I–II, Paris 1870 (ND Hildesheim – New York 1972 [Subsidia Epigraphica 1, 2]).
  • A. D. Macro, The Cities of Asia Minor under the Roman Imperium, in: ANRW II 7.2, Berlin–New York 1980, 658–697.
  • D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor I–II. Princeton 1950.
  • T. Marksteiner, Die befestigte Siedlung von Limyra. Studien zur vorrömischen Wehrarchitektur und Siedlungsentwicklung in Lykien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der klassischen Periode (Forschungen in Limyra 1) Vienna 1997.
  • J. Morganstern – W. W. Wurster, Appendix I: Evidence of Habitation at Arap Yurdu, in: Morganstern (ed.), The Fort at Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity: From Antiquity to The Middle Ages, Tübingen 1993 (Istanbuler Forschungen 40), 167–168, 172.
  • H. S. Öztürk, Yazıtlar Işığında Myra ve Çevresinin Antik Çağ Tarihi, in: N. Çevik (ed.), Akeolojisinden Doğasına Myra/Demre ve Çevresi, Antalya 2010, 295–303.
  • E. Petersen – F. von Luschan, Reisen in Lykien, Milyas und Kibyratis (Reisen im südwestlichen Kleinasien II). Vienna 1889.
  • L. Robert, Villes et Monnaies de Lycie, Hellenica X, 188–222.
  • D. Rousset, De Lycie en Cabalide. La convention entre les Lyciens et Termessos près d'Oinoanda (Fouilles de Xanthos X). Geneva 2010.
  • W. Ruge, Trebendai, in: RE VI A/2, 2267 – 2268.
  • A. V. Schweyer, Essai de definition des χώραι de Telmessos et de Myra. In J. Borchhardt – G. Dobesch (ed.), Akten des II. Internationalen Lykien–Symposions Wien, 6.–12. Mai 1990. Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris, 18, Band II, Vienna 1993, 39–42.
  • I. Å evčenko – N. P. Å evčenko, The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion. Brookline, Massachussetts 1984.
  • I. Å evčenko, The Sion Treasure: The Evidence of the Inscriptions, in: S. A. Boyd – M. M. Mango (ed.), Ecclesiastical Silver Plate in Sixth–Century Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC 1992, 39–56.
  • H. A. Troxell, The Coinage of the Lycian League New York 1982 (Numismatic Notes and Monographs 162).
  • M. Wörrle, Ein Weilhalter aus Kilepe/Yeşilköy, in: F. Blakolmer et al. (ed.), Fremde Zeiten. Festschrift für Jürgen Borchhardt zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 25. Februar 1996, Band I, Vienna 1996, 153–160.
  • W. W. Wurster, Die Ruinen oberhalb von Yukarı Beymelek, in J. Borchhardt (ed.), Myra. Eine Lykische Metropole in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit, Berlin 1975 (Istanbuler Forschungen 30), 87–89.
  • L. Zgusta, Kleinasiatische Ortsnamen, Heidelberg 1984.
  • M. Zimmermann, Untersuchungen zur historischen Landeskunde Zentrallykiens, Bonn 1992 (Antiquitas. Reihe 1, Abhandlungen zur Alten Geschichte 42).
  • M. Zimmermann, Trebendai, in: Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike, Band 12/1, Stuttgart – Weimar 2002, 776.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Alkan

Publication Date May 15, 2011
Submission Date December 17, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 8


APA Alkan, M. (2011). Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion. Gephyra, 8, 99-124.
AMA Alkan M. Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion. GEPHYRA. May 2011;8:99-124.
Chicago Alkan, Mehmet. “Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the Named Places in the Journeys of Sacrifice Recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion”. Gephyra 8, May (May 2011): 99-124.
EndNote Alkan M (May 1, 2011) Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion. Gephyra 8 99–124.
IEEE M. Alkan, “Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion”, GEPHYRA, vol. 8, pp. 99–124, 2011.
ISNAD Alkan, Mehmet. “Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the Named Places in the Journeys of Sacrifice Recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion”. Gephyra 8 (May 2011), 99-124.
JAMA Alkan M. Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion. GEPHYRA. 2011;8:99–124.
MLA Alkan, Mehmet. “Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the Named Places in the Journeys of Sacrifice Recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion”. Gephyra, vol. 8, 2011, pp. 99-124.
Vancouver Alkan M. Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (8): On the named places in the journeys of sacrifice recorded in the Vita of Saint Nicholas of Holy Sion. GEPHYRA. 2011;8:99-124.