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The Health Importance of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Dairy Products Which Is Produced By Some Probiotic Bacteria (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2008, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 83 - 89, 01.04.2008


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid which it can be synthesised by ruminant microorganisms. Some of the ruminant microorganisms which have probiotic properties are used as commercial starter cultures especially in yoghurt and at small scales as a test production of cheese and butter in last years. These microorganisms able to synthesis free linoleic acid and then conjugated linoleic acid from the linoleic acid, during ripening period. The most important bacteria that can be synthesis CLA are Lactobacillus, Propionibacterium, Bifidobacteriumand Enterococcus strains. It was determined that CLA isomers have anticarsinogenic, antiatherogenic, antidiabetic, enhance immune system, regulation of fat, muscle and mineral matter composition in metabolism. In addition varieties of starter bacteria, many factors can be affected the changes in the amounts of CLA in dairy products. Some of the these factors are substrate concentration, incubation period, culture pH, bacteria genes, in addition type and age of the dairy animal, changes of the climatic conditions, fat amounts of the product and using food additives. In this study, CLA formation affecting factors, some CLA producing bacteria and CLA formation in dairy products were discussed. Choosing as commercial starter culture containing lactic acid bacteria that having ability to produce high levels of CLA can be increased nutritive value of dairy products.


  • Alonso L, Cuesta EP, Gilliland SE. 2003. Production of free conjugated linoleic acid by Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei of human intestinal origin. Journal of Dairy Science, 86: 1941-1946.
  • Kishino S, Ogawa J, Omura Y, Matsumura K, Shimizu S. 2002. Conjugated linoleic acid production from linoleic acid by lactic acid bacteria. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society , 79: 159 – 163.
  • Ham JS, In YM, Jeng SG, Kim JG, Lee EH, Kim HS, Lee BH. 2002. Screening of conjugated linoleic acid producing lactic acid bacteria from fecal samples of healthy babies. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 15: 1031- 1035.
  • Lin TY.2000. Conjugated linoleic acid concentration as affected by lactic cultures and additives. Food Chemistry, 69:27-31.
  • Verhulst A, Janssen G, Parmentier G, Eyssen H.1987. Isomerization of polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids by Propionibacterium. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 9: 12-15.
  • Shantha NC, Ram LM, O’leary J, Hicks CL, Decker EA.1995. Conjugated Linoleic Acid Concentration In Dairy Products As Affected By Processing And Storage. Journal of Food Science, 60: 695-697.
  • Kim YJ, Liu RH. 2002. Increase of conjugated linoleic acid content in milk by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Food Science, 67: 1731-1737.
  • Lin TY. 2003. Influence of lactic cultures, linoleic acid and fructo-oligosaccharides on conjugated linoleic acid concentration in non-fat set yoghurt. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 58: 11-14.
  • Draman H. 2004. İzmir ilinde satılan bazı Türk süt ürünlerindeki yağ asitlerinin cis-trans izomerleri ve konjuge linoleik asit düzeylerinin kapiler gaz kromatografik yöntem ile belirlenmesi üzerine bir çalıflma. Gıda Dergisi (GTD), 29 (5) : 381-389.
  • Chamba JF, Perreard E. 2002. Contribution of Propionic Acid Bacteria To Lipoliysis of Emmental Cheese . Lait, 82 : 33-44.
  • Werner SA, Luedecke LO, Shultz TD. 1992. Determination of conjugated linoleic acid content and isomer distribution in three Cheddar type cheeses: Effects of cheese cultures, processing and aging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 40: 1817-1821.
  • Zlatos S, Laskaridis K, Feist C, Sagredos A. 2002. CLA content and fatty acid composition of Greek Feta and hard cheeses. Food Chemistry, 78: 471- 477.
  • Shultz TD, Chew BP, Seamean WR, Luedecke LO.1992 . Inhibitory Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Derivates of Linoleic Acid and Beta –Carotene on the in Vitro Growth of Human Cancer Cells. Cancer Letter, 63: 125 – 133.
  • Whigman LD, Cook ME, Atkinson RL. 2000. Conjugated Linoleic Acid : Implications for human health. Pharmacological Research, 42 : 503 – 510 .
  • Kritchevsky D. 2000. Conjugated linoleic acid effects on experimental artherosclerosis. Dairy Foods and Cardiovascular Health Bulletin of IDF, 353: 22-36.
  • Doyle E. 1998. Scientific Forum Explores CLA (Conjugated Linoleic) Knowledge. Inform, 9 : 69 – 73.
  • West DB, Delany JP, Camet PM, Blohm F, Truett AA, Scimeca J. 1998. Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Body Fat and Energy Metabolism in the mouse. American Journal of Physiology, 44: 667 – 672.
  • Park Y, Albright KJ, Liu W, Storkson JM, Cook ME, Pariza MW. 1997 . Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid On Body Composition İn Mice. Lipids, 32: 853-858.
  • Cook ME, Pariza M. 1998. The role of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Health. International Dairy Journal, 8 : 459-462.
  • Sugano MA, Tsujita M, Yamasaki M, Noguchi M, Yamada K. 1998. Conjugated Linoleic Acid Modulates Lissue Levels of Chemical Mediators and İmmunoglobulins in rats . Lipids, 33: 521 – 527.

Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi

Year 2008, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 83 - 89, 01.04.2008


Konjuge linoleik asit (KLA) rumen mikroorganizmaları tarafından sentezlenen bir yağ asididir. Probiyotik özellikler taşıyan rumen mikroorganizmalarının bazıları özellikle yoğurt üretiminde ve küçük ölçekte deneme amaçlı olarak son yıllarda peynir, tereyağı gibi süt ürünlerinin üretiminde ticari starter kültür olarak da kullanılmaktadırlar. Bu mikroorganizmalar ürünlerin olgunlaşma evresinde serbest linoleik asid daha sonraki aşamada ise linoleik asitten, konjuge linoleik asit (KLA) sentez edebilme yeteneğindedirler. KLA sentezleyebilen bakterilerin en önemlileri; Lactobacillus, Propionibacterium, Bifidobacteriumve Enterococcus'un suşlarıdır. KLA izomerlerinin, antikanserojen, antiatherojenik, antidiyabetik, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici, vücutta yağ, kas ve mineral madde kompozisyonunu düzenleyici olduğu belirlenmiştir. Süt ve ürünlerinde KLA miktarının değişim göstermesinde kullanılan starter kültür bakterilerinin yanısıra pek çok faktör etkili olabilmektedir. Bunlardan bazıları; substrat konsantrasyonu, inkübasyon periyodu, kültür pH değeri ve bakteri suşları, ayrıca süt hayvanının cinsi, yaşı, mevsimsel değişimler, üründeki yağ oranı ve katkı maddeleridir. Bu çalışmada, KLA oluşumunu etkileyen faktörler, KLA sentezleyebilen bazı bakteriler, fermente süt ürünlerinde KLA meydana gelmesi ile ilgili yapılmış bazı çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Süt ürünlerinin üretiminde yüksek oranda KLA oluşturma yeteneğindeki laktik asit bakterilerinin ticari starter kültürler olarak seçilmesi ile süt ürünlerinin besin değerinin yükseltilebilmesi mümkün olacaktır.


  • Alonso L, Cuesta EP, Gilliland SE. 2003. Production of free conjugated linoleic acid by Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei of human intestinal origin. Journal of Dairy Science, 86: 1941-1946.
  • Kishino S, Ogawa J, Omura Y, Matsumura K, Shimizu S. 2002. Conjugated linoleic acid production from linoleic acid by lactic acid bacteria. Journal of American Oil Chemist’s Society , 79: 159 – 163.
  • Ham JS, In YM, Jeng SG, Kim JG, Lee EH, Kim HS, Lee BH. 2002. Screening of conjugated linoleic acid producing lactic acid bacteria from fecal samples of healthy babies. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 15: 1031- 1035.
  • Lin TY.2000. Conjugated linoleic acid concentration as affected by lactic cultures and additives. Food Chemistry, 69:27-31.
  • Verhulst A, Janssen G, Parmentier G, Eyssen H.1987. Isomerization of polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids by Propionibacterium. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 9: 12-15.
  • Shantha NC, Ram LM, O’leary J, Hicks CL, Decker EA.1995. Conjugated Linoleic Acid Concentration In Dairy Products As Affected By Processing And Storage. Journal of Food Science, 60: 695-697.
  • Kim YJ, Liu RH. 2002. Increase of conjugated linoleic acid content in milk by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Journal of Food Science, 67: 1731-1737.
  • Lin TY. 2003. Influence of lactic cultures, linoleic acid and fructo-oligosaccharides on conjugated linoleic acid concentration in non-fat set yoghurt. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 58: 11-14.
  • Draman H. 2004. İzmir ilinde satılan bazı Türk süt ürünlerindeki yağ asitlerinin cis-trans izomerleri ve konjuge linoleik asit düzeylerinin kapiler gaz kromatografik yöntem ile belirlenmesi üzerine bir çalıflma. Gıda Dergisi (GTD), 29 (5) : 381-389.
  • Chamba JF, Perreard E. 2002. Contribution of Propionic Acid Bacteria To Lipoliysis of Emmental Cheese . Lait, 82 : 33-44.
  • Werner SA, Luedecke LO, Shultz TD. 1992. Determination of conjugated linoleic acid content and isomer distribution in three Cheddar type cheeses: Effects of cheese cultures, processing and aging. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 40: 1817-1821.
  • Zlatos S, Laskaridis K, Feist C, Sagredos A. 2002. CLA content and fatty acid composition of Greek Feta and hard cheeses. Food Chemistry, 78: 471- 477.
  • Shultz TD, Chew BP, Seamean WR, Luedecke LO.1992 . Inhibitory Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Derivates of Linoleic Acid and Beta –Carotene on the in Vitro Growth of Human Cancer Cells. Cancer Letter, 63: 125 – 133.
  • Whigman LD, Cook ME, Atkinson RL. 2000. Conjugated Linoleic Acid : Implications for human health. Pharmacological Research, 42 : 503 – 510 .
  • Kritchevsky D. 2000. Conjugated linoleic acid effects on experimental artherosclerosis. Dairy Foods and Cardiovascular Health Bulletin of IDF, 353: 22-36.
  • Doyle E. 1998. Scientific Forum Explores CLA (Conjugated Linoleic) Knowledge. Inform, 9 : 69 – 73.
  • West DB, Delany JP, Camet PM, Blohm F, Truett AA, Scimeca J. 1998. Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Body Fat and Energy Metabolism in the mouse. American Journal of Physiology, 44: 667 – 672.
  • Park Y, Albright KJ, Liu W, Storkson JM, Cook ME, Pariza MW. 1997 . Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid On Body Composition İn Mice. Lipids, 32: 853-858.
  • Cook ME, Pariza M. 1998. The role of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Health. International Dairy Journal, 8 : 459-462.
  • Sugano MA, Tsujita M, Yamasaki M, Noguchi M, Yamada K. 1998. Conjugated Linoleic Acid Modulates Lissue Levels of Chemical Mediators and İmmunoglobulins in rats . Lipids, 33: 521 – 527.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Reyhan İrkin This is me

Ufuk Vapur Eren This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 33 Issue: 2


APA İrkin, R. ., & Eren, U. V. . (2008). Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi. Gıda, 33(2), 83-89.
AMA İrkin R, Eren UV. Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi. The Journal of Food. April 2008;33(2):83-89.
Chicago İrkin, Reyhan, and Ufuk Vapur Eren. “Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi”. Gıda 33, no. 2 (April 2008): 83-89.
EndNote İrkin R, Eren UV (April 1, 2008) Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi. Gıda 33 2 83–89.
IEEE R. . İrkin and U. V. . Eren, “Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 83–89, 2008.
ISNAD İrkin, Reyhan - Eren, Ufuk Vapur. “Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi”. Gıda 33/2 (April 2008), 83-89.
JAMA İrkin R, Eren UV. Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi. The Journal of Food. 2008;33:83–89.
MLA İrkin, Reyhan and Ufuk Vapur Eren. “Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi”. Gıda, vol. 33, no. 2, 2008, pp. 83-89.
Vancouver İrkin R, Eren UV. Bazı Probiyotik Bakterilerin Süt Ürünlerinde Oluşturduğu Konjuge Linoleik Asidin Sağlık Yönünden Önemi. The Journal of Food. 2008;33(2):83-9.


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