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Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 243 - 250, 01.08.2016




  • Yıldız H, Güven E. 2015. Gıda sanayinde dielektrik ısıtma yöntemlerinin kullanımı. Gıda Tekn6: 78-80.
  • Pereira RN, Vicente AA. 2010. Environmental impact of novel thermal and non-thermal technologies in food processing. Food Res Int 43: 1936-1943.
  • Erdogdu SB, Eliasson L, Erdogdu F, Isaksson S, Ahrne L. 2015. Experimental determination of penetration depths of various spice commodities (black pepper seeds, paprika powder and oregano leaves) under infrared radiation. J Food Eng 161: 75-81. 4. Yıldız H, Güven E. 2014. Industrial applications and potential use of ohmic heating for fluid foods. Bulg Chem Comm46 (B): 98-102.
  • Ulusoy K, Karakaya M. 2011. Gıda endüstrisinde ultrasonik ses dalgalarının kullanımı. GIDA 36 (2): 113-120.
  • Açu M, Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö. 2014. Gıdalarda ısıl olmayan yeni teknikler ve mikroorganizmalar üzerine etkileri. Gıda Yem Bilimi Tekn 14: 23-35. 7. Toepfl S. 2015. Pulsed electric field processing. doc/Benelux%20Factsheet-ELCRACK.pdf (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • ELCRACK. 2015. Pulsed electric field. (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015). 9. Seçkin AK, Özgören E. 2011. Gıda endüstrisinde darbeli elektrik alan uygulamaları. Gıda Yem Bilimi Tekn11: 39-48
  • Toepfl S. 2011. Pulsed electric field food treatment - scale up from lab to industrial scale. Procedia Food Sci1: 776-779.
  • Bilek SE. 2010. Vurgulu elektrik alan (PEF) teknolojisi. Akademik Gıda 8 (3): 33-37.
  • DIVERSIFIED. 2015. Pulsed electric field. (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015). 13. Gaudreau MPJ, Hawkey T, Petry J, Kempkes M. 2015. Pulsed power systems for food and wastewater processing. http://www.divtecs. com/data/File/papers/PDF/EPPC-PEF102202_ US.pdf (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015).
  • Ramaswamy R, Jin T, Balasubramaniam VM, Zhang H. 2005. Pulsed Electric Field Processing. Ohio State University, Food Science and Technology, Fact Sheet for Food Processors, Ohio, USA, 5 p.
  • Clark JP. 2006. Pulsed electric field processing. Food Tech, 60 (1): 66-67.
  • Töpfl S. 2006. Pulsed electric fields (pef) for permeabilization of cell membranes in food- and bioprocessing-applications, process and equipment design and cost analysis. Ph. D. Thesis, Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany, 180 p.
  • Sampedro F, McAloon A, Yee W, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Geveke DJ. 2013. Cost analysis of commercial pasteurization of orange juice by pulsed electric fields. Innov Food Sci Emerg 17: 72-78. 18. Toepfl S. 2012. Pulsed electric field food processing-industrial equipment design and commercial applications. Stewart Postharvest Review 8 (2): 1-7.
  • Wang L. 2014. Energy efficiency technologies for sustainable food processing. Energy Effic 7: 791-810. 20. Toepfl S, Heinz V. 2010. Role for pulsed electric fields. The World of Food Ingredients, June 2010, 65.
  • COOLWAVE. 2015. Pulsed electric field processing. (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • Gad A, Jayaram SH. 2015. Processing of carbonated beer by pulsed electric fields. IEEE T Ind Appl51 (6): 4759-4765.
  • Li YQ, Tian WL, Mo HZ, Zhang YL, Zhao XZ. 2013. Effects of pulsed electric field processing on quality characteristics and microbial inactivation of soymilk. Food Bioprocess Tech 6: 1907-1916.
  • Teixeira LJQ, Fortuny RS, Ramos AM, Belloso OM. 2013. Kinetics of peroxidase inactivation in carrot juice treated with pulsed electric fields. J Food Sci78 (2): 222-228.
  • Min S, Jin ZT, Min SK, Yeom H, Zhang QH. 2003. Commercial-scale pulsed electric field processing of orange juice. J Food Sci 68 (4): 1265-1271.
  • Min S, Zhang QH. 2003. Effects of commercial- scale pulsed electric field processing on flavor and color of tomato juice. J Food Sci 68 (5): 1600-1606. 27. Min S, Jin ZT, Zhang QH. 2003. Commercial scale pulsed electric field processing of tomato juice. J Agr Food Chem 51: 3338-3344.
  • Mason TJ, Riera E, Vercet A, Buesa PL. 2005. Application of ultrasound. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Sun DW (ed), Elsevier Academic Press, London, UK, pp. 323-351.
  • Demirdöven A, Baysal T. 2012. Ultrases. Gıda Mühendisliğinde Isıl Olmayan Teknolojiler, Baysal T (bafl editör), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 197-218.
  • Tavman fi, Kumcuoğlu S, Akkaya Z. 2009. Bitkisel ürünlerin atıklarından antioksidan maddelerin ultrason destekli ekstraksiyonu. GIDA 34 (3): 175-182.
  • Mohareb E, Piyasena P. 2002. Applications of ultrasound in the food industry: A review. Nutracos September/October, 36-40.
  • Turantafl F, Kılıç GB, Kılıç B. 2015. Ultrasound in the meat industry: general applications and decontamination efficiency. Int J Food Microbiol, 198: 59-69.
  • Bilek SE, Turantafl F. 2013. Decontamination efficiency of high power ultrasound in the fruit and vegetable industry, a review. Int J Food Microbiol166: 155-162.
  • Patist A, Bates D. 2011. Industrial applications of high power ultrasonics. Ultrasound Technologies for Food and Bioprocessing, Feng H. (chief ed), Springer, London, UK, pp. 599-616.
  • HIELSCHER. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www. (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • CAVITUS. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www.cavi- tus. com/ (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • Chemat F, e-Huma Z, Khan MK. 2011. Applications of ultrasound in food technology: processing, preservation and extraction. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry18: 813-835.
  • ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUE. 2015. Ultrasound. (Eriflim tarihi: 21.01.2015).
  • Rani B, Singh U, Prasad M, Chauhan AK, Maheshwari R. 2012. Utilization of ultrason technological advances in food industry. Int Res J Pharm3 (3): 125-127.
  • Mohammadi V, Varnamkhasti MG, Ebrahimi R, Abbasvali M. 2014. Ultrasonic techniques for the milk production industry. Measurement 58: 93-102.
  • DUKANE. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www.dukane. com/us/PFO_food.htm (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015). 42. SONICS. 2015. Ultrasonic food cutting. (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • OMEGASONICS. 2015. Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems. specialties/food-and-drug.shtml (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • Eroğlu E, Yıldız H. 2011. Gıdaların ozmotik kurutulmasında uygulanan yeni tekniklerin enerji verimliliği bakımından değerlendirilmesi. Gıda Tekn Elektronik Dergisi6 (2): 41-48.
  • Chavan UD, Amarowicz R. 2012. Osmotic dehydration process for preservation of fruits and vegetables. J Food Res 1 (2): 202-209.
  • Phisut N. 2012. Factors affecting mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of fruits. Int Food Res J19 (1): 7-18.
  • Albak F, Belibağlı KB. 2010. Ozmotik dehidrasyon tekniğinin sakız kabağında kullanımı. Akademik Gıda8 (2): 6-10.
  • Güven E, Yıldız H. 2015. Ozmotik kurutma ile meyvelerden fonksiyonel ve yeni ürünler gelifltirilmesi. 9. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 12-14 Kasım, İzmir, Türkiye, 64 s.
  • Chandra S, Kumari D. 2015. Recent development in osmotic dehydration of fruit and vegetables: a review. Crit Rev in Food Sci 55 (4): 552-561.
  • Çınar İ. 2009. Ozmotik dehidrasyon, mekanizması ve uygulamaları. GIDA 34 (5): 325-329.
  • Bekele Y, Ramaswamy H. 2010. Going beyond conventional osmotic dehydration for quality advantage and energy savings. Ethiop J Applied Sci Technol1 (1): 1-15.
  • Yadav AK, Singh SV. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables: a review. J Food Sci Tech51 (9): 1654-1673.
  • Falade KO, Igbeka JC. 2007. Osmotic dehydration of tropical fruits and vegetables. Food Rev Int 23: 373-405.
  • Bchir B, Besbes S, Karoui R, Paquot M, Attia H, Blecke C. 2012. Osmotic dehydration kinetics of pomegranate seeds using date juice as an immersion solution base. Food Bioprocess Tech 5: 999-1009.
  • STCITALY. 2015. Osmotic dehydration. http://www. osmotic-dehydration-of-vegetable-products.html (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • Khan MR. 2012. Osmotic dehydration technique for fruits preservation-a review. Pak J Food Sci 22 (2): 71-85.
  • Tortoe, C. 2010. A review of osmo dehydration for food industry. Afr J Food Sci 4 (6): 303-324.
  • Akbarian M, Ghasemkhani N, Moayedi F. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits in food industrial: a review. Int J Biosciences 4 (1): 42-57.


Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 243 - 250, 01.08.2016


Disadvantages in foods caused by thermal processing and demand for healthy, safe and high qualityfoods by consumers have paved the way for novel food preservation techniques. Pulsed electric field anon-thermal novel technique, can disintegrate the cell membrane of food and microorganisms. Usingthis feature of pulsed electric field facilitates operations such as extraction and drying and providesinactivation of microorganisms in the food industry. Pulsed electrical field has been limitedly used bythe food industry because of high investment and operating costs and uncertainty on process parametersfor specific foods. Ultrasound is another novel technique which has numerous applications in the foodindustry such as extraction, emulsification, homogenization, crystallization, filtration, separation, viscosityalteration, foam inhibition, degassing of liquid foods, cutting and cleaning. Osmotic dehydration isgenerally used as a pre-treatment technique before the main drying process. Current applications ofnon-thermal novel food preservation techniques such as pulsed electric field, ultrasound and osmoticdehydration in the food industry will be covered in this review


  • Yıldız H, Güven E. 2015. Gıda sanayinde dielektrik ısıtma yöntemlerinin kullanımı. Gıda Tekn6: 78-80.
  • Pereira RN, Vicente AA. 2010. Environmental impact of novel thermal and non-thermal technologies in food processing. Food Res Int 43: 1936-1943.
  • Erdogdu SB, Eliasson L, Erdogdu F, Isaksson S, Ahrne L. 2015. Experimental determination of penetration depths of various spice commodities (black pepper seeds, paprika powder and oregano leaves) under infrared radiation. J Food Eng 161: 75-81. 4. Yıldız H, Güven E. 2014. Industrial applications and potential use of ohmic heating for fluid foods. Bulg Chem Comm46 (B): 98-102.
  • Ulusoy K, Karakaya M. 2011. Gıda endüstrisinde ultrasonik ses dalgalarının kullanımı. GIDA 36 (2): 113-120.
  • Açu M, Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö. 2014. Gıdalarda ısıl olmayan yeni teknikler ve mikroorganizmalar üzerine etkileri. Gıda Yem Bilimi Tekn 14: 23-35. 7. Toepfl S. 2015. Pulsed electric field processing. doc/Benelux%20Factsheet-ELCRACK.pdf (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • ELCRACK. 2015. Pulsed electric field. (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015). 9. Seçkin AK, Özgören E. 2011. Gıda endüstrisinde darbeli elektrik alan uygulamaları. Gıda Yem Bilimi Tekn11: 39-48
  • Toepfl S. 2011. Pulsed electric field food treatment - scale up from lab to industrial scale. Procedia Food Sci1: 776-779.
  • Bilek SE. 2010. Vurgulu elektrik alan (PEF) teknolojisi. Akademik Gıda 8 (3): 33-37.
  • DIVERSIFIED. 2015. Pulsed electric field. (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015). 13. Gaudreau MPJ, Hawkey T, Petry J, Kempkes M. 2015. Pulsed power systems for food and wastewater processing. http://www.divtecs. com/data/File/papers/PDF/EPPC-PEF102202_ US.pdf (Eriflim tarihi: 05.01.2015).
  • Ramaswamy R, Jin T, Balasubramaniam VM, Zhang H. 2005. Pulsed Electric Field Processing. Ohio State University, Food Science and Technology, Fact Sheet for Food Processors, Ohio, USA, 5 p.
  • Clark JP. 2006. Pulsed electric field processing. Food Tech, 60 (1): 66-67.
  • Töpfl S. 2006. Pulsed electric fields (pef) for permeabilization of cell membranes in food- and bioprocessing-applications, process and equipment design and cost analysis. Ph. D. Thesis, Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany, 180 p.
  • Sampedro F, McAloon A, Yee W, Fan X, Zhang HQ, Geveke DJ. 2013. Cost analysis of commercial pasteurization of orange juice by pulsed electric fields. Innov Food Sci Emerg 17: 72-78. 18. Toepfl S. 2012. Pulsed electric field food processing-industrial equipment design and commercial applications. Stewart Postharvest Review 8 (2): 1-7.
  • Wang L. 2014. Energy efficiency technologies for sustainable food processing. Energy Effic 7: 791-810. 20. Toepfl S, Heinz V. 2010. Role for pulsed electric fields. The World of Food Ingredients, June 2010, 65.
  • COOLWAVE. 2015. Pulsed electric field processing. (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • Gad A, Jayaram SH. 2015. Processing of carbonated beer by pulsed electric fields. IEEE T Ind Appl51 (6): 4759-4765.
  • Li YQ, Tian WL, Mo HZ, Zhang YL, Zhao XZ. 2013. Effects of pulsed electric field processing on quality characteristics and microbial inactivation of soymilk. Food Bioprocess Tech 6: 1907-1916.
  • Teixeira LJQ, Fortuny RS, Ramos AM, Belloso OM. 2013. Kinetics of peroxidase inactivation in carrot juice treated with pulsed electric fields. J Food Sci78 (2): 222-228.
  • Min S, Jin ZT, Min SK, Yeom H, Zhang QH. 2003. Commercial-scale pulsed electric field processing of orange juice. J Food Sci 68 (4): 1265-1271.
  • Min S, Zhang QH. 2003. Effects of commercial- scale pulsed electric field processing on flavor and color of tomato juice. J Food Sci 68 (5): 1600-1606. 27. Min S, Jin ZT, Zhang QH. 2003. Commercial scale pulsed electric field processing of tomato juice. J Agr Food Chem 51: 3338-3344.
  • Mason TJ, Riera E, Vercet A, Buesa PL. 2005. Application of ultrasound. Emerging Technologies for Food Processing, Sun DW (ed), Elsevier Academic Press, London, UK, pp. 323-351.
  • Demirdöven A, Baysal T. 2012. Ultrases. Gıda Mühendisliğinde Isıl Olmayan Teknolojiler, Baysal T (bafl editör), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 197-218.
  • Tavman fi, Kumcuoğlu S, Akkaya Z. 2009. Bitkisel ürünlerin atıklarından antioksidan maddelerin ultrason destekli ekstraksiyonu. GIDA 34 (3): 175-182.
  • Mohareb E, Piyasena P. 2002. Applications of ultrasound in the food industry: A review. Nutracos September/October, 36-40.
  • Turantafl F, Kılıç GB, Kılıç B. 2015. Ultrasound in the meat industry: general applications and decontamination efficiency. Int J Food Microbiol, 198: 59-69.
  • Bilek SE, Turantafl F. 2013. Decontamination efficiency of high power ultrasound in the fruit and vegetable industry, a review. Int J Food Microbiol166: 155-162.
  • Patist A, Bates D. 2011. Industrial applications of high power ultrasonics. Ultrasound Technologies for Food and Bioprocessing, Feng H. (chief ed), Springer, London, UK, pp. 599-616.
  • HIELSCHER. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www. (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • CAVITUS. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www.cavi- tus. com/ (Eriflim tarihi: 07.01.2015).
  • Chemat F, e-Huma Z, Khan MK. 2011. Applications of ultrasound in food technology: processing, preservation and extraction. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry18: 813-835.
  • ULTRASONIC TECHNIQUE. 2015. Ultrasound. (Eriflim tarihi: 21.01.2015).
  • Rani B, Singh U, Prasad M, Chauhan AK, Maheshwari R. 2012. Utilization of ultrason technological advances in food industry. Int Res J Pharm3 (3): 125-127.
  • Mohammadi V, Varnamkhasti MG, Ebrahimi R, Abbasvali M. 2014. Ultrasonic techniques for the milk production industry. Measurement 58: 93-102.
  • DUKANE. 2015. Ultrasound. http://www.dukane. com/us/PFO_food.htm (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015). 42. SONICS. 2015. Ultrasonic food cutting. (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • OMEGASONICS. 2015. Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems. specialties/food-and-drug.shtml (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • Eroğlu E, Yıldız H. 2011. Gıdaların ozmotik kurutulmasında uygulanan yeni tekniklerin enerji verimliliği bakımından değerlendirilmesi. Gıda Tekn Elektronik Dergisi6 (2): 41-48.
  • Chavan UD, Amarowicz R. 2012. Osmotic dehydration process for preservation of fruits and vegetables. J Food Res 1 (2): 202-209.
  • Phisut N. 2012. Factors affecting mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of fruits. Int Food Res J19 (1): 7-18.
  • Albak F, Belibağlı KB. 2010. Ozmotik dehidrasyon tekniğinin sakız kabağında kullanımı. Akademik Gıda8 (2): 6-10.
  • Güven E, Yıldız H. 2015. Ozmotik kurutma ile meyvelerden fonksiyonel ve yeni ürünler gelifltirilmesi. 9. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 12-14 Kasım, İzmir, Türkiye, 64 s.
  • Chandra S, Kumari D. 2015. Recent development in osmotic dehydration of fruit and vegetables: a review. Crit Rev in Food Sci 55 (4): 552-561.
  • Çınar İ. 2009. Ozmotik dehidrasyon, mekanizması ve uygulamaları. GIDA 34 (5): 325-329.
  • Bekele Y, Ramaswamy H. 2010. Going beyond conventional osmotic dehydration for quality advantage and energy savings. Ethiop J Applied Sci Technol1 (1): 1-15.
  • Yadav AK, Singh SV. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables: a review. J Food Sci Tech51 (9): 1654-1673.
  • Falade KO, Igbeka JC. 2007. Osmotic dehydration of tropical fruits and vegetables. Food Rev Int 23: 373-405.
  • Bchir B, Besbes S, Karoui R, Paquot M, Attia H, Blecke C. 2012. Osmotic dehydration kinetics of pomegranate seeds using date juice as an immersion solution base. Food Bioprocess Tech 5: 999-1009.
  • STCITALY. 2015. Osmotic dehydration. http://www. osmotic-dehydration-of-vegetable-products.html (Eriflim tarihi: 04.02.2015).
  • Khan MR. 2012. Osmotic dehydration technique for fruits preservation-a review. Pak J Food Sci 22 (2): 71-85.
  • Tortoe, C. 2010. A review of osmo dehydration for food industry. Afr J Food Sci 4 (6): 303-324.
  • Akbarian M, Ghasemkhani N, Moayedi F. 2014. Osmotic dehydration of fruits in food industrial: a review. Int J Biosciences 4 (1): 42-57.
There are 50 citations in total.


Other ID JA96CB74MH
Journal Section Research Article

Engin Güven This is me

Hasan Yıldız This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 41 Issue: 4


AMA Güven E, Yıldız H. ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2. The Journal of Food. August 2016;41(4):243-250.
Chicago Güven, Engin, and Hasan Yıldız. “ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2”. Gıda 41, no. 4 (August 2016): 243-50.
IEEE E. Güven and H. Yıldız, “ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2”, The Journal of Food, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 243–250, 2016.
ISNAD Güven, Engin - Yıldız, Hasan. “ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2”. Gıda 41/4 (August 2016), 243-250.
MLA Güven, Engin and Hasan Yıldız. “ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2”. Gıda, vol. 41, no. 4, 2016, pp. 243-50.
Vancouver Güven E, Yıldız H. ISIL OLMAYAN YENİ GIDA MUHAFAZA TEKNİKLERİNİN SANAYİ UYGULAMALARI-2. The Journal of Food. 2016;41(4):243-50.


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