Year 2024,
, 142 - 159, 14.02.2024
Hira Yüksel Sarıoğlu
Özgün Köprüalan
Safiye Nur Dirim
Figen Ertekin
Bu makalede, farklı genliklerde (%40, %70, %100) ultrason destekli daldırarak dondurma/çözündürme ve buzdolabında dondurma/çözündürme yöntemlerinin kuşbaşı dana nuar etinin kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Analizler, dondurma işlemi sırasında ultrason uygulanan örnekler için buzdolabında çözünmüş örneklerde ve buzdolabının dondurucu bölmesinde dondurulup çözündürme sırasında ultrason uygulanmış örneklerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. En yüksek ağırlık kaybı (%3.60-8.60), %100 genlikte ultrason uygulanan örneklerde görülmüştür. Çözündürme işleminde ultrason uygulanan örneklerde diğerlerine kıyasla daha düşük pişme kaybı (%34.80-38.97) değerlerine ulaşılmıştır. TBARS değerlerinde (0.16-1.05 mg malonaldehit/kg ürün), ultrason uygulamasıyla birlikte artış görülmüştür. Ultrason uygulanan örneklerin toplam renk değişimi değerleri (6.60-15.80), en az renk değişimine %40 genlikte ultrason uygulaması ile ulaşıldığını göstermiştir. Dokusal özellikler incelendiğinde, ultrason genliği arttıkça sertlik (433.81-1455.26 N) ve çiğnenebilirlik (140.42-558.92 N) değerlerinin azaldığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, dondurma ve çözündürme işlemini hızlandırmak ve gıdaların kalitesini korumak amacıyla uygulanan ultrason işleminin, gıdaların kalite özellikleri üzerine önemli etkilerinin olduğu ancak %100 genlikte uygulamanın kalite özellikleri üzerinde önemli bir avantaj sağlamadığı görülmüştür.
Project Number
BAP-24168;BAP-23504; TUBITAK 2244-119C097
Bu çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP-24168 ve BAP-23504), TÜBİTAK-2244/119C097 ve Vestel Beyaz Eşya San. ve Tic. A.Ş. tarafından desteklenmektedir. Ayrıca çalışma kapsamında hammadde olarak kullanılan dana nuar eti Pınar Entegre Et ve Un Sanayi A.Ş. tarafından desteklenmektedir.
- Anese, M., Manzocco, L., Panozzo, A., Beraldo, P., Foschia, M., Nicoli, M. C. (2012). Effect of radiofrequency assisted freezing on meat microstructure and quality. Food Research International, 46(1), 50–54. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.foodres.2011.11.025
- AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. Association of Official Analytical Chemistry International, February.
- Balan, P., Kim, Y. H. B., Stuart, A. D., Kemp, R., Staincliffe, M., Craigie, C., Farouk, M. M. (2019). Effect of fast freezing then thaw-aging on meat quality attributes of lamb M. longissimus lumborum. Animal Science Journal, 90(8), 1060–1069. https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13216
- Becker, B. R., Fricke, B. A. (1999). Food thermophysical property models. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 26(5), 627–636. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1933(99)00049-4
- Bertram, H. C., Kristensen, M., Østdal, H., Baron, C. P., Young, J. F., Andersen, H. J. (2007). Does oxidation affect the water functionality of myofibrillar proteins? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(6), 2342–2348. https://doi.org/10.1021/jf0625353
- Cai, L., Cao, M., Cao, A., Regenstein, J., Li, J., Guan, R. (2018). Ultrasound or microwave vacuum thawing of red seabream (Pagrus major) fillets. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 47(March), 122–132. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ultsonch.2018.05.001
- Cai, L., Cao, M., Regenstein, J., Cao, A. (2019a). Recent Advances in Food Thawing Technologies. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 18, 953–970. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12458
- Cai, L., Zhang, W., Cao, A., Cao, M., Li, J. (2019b). Effects of ultrasonics combined with far infrared or microwave thawing on protein denaturation and moisture migration of Sciaenops ocellatus (red drum). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 55(March), 96–104. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ultsonch.2019.03.017
- Cemeroğlu, B. S. (2017). Gıda mühendisliğinde temel işlemler. AC Yayınevi.
- Choi, E. J., Park, H. W., Chung, Y. B., Park, S. H., Kim, J. S., Chun, H. H. (2017). Effect of tempering methods on quality changes of pork loin frozen by cryogenic immersion. Meat Science, 124, 69–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.meatsci.2016.11.003
- Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Hamdami, N., Le-Bail, A. (2017). Effect of freezing under electrostatic field on selected properties of an agar gel. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 42(June), 151–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ifset.2017.06.013
- Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Hamdami, N., Le-Bail, A., Xanthakis, E. (2016). The principles of high voltage electric field and its application in food processing: A review. Food Research International, 89, 48–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.foodres.2016.09.002
- Demirdöven, A., Baysal, T. (2009). The use of ultrasound and combined technologies in food preservation. Food Reviews International, 25(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/ 87559120802306157
- Dolatowski, Z. J., Stadnik, J., Stasiak, D. (2007). Applications of ultrasound in food technology. ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum, 63(6), 89–99.
- Ergün, A. R., Baysal, T., Bozkır, H. (2013). Ultrases Yöntemi ile Karatenoitlerin Ekstraksiyonu. Gıda, 38(4), 239–246. https://doi.org/10.5505/gida.2013.30074
- Farouk, M. M., Swan, J. E. (1998). Effect of Muscle Condition Before Freezing and Simulated Chemical Changes During Frozen Storage on the pH and Colour of Beef. Meat Science, 50(2), 245–256. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0309-1740(98)00036-9
- Gambuteanu, C., Alexe, P. (2015). Comparison of thawing assisted by low-intensity ultrasound on technological properties of pork Longissimus dorsi muscle. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(4), 2130–2138. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s13197-013-1204-7
- Gan, S., Zhang, M., Mujumdar, A. S., Jiang, Q. (2022). Effects of different thawing methods on quality of unfrozen meats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 134(December 2021), 168–175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.11.030
- Guo, Z., Ge, X., Yang, L., Ma, G., Ma, J., Yu, Q. li, Han, L. (2021). Ultrasound-assisted thawing of frozen white yak meat: Effects on thawing rate, meat quality, nutrients, and microstructure. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 70(1), 105345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105345
- Hafezparast-Moadab, N., Hamdami, N., Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Farahnaky, A. (2018). Effects of radiofrequency-assisted freezing on microstructure and quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 47(December 2017), 81–87. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ifset.2017.12.012
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Year 2024,
, 142 - 159, 14.02.2024
Hira Yüksel Sarıoğlu
Özgün Köprüalan
Safiye Nur Dirim
Figen Ertekin
In this paper, the effects of ultrasound-assisted immersion freezing/thawing and conventional refrigerated freezing/thawing at different amplitudes (40%, 70%, 100%) on the quality characteristics of cubed meats were investigated. Analyses were performed on samples thawed in the refrigerator for samples to which ultrasound was applied during the freezing process in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, and on samples thawed and to which ultrasound was applied during thawing. Although weight loss (7.2.60-8.60%) increased in the samples where ultrasound was applied at 100% amplitude during the freezing and thawing process, lower cooking loss (34.80-38.97%) values were reached in the samples where ultrasound was applied with the thawing process. TBARS values (0.16-1.05 mg malonaldehyde/kg product) of the meats increased with ultrasound application. For the total colour change values (6.60-15.80) of all samples applied ultrasound, the lowest color change was obtained with ultrasound application at 40% amplitude before and after cooking. According to the textural properties of the meat, it was observed that the hardness (433.81-1455.26 N) and chewiness (140.42-558.92 N) values decreased as the ultrasound amplitude increased. Consequently, the ultrasound process applied to accelerate the freezing and thawing process and to protect the quality of foods had significant effects on the quality characteristics of foods, but the application of ultrasound at 100% amplitude did not provide a significant advantage on the quality characteristics of the samples.
Project Number
BAP-24168;BAP-23504; TUBITAK 2244-119C097
- Anese, M., Manzocco, L., Panozzo, A., Beraldo, P., Foschia, M., Nicoli, M. C. (2012). Effect of radiofrequency assisted freezing on meat microstructure and quality. Food Research International, 46(1), 50–54. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.foodres.2011.11.025
- AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. Association of Official Analytical Chemistry International, February.
- Balan, P., Kim, Y. H. B., Stuart, A. D., Kemp, R., Staincliffe, M., Craigie, C., Farouk, M. M. (2019). Effect of fast freezing then thaw-aging on meat quality attributes of lamb M. longissimus lumborum. Animal Science Journal, 90(8), 1060–1069. https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13216
- Becker, B. R., Fricke, B. A. (1999). Food thermophysical property models. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 26(5), 627–636. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1933(99)00049-4
- Bertram, H. C., Kristensen, M., Østdal, H., Baron, C. P., Young, J. F., Andersen, H. J. (2007). Does oxidation affect the water functionality of myofibrillar proteins? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(6), 2342–2348. https://doi.org/10.1021/jf0625353
- Cai, L., Cao, M., Cao, A., Regenstein, J., Li, J., Guan, R. (2018). Ultrasound or microwave vacuum thawing of red seabream (Pagrus major) fillets. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 47(March), 122–132. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ultsonch.2018.05.001
- Cai, L., Cao, M., Regenstein, J., Cao, A. (2019a). Recent Advances in Food Thawing Technologies. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 18, 953–970. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12458
- Cai, L., Zhang, W., Cao, A., Cao, M., Li, J. (2019b). Effects of ultrasonics combined with far infrared or microwave thawing on protein denaturation and moisture migration of Sciaenops ocellatus (red drum). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 55(March), 96–104. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ultsonch.2019.03.017
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- Choi, E. J., Park, H. W., Chung, Y. B., Park, S. H., Kim, J. S., Chun, H. H. (2017). Effect of tempering methods on quality changes of pork loin frozen by cryogenic immersion. Meat Science, 124, 69–76. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.meatsci.2016.11.003
- Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Hamdami, N., Le-Bail, A. (2017). Effect of freezing under electrostatic field on selected properties of an agar gel. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 42(June), 151–156. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ifset.2017.06.013
- Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Hamdami, N., Le-Bail, A., Xanthakis, E. (2016). The principles of high voltage electric field and its application in food processing: A review. Food Research International, 89, 48–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.foodres.2016.09.002
- Demirdöven, A., Baysal, T. (2009). The use of ultrasound and combined technologies in food preservation. Food Reviews International, 25(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/ 87559120802306157
- Dolatowski, Z. J., Stadnik, J., Stasiak, D. (2007). Applications of ultrasound in food technology. ACTA Scientiarum Polonorum, 63(6), 89–99.
- Ergün, A. R., Baysal, T., Bozkır, H. (2013). Ultrases Yöntemi ile Karatenoitlerin Ekstraksiyonu. Gıda, 38(4), 239–246. https://doi.org/10.5505/gida.2013.30074
- Farouk, M. M., Swan, J. E. (1998). Effect of Muscle Condition Before Freezing and Simulated Chemical Changes During Frozen Storage on the pH and Colour of Beef. Meat Science, 50(2), 245–256. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0309-1740(98)00036-9
- Gambuteanu, C., Alexe, P. (2015). Comparison of thawing assisted by low-intensity ultrasound on technological properties of pork Longissimus dorsi muscle. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(4), 2130–2138. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s13197-013-1204-7
- Gan, S., Zhang, M., Mujumdar, A. S., Jiang, Q. (2022). Effects of different thawing methods on quality of unfrozen meats. International Journal of Refrigeration, 134(December 2021), 168–175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.11.030
- Guo, Z., Ge, X., Yang, L., Ma, G., Ma, J., Yu, Q. li, Han, L. (2021). Ultrasound-assisted thawing of frozen white yak meat: Effects on thawing rate, meat quality, nutrients, and microstructure. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 70(1), 105345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2020.105345
- Hafezparast-Moadab, N., Hamdami, N., Dalvi-Isfahan, M., Farahnaky, A. (2018). Effects of radiofrequency-assisted freezing on microstructure and quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 47(December 2017), 81–87. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.ifset.2017.12.012
- Hansen, E., Juncher, D., Henckel, P., Karlsson, A., Bertelsen, G., Skibsted, L. H. (2004). Oxidative stability of chilled pork chops following long term freeze storage. Meat Science, 68(3), 479–484. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.meatsci.2004.05.002
- Hughes, J. M., Clarke, F. M., Purslow, P. P., Warner, R. D. (2020). Meat color is determined not only by chromatic heme pigments but also by the physical structure and achromatic light scattering properties of the muscle. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19(1), 44–63. https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12509
- Isleroglu, H., Kemerli, T., Kaymak-Ertekin, F. (2015). Effect of steam-assisted hybrid cooking on textural quality characteristics, cooking loss, and free moisture content of beef. International Journal of Food Properties, 18(2), 403–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2013.833219
- Jambrak, A. R., Herceg, Z., Šubarić, D., Babić, J., Brnčić, M., Brnčić, S. R., Bosiljkov, T., Čvek, D., Tripalo, B., Gelo, J. (2010). Ultrasound effect on physical properties of corn starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 79(1), 91–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.carbpol.2009.07.051
- Kiani, H., Sun, D. W. (2011). Water crystallization and its importance to freezing of foods: A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 22(8), 407–426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2011.04.011
- Knorr, D., Zenker, M., Heinz, V., Lee, D. U. (2004). Applications and potential of ultrasonics in food processing. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 15(5), 261–266. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.tifs.2003.12.001
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