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Grapefruit Juice and its Interaction with Drugs (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, - , 01.04.2006


Grapefruit juice interacts with some drugs and causes adverse effects that can be finalized with death. Especially blood pressure regulating, antihistaminic and cholesterol drugs cause this interaction with naringin, naringenin, furanocumarin, bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen), bergomottin and flavonoids of grapefruit juice. This compounds inhibit decomposition of drugs with the related enzymes in intestines and liver. As a result of this, concentration of the drug in blood is increased and poisioning is occured.


  • Aktay G., Hanci 1. H. ve Balseven A. 2o03. iiac EtkIlesimlen ve Hekim Sorumlulugu Sted. Gilt: 12 . Sayi: 7. 261-264.
  • Anonim. 2004a. htip://saglik.tr.net/beslenme _sagIigi_greyfurt.shtml (13.04.2004)
  • Anonim. 2004b. http://emphysemafoundation.org/Graperuice.html (13.04.2004)
  • Anonim. 2004c. httpl/www. powernetdesign.com/grapefruit (13.04.2004)
  • Bailey D. G., Dresser G. K., Kreeft J. H., Munoz C., Freeman D. J. and Bend J. R. 2000. Grapefruit-felodipine interaction: Effect of unprocessed fruit and probable active ingredients. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. volume: 68, lssue: 5 , 468-477.
  • Becquemont L, verstuyft c., Kerb R., Bnnkmann U., Lebot M., Jaillon P. and Brentano C. F. 2001. Effect of grapefruit juice on digoxin pharmacokinelics in humans. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. volume 70, Issue: 4, 311-316.
  • Cemerogiu B. ye Karadeniz F. 2001. Meyve Suyu Uretim Teknoloyisi, Gida Teknolojisi Dernegi Yayanlari, No: 25, 384 s., Ankara.
  • Charbit B., Becquemont L., Lepére B., Peytavin G.and Brentano C. F. 2002. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interaction between grapefruit juice and halofantrine.CIinlcal Pharmacology & Therapeutics volume: 72, Issue: 5, 514-523.
  • Ho P.C., Saville D.J., Coville P. F. and Wanwimolruk S. 2000. Content of CYP3A4 inhibitors, naringin, naringenin and bergapten in grapefruit and grapefruit juice products. Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae volume 74, Issue: 4, 379-385.
  • Kiliç O., BaçogIu F. ve copur O.u. 1997. Meyve ve Sebze lsieme Teknolojisi I, uludag universitesi ziraat Fakultesi Ders Notlari, No: 73. 192 s., Bursa.
  • Lilja J. J., Kivistö K. T. and Neuvonen P. J. 2000. Duration of effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 substrate simvastatin. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics volume 68. Issue: 4. 384-390.
  • LIIja J.J, Juntti P.L., and Neuvonen P. J. 2004. Orange juice substantially reduces the bioavailabllity of the beta-adrenergic-blocking agent celiprolol. 1: Gun Pharmacol Ther. 75(a):1 84-90.
  • Pisank P., 1996. Arch Fam Med, clinical Briefs in Primary Care, volume 1; 413-416.
  • Tassaneeyakul w., Guo L.Q., Fukuda K., Ohta T. and Yama.zoe V. 2000. InhIbition selectivity of grapefruit juice components on human cytochromes P450. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Volume: 378, Issue: 2 , 356-363.
  • Schobinger U. 1987. Meyve ve Sebze Suyu 0retim Teknoloyisi. çeviren Jale Acar. Hacettepe Univ. Yayinlani, 602 s., Ankara.

Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 2, - , 01.04.2006


Greyfurt suyu bazı ilaçlarla etkileşime girerek ölümle sonuçlanabilen yan etkiler oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle tansiyon, kolesterol ve antihistaminik ilaçlarla görülen bu etkileşim, greyfurt suyunda bulunan naringin, naringenin, furanokumarin, bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen), bergomottin ve flavonoidler tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu maddeler, ilacın, bağırsak ve karaciğerde bulunan ilgili enzimce parçalanmasını önlemekte ve sonuçta ilacın kandaki konsantrasyonunun artışına bağlı olarak ilaç zehirlenmesi meydana gelmektedir.


  • Aktay G., Hanci 1. H. ve Balseven A. 2o03. iiac EtkIlesimlen ve Hekim Sorumlulugu Sted. Gilt: 12 . Sayi: 7. 261-264.
  • Anonim. 2004a. htip://saglik.tr.net/beslenme _sagIigi_greyfurt.shtml (13.04.2004)
  • Anonim. 2004b. http://emphysemafoundation.org/Graperuice.html (13.04.2004)
  • Anonim. 2004c. httpl/www. powernetdesign.com/grapefruit (13.04.2004)
  • Bailey D. G., Dresser G. K., Kreeft J. H., Munoz C., Freeman D. J. and Bend J. R. 2000. Grapefruit-felodipine interaction: Effect of unprocessed fruit and probable active ingredients. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. volume: 68, lssue: 5 , 468-477.
  • Becquemont L, verstuyft c., Kerb R., Bnnkmann U., Lebot M., Jaillon P. and Brentano C. F. 2001. Effect of grapefruit juice on digoxin pharmacokinelics in humans. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. volume 70, Issue: 4, 311-316.
  • Cemerogiu B. ye Karadeniz F. 2001. Meyve Suyu Uretim Teknoloyisi, Gida Teknolojisi Dernegi Yayanlari, No: 25, 384 s., Ankara.
  • Charbit B., Becquemont L., Lepére B., Peytavin G.and Brentano C. F. 2002. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interaction between grapefruit juice and halofantrine.CIinlcal Pharmacology & Therapeutics volume: 72, Issue: 5, 514-523.
  • Ho P.C., Saville D.J., Coville P. F. and Wanwimolruk S. 2000. Content of CYP3A4 inhibitors, naringin, naringenin and bergapten in grapefruit and grapefruit juice products. Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae volume 74, Issue: 4, 379-385.
  • Kiliç O., BaçogIu F. ve copur O.u. 1997. Meyve ve Sebze lsieme Teknolojisi I, uludag universitesi ziraat Fakultesi Ders Notlari, No: 73. 192 s., Bursa.
  • Lilja J. J., Kivistö K. T. and Neuvonen P. J. 2000. Duration of effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of the CYP3A4 substrate simvastatin. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics volume 68. Issue: 4. 384-390.
  • LIIja J.J, Juntti P.L., and Neuvonen P. J. 2004. Orange juice substantially reduces the bioavailabllity of the beta-adrenergic-blocking agent celiprolol. 1: Gun Pharmacol Ther. 75(a):1 84-90.
  • Pisank P., 1996. Arch Fam Med, clinical Briefs in Primary Care, volume 1; 413-416.
  • Tassaneeyakul w., Guo L.Q., Fukuda K., Ohta T. and Yama.zoe V. 2000. InhIbition selectivity of grapefruit juice components on human cytochromes P450. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Volume: 378, Issue: 2 , 356-363.
  • Schobinger U. 1987. Meyve ve Sebze Suyu 0retim Teknoloyisi. çeviren Jale Acar. Hacettepe Univ. Yayinlani, 602 s., Ankara.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Canan Ece Tamer This is me

Bige Karaman This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 31 Issue: 2


APA Tamer, C. E. ., & Karaman, B. . (2006). Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi. Gıda, 31(2).
AMA Tamer CE, Karaman B. Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi. The Journal of Food. April 2006;31(2).
Chicago Tamer, Canan Ece, and Bige Karaman. “Greyfurt Suyu Ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi”. Gıda 31, no. 2 (April 2006).
EndNote Tamer CE, Karaman B (April 1, 2006) Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi. Gıda 31 2
IEEE C. E. . Tamer and B. . Karaman, “Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 31, no. 2, 2006.
ISNAD Tamer, Canan Ece - Karaman, Bige. “Greyfurt Suyu Ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi”. Gıda 31/2 (April 2006).
JAMA Tamer CE, Karaman B. Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31.
MLA Tamer, Canan Ece and Bige Karaman. “Greyfurt Suyu Ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi”. Gıda, vol. 31, no. 2, 2006.
Vancouver Tamer CE, Karaman B. Greyfurt Suyu ve İlaçlarla Etkileşimi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31(2).


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