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Efect of Temperature on Desorption Isotherms of Sucuk and Pastirma (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2009, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 01.02.2009


In this study, desorption isotherms of traditional Turkish meat products, i.e., sucuk and pastirma, were determined at three different temperatures (5, 15 and 25 oC). Experimental desorption data were fitted with B.E.T. and G.A.B. models. Desorption isotherms for sucuk and pastirma indicated that an equilibrium moisture content decreased as the temperature increased. This observation clearly indicated that desorption isotherms for these products depended on the temperature. In the aw range of 0.1–0.5, B.E.T. model gave the closet fit to the desorption data for sucuk and pastirma at the three temperatures studied. In the broader aw range (0.1–0.9), while G.A.B. model gave the closet fit to the experimental data for both products at 5 and 15 oC, no fit was observed at 25 oC.


  • 1. Fellows P. 2000. Properties of Foods and Processing Theory. In Food Processing Technology. 2nd ed., Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 575p. Cambridge, England.
  • 2. Sun D-W, Woods JL. 1994. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherms equation for wheat based on the fitting of available data. J Stored Products Res, 30: 27–43.
  • 3. Sun D-W. 1998. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherm equations for shelled corn based on fitting to available data. Drying Technol, 16 (3/5): 779–797.
  • 4. Sun D-W, Byrne C. 1998. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherm equations for rapeseed. J Agric Eng Res, 69: 307–315.
  • 5. Sun D-W. 1999. Comparison and selection of EMC/ ERH isotherm equations for rice. J Stored Products Res, 35 (3): 249–264.
  • 6. Trujillo FJ, Yeow PC, Pham QT. 2003. Moisture sorption isotherm of fresh lean beef and external beef fat. J Food Eng, 60: 357-366.
  • 7. Anonim. 2000. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Et Ürünleri Tebliği (2000/4). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. 10 Şubat 2000 tarih ve 23960 sayılı Resmi Gazete, Ankara.
  • 8. Ockerman HW, Gökalp HY. 1987. Manufacturing soudjouk, a fermented sausage product. The National Provisioner, 18: 16-21.
  • 9. Leistner L. 1988. Hurdle technology in meat products and other foods. In Lebensmittelqualitat, Wissenchaft und Technik. R. Stufe (ed.), pp.58-63, Wissenchaftliche Arbeitstagung 25 Jahre Institut für Forschung und Entwicklung der Maizena GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany.
  • 10. Comaposada J, Gou P, Arnau J. 2000. The effect of sodium chloride content and temperature on pork meat isotherms. Meat Sci, 55: 291–295
  • 11. Cemeroğlu B., Özkan M. 2004. Kurutma Teknolojisi. Kitap: Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi. Cemeroğlu B. (ed.), 2. Baskı, Başkent Klişe Matbaacılık, 479-613 s, Ankara.
  • 12. Sun D-W, Woods JL. 1993. The moisture content/ relative humidity equilibrium relationship of wheat – A review. Drying Technol, 11 (7): 1523–1551.
  • 13. Mujica FJ, Martinez EJ, Bercovich FC, Bonino NB, Alzamora SM. 1989. Sorption properties of dry cured ham. Lebensmittel-Wissenchaft und Technol, 22: 89–92.
  • 14. Singh RRB, Rao KH, Anjaneyulu ASR, Patil GR. 2001. Moisture sorption isotherms of smoked chicken sausages from spent hen meat. Food Res Int, 34: 143–148.
  • 15. Delgado EA, Sun D-W. 2002. Desorption isotherm and glass transition temperature for chicken meat. J Food Eng, 55: 1–8.
  • 16. Varnam AH, Sutherland JP. 1995. Cured Meats. In Meat and Meat Products-Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology, pp. 167–210, Chapman and Hall, London, UK.
  • 17. Lioutas TS, Bechtel PJ, Steinberg MP. 1984. Desorption and adsorption isotherms of meat-salt mixtures. J Agric Food Chem, 32 (6): 1382–1385.
  • 18. Chirife J, Iglesias HA. 1978. Equations for fitting water sorption isotherms of foods; Part 1-a review. J Food Technol, 13: 159–174.
  • 19. Iglesias HA, Chirife J. 1982. Handbook of food isotherms, Academic Press, NY, USA.
  • 20. Aktaş N, Gürses A. 2005. Moisture adsorption properties and adsorption isosteric heat of dehydrated slices of Pastirma (Turkish dry meat product). Meat Sci, 71: 571–576.
  • 21. Wolf W, Spiess WEL, Jung G. 1985. Standardization of isotherm measurement (COST-project 90 and 90 bis). In Properties of water in foods, D Simatos, JL Multon (eds), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 661–679 Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • 22. AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. Assoc. Official Anal. Chemists, Arlington, USA.
  • 23. Kirk RS, Sawyer Y. 1991. Pearson’s composition and analysis of foods (pp. 14–15). Longman Scientific and Technical, England.
  • 24. Labuza TP. 1968. Sorption phenomena in foods. Food Technol, 23: 15-19.
  • 25. Weisser H. 1985. Properties of water in foods in relation to food quality and stability. In Influence of temperature on sorption equilibrium, D. Simatos and J.L. Multon (eds), Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 95- 118, The Netherlands.
  • 26. Koroş B. 2007. Geleneksel Türk gıdalarının adsorpsiyon izotermlerinin belirlenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi (basılmamış), Ankara Üniversitesi, 66 s, Ankara.
  • 27. McLaughlin CP, Magee TRA. 1998. The Determination of Sorption Isotherm and the Isosteric Heats of Sorption for Potatoes. J Food Eng, 235: 267–280.
  • 28. Anon 2006. Web sitesi. http://www.users.bigpond. com/webbtech/wateran.html (15.03.2006).
  • 29. Brunauer S, Emmett PH, Teller E. 1938. Adsorption of gases in multimolecular layers. J Amer Chem Soc, 60: 309–319.
  • 30. Rahman S. 1995. Water activity and sorption properties of foods. In Food Properties Handbook, pp. 1–86, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • 31. Lewis DF, Jewell GG. 1975. Structural alterations produced on processing meat. Part II. The effect of heat and polyphosphate on meat structure. Leatherhead Food Research Association Research Report No. 212.
  • 32. Iglesias HA, Chirife J. 1976. Prediction of the effect of temperature on water sorption isotherms of food material. J Food Technol, 11: 109–116.
  • 33. Caurie M. 1981. Derivation of full range moisture sorption isotherms. In Water Activity: Influences on food quality, LB Rockland, GF Stewart (eds), pp. 63–87, Academic Press, New York.
  • 34. LeMaguer M. 1987. Mechanism and influence of water binding on water activity. In Water Activity: Theory and Application to Food, LB Rockland, LR Beuchat (eds), pp. 1–26, Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • 35. Aksu Mİ, Aktaş N, Kaya M. 2002. Effect of commercial starter cultures on the myofibrillar proteins of pastirma, a Turkish dry meat product. J Food Sci, 67: 2548–2551.
  • 36. Dalmış Ü, Soyer A. 2008. Effect of processing methods and starter culture (Staphylococcus xylosus and Pediococcus pentosaceus) on proteolytic changes in Turkish sausages (sucuk) during ripening and storage. Meat Sci, 80:345–354.
  • 37. Konstance RP, Craig JC, Panzer CC. 1983. Moisture sorption isotherms for Bacon slices. J Food Sci, 48: 127–130.
  • 38. Labuza TP, Kaanane A, Chen JY. 1985. Effect of temperature on the moisture sorption isotherms and water activity shift of two dehydrated foods. J Food Sci, 50: 385- 389.

Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi

Year 2009, Volume: 34 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 01.02.2009


Bu araştırmada, geleneksel et ürünlerinden sucuk ve pastırmanın 5, 15 ve 25 oC’de desorpsiyon izotermleri belirlenmiş ve elde edilen deneysel verilerin B.E.T. ve G.A.B. modellerine uygunlukları incelenmiştir. Sucuk ve pastırma için elde edilen desorpsiyon izotermleri, sıcaklık arttıkça denge nem içeriğinin azaldığını göstermiştir. Bu durum, desorpsiyon izotermlerinin sıcaklığa bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir. 0.1–0.5 aw aralığında, hem sucuk hem de pastırma için elde edilen desorpsiyon verilerine her üç sıcaklık derecesinde de B.E.T. modelinin uyduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna karşın daha geniş bir aw aralığında (0.1–0.9), her iki üründe de G.A.B. modelinin 5 ve 15 oC’de uyduğu saptanırken, 25 oC’de bu uyum gözlenmemiştir.


  • 1. Fellows P. 2000. Properties of Foods and Processing Theory. In Food Processing Technology. 2nd ed., Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 575p. Cambridge, England.
  • 2. Sun D-W, Woods JL. 1994. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherms equation for wheat based on the fitting of available data. J Stored Products Res, 30: 27–43.
  • 3. Sun D-W. 1998. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherm equations for shelled corn based on fitting to available data. Drying Technol, 16 (3/5): 779–797.
  • 4. Sun D-W, Byrne C. 1998. Selection of EMC/ERH isotherm equations for rapeseed. J Agric Eng Res, 69: 307–315.
  • 5. Sun D-W. 1999. Comparison and selection of EMC/ ERH isotherm equations for rice. J Stored Products Res, 35 (3): 249–264.
  • 6. Trujillo FJ, Yeow PC, Pham QT. 2003. Moisture sorption isotherm of fresh lean beef and external beef fat. J Food Eng, 60: 357-366.
  • 7. Anonim. 2000. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Et Ürünleri Tebliği (2000/4). Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı. 10 Şubat 2000 tarih ve 23960 sayılı Resmi Gazete, Ankara.
  • 8. Ockerman HW, Gökalp HY. 1987. Manufacturing soudjouk, a fermented sausage product. The National Provisioner, 18: 16-21.
  • 9. Leistner L. 1988. Hurdle technology in meat products and other foods. In Lebensmittelqualitat, Wissenchaft und Technik. R. Stufe (ed.), pp.58-63, Wissenchaftliche Arbeitstagung 25 Jahre Institut für Forschung und Entwicklung der Maizena GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany.
  • 10. Comaposada J, Gou P, Arnau J. 2000. The effect of sodium chloride content and temperature on pork meat isotherms. Meat Sci, 55: 291–295
  • 11. Cemeroğlu B., Özkan M. 2004. Kurutma Teknolojisi. Kitap: Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi. Cemeroğlu B. (ed.), 2. Baskı, Başkent Klişe Matbaacılık, 479-613 s, Ankara.
  • 12. Sun D-W, Woods JL. 1993. The moisture content/ relative humidity equilibrium relationship of wheat – A review. Drying Technol, 11 (7): 1523–1551.
  • 13. Mujica FJ, Martinez EJ, Bercovich FC, Bonino NB, Alzamora SM. 1989. Sorption properties of dry cured ham. Lebensmittel-Wissenchaft und Technol, 22: 89–92.
  • 14. Singh RRB, Rao KH, Anjaneyulu ASR, Patil GR. 2001. Moisture sorption isotherms of smoked chicken sausages from spent hen meat. Food Res Int, 34: 143–148.
  • 15. Delgado EA, Sun D-W. 2002. Desorption isotherm and glass transition temperature for chicken meat. J Food Eng, 55: 1–8.
  • 16. Varnam AH, Sutherland JP. 1995. Cured Meats. In Meat and Meat Products-Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology, pp. 167–210, Chapman and Hall, London, UK.
  • 17. Lioutas TS, Bechtel PJ, Steinberg MP. 1984. Desorption and adsorption isotherms of meat-salt mixtures. J Agric Food Chem, 32 (6): 1382–1385.
  • 18. Chirife J, Iglesias HA. 1978. Equations for fitting water sorption isotherms of foods; Part 1-a review. J Food Technol, 13: 159–174.
  • 19. Iglesias HA, Chirife J. 1982. Handbook of food isotherms, Academic Press, NY, USA.
  • 20. Aktaş N, Gürses A. 2005. Moisture adsorption properties and adsorption isosteric heat of dehydrated slices of Pastirma (Turkish dry meat product). Meat Sci, 71: 571–576.
  • 21. Wolf W, Spiess WEL, Jung G. 1985. Standardization of isotherm measurement (COST-project 90 and 90 bis). In Properties of water in foods, D Simatos, JL Multon (eds), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 661–679 Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • 22. AOAC. 1990. Official Methods of Analysis. Official Methods of Analysis. 15th ed. Assoc. Official Anal. Chemists, Arlington, USA.
  • 23. Kirk RS, Sawyer Y. 1991. Pearson’s composition and analysis of foods (pp. 14–15). Longman Scientific and Technical, England.
  • 24. Labuza TP. 1968. Sorption phenomena in foods. Food Technol, 23: 15-19.
  • 25. Weisser H. 1985. Properties of water in foods in relation to food quality and stability. In Influence of temperature on sorption equilibrium, D. Simatos and J.L. Multon (eds), Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 95- 118, The Netherlands.
  • 26. Koroş B. 2007. Geleneksel Türk gıdalarının adsorpsiyon izotermlerinin belirlenmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi (basılmamış), Ankara Üniversitesi, 66 s, Ankara.
  • 27. McLaughlin CP, Magee TRA. 1998. The Determination of Sorption Isotherm and the Isosteric Heats of Sorption for Potatoes. J Food Eng, 235: 267–280.
  • 28. Anon 2006. Web sitesi. http://www.users.bigpond. com/webbtech/wateran.html (15.03.2006).
  • 29. Brunauer S, Emmett PH, Teller E. 1938. Adsorption of gases in multimolecular layers. J Amer Chem Soc, 60: 309–319.
  • 30. Rahman S. 1995. Water activity and sorption properties of foods. In Food Properties Handbook, pp. 1–86, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  • 31. Lewis DF, Jewell GG. 1975. Structural alterations produced on processing meat. Part II. The effect of heat and polyphosphate on meat structure. Leatherhead Food Research Association Research Report No. 212.
  • 32. Iglesias HA, Chirife J. 1976. Prediction of the effect of temperature on water sorption isotherms of food material. J Food Technol, 11: 109–116.
  • 33. Caurie M. 1981. Derivation of full range moisture sorption isotherms. In Water Activity: Influences on food quality, LB Rockland, GF Stewart (eds), pp. 63–87, Academic Press, New York.
  • 34. LeMaguer M. 1987. Mechanism and influence of water binding on water activity. In Water Activity: Theory and Application to Food, LB Rockland, LR Beuchat (eds), pp. 1–26, Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • 35. Aksu Mİ, Aktaş N, Kaya M. 2002. Effect of commercial starter cultures on the myofibrillar proteins of pastirma, a Turkish dry meat product. J Food Sci, 67: 2548–2551.
  • 36. Dalmış Ü, Soyer A. 2008. Effect of processing methods and starter culture (Staphylococcus xylosus and Pediococcus pentosaceus) on proteolytic changes in Turkish sausages (sucuk) during ripening and storage. Meat Sci, 80:345–354.
  • 37. Konstance RP, Craig JC, Panzer CC. 1983. Moisture sorption isotherms for Bacon slices. J Food Sci, 48: 127–130.
  • 38. Labuza TP, Kaanane A, Chen JY. 1985. Effect of temperature on the moisture sorption isotherms and water activity shift of two dehydrated foods. J Food Sci, 50: 385- 389.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Seyfullah Işıksal This is me

Ayla Soyer This is me

Recai Ercan This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 34 Issue: 1


APA Işıksal, S. ., Soyer, A. ., & Ercan, R. . (2009). Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi. Gıda, 34(1), 11-20.
AMA Işıksal S, Soyer A, Ercan R. Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi. The Journal of Food. February 2009;34(1):11-20.
Chicago Işıksal, Seyfullah, Ayla Soyer, and Recai Ercan. “Sucuk Ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi”. Gıda 34, no. 1 (February 2009): 11-20.
EndNote Işıksal S, Soyer A, Ercan R (February 1, 2009) Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi. Gıda 34 1 11–20.
IEEE S. . Işıksal, A. . Soyer, and R. . Ercan, “Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 11–20, 2009.
ISNAD Işıksal, Seyfullah et al. “Sucuk Ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi”. Gıda 34/1 (February 2009), 11-20.
JAMA Işıksal S, Soyer A, Ercan R. Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2009;34:11–20.
MLA Işıksal, Seyfullah et al. “Sucuk Ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi”. Gıda, vol. 34, no. 1, 2009, pp. 11-20.
Vancouver Işıksal S, Soyer A, Ercan R. Sucuk ve Pastırmanın Desorpsiyon İzotermlerine Sıcaklığın Etkisi. The Journal of Food. 2009;34(1):11-20.


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