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Year 2015, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 241 - 249, 01.08.2015


Spices are natural food additives with high consumption. However, the microbial load or mycotoxincontent of spices could be above the permitted limits and sometimes consumption of them becomesunsafe. In this case, exports of these products are not also accepted by other countries and this increaseeconomic losses. Therefore, these problems are tried to overcome by using different processing methods.Irradiation, electrical heating, ozone, high pressure and cold plasma methods as alternative methodsto steam sterilization have been the subject of studies with various spices. Effective inactivation ofmicroorganisms was reported in some methods. However, application of some of these methods athigh concentration or dosages causes decrease in the nutritional and sensory quality of spices. Therefore,the studies continue to develop methods those are cost- effective, causing least change on organolepticcharacteristics and effective in inactivation of microorganisms. In this review, effects of these methodson spices’s microbial loads were summarized


  • Abbas SMN, Halkman, K. 2003. Baharat mikroflorası üzerine ışınlamanın etkisi, Orlab On–Line Mikrobiyol Derg, 1(3): 43-65.
  • Schweiggert U, Schieber R, Schieber, A. 2007. Conventional and alternative processes for spice production – a review, Trends Food Sci Technol 18(15): 260-268.
  • Yılmaz H, Şanlıer N 2014. Baharat ışınlama, Gıda, 39(2): 111-118.
  • Zweifel C, Stephan R. 2012. Spices and herbs as source of Salmonella– related foodborne diseases, Food Res Int, 45: 765-769.
  • Atungulu GG, Pan Z, Dermirci A, Ngadi MO. 2012. Microbial decontamination of nuts and spices. Microbial Decontamination in the Food Industry: novel methods and applications, A Demirci and MO Ngadi (eds.),Woodhead Publishing, Philadelphia, USA. pp 125-162.
  • Coşkun F. 2010. Tekirdağ piyasasında satılan bazı baharatların mikrobiyolojik özellikleri, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 7(1): 85-93.
  • Özkızılcık A, Ateş M, Çerçi B. 2012. Comparison of real–time PCR and conventional cultural methods to detect Escherichia coli O157:H7 in spices in Turkey, IUFS J Biol, 71(2): 113-120.
  • Banerjee M, Sarkar, PK. 2003. Microbiological quality of some retail spices in India, Food Res Int, 36: 469-474.
  • Banerjee M, Sarkar PK. 2004. Growth and enterotoxin production by sporeforming bacterial pathogens from spices, Food Control, 15: 491-496. 10. Mandeel AQ. 2005. Fungal contamination of some important spices, Mycopathologia, 159: 291-298.
  • Donia MAA. 2008. Microbiological quality and aflatoxinogenesis of Egyptian spices and medicinal plants, Global Vet, 2 (4): 175-18.
  • Sagoo SK, Little CL, Greenwood M, Mithani V, Grant, KA, McLauchlin J, de Pinna E, Threlfall EJ. 2009. Assessment of the microbiological safety of dried spices and herbs from production and retail premises in the UK, Food Microbiol, 26(1): 39-43
  • Dehkordy PKK, Nikoopour H, Siavoshi F, Koushki M, Abadi A. 2013. Microbiological quality of retail spices in Tehran, Iran, J Food Prot, 76(5): 843-848.
  • Almela L, Nieto–Sandoval JM, Lopez JAF. 2002. Microbial inactivation of paprika by a high–temperature short–x time treatment influ- ence on color properties, J Agric Food Chem, 50: 1435-1440.
  • Lilie M, Hein S, Wilhelm P, Mueller U. 2007. Decontamination of spices by combining mechanical and thermal effects; an alternative approach for quality retention, Int J Food Sci Technol, 42: 190-193. 16. Waje CK, Kim HK, Kim KS, Todoriki S, Kwon JH. 2008. Physicochemical and microbiological qualities of steamed and irradiated ground black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), J Agric Food Chem, 56: 4592-4596.
  • Sadecka, J. 2010. Influence of two sterilisation ways, gamma–irradiation and heat treatment, on the volatiles of black pepper, Czech J Food Sci, 28 (1): 44-52.
  • Chusri S, Subhadhirasakul S, Tahyoh N, Billateh C, Chaowuttikul C, Chorachoo J, Voravuthikunchai SP. 2012. Effect of different decontamination methods on microbiological aspects, bioactive constituent and antibacteril activity of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) Powder, Eur J Med Plants, 2(4): 276-289.
  • Anon. 2007. The sterilization of spices, herbs and vegetable seasonings, http://www.sterigenics. com/services/food_safety/global_food_safety_ brochure.pdf (Accessed 23.02.2014)
  • Salum DC, Araujo MM, Fanaro GB, Purgatto E, Villavicencio ALCH. 2009. Determination of volatiles produced during radiation processing in Laurus cinnamomum, Radiation Phys Chem, 78: 635-637.
  • Yıldırım İ. 2013. Radyasyonla gıdaların korunması 14. Bölüm, Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi 4. Baskı, Erkmen O (Ed.), Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 283-292,.
  • Marra, F, Zhang L, Lyng, JG. 2009. Radio frequency treatment of foods: review of recent advances, J Food Eng, 91: 497-508
  • Kim SY, Sagong HG, Choi SH, Ryu S, Kang DH. 2012. Radio–frequency heating to inactivate Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on black and red pepper spice, Int J Food Microbiol, 153: 171-175.
  • Dababneh BF. 2013. An innovative microwave process for microbial decontamination of spices and herbs, African J Microbiol Res, 7(18): 636-645. 25. Jeong SG, Kang DH. 2014. Influence of moisture content on inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in powdered red and black pepper spices by radio – frequency heating, Int J Food Microbiol, 176: 15-22.
  • Baysal T(ed), İçier F, Baysal AH. 2011. Kızılötesi ısıtma, Güncel Elektriksel Isıtma Yöntemleri, Sidas Medya Ltd. Sti., İzmir, Türkiye, s 310-348.
  • Staack N, Ahrne L, Borch E, Knorr D. 2008. Effect of ınfrared heating on quality and microbial decontamination in paprika powder, J Food Eng, 86: 17-24.
  • Erdoğdu SB, Ekiz HI. 2013. Far infrared an ultraviolet radiation as a combined method for surface pasteurization of black pepper seeds, J Food Eng, 116: 310-314.
  • Staack N. 2013. Potential of infrared heating as a method for decontaminating food powder, NormanStaack.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014)
  • Eliasson L, Libander P, Lövenklev M, Isaksson S and Ahrné L. 2014. Infrared decontamination of oregano: effects on Bacillus cereus spores, water activity, color, and volatile compounds, J Food Sci, 79: 2447-2455.
  • Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş. 2010. Gıdaların ozonlanması, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Derg, 5(3): 47-55.
  • Akbaş MY, Özdemir M. 2008. Effect of gaseous ozone on microbial inactivation and sensory of flaked red peppers, Int J Food Sci Technol, 43: 1657-1662.
  • Asill VR, Azizi M, Bahreini M, Arouiee H. 2013. The investigation of decontamination effects of ozone gas on microbial load and essential oil of several medicinal plants, Not Sci Biol, 5(1): 34-38. 34. Torlak E, Sert D, Ulca P. 2013. Efficacy of gaseous ozone against Salmonella and microbial population on dried oregano, Int J Food Microbiol, 165: 276-280.
  • Özlük Çılak G, Halkman AK. 2014. The effect of ozone on microbial load of black pepper corn. Abstract Book, 2nd International Congress on Food Technology; November 05-07, 2014 Kuşadası, Turkey, p 92
  • Altıparmak E, Temizkan R, Demirel Zorba, NN. 2014. The effect of ozone application on microbial load of black pepper. Abstract Book, 2nd International Congress on Food Technology; November 05-07, 2014 Kuşadası, Turkey, p 261
  • Kayar G, Yıldız H. 2013. Gıda sanayiinde soğuk plazma tekniği uygulamaları, 8. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, http://www.gidamuhendisligikongresi. org/storage/catalogs/gizem – kayar.pdf.(Erişim tarihi: 23.02.2014)
  • Argyropoulos D, Janzen O, Krause N, Romano G, Heindi A, Heberle B, Leins M, Schulz A, Voesgen W, Aucrich S, Stroth U, Müller J. 2011. Decontamination of black peppercorn (Piper nigrum L.) using microwave – generated low pressure air plazma, http://opus.ub.uni-hohenheim. de/volltexte/2013/814/pdf/Argyropoulos_2011 d.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014)
  • Kim JE, Lee D, Min SC. 2014. Microbial decontamination of red pepper powder by cold plasma, Food Microbiol, 38: 128-136.
  • Sun S, Anderson NM, Keller S. 2014. Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of black peppercorns ınoculated with Salmonella and held under controlled storage, J Food Sci, 79:2441-2446.
  • Baysal T, İçier F. 2012. Gıda Mühendisliğinde Isıl Olmayan Teknolojiler, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 434s.
  • Nicorescu I, Nguyen B, Moreau–Ferret M, Agoulon Chevalier S, Orange N. 2013. Pulsed light inactivation of Bacillus subtilis vegetative cells in suspensions and spices, Food Control, 31: 151-157.
  • Açu M, Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö. 2014. Gıdalarda ısıl olmayan yeni teknikler ve mikroorganizmalar üzerine etkileri, Gıda Yem Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Derg, 14: 23-35.
  • Keith DW, Harris LJ, Hudson L, Griffiths MW. 1997. Pulsed electric fields as a processing alternative for microbial reduction in spice, Food Res Int, 30: 185-191.
  • Rico CW, Kim G, Ahn J, Furuto M, Kwon J. 2010. The comparative effect of steaming and irradiation on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of dried red pepper (Capsicum annum L.), Food Chem, 119(3): 1012-1016.
  • Erdoğdu SB, Ekiz HI. 2011. Effect of ultraviolet and far infrared radiation on microbial decontamination and quality of cumin seeds, J Food Sci, 76(5): 284-292.
  • Anon. 2013. ContentLibrary/20052729.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014) 50. Kirkin C, Mitrevski B, Güneş G, Marriot PJ. 2014. Combined effects of gamma irradition and modified atmosphere packaging on quality of some spices, Food Chem, 154: 255-261.
  • Cheon HL, Shin JY, Park KH, Chung MS, Kang DH. 2015. Inactivation of foodborne pathogens in powdered red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using combined UV–C irradiation and mild heat treatment, Food Control, 50: 441-445.
  • Ha JW, Kang DH. 2013. Simultaneous near–infrared radiant heating and UV radiation for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in powdered red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Appl Environ Microbiol, 79: 6568–6575.


Year 2015, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 241 - 249, 01.08.2015


Baharat yoğun olarak tüketilen doğal gıda katkı maddeleridir. Ancak baharatın mikrobiyel yükleri veyamikotoksin içeriği yasal sınırların üzerinde olabildiğinden tüketimi sakıncalı hale gelebilmektedir. Budurumda ihracatı yapılan ürünler diğer ülkelerce de kabul edilmemekte ve ekonomik kayıplar artmaktadır.Bu nedenle baharatın mikrobiyel yükünü azaltmada farklı işleme yöntemleri denenerek bu sorunlargiderilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Geleneksel buhar sterilizasyonuna alternatif olarak kullanılan ışınlama,elektriksel ısıtma, ozonlama, soğuk plazma ve yüksek basınç yöntemleri çeşitli baharatla yapılan çalışmalarakonu olmuş ve bazı uygulamaların sonrasında mikroorganizmalar üzerinde etkili sonuçlar alınmıştır.Değişik konsantrasyon ve dozlarda uygulanan söz konusu yöntemler mikroorganizma yükünü azaltmış,ancak baharatın besinsel ve duyusal özelliklerinde bir takım değişikliklere neden olmuştur. Bu nedenlebaharatın mikrobiyel yükünü azaltmada kullanılacak, maliyet açısından uygun, duyusal özellikler üzerindeen az değişikliğe neden olacak yöntemlerin geliştirilmesi üzerinde çalışmalar devam etmektedir. Bumakalede yeni yöntemlerin baharatın mikrobiyel yükü üzerine etkileri derlenmiştir


  • Abbas SMN, Halkman, K. 2003. Baharat mikroflorası üzerine ışınlamanın etkisi, Orlab On–Line Mikrobiyol Derg, 1(3): 43-65.
  • Schweiggert U, Schieber R, Schieber, A. 2007. Conventional and alternative processes for spice production – a review, Trends Food Sci Technol 18(15): 260-268.
  • Yılmaz H, Şanlıer N 2014. Baharat ışınlama, Gıda, 39(2): 111-118.
  • Zweifel C, Stephan R. 2012. Spices and herbs as source of Salmonella– related foodborne diseases, Food Res Int, 45: 765-769.
  • Atungulu GG, Pan Z, Dermirci A, Ngadi MO. 2012. Microbial decontamination of nuts and spices. Microbial Decontamination in the Food Industry: novel methods and applications, A Demirci and MO Ngadi (eds.),Woodhead Publishing, Philadelphia, USA. pp 125-162.
  • Coşkun F. 2010. Tekirdağ piyasasında satılan bazı baharatların mikrobiyolojik özellikleri, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 7(1): 85-93.
  • Özkızılcık A, Ateş M, Çerçi B. 2012. Comparison of real–time PCR and conventional cultural methods to detect Escherichia coli O157:H7 in spices in Turkey, IUFS J Biol, 71(2): 113-120.
  • Banerjee M, Sarkar, PK. 2003. Microbiological quality of some retail spices in India, Food Res Int, 36: 469-474.
  • Banerjee M, Sarkar PK. 2004. Growth and enterotoxin production by sporeforming bacterial pathogens from spices, Food Control, 15: 491-496. 10. Mandeel AQ. 2005. Fungal contamination of some important spices, Mycopathologia, 159: 291-298.
  • Donia MAA. 2008. Microbiological quality and aflatoxinogenesis of Egyptian spices and medicinal plants, Global Vet, 2 (4): 175-18.
  • Sagoo SK, Little CL, Greenwood M, Mithani V, Grant, KA, McLauchlin J, de Pinna E, Threlfall EJ. 2009. Assessment of the microbiological safety of dried spices and herbs from production and retail premises in the UK, Food Microbiol, 26(1): 39-43
  • Dehkordy PKK, Nikoopour H, Siavoshi F, Koushki M, Abadi A. 2013. Microbiological quality of retail spices in Tehran, Iran, J Food Prot, 76(5): 843-848.
  • Almela L, Nieto–Sandoval JM, Lopez JAF. 2002. Microbial inactivation of paprika by a high–temperature short–x time treatment influ- ence on color properties, J Agric Food Chem, 50: 1435-1440.
  • Lilie M, Hein S, Wilhelm P, Mueller U. 2007. Decontamination of spices by combining mechanical and thermal effects; an alternative approach for quality retention, Int J Food Sci Technol, 42: 190-193. 16. Waje CK, Kim HK, Kim KS, Todoriki S, Kwon JH. 2008. Physicochemical and microbiological qualities of steamed and irradiated ground black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), J Agric Food Chem, 56: 4592-4596.
  • Sadecka, J. 2010. Influence of two sterilisation ways, gamma–irradiation and heat treatment, on the volatiles of black pepper, Czech J Food Sci, 28 (1): 44-52.
  • Chusri S, Subhadhirasakul S, Tahyoh N, Billateh C, Chaowuttikul C, Chorachoo J, Voravuthikunchai SP. 2012. Effect of different decontamination methods on microbiological aspects, bioactive constituent and antibacteril activity of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.) Powder, Eur J Med Plants, 2(4): 276-289.
  • Anon. 2007. The sterilization of spices, herbs and vegetable seasonings, http://www.sterigenics. com/services/food_safety/global_food_safety_ brochure.pdf (Accessed 23.02.2014)
  • Salum DC, Araujo MM, Fanaro GB, Purgatto E, Villavicencio ALCH. 2009. Determination of volatiles produced during radiation processing in Laurus cinnamomum, Radiation Phys Chem, 78: 635-637.
  • Yıldırım İ. 2013. Radyasyonla gıdaların korunması 14. Bölüm, Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi 4. Baskı, Erkmen O (Ed.), Efil Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 283-292,.
  • Marra, F, Zhang L, Lyng, JG. 2009. Radio frequency treatment of foods: review of recent advances, J Food Eng, 91: 497-508
  • Kim SY, Sagong HG, Choi SH, Ryu S, Kang DH. 2012. Radio–frequency heating to inactivate Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on black and red pepper spice, Int J Food Microbiol, 153: 171-175.
  • Dababneh BF. 2013. An innovative microwave process for microbial decontamination of spices and herbs, African J Microbiol Res, 7(18): 636-645. 25. Jeong SG, Kang DH. 2014. Influence of moisture content on inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in powdered red and black pepper spices by radio – frequency heating, Int J Food Microbiol, 176: 15-22.
  • Baysal T(ed), İçier F, Baysal AH. 2011. Kızılötesi ısıtma, Güncel Elektriksel Isıtma Yöntemleri, Sidas Medya Ltd. Sti., İzmir, Türkiye, s 310-348.
  • Staack N, Ahrne L, Borch E, Knorr D. 2008. Effect of ınfrared heating on quality and microbial decontamination in paprika powder, J Food Eng, 86: 17-24.
  • Erdoğdu SB, Ekiz HI. 2013. Far infrared an ultraviolet radiation as a combined method for surface pasteurization of black pepper seeds, J Food Eng, 116: 310-314.
  • Staack N. 2013. Potential of infrared heating as a method for decontaminating food powder, NormanStaack.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014)
  • Eliasson L, Libander P, Lövenklev M, Isaksson S and Ahrné L. 2014. Infrared decontamination of oregano: effects on Bacillus cereus spores, water activity, color, and volatile compounds, J Food Sci, 79: 2447-2455.
  • Çatal H, İbanoğlu Ş. 2010. Gıdaların ozonlanması, Gıda Teknolojileri Elektronik Derg, 5(3): 47-55.
  • Akbaş MY, Özdemir M. 2008. Effect of gaseous ozone on microbial inactivation and sensory of flaked red peppers, Int J Food Sci Technol, 43: 1657-1662.
  • Asill VR, Azizi M, Bahreini M, Arouiee H. 2013. The investigation of decontamination effects of ozone gas on microbial load and essential oil of several medicinal plants, Not Sci Biol, 5(1): 34-38. 34. Torlak E, Sert D, Ulca P. 2013. Efficacy of gaseous ozone against Salmonella and microbial population on dried oregano, Int J Food Microbiol, 165: 276-280.
  • Özlük Çılak G, Halkman AK. 2014. The effect of ozone on microbial load of black pepper corn. Abstract Book, 2nd International Congress on Food Technology; November 05-07, 2014 Kuşadası, Turkey, p 92
  • Altıparmak E, Temizkan R, Demirel Zorba, NN. 2014. The effect of ozone application on microbial load of black pepper. Abstract Book, 2nd International Congress on Food Technology; November 05-07, 2014 Kuşadası, Turkey, p 261
  • Kayar G, Yıldız H. 2013. Gıda sanayiinde soğuk plazma tekniği uygulamaları, 8. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, http://www.gidamuhendisligikongresi. org/storage/catalogs/gizem – kayar.pdf.(Erişim tarihi: 23.02.2014)
  • Argyropoulos D, Janzen O, Krause N, Romano G, Heindi A, Heberle B, Leins M, Schulz A, Voesgen W, Aucrich S, Stroth U, Müller J. 2011. Decontamination of black peppercorn (Piper nigrum L.) using microwave – generated low pressure air plazma, http://opus.ub.uni-hohenheim. de/volltexte/2013/814/pdf/Argyropoulos_2011 d.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014)
  • Kim JE, Lee D, Min SC. 2014. Microbial decontamination of red pepper powder by cold plasma, Food Microbiol, 38: 128-136.
  • Sun S, Anderson NM, Keller S. 2014. Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of black peppercorns ınoculated with Salmonella and held under controlled storage, J Food Sci, 79:2441-2446.
  • Baysal T, İçier F. 2012. Gıda Mühendisliğinde Isıl Olmayan Teknolojiler, Nobel Yayınevi, Ankara, 434s.
  • Nicorescu I, Nguyen B, Moreau–Ferret M, Agoulon Chevalier S, Orange N. 2013. Pulsed light inactivation of Bacillus subtilis vegetative cells in suspensions and spices, Food Control, 31: 151-157.
  • Açu M, Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö. 2014. Gıdalarda ısıl olmayan yeni teknikler ve mikroorganizmalar üzerine etkileri, Gıda Yem Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Derg, 14: 23-35.
  • Keith DW, Harris LJ, Hudson L, Griffiths MW. 1997. Pulsed electric fields as a processing alternative for microbial reduction in spice, Food Res Int, 30: 185-191.
  • Rico CW, Kim G, Ahn J, Furuto M, Kwon J. 2010. The comparative effect of steaming and irradiation on the physicochemical and microbiological properties of dried red pepper (Capsicum annum L.), Food Chem, 119(3): 1012-1016.
  • Erdoğdu SB, Ekiz HI. 2011. Effect of ultraviolet and far infrared radiation on microbial decontamination and quality of cumin seeds, J Food Sci, 76(5): 284-292.
  • Anon. 2013. ContentLibrary/20052729.pdf (Accessed: 23.02.2014) 50. Kirkin C, Mitrevski B, Güneş G, Marriot PJ. 2014. Combined effects of gamma irradition and modified atmosphere packaging on quality of some spices, Food Chem, 154: 255-261.
  • Cheon HL, Shin JY, Park KH, Chung MS, Kang DH. 2015. Inactivation of foodborne pathogens in powdered red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) using combined UV–C irradiation and mild heat treatment, Food Control, 50: 441-445.
  • Ha JW, Kang DH. 2013. Simultaneous near–infrared radiant heating and UV radiation for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in powdered red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Appl Environ Microbiol, 79: 6568–6575.
There are 45 citations in total.


Other ID JA26YY27ZF
Journal Section Research Article

Esra Altıparmak Ergin This is me

N Nilüfer Demirel Zorba This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 40 Issue: 4


Chicago Ergin, Esra Altıparmak, and N Nilüfer Demirel Zorba. “BAHARATIN MİKROBİYEL YÜKÜNÜ AZALTMADA KULLANILAN YENİ YÖNTEMLER”. Gıda 40, no. 4 (August 2015): 241-49.
IEEE E. A. Ergin and N. N. D. Zorba, “BAHARATIN MİKROBİYEL YÜKÜNÜ AZALTMADA KULLANILAN YENİ YÖNTEMLER”, The Journal of Food, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 241–249, 2015.
ISNAD Ergin, Esra Altıparmak - Zorba, N Nilüfer Demirel. “BAHARATIN MİKROBİYEL YÜKÜNÜ AZALTMADA KULLANILAN YENİ YÖNTEMLER”. Gıda 40/4 (August 2015), 241-249.
MLA Ergin, Esra Altıparmak and N Nilüfer Demirel Zorba. “BAHARATIN MİKROBİYEL YÜKÜNÜ AZALTMADA KULLANILAN YENİ YÖNTEMLER”. Gıda, vol. 40, no. 4, 2015, pp. 241-9.


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GIDA / The Journal of FOOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).