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Importance of Milk and Dairy Products in Coronary Heart Disease (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 5, - , 01.10.2006


Coronary heart disease, the most common form of cardiovascular disease, is the leading cause of death in many countries. Many risk factors like genetic and environmental and particularly diet play role in the development of coronary heart disease. As blood cholesterol levels are effective on the disease, type and content of lipid as well as cholesterol level in the diet have a great importance. Some dairy food nutrients are hypercholesterolemic, whereas some fatty acids in dairy products have hypocholesterolemic effect. While many scientific studies have proved the positive effect of conjugated linoleic acid, sphingomylein and fermented dairy products on coronary heart disease; there is not exact evidence about the potential effect of some dairy nutrients. In scientific studies which have examined specific food groups, it has been reported that whole milk and dairy products can contribute to blood cholesterol levels, whereas consuming these products in a whole diet in moderate amounts does not increase the risk of coronary heart disease. For a healthy existence and in the prevention of coronary heart disease it should be reminded to consume the major food groups in recommended amounts and the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the development of coronary heart disease.


  • Miller G D , Jarvis J K and McBean L D. 2000. Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition. Second Edition, National Dairy Concil. CRC Press.
  • Schaefer E J. 2002. Llpoproteins, nutrition and heart disease. Am. J. of Ciin. Nutr. 75 (2): 191-212.
  • Schaefer E.J , Lichtenstein A H, Laman-Fava S . Mc Namarai J Fl and Ordovas J M. 1995. Lipoproteins, nutrition , aging and atherosclerosis. The American J. of Clin. Nutr. Vol. 61, 153.13: pg.726.
  • McNamara D J. 1990. Relationship between blood and dietary cholesterol. Advances in Meat Research. Vol.6. Elsevier Applied Science, London, pg: 63-87.
  • Fox P F. 1995. Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Volume 2 , Lipids . Second Edition.
  • Sacks F M and Katan M. 2002. Randomized clinical trials on the effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate on plasma lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease. AM. J. of Medicine 113: 13-24 Suppl 9B DEC 30.
  • Hu F B, Stampfer M J , Manson J E, Ascheria A , Coldita G A , Speizer F E, Hennekens G H and Willett W C. 1999. Dietary saturated fats and their food sources in relation to the risk of coronary heart disease in women. Am. J. of Clin. Nutr. 70(6): 1001-1008.
  • Kris-Etherton P M and Yu S. 1997. Individual fatty acid effects on plasma lipids and lipoproteins: human studies. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 65 (Suppl.) pg.1628.
  • Hung T, Sievenpiper J L, Marchie A, Kendall C W 0 and Jenkins D J A. 2003. Fat versus carbohydrate in insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 6(2): 165-176.
  • Fraser G E. 1994. Diet and coronary heart disease: Beyond dietary fats and low-density-Iipoprotein
  • Sun W Y and Chen W W 1994. A Preliminary - Study of Potential Dietary Risk-Factors for Coronary
  • van Dam Ft M, Grievlnk L, Ocke M C and Feskens E J M. 2003. Patterns of food consumption and risk
  • factors for cardiovascular disease in the general Dutch population. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 77(5): 1156-1163.
  • Maijala K. 2000. Cow milk and human development and well-being. Livestock Production Science 65(1
  • Pearce J. 1996. Effects of milk and fermented dairy products on the blood cholesterol content and proŞle
  • Moss M. 2002. Does milk cause coronary heart disease?. Journai of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
  • Çağlar A ve Çakmakçı S. 1995. Yoğurdun İnsan Sağlığı ve Beslenmesindeki Rolü ve Önemi. iii. Milli Süt
  • ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 548:205—220.
  • Parodi P W. 2004. Milk fat in human nutrition. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 59 (1): 3-59.
  • Ney D M. 1991. Symposium: the role of the nutritional and health benefits in the marketing of dairy
  • products. Potential for enhancing the nutritional properties of milk fat. J. Dairy Sci. 74, 4002.
  • Warensjo E , Jansson J H , Berglund L, Bornan K , Ahren B . Weinehall L, Lindahl B, Hallmans G
  • Kumar M V, Sambaiah K and Lokesh B R. 1999. Effect of dietary ghee- the anhydrous milk fat, on blood
  • Steinmetz K A , Childs M T , Stimson G , Kushl L H. etal. 1994. Effect of consumption of whole milk and
  • Ness A Fl , Smith G D and Hart C. 2001. Milk, coronary heart disease and mortality. Journal of
  • Moss M and Freed D. 2003. The cow and the coronary. epidemiology biochemistry and immunology.
  • St-Onge M P , Farnworth E R and Jones P J H. 2000. Consumption of fermented and nonfermented
  • Thompson E. U , Jenkins D J A . Amer M A V, Fieichert Fi , Jenkins A and Kamulsky J. 1982. The effect
  • Agerholm~Larsen L, Bell M L, Grunwald G K and Astrup A. 2000a. The effect of a probiotic milk product
  • Agerholm- -Larsen L, Raben A Haulrik N, Hansen A S. Manders M and Astrup A. 2000b. Effect of 8 week
  • Pereira D A and Gibson G Fi. 2002. Effects of consumption of probiotics and prebiotics on serum lipid
  • Xiao i Z, Kondo S , Takahashi N , Miyaji K , Oshida K , Hiramatsu A, Iwatsuki K , Kokubo S and Hosono
  • elm YIL: sı SAYI : 5 EYLÜL - EKİM 2006 A. 2003. Effects of milk products fermented by Bifidobacteriurn Iongum on blood lipids in rats and healthy adult male volunteers. Journal of Dairy Science 86 (7): 2452-2461.
  • Lee K N , Kritchevsky D and Pariza M W. 1994. Conjugated linoleic acid and atherosclerosis in rabbits. Atherosclerosis. 108, 19.
  • Mac Donald H B. 2000. Conjugated iinoleic acid and disease prevention: A review of current knowledge. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19(2):111-118, Suppl, 3. ,
  • Renner E ve Saldamlı İ. 1983. Beslenme Açısından Fermente Süt Ürünleri . Gıda 8(6):297—309.
  • Segall J J , Ness A R , Davey Smith G and Hart C. 2003. Milk and coronary heart disease mortality. J. of Epidemiology and Community Health 56(4), pg.319.
  • Tholstrup T . Hoy C E . Andersen L N , Christensen Ft D K, Sandstrom B. 2004. Does fat in milk, butter and cholesterol differently? Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23 (2): 169-176 Apr 2004.

Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi

Year 2006, Volume: 31 Issue: 5, - , 01.10.2006


Kardiyovasküler hastalığın en sık rastlanan şekli olan koroner kalp hastalığı çoğu ülkede meydana gelen ölümlerin başlıca sebebidir. Koroner kalp hastalığının gelişiminde başta diyet olmak üzere birçok genetik ve çevresel risk faktörü rol oynamaktadır. Hastalıkta kandaki kolesterol seviyeleri büyük etken olmakta, bu nedenle diyet ile alınan yağ miktarı ve çeşidi ile kolesterol miktarı önem taşımaktadır. Süt ve ürünlerinde bazı besin öğeleri hiperkolesteremik etkiye sahipken, bazı yağ asitleri de kolesterolü düşürücü etki göstermektedir. Süt yağı içeriğinde bulunan konjuge linoleik asit ve sfingomiyelin ile fermente süt ürünlerinin koroner kalp hastalığı üzerindeki olumlu etkileri yapılan çalışmalarla ortaya konurken, sütteki bazı maddelerin olası etkileri henüz ispatlanamamıştır. Spesifik gıda gruplarının incelendiği bilimsel çalışmalarda yağca zengin süt ürünlerinin kan kolesterol seviyelerini etkileyebileceği tahmin edilirken, tam bir diyette ölçülü miktarda tüketilmesinin koroner kalp hastalığı riskini arttırmayacağı vurgulanmaktadır. Koroner kalp hastalığından korunmak ve sağlıklı bir yaşam sürdürmek için temel gıda gruplarından önerilen miktarlarda tüketilmesi gerektiği; ayrıca koroner kalp hastalığı gelişiminde genetik ve çevresel faktörlerin etkili olduğu unutulmamalıdır.


  • Miller G D , Jarvis J K and McBean L D. 2000. Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition. Second Edition, National Dairy Concil. CRC Press.
  • Schaefer E J. 2002. Llpoproteins, nutrition and heart disease. Am. J. of Ciin. Nutr. 75 (2): 191-212.
  • Schaefer E.J , Lichtenstein A H, Laman-Fava S . Mc Namarai J Fl and Ordovas J M. 1995. Lipoproteins, nutrition , aging and atherosclerosis. The American J. of Clin. Nutr. Vol. 61, 153.13: pg.726.
  • McNamara D J. 1990. Relationship between blood and dietary cholesterol. Advances in Meat Research. Vol.6. Elsevier Applied Science, London, pg: 63-87.
  • Fox P F. 1995. Advanced Dairy Chemistry. Volume 2 , Lipids . Second Edition.
  • Sacks F M and Katan M. 2002. Randomized clinical trials on the effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate on plasma lipoproteins and cardiovascular disease. AM. J. of Medicine 113: 13-24 Suppl 9B DEC 30.
  • Hu F B, Stampfer M J , Manson J E, Ascheria A , Coldita G A , Speizer F E, Hennekens G H and Willett W C. 1999. Dietary saturated fats and their food sources in relation to the risk of coronary heart disease in women. Am. J. of Clin. Nutr. 70(6): 1001-1008.
  • Kris-Etherton P M and Yu S. 1997. Individual fatty acid effects on plasma lipids and lipoproteins: human studies. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 65 (Suppl.) pg.1628.
  • Hung T, Sievenpiper J L, Marchie A, Kendall C W 0 and Jenkins D J A. 2003. Fat versus carbohydrate in insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 6(2): 165-176.
  • Fraser G E. 1994. Diet and coronary heart disease: Beyond dietary fats and low-density-Iipoprotein
  • Sun W Y and Chen W W 1994. A Preliminary - Study of Potential Dietary Risk-Factors for Coronary
  • van Dam Ft M, Grievlnk L, Ocke M C and Feskens E J M. 2003. Patterns of food consumption and risk
  • factors for cardiovascular disease in the general Dutch population. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 77(5): 1156-1163.
  • Maijala K. 2000. Cow milk and human development and well-being. Livestock Production Science 65(1
  • Pearce J. 1996. Effects of milk and fermented dairy products on the blood cholesterol content and proŞle
  • Moss M. 2002. Does milk cause coronary heart disease?. Journai of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine
  • Çağlar A ve Çakmakçı S. 1995. Yoğurdun İnsan Sağlığı ve Beslenmesindeki Rolü ve Önemi. iii. Milli Süt
  • ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Milli Prodüktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 548:205—220.
  • Parodi P W. 2004. Milk fat in human nutrition. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 59 (1): 3-59.
  • Ney D M. 1991. Symposium: the role of the nutritional and health benefits in the marketing of dairy
  • products. Potential for enhancing the nutritional properties of milk fat. J. Dairy Sci. 74, 4002.
  • Warensjo E , Jansson J H , Berglund L, Bornan K , Ahren B . Weinehall L, Lindahl B, Hallmans G
  • Kumar M V, Sambaiah K and Lokesh B R. 1999. Effect of dietary ghee- the anhydrous milk fat, on blood
  • Steinmetz K A , Childs M T , Stimson G , Kushl L H. etal. 1994. Effect of consumption of whole milk and
  • Ness A Fl , Smith G D and Hart C. 2001. Milk, coronary heart disease and mortality. Journal of
  • Moss M and Freed D. 2003. The cow and the coronary. epidemiology biochemistry and immunology.
  • St-Onge M P , Farnworth E R and Jones P J H. 2000. Consumption of fermented and nonfermented
  • Thompson E. U , Jenkins D J A . Amer M A V, Fieichert Fi , Jenkins A and Kamulsky J. 1982. The effect
  • Agerholm~Larsen L, Bell M L, Grunwald G K and Astrup A. 2000a. The effect of a probiotic milk product
  • Agerholm- -Larsen L, Raben A Haulrik N, Hansen A S. Manders M and Astrup A. 2000b. Effect of 8 week
  • Pereira D A and Gibson G Fi. 2002. Effects of consumption of probiotics and prebiotics on serum lipid
  • Xiao i Z, Kondo S , Takahashi N , Miyaji K , Oshida K , Hiramatsu A, Iwatsuki K , Kokubo S and Hosono
  • elm YIL: sı SAYI : 5 EYLÜL - EKİM 2006 A. 2003. Effects of milk products fermented by Bifidobacteriurn Iongum on blood lipids in rats and healthy adult male volunteers. Journal of Dairy Science 86 (7): 2452-2461.
  • Lee K N , Kritchevsky D and Pariza M W. 1994. Conjugated linoleic acid and atherosclerosis in rabbits. Atherosclerosis. 108, 19.
  • Mac Donald H B. 2000. Conjugated iinoleic acid and disease prevention: A review of current knowledge. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19(2):111-118, Suppl, 3. ,
  • Renner E ve Saldamlı İ. 1983. Beslenme Açısından Fermente Süt Ürünleri . Gıda 8(6):297—309.
  • Segall J J , Ness A R , Davey Smith G and Hart C. 2003. Milk and coronary heart disease mortality. J. of Epidemiology and Community Health 56(4), pg.319.
  • Tholstrup T . Hoy C E . Andersen L N , Christensen Ft D K, Sandstrom B. 2004. Does fat in milk, butter and cholesterol differently? Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23 (2): 169-176 Apr 2004.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gülfem Ünal This is me

A.sibel Akalın This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 31 Issue: 5


APA Ünal, G. ., & Akalın, A. . (2006). Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi. Gıda, 31(5).
AMA Ünal G, Akalın A. Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi. The Journal of Food. October 2006;31(5).
Chicago Ünal, Gülfem, and A.sibel Akalın. “Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt Ve Ürünlerinin Önemi”. Gıda 31, no. 5 (October 2006).
EndNote Ünal G, Akalın A (October 1, 2006) Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi. Gıda 31 5
IEEE G. . Ünal and A. . Akalın, “Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 31, no. 5, 2006.
ISNAD Ünal, Gülfem - Akalın, A.sibel. “Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt Ve Ürünlerinin Önemi”. Gıda 31/5 (October 2006).
JAMA Ünal G, Akalın A. Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31.
MLA Ünal, Gülfem and A.sibel Akalın. “Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt Ve Ürünlerinin Önemi”. Gıda, vol. 31, no. 5, 2006.
Vancouver Ünal G, Akalın A. Koroner Kalp Hastalığında Süt ve Ürünlerinin Önemi. The Journal of Food. 2006;31(5).


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