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Year 2015, Volume: 40 Issue: 3, 163 - 170, 01.06.2015


Toplu tüketim yerlerine olan talebin artışıyla birlikte toplu beslenme hizmeti veren kurumlar,hazırladıkları gıdaları, iş akışını kolaylaştırmak, zaman tasarrufu sağlamak, personel verimliliğini arttırmakiçin daha uzun süre depolayabilmenin yollarını aramaktadır. Sous vide, çiğ veya yarı çiğ gıdaların ısıyadayanıklı vakumlanmış plastik poşetler içinde sıcaklık-süre ilişkisine dikkat edilerek pişirilmesi tekniğidir.Sous vide tekniğinde, vakumlu paketlerde pişirme işlemi uygulandığı için gıdada nem ve aroma kaybınınönlenmesi, oksidasyon görülme riskinin elimine edilmesi ve aerobik mikroorganizmaların inaktiveedilerek gıdanın depolama süresinin uzatılması gibi avantajlar sağlanmaktadır. Bu açıdan bakıldığındaözellikle son zamanlarda sous vide tekniğiyle pişirilmiş gıdaların mikrobiyolojik kalite özellikleriniinceleyen çalışmalar artış göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada sous vide tekniğiyle pişirilme işleminin ürününmikrobiyolojik kalitesine etkileri ve toplu tüketim yerlerinde bu yöntemin kullanılmasının sağlayacağımuhtemel yararlardan bahsedilecektir


  • Baldwin DE. 2012. Sous vide cooking: A review. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 1 (1): 15-30.
  • Schellekens M. 1996. New research issues in sous-vide cooking. Trends Food Sci Technol. 7 (8): 256–262.
  • FDA. 2013. Food Code. Annex 6. Food Processing Criteria. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services. GuidanceRegulation/RetailFoodProtection/Food Code/UCM374510.pdf (Accessed 18 June 2014). 4. Roca J, Brugues S. 2005. Sous-Vide Cuisine. Montagud Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 50-175 p.
  • Picouet PA, Carbo Cofan S, Vilaseca H, Ballbe LC, Castells P. 2011. Stability of sous-vide cooked salmon loins processed by high pressure. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 12 (1): 26-31. 6. Baldwin D. 2014. Sous Vide Cooking. html#Version_History (Accessed 18 June 2014)
  • Diaz P, Garrido MD, Banon S. 2010. The effects of packaging method (vacuum pouch vs. plastic tray) on spoilage in a cook-chill pork-based dish kept under refrigeration. Meat Sci. 84 (3): 538-44.
  • New South Wales Government Food Authority. 2012. Sous vide Food safety precautions for restaurants. http://www.foodauthority.nsw. safey_precautions.pdf (Accessed 1 June 2014).
  • Özturan S. 2009. Vakum ambalajda pişirilmiş (sous vide) balıkta kalite ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Shakila RJ, Jeyasekaran R, Vijayakumar A, Sukumar D. 2009. Microbiological quality of sous-vide cook chill fish cakes during chilled storage (3 °C). Int J Food Sci Technol. 44 (11): 2120-2126.
  • Galimpin-Johan SMC, Rahman RA, Jamilah B, Man YBC, Rusul G. 2007. Pasteurization, development and storage of sous vide rendang (spicy beef stew). Journal of Foodservice. 18 (6): 251-263.
  • Chiavaro E, Mazzeo T, Visconti A, Manzi C, Fogliano V, Pellegrini N. 2012. Nutritional Quality of Sous Vide Cooked Carrots and Brussels Sprouts. J Agric Food Chem. 60 (23): 6019- 6025. 13. Iborra-Bernad C, Philippon D, García-Segovia P, Martínez-Monzó J. 2013. Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 51 (2): 507-513.
  • Light N, Walke A. 1990. Cook-Chill Catering: Technology and Management. Springer.
  • FAO. ai407e04.htm (Accessed 8 June 2014)
  • Altuntaş İ. 2012. Vakum ve modifiye atmosfer paketlemenin keten tohumu ile zenginleştirilerek soğukta depolanan sığır eti köftelerinin raf ömrü üzerine etkisi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans Tezi, Samsun, Türkiye.
  • Çetinkaya S. 2013. Vakum paketli pişirilen (sous vide) gökkuşağı alabalığı (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum, 1792)’nin soğuk depolanması sırasında kalite özelliklerine doğal antioksidanların etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Temel Bilimler Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • Myhrvold N, Young C, Bilet M. 2011. Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking. The Cooking Lab, Bellevue, Washington.
  • Szerman N, Gonzalez CB, Sancho AM, Grigioni G, Carduza F, Vaudagna SR. 2012. Effect of the addition of conventional additives and whey proteins concentrates on technological parameters, physicochemical properties, microstructure and sensory attributes of sous vide cooked beef muscles. Meat Sci. 90 (3): 701-10.
  • Parker ACB. 1994. Use of HACCP by the chilled food industry. Food Control. 5 (3): 167-170.
  • Mol S, Özturan S. 2009. Sous-Vide Teknolojisi Ve Su Ürünlerindeki Uygulamalar. Journal of Fisheries Sciences. 3 (1): 68-75.
  • Betts G, Gaze J. 1995. Growth and heat resistance of psychrotrophic Clostridium botulinum in relation to sous vide products. Food Control. 6 (1): 57-63.
  • Gould G. 1996. Conclusion of the ECFF Botulinum Working Party. II. European Symposium on Sous vide, 10-12 April, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 173-180.
  • Christensen L, Ertbjerg P, Loje H, Risbo J, Berg FWJ, Christensen M. 2013. Relationship between meat toughness and properties of connective tissue from cows and young bulls heat treated at low temperatures for prolonged times. Meat Sci. 93 (4): 787-95.
  • Kılınç B, Caklı S. 2001. Paketleme tekniklerinin balık ve kabuklu su ürünleri mikrobiyel florası üzerine etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi. 18 (1-2): 279- 291.
  • Gökoğlu N. 2002. Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi. Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, 157 s.
  • FDA, 2011. Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance, Technical Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. guidanceregulation/ucm251970.pdf (Accessed 1 May 2014)
  • USDA. rdad/FRPubs/95-033F/95-033F_Appendix_ A.htm (Accessed 11 April 2014)
  • Rybka-Rodgers, S. 2001. Improvement of food safety desing of cook-chill foods. Food Res Int. 34 (5): 449-455.
  • Carlin F, Girardin H, Peck MW, Stringer SC, Barker GC, Matinez A, Fernandez A, Fernandez P, Waites WM, Movahedi S, Leusden F, Nauta M, Moezelaa R, Torre MD, Sonia L. 2000. Research on factors allowing a risk assessment of spore- forming pathogenic bacteria in cooked chilled foods containing vegetables: a FAIR collaborative project. Int J Food Microbiol. 60 (2-3):117-35.
  • Christensen L, Gunvig A, Torngren MA, Aaslyng MD, Knochel S, Christensen M. 2012. Sensory characteristics of meat cooked for prolonged times at low temperature. Meat Sci. 90 (2): 485–489.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Martin A, Mayoral AI, Ruiz J. 2013. Effect of different temperature–time combinations on physicochemical, microbiological, textural and structural features of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. Meat Sci. 93 (3): 572-578.
  • Mortensen ML, Frost MB, Skibsted LH, Risbo J. 2012. Effect of Time and Temperature on Sensory Properties in Low-Temperature Long-Time Sous-Vide Cooking of Beef. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. 10 (1): 75-90.
  • Diaz P, Nieto G, Banon S, Garrido MD. 2009. Determination of Shelf Life of Sous Vide Salmon (Salmo Salard) Based on Sensory Attributes. J Food Sci. 74 (8): 371-76.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Armenteros M, Ruiz J. 2014. Effect of different temperature–time combinations on lipid and protein oxidation of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. Food Chem. 149: 129-136. 36. Is cooking sous vide safe? http://www. %2F%2F cooking-safe%2F&date=2014-05-26 (Accessed 26 May 2014).
  • Armstrong GA, McIlveen H. 2000. Effects of pro- longed storage on the sensory quality and consumer acceptance of sous vide meat-based recipe dishes. Food Quality and Preference. 11 (5): 377-85.
  • Peck MW, Goodburn KE, Betts RP, Stringer SC. 2006. Clostridium botulinum in vacuum packed (VP) and modified atmosphere packed (MAP) chilled foods. Final Project Report (B13006). foodbornepathogens/docs/Final_project_report 0707.pdf (Accessed 8 April 2014)
  • Sebastia C, Soriano JM, Iranzo M, Rico H. 2010. Microbiological quality of sous vide cook–chill preserved food at different shelf life. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 34 (6): 964-974.
  • T. C. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı. Gıda Satış Yerleri İçin İyi Hijyen Uygulamaları Rehberi. gidasatishijyen.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2014).
  • Tansey F, Gormley R, Butler F. 2010. The effect of freezing compared with chilling on selected physico-chemical and sensory properties of sous vide cooked carrots. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 11 (1): 137-45.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Palacios-Perez T, Ruiz J. 2014. Effect of added phosphate and type of cooking method on physico-chemical and sensory features of cooked lamb loins. Meat Sci. 97 (1): 69-75. 46. Papadopoulou OS, Panagou EZ, Mohareb FR, Nychas GJE. 2013. Sensory and microbiological quality assessment of beef fillets using a portable electronic nose in tandem with support vector machine analysis. Food Res Int. 50 (1): 241-249.
  • Diaz P, Garrido MD, Banon S. 2011. Spoilage of Sous Vide Cooked Salmon (Salmo salar) Stored Under Refrigeration. Food Sci Tech Int. 17 (1): 31-7.
  • Carlin F. 2014. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. USA. 621-626 p.
  • Durmuş M. 2010. Farklı mevsimlerde avlanan sardalya (sardinella aurita valenciennes, 1847)’nin 4 C’ de vakum paketli olarak depolanmasında oluşan duyusal, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik değişimler. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans Tezi, Adana, Türkiye.
  • Pulgar JS, Gazquez A, Carrascal JR. 2012. Physico-chemical, textural and structural characteristics of sous-vide cooked pork cheeks as affected by vacuum, cooking temperature, and cooking time. Meat Sci. 90 (3): 828-835.
  • Mol S, Ozturan S, Cosansu S. 2012. Determination of the quality and shelf life of sous vide packaged whiting (merlangius merlangus euxinus, nordman, 1840) stored at cold (4C) and temperature abuse (12C). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 36 (6): 497–503.


Year 2015, Volume: 40 Issue: 3, 163 - 170, 01.06.2015


With increased demand for food catering system, food establishments are looking for ways to storemeals longer to facilitate workflow, save time, increase the efficiency of the staffs. Sous vide cooking isdefined as cooking raw materials or raw materials with intermediate foods under controlled conditionsof temperature and time inside heat-stable vacuumed pouches. Sous vide provides some advantagessuch as prevention of moisture and aroma losses, elimination of oxidation risk, extending meal storagetime by inactivation aerobic microorganisms in meals. When viewed from this perspective, especiallyrecently, studies has increased about examining the microbiological properties of meals cooking by thesous vide technique. In this study, these are considered effects of cooking by using sous vide techniqueon storage time, product quality and potential benefits of using this technique in foodservices


  • Baldwin DE. 2012. Sous vide cooking: A review. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 1 (1): 15-30.
  • Schellekens M. 1996. New research issues in sous-vide cooking. Trends Food Sci Technol. 7 (8): 256–262.
  • FDA. 2013. Food Code. Annex 6. Food Processing Criteria. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services. GuidanceRegulation/RetailFoodProtection/Food Code/UCM374510.pdf (Accessed 18 June 2014). 4. Roca J, Brugues S. 2005. Sous-Vide Cuisine. Montagud Editores, Barcelona, Spain, 50-175 p.
  • Picouet PA, Carbo Cofan S, Vilaseca H, Ballbe LC, Castells P. 2011. Stability of sous-vide cooked salmon loins processed by high pressure. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 12 (1): 26-31. 6. Baldwin D. 2014. Sous Vide Cooking. html#Version_History (Accessed 18 June 2014)
  • Diaz P, Garrido MD, Banon S. 2010. The effects of packaging method (vacuum pouch vs. plastic tray) on spoilage in a cook-chill pork-based dish kept under refrigeration. Meat Sci. 84 (3): 538-44.
  • New South Wales Government Food Authority. 2012. Sous vide Food safety precautions for restaurants. http://www.foodauthority.nsw. safey_precautions.pdf (Accessed 1 June 2014).
  • Özturan S. 2009. Vakum ambalajda pişirilmiş (sous vide) balıkta kalite ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Shakila RJ, Jeyasekaran R, Vijayakumar A, Sukumar D. 2009. Microbiological quality of sous-vide cook chill fish cakes during chilled storage (3 °C). Int J Food Sci Technol. 44 (11): 2120-2126.
  • Galimpin-Johan SMC, Rahman RA, Jamilah B, Man YBC, Rusul G. 2007. Pasteurization, development and storage of sous vide rendang (spicy beef stew). Journal of Foodservice. 18 (6): 251-263.
  • Chiavaro E, Mazzeo T, Visconti A, Manzi C, Fogliano V, Pellegrini N. 2012. Nutritional Quality of Sous Vide Cooked Carrots and Brussels Sprouts. J Agric Food Chem. 60 (23): 6019- 6025. 13. Iborra-Bernad C, Philippon D, García-Segovia P, Martínez-Monzó J. 2013. Optimizing the texture and color of sous-vide and cook-vide green bean pods. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 51 (2): 507-513.
  • Light N, Walke A. 1990. Cook-Chill Catering: Technology and Management. Springer.
  • FAO. ai407e04.htm (Accessed 8 June 2014)
  • Altuntaş İ. 2012. Vakum ve modifiye atmosfer paketlemenin keten tohumu ile zenginleştirilerek soğukta depolanan sığır eti köftelerinin raf ömrü üzerine etkisi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans Tezi, Samsun, Türkiye.
  • Çetinkaya S. 2013. Vakum paketli pişirilen (sous vide) gökkuşağı alabalığı (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum, 1792)’nin soğuk depolanması sırasında kalite özelliklerine doğal antioksidanların etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Temel Bilimler Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Isparta, Türkiye.
  • Myhrvold N, Young C, Bilet M. 2011. Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking. The Cooking Lab, Bellevue, Washington.
  • Szerman N, Gonzalez CB, Sancho AM, Grigioni G, Carduza F, Vaudagna SR. 2012. Effect of the addition of conventional additives and whey proteins concentrates on technological parameters, physicochemical properties, microstructure and sensory attributes of sous vide cooked beef muscles. Meat Sci. 90 (3): 701-10.
  • Parker ACB. 1994. Use of HACCP by the chilled food industry. Food Control. 5 (3): 167-170.
  • Mol S, Özturan S. 2009. Sous-Vide Teknolojisi Ve Su Ürünlerindeki Uygulamalar. Journal of Fisheries Sciences. 3 (1): 68-75.
  • Betts G, Gaze J. 1995. Growth and heat resistance of psychrotrophic Clostridium botulinum in relation to sous vide products. Food Control. 6 (1): 57-63.
  • Gould G. 1996. Conclusion of the ECFF Botulinum Working Party. II. European Symposium on Sous vide, 10-12 April, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 173-180.
  • Christensen L, Ertbjerg P, Loje H, Risbo J, Berg FWJ, Christensen M. 2013. Relationship between meat toughness and properties of connective tissue from cows and young bulls heat treated at low temperatures for prolonged times. Meat Sci. 93 (4): 787-95.
  • Kılınç B, Caklı S. 2001. Paketleme tekniklerinin balık ve kabuklu su ürünleri mikrobiyel florası üzerine etkileri. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi. 18 (1-2): 279- 291.
  • Gökoğlu N. 2002. Su Ürünleri İşleme Teknolojisi. Su Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, 157 s.
  • FDA, 2011. Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance, Technical Report. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. guidanceregulation/ucm251970.pdf (Accessed 1 May 2014)
  • USDA. rdad/FRPubs/95-033F/95-033F_Appendix_ A.htm (Accessed 11 April 2014)
  • Rybka-Rodgers, S. 2001. Improvement of food safety desing of cook-chill foods. Food Res Int. 34 (5): 449-455.
  • Carlin F, Girardin H, Peck MW, Stringer SC, Barker GC, Matinez A, Fernandez A, Fernandez P, Waites WM, Movahedi S, Leusden F, Nauta M, Moezelaa R, Torre MD, Sonia L. 2000. Research on factors allowing a risk assessment of spore- forming pathogenic bacteria in cooked chilled foods containing vegetables: a FAIR collaborative project. Int J Food Microbiol. 60 (2-3):117-35.
  • Christensen L, Gunvig A, Torngren MA, Aaslyng MD, Knochel S, Christensen M. 2012. Sensory characteristics of meat cooked for prolonged times at low temperature. Meat Sci. 90 (2): 485–489.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Martin A, Mayoral AI, Ruiz J. 2013. Effect of different temperature–time combinations on physicochemical, microbiological, textural and structural features of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. Meat Sci. 93 (3): 572-578.
  • Mortensen ML, Frost MB, Skibsted LH, Risbo J. 2012. Effect of Time and Temperature on Sensory Properties in Low-Temperature Long-Time Sous-Vide Cooking of Beef. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology. 10 (1): 75-90.
  • Diaz P, Nieto G, Banon S, Garrido MD. 2009. Determination of Shelf Life of Sous Vide Salmon (Salmo Salard) Based on Sensory Attributes. J Food Sci. 74 (8): 371-76.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Armenteros M, Ruiz J. 2014. Effect of different temperature–time combinations on lipid and protein oxidation of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. Food Chem. 149: 129-136. 36. Is cooking sous vide safe? http://www. %2F%2F cooking-safe%2F&date=2014-05-26 (Accessed 26 May 2014).
  • Armstrong GA, McIlveen H. 2000. Effects of pro- longed storage on the sensory quality and consumer acceptance of sous vide meat-based recipe dishes. Food Quality and Preference. 11 (5): 377-85.
  • Peck MW, Goodburn KE, Betts RP, Stringer SC. 2006. Clostridium botulinum in vacuum packed (VP) and modified atmosphere packed (MAP) chilled foods. Final Project Report (B13006). foodbornepathogens/docs/Final_project_report 0707.pdf (Accessed 8 April 2014)
  • Sebastia C, Soriano JM, Iranzo M, Rico H. 2010. Microbiological quality of sous vide cook–chill preserved food at different shelf life. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 34 (6): 964-974.
  • T. C. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı. Gıda Satış Yerleri İçin İyi Hijyen Uygulamaları Rehberi. gidasatishijyen.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2014).
  • Tansey F, Gormley R, Butler F. 2010. The effect of freezing compared with chilling on selected physico-chemical and sensory properties of sous vide cooked carrots. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 11 (1): 137-45.
  • Roldan M, Antequera T, Palacios-Perez T, Ruiz J. 2014. Effect of added phosphate and type of cooking method on physico-chemical and sensory features of cooked lamb loins. Meat Sci. 97 (1): 69-75. 46. Papadopoulou OS, Panagou EZ, Mohareb FR, Nychas GJE. 2013. Sensory and microbiological quality assessment of beef fillets using a portable electronic nose in tandem with support vector machine analysis. Food Res Int. 50 (1): 241-249.
  • Diaz P, Garrido MD, Banon S. 2011. Spoilage of Sous Vide Cooked Salmon (Salmo salar) Stored Under Refrigeration. Food Sci Tech Int. 17 (1): 31-7.
  • Carlin F. 2014. Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Academic Press. New York. USA. 621-626 p.
  • Durmuş M. 2010. Farklı mevsimlerde avlanan sardalya (sardinella aurita valenciennes, 1847)’nin 4 C’ de vakum paketli olarak depolanmasında oluşan duyusal, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik değişimler. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı Yüksek lisans Tezi, Adana, Türkiye.
  • Pulgar JS, Gazquez A, Carrascal JR. 2012. Physico-chemical, textural and structural characteristics of sous-vide cooked pork cheeks as affected by vacuum, cooking temperature, and cooking time. Meat Sci. 90 (3): 828-835.
  • Mol S, Ozturan S, Cosansu S. 2012. Determination of the quality and shelf life of sous vide packaged whiting (merlangius merlangus euxinus, nordman, 1840) stored at cold (4C) and temperature abuse (12C). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 36 (6): 497–503.
There are 43 citations in total.


Other ID JA57PM83AH
Journal Section Research Article

Hande Yılmaz This is me

Saniye Bilici This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 40 Issue: 3


AMA Yılmaz H, Bilici S. TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: "SOUS VİDE". The Journal of Food. June 2015;40(3):163-170.
Chicago Yılmaz, Hande, and Saniye Bilici. “TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: ‘SOUS VİDE’”. Gıda 40, no. 3 (June 2015): 163-70.
IEEE H. Yılmaz and S. Bilici, “TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: ‘SOUS VİDE’”, The Journal of Food, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 163–170, 2015.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Hande - Bilici, Saniye. “TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: ‘SOUS VİDE’”. Gıda 40/3 (June 2015), 163-170.
MLA Yılmaz, Hande and Saniye Bilici. “TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: ‘SOUS VİDE’”. Gıda, vol. 40, no. 3, 2015, pp. 163-70.
Vancouver Yılmaz H, Bilici S. TOPLU BESLENME HİZMETLERİNDE ALTERNATİF PİŞİRME YÖNTEMİ: "SOUS VİDE". The Journal of Food. 2015;40(3):163-70.


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GIDA / The Journal of FOOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).