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Antimicrobial Packaging in Meat Technology (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2007, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 113 - 122, 01.06.2007


One of the novel techniques in preserving muscle foods, sensitive especially to microbiological spoilage, is antimicrobial packaging as a version of active packaging systems. The principle of antimicrobial packaging is to ensure controlled release of antimicrobial agents incorporated into packaging materials or package atmosphere, into the package contents, and thus, to protect the food effectively in a longer period of time. Antimicrobial packaging systems generally applied in meat technology are moisture absorbing and controlling systems, incorporation of antimicrobial agents in packaging materials, and packaging with antimicrobial biopolymer films and coatings. Present study reviews general principles and application of antimicrobial packaging systems used in meat technology based on current studies on the topic.


  • Gennadios A, Hanna MA, Kurth LB. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. Lebensm.-Wiss.u-Technol., 30: 337-350.
  • Rooney ML. 1995. Active Packaging in Polymer Films. In: Rooney, M.L., Ed. Active food packaging. Blackie Academic and Prfessional, NewYork, 74-110.
  • Vermeiren L, Devlieghere F, Van Beest M, De Kruijf N, Debevere J. 1999. Developments in the active packaging of foods. Trends in Food Sci. Technol., 10; 77-86.
  • Suppakul P, Miltz J, Sonneveld K, Bigger SW. 2003. Active packaging technologies with an emphasis on antimicrobial packaging and its applications. J. of Food Sci., 68(2):408-420.
  • Caner C. 2004. Aktif Ambalajlama sistemleri ve uygulamaları. Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, 26-28 Mayıs, Bursa. Poster.
  • Brody AL, Strupinsky E, Kline L. 2001. Active packaging for food aplications. PA:Technomic Publishing Co., Lancester.
  • Han J. 2000. Antimicrobial food packaging. Food Technol. 54:56-65.
  • Cutter NC. 2002. Incorporation of antimicrobials into packaging materials. Fresh Meat/Packaging II. Proceedings of the 55th Reciprocal Meat Conference.
  • Cooksey K. 2005. Effectiveness of antimicrobial food packaging materials. Food Add. and Cont., 22(10):980–987.
  • Sallam KI, Ishioroshi M, Samejima K. 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausages. Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol., 37(8): 849-855.
  • Thakur BR, Singh RK. 1994. Food irradiation- chemistry and application. Food Research Int. 10:437-473.
  • Oussallah M, Caillet S, Salmieri S, Saucier L, Lacroix M. 2004. Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of milk protein- based film containing essential oils for the preservation of whole beef muscle. J. Agric. Food Chem., 52: 5598-5605.
  • Vermeiren L, Devlieghere F, Debevere J. 2002. Effectiveness of some antimicrobial packaging concepts. Food Addit. Contam., 19 Suppl.: 163-171.
  • Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K. 1995. Effects of potassium sorbate and lactic acid on the shelf life of vacuum-packed chicken meats. Poultry Sci., 74(11):1884-1894.
  • Ha JU, Kim YM, Lee DS. 2001. Multilayered antimicrobial polyetylene films applied to the packaging of ground beef. Packaging Technol. Sci., 15: 55-62.
  • Kim YM, An DS, Park HJ, Park JM, Lee DS. 2002. Properties of nisin-incorporated polymer coatings as antimicrobial packaging materials. Packag. Technol. Sci., 15: 247-254.
  • Qintavalla S, Vicini L. 2002. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Sci., 62; 373-380.
  • Cha DS, Chinnan MS. 2004. Biopolymer-based antimicrobial packaging: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Sci. and Nutr., 44:223–237.
  • Brody AL. 2005. Active packaging becomes more active. Food Technol., 59 (12): 82-84.
  • Hotchkiss J. 1997. Food packaging interactions influencing quality and safety. Food Add. Contam., 14(6-7); 601-607.
  • Cooksey K. 2001. Antimicrobial food packaging materials. Elsevier Science ; 6-10. CSIRO. 1994. DFST Fact Sheet. Active Packaging. DFST Information Services, Australia.
  • Floros J, Nielsen P, Farkas J. 2000. Advances in modified atmosphere and active packaging with applications in the dairy industries. Bull. Int. Dairy Fed., 346: 22–28.
  • Lee DS, Hwang YI, Cho SH. 1998. Developing antimicrobial packaging film for curled lettuce and soybean sprouts. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 7; 117-121.
  • Siragusa GR, Cutter CN, Willett JL. 1999. Incorporation of bacteriocin in plastic retains activity and inhibits surface growth of bacteria on meat. Food Micro., 16; 229-235.
  • An DS, Kim YM, Lee SB, Paik IID, Lee DS. 2000. Antimicrobial LDPE film coated with bacteriocins in binder medium. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 9(1):14-20.
  • Natrajan N, Sheldon BW. 2000a. Efficiacy of nisin-coated polymer films to inactivate Salmonella typhimurium on fresh broiler skin. J. of Food Prot., 63(9): 1189-1196.
  • Natrajan N, Sheldon BW. 2000b. Inhibition of Salmonella on poultry skin using protein- and polysaccharide-based films containing a nisin combination. J. Food Prot., 63(9): 1268-1272.
  • Franklin N, Cooksey K, Getty K. 2004. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of individually packaged hot dogs with a packaging film coating containing nisin, J. of Food Prot., 67:480–485.
  • Guerra NP, Macias CL, Agrasar AT, Castro LP. 2005. Development of a bioactive packaging cellophane using Nisaplin as biopreservative agent. Letters in Appl. Micro., 40:106–110.
  • Mauriello G, Ercolini D, La Storia A, Casaburi A, Villani F. 2004. Development of polythene films for food packaging activated with an antilisterial bacteriocin from Lactobacillus curvatus. J. Appl. Micro., 97:314–322.
  • Appendini P, Hotchkiss HJ. 1998. Immobilization of lysozyme on food contact polymers as potential antimicrobial films. Packaging Technol. Sci., 10:271-279.
  • Scannell AGM, Hill C, Ross RP, Marx S, Hartmeier W, Arendt KE. 2000. Development of bioactive food packaging materials using immobilized bacteriocins Lacticin 3147 and Nisaplin. Int. J. Food Micro., 60:241–249.
  • Vartiainen J, Motion R, Kulonen H, Rattö M, Skytta E, Ahvenainen R. 2004. Chitosan-coated paper: effects of nisin and different acids on the antimicrobial activity, Journal of Applied Polymer Sci., 94:986–993.
  • Jane J, Wang S. 1996. Soy protein based thermoplastic composition for preparing molded articles. US Patent Number, 5, 523, 293.
  • Dawson LP, Acton JC, Ogale AA. 2002. Biopolymer films and potential applications to meat and poultry products. Fresh Meat / Packaging II. Proceedings of the 55th Reciprocal Meat Conference, 75-80.
  • Baron J, Sumner S. 1993. Antimicrobial containing edible films as an inhibitory system to control microbial growth on meat products. J. of Food Prot., 56; 916.
  • Gennadios A, Hanna MA, Kurth LB. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: A review. Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol., 30:337–350.
  • Ming X, Weber GH, Ayres JW, Sandine WE. 1997. Bacteriocins applied to food packaging materials to inhibit L. monocytogenes on meats. J. Food Sci., 62; 413-415.
  • Field CE, Pivarnick LF, Barnett SM, Rand A. 1986. Utilization of glucose oxidase for extending shelf life of fish. J. of Food Sci., 51: 66-70.
  • Wang GH. 1992. Research Note: Inhibition and inactivation of five species of foodborne pathogens by chitosan, J. Food Prot., 55, pp. 916–919
  • Caner C, Vergano PJ, Wiles JL. 1998. Chitosan film mechanical and permeation properties as affected by acid, plasticizer, and storage. J. Food Sci., 63(6): 1049-1053.
  • Campbell MA. 2003. Characterization of chitosan as an antimicrobial solution and packaging film, MSc thesis. Clemson, SC, Clemson University, U.S.A.
  • Ouattara B, Simard ER, Piette G, Begin A, Holley AR. 2000a. Inhibition of surface spoilage bacteria in processed meats by application of antimicrobial films prepared with chitosan. Int. J. Food Micro., 62; 139-148.
  • Ouattara B, Simard RE, Piette G, Begin A, Holley RA. 2000b. Diffusion of acetic and propionic acids from chitosan-based antimicrobial packaging films. J. Food Sci., 65(5):768–773.
  • Cha DS, Choi JH, Chinnan MS, Park HJ. 2002. Antimicrobial films based on Na-alginat and K-karrageenan. Lebensm.- Wiss.u-Technol., 35; 715-719.
  • Chumchalova J, Josephsen J, Plockova M. 1998. The antimicrobial activity of acidocin CH5 in MRS broth and milk with added NaCl, NaNO3 and lysozyme. Int. J. of Food Micro., 43: 33-38.
  • Cutter CN, Siragusa GR. 1996. Reduction of Brochotrix thermosphacta on beef surfaces following immobilization of nisin in calcium alginate gels. Letters in Appl. Micro., 23: 9-12.
  • Krochta MJ, Mulder-Johnston CD. 1997. Edible and biodegradable polymer films. Challenges and opportunities.Food Technol., vol,51, no.2; 61-74.
  • Gill AO. 2000. Application of lysozyme and nisin to control bacterial growth on cured meat products. M.S.Thesis, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
  • Dawson PL. 1998. Developments in antimicrobial packaging. Proceedings of the 33rd National Meeting in Poultry Health and Processing, 94-102
  • Dawson PL, Acton JC, Han IY, Padgett T, Orr R, Larsen T. 1996. Incorporation of antimicrobial compounds into edible biodegradable packaging films. Research and Development Association, 48; 203-210.
  • Padgett T, Han IY, Dawson PL. 1998. Incorporation of food-grade antimicrobial compounds into biodegradable packaging films. J. Food Prot., 61; 1330-1335.
  • Hoffman KL, Han IY, Dawson PL. 2001. Antimicrobial effects of corn zein films impregnated with nisin, lauric acid and EDTA. Journal of Food Protection, 64: 885-889.

Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama

Year 2007, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 113 - 122, 01.06.2007


Aktif ambalajlamanın bir formu olan antimikrobiyal ambalajlama, yapısı gereği özellikle mikrobiyolojik bozulmaya oldukça hassas olan et ve ürünlerinin korunmasında en yeni tekniklerden birisidir. Antimikrobiyal ambalajlamada esas, ambalaj materyaline ya da atmosferine dâhil edilen antimikrobiyal ajanın, gıdaya kontrollü salınımının sağlanarak ürünün daha uzun süre ve etkin bir şekilde korunmasıdır. Et teknolojisinde yaygın olarak uygulama alanı bulan antimikrobiyal gıda ambalaj formları ambalaja üründen sızan suyun kontrolünde etkili nem tutucuların kullanılması, uygulanacak antimikrobiyal maddelerin ambalaj materyaline dâhil edilmesi ve antimikrobiyal özellikte yenilebilir biyopolimer film ve kaplamalarla ambalajlama şeklinde özetlenebilir. Bu çalışmada, et teknolojisinde kullanılan antimikrobiyal ambalajlama sistemlerinin esası, uygulanma şekli ve ürün bazında kullanımı konu üzerinde son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalara yer verilerek incelenmiştir. 


  • Gennadios A, Hanna MA, Kurth LB. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. Lebensm.-Wiss.u-Technol., 30: 337-350.
  • Rooney ML. 1995. Active Packaging in Polymer Films. In: Rooney, M.L., Ed. Active food packaging. Blackie Academic and Prfessional, NewYork, 74-110.
  • Vermeiren L, Devlieghere F, Van Beest M, De Kruijf N, Debevere J. 1999. Developments in the active packaging of foods. Trends in Food Sci. Technol., 10; 77-86.
  • Suppakul P, Miltz J, Sonneveld K, Bigger SW. 2003. Active packaging technologies with an emphasis on antimicrobial packaging and its applications. J. of Food Sci., 68(2):408-420.
  • Caner C. 2004. Aktif Ambalajlama sistemleri ve uygulamaları. Türkiye 8. Gıda Kongresi, 26-28 Mayıs, Bursa. Poster.
  • Brody AL, Strupinsky E, Kline L. 2001. Active packaging for food aplications. PA:Technomic Publishing Co., Lancester.
  • Han J. 2000. Antimicrobial food packaging. Food Technol. 54:56-65.
  • Cutter NC. 2002. Incorporation of antimicrobials into packaging materials. Fresh Meat/Packaging II. Proceedings of the 55th Reciprocal Meat Conference.
  • Cooksey K. 2005. Effectiveness of antimicrobial food packaging materials. Food Add. and Cont., 22(10):980–987.
  • Sallam KI, Ishioroshi M, Samejima K. 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausages. Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol., 37(8): 849-855.
  • Thakur BR, Singh RK. 1994. Food irradiation- chemistry and application. Food Research Int. 10:437-473.
  • Oussallah M, Caillet S, Salmieri S, Saucier L, Lacroix M. 2004. Antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of milk protein- based film containing essential oils for the preservation of whole beef muscle. J. Agric. Food Chem., 52: 5598-5605.
  • Vermeiren L, Devlieghere F, Debevere J. 2002. Effectiveness of some antimicrobial packaging concepts. Food Addit. Contam., 19 Suppl.: 163-171.
  • Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K. 1995. Effects of potassium sorbate and lactic acid on the shelf life of vacuum-packed chicken meats. Poultry Sci., 74(11):1884-1894.
  • Ha JU, Kim YM, Lee DS. 2001. Multilayered antimicrobial polyetylene films applied to the packaging of ground beef. Packaging Technol. Sci., 15: 55-62.
  • Kim YM, An DS, Park HJ, Park JM, Lee DS. 2002. Properties of nisin-incorporated polymer coatings as antimicrobial packaging materials. Packag. Technol. Sci., 15: 247-254.
  • Qintavalla S, Vicini L. 2002. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Sci., 62; 373-380.
  • Cha DS, Chinnan MS. 2004. Biopolymer-based antimicrobial packaging: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Sci. and Nutr., 44:223–237.
  • Brody AL. 2005. Active packaging becomes more active. Food Technol., 59 (12): 82-84.
  • Hotchkiss J. 1997. Food packaging interactions influencing quality and safety. Food Add. Contam., 14(6-7); 601-607.
  • Cooksey K. 2001. Antimicrobial food packaging materials. Elsevier Science ; 6-10. CSIRO. 1994. DFST Fact Sheet. Active Packaging. DFST Information Services, Australia.
  • Floros J, Nielsen P, Farkas J. 2000. Advances in modified atmosphere and active packaging with applications in the dairy industries. Bull. Int. Dairy Fed., 346: 22–28.
  • Lee DS, Hwang YI, Cho SH. 1998. Developing antimicrobial packaging film for curled lettuce and soybean sprouts. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 7; 117-121.
  • Siragusa GR, Cutter CN, Willett JL. 1999. Incorporation of bacteriocin in plastic retains activity and inhibits surface growth of bacteria on meat. Food Micro., 16; 229-235.
  • An DS, Kim YM, Lee SB, Paik IID, Lee DS. 2000. Antimicrobial LDPE film coated with bacteriocins in binder medium. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 9(1):14-20.
  • Natrajan N, Sheldon BW. 2000a. Efficiacy of nisin-coated polymer films to inactivate Salmonella typhimurium on fresh broiler skin. J. of Food Prot., 63(9): 1189-1196.
  • Natrajan N, Sheldon BW. 2000b. Inhibition of Salmonella on poultry skin using protein- and polysaccharide-based films containing a nisin combination. J. Food Prot., 63(9): 1268-1272.
  • Franklin N, Cooksey K, Getty K. 2004. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of individually packaged hot dogs with a packaging film coating containing nisin, J. of Food Prot., 67:480–485.
  • Guerra NP, Macias CL, Agrasar AT, Castro LP. 2005. Development of a bioactive packaging cellophane using Nisaplin as biopreservative agent. Letters in Appl. Micro., 40:106–110.
  • Mauriello G, Ercolini D, La Storia A, Casaburi A, Villani F. 2004. Development of polythene films for food packaging activated with an antilisterial bacteriocin from Lactobacillus curvatus. J. Appl. Micro., 97:314–322.
  • Appendini P, Hotchkiss HJ. 1998. Immobilization of lysozyme on food contact polymers as potential antimicrobial films. Packaging Technol. Sci., 10:271-279.
  • Scannell AGM, Hill C, Ross RP, Marx S, Hartmeier W, Arendt KE. 2000. Development of bioactive food packaging materials using immobilized bacteriocins Lacticin 3147 and Nisaplin. Int. J. Food Micro., 60:241–249.
  • Vartiainen J, Motion R, Kulonen H, Rattö M, Skytta E, Ahvenainen R. 2004. Chitosan-coated paper: effects of nisin and different acids on the antimicrobial activity, Journal of Applied Polymer Sci., 94:986–993.
  • Jane J, Wang S. 1996. Soy protein based thermoplastic composition for preparing molded articles. US Patent Number, 5, 523, 293.
  • Dawson LP, Acton JC, Ogale AA. 2002. Biopolymer films and potential applications to meat and poultry products. Fresh Meat / Packaging II. Proceedings of the 55th Reciprocal Meat Conference, 75-80.
  • Baron J, Sumner S. 1993. Antimicrobial containing edible films as an inhibitory system to control microbial growth on meat products. J. of Food Prot., 56; 916.
  • Gennadios A, Hanna MA, Kurth LB. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: A review. Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol., 30:337–350.
  • Ming X, Weber GH, Ayres JW, Sandine WE. 1997. Bacteriocins applied to food packaging materials to inhibit L. monocytogenes on meats. J. Food Sci., 62; 413-415.
  • Field CE, Pivarnick LF, Barnett SM, Rand A. 1986. Utilization of glucose oxidase for extending shelf life of fish. J. of Food Sci., 51: 66-70.
  • Wang GH. 1992. Research Note: Inhibition and inactivation of five species of foodborne pathogens by chitosan, J. Food Prot., 55, pp. 916–919
  • Caner C, Vergano PJ, Wiles JL. 1998. Chitosan film mechanical and permeation properties as affected by acid, plasticizer, and storage. J. Food Sci., 63(6): 1049-1053.
  • Campbell MA. 2003. Characterization of chitosan as an antimicrobial solution and packaging film, MSc thesis. Clemson, SC, Clemson University, U.S.A.
  • Ouattara B, Simard ER, Piette G, Begin A, Holley AR. 2000a. Inhibition of surface spoilage bacteria in processed meats by application of antimicrobial films prepared with chitosan. Int. J. Food Micro., 62; 139-148.
  • Ouattara B, Simard RE, Piette G, Begin A, Holley RA. 2000b. Diffusion of acetic and propionic acids from chitosan-based antimicrobial packaging films. J. Food Sci., 65(5):768–773.
  • Cha DS, Choi JH, Chinnan MS, Park HJ. 2002. Antimicrobial films based on Na-alginat and K-karrageenan. Lebensm.- Wiss.u-Technol., 35; 715-719.
  • Chumchalova J, Josephsen J, Plockova M. 1998. The antimicrobial activity of acidocin CH5 in MRS broth and milk with added NaCl, NaNO3 and lysozyme. Int. J. of Food Micro., 43: 33-38.
  • Cutter CN, Siragusa GR. 1996. Reduction of Brochotrix thermosphacta on beef surfaces following immobilization of nisin in calcium alginate gels. Letters in Appl. Micro., 23: 9-12.
  • Krochta MJ, Mulder-Johnston CD. 1997. Edible and biodegradable polymer films. Challenges and opportunities.Food Technol., vol,51, no.2; 61-74.
  • Gill AO. 2000. Application of lysozyme and nisin to control bacterial growth on cured meat products. M.S.Thesis, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
  • Dawson PL. 1998. Developments in antimicrobial packaging. Proceedings of the 33rd National Meeting in Poultry Health and Processing, 94-102
  • Dawson PL, Acton JC, Han IY, Padgett T, Orr R, Larsen T. 1996. Incorporation of antimicrobial compounds into edible biodegradable packaging films. Research and Development Association, 48; 203-210.
  • Padgett T, Han IY, Dawson PL. 1998. Incorporation of food-grade antimicrobial compounds into biodegradable packaging films. J. Food Prot., 61; 1330-1335.
  • Hoffman KL, Han IY, Dawson PL. 2001. Antimicrobial effects of corn zein films impregnated with nisin, lauric acid and EDTA. Journal of Food Protection, 64: 885-889.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zehra Karagöz This is me

Kezban Candoğan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 32 Issue: 3


APA Karagöz, Z. ., & Candoğan, K. . (2007). Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama. Gıda, 32(3), 113-122.
AMA Karagöz Z, Candoğan K. Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama. The Journal of Food. June 2007;32(3):113-122.
Chicago Karagöz, Zehra, and Kezban Candoğan. “Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama”. Gıda 32, no. 3 (June 2007): 113-22.
EndNote Karagöz Z, Candoğan K (June 1, 2007) Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama. Gıda 32 3 113–122.
IEEE Z. . Karagöz and K. . Candoğan, “Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama”, The Journal of Food, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 113–122, 2007.
ISNAD Karagöz, Zehra - Candoğan, Kezban. “Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama”. Gıda 32/3 (June 2007), 113-122.
JAMA Karagöz Z, Candoğan K. Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama. The Journal of Food. 2007;32:113–122.
MLA Karagöz, Zehra and Kezban Candoğan. “Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama”. Gıda, vol. 32, no. 3, 2007, pp. 113-22.
Vancouver Karagöz Z, Candoğan K. Et Teknolojisinde Antimikrobiyal Ambalajlama. The Journal of Food. 2007;32(3):113-22.


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