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Compositional Changes of Saanen X Kilis Goats’ Milk during Lactation (in English)

Year 2010, Volume: 35 Issue: 5, 325 - 330, 01.10.2010


Milks of 220 Saanen x Kilis goats’ were taken during 22 weeks of lactation. Chemical compositions, energy values and mineral contents of goats’ milk samples were determined. As results of the goats’ milk samples analyses, the mean values were determined as 12.12% for dry matter; 3.45% for fat; 3.81% for protein; 4.12% for lactose and 261.5 kj/100g for energy value, 6.86 for pH, 6.71 SH for titratable acidity and 1.031 g/cm3 for specific gravity during lactation. The mineral contents of the samples were similarly found to be 220.5 mg/100g for calcium; 108.8 mg/100g for phosphorus; 153.5 mg/100g for potassium, 20.1 mg/100g for mag¬nesium and 67.5 mg/100g for sodium. Results of the statistical analyses indicated significant lactational effects on the contents of total solids, fat, non-fat dry matter, protein, lactose, energy value, titratable acid-ity, pH, specific gravity (P<0.01) and sodium (P<0.05), but there was no similar effect on the contents of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium values of goats’ milk (P<0.05).


  • 1. FAO. 2007. Agricultural data base production. http:// (Accessed 04 January 2010)
  • 2. Desjeux TF. 1993. Value nutriannelle du lait de chevre. Lait, 73: 573-580.
  • 3. Merin U, Rosenthal I, Maltz E. 1988. The composition of goat milk as affected by nutritional parameters. Milchwissenschaft, 43: 363-365.
  • 4. Haenlein GFW. 1980. Mineral nutrition of goats. J Dairy Sci, 63: 1729-1748.
  • 5. Wuschko S, Seifert H. 1992. Lactation curve, milk yield and milk composition in African Dw
  • 6. Lopez A, Collins WF, Williams HL. 1985. Essential elements, cadmium and lead in raw and pasteurized cow and goat milk. J Dairy Sci, 68: 1878-1886.
  • 7. Boros V, Herian K, Krcal Z. 1989. Variations in mineral content of goat milk during lactation. Prumysl Potravin, 40: 312-314.
  • 8. Rincon F, Moreno R, Zurera G, Amaro M. 1994. Mineral composition as a characteristic for the identification of animal origin of raw milk. J Dairy Res, 61: 151-154.
  • 9. Yalçin BC. 1986. Sheep and Goats in Turkey. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, No: 60, Rome, Italy, 168 p.
  • 10. Ceyhan A. 2007. Dünyada Yetiştiriciliği Yapılan Önemli Sütçü Keçi Irkları. Marmara Hayvancılık Araş- tırma Enstitüsü, Hayvan Yetiştirme ve Islahı Bölümü, Bandırma, Balıkesir. php?sid=ciftci_1 (Erişim tarihi 16 June 2010)
  • 11. Yener SM. 1989. Milk Production from Goats. Options Méditerranéennes - Série Séminaires - n.O 6, 149-157. CI000477.pdf (Accessed 14 June 2010)
  • 12. Ling RL. 1963. Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 1-2 Chapman and Hall Ltd. London, 227 p.
  • 13. AOAC. 1970. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemist. P. O. Box: 540, Washington DC, USA, 1015 p.
  • 14. Kosikowski FV, Kindstedt PS. 1985. Improved complexametric determination of calcium in cheese. J Dairy Sci, 68: 806-809.
  • 15. Steel RGD, Torrie JH. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 640 p.
  • 16. Zahraddeen D, Butswat ISR, Mbap ST. 2007. Evaluation of some factors affecting milk composition of indigenous goats in Nigeria. LRRD, 19: 1-8.
  • 17. Güler Z, Keskin M, Masatçioğlu T, Gül S, Biçer O. 2007. Effects of breed and lactation period on some characteristics and free fatty acid composition of raw milk from Damascus goats and German fawn x Hair goat B-1 crossbreds. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 31: 347-354.
  • 18. Gnan SO, Eraptil HA, Rana MS. 1985. The composition of Libyan goat’s milk. Aust J Dairy Tech, 40: 163-165.
  • 19. Sawaya WN, Safi WJ, Al-Shalhat AF, Al Mohammad, MM. 1984. Chemical composition and nutritive value of goat milk. J Dairy Sci, 67: 1655-1659.
  • 20. Kondyli E, Katsiari MC, Voutsinas LP. 2007. Variations of vitamin and mineral contents in raw goat milk of the indigenous Greek breed during lactation. Food Chem, 100: 226-230.
  • 21. Kudeka W. 2005. The chemical composition of raw goat milk during their lactation. Milchwissenschaft, 60: 137-139.
  • 22. Antunac N, Samarzija D, Havranek JL, Pavic V, Mioc B. 2001. Effects of stage and number of lactation on the chemical composition of goat milk. Czech J Anim Sci, 46: 548-553.
  • 23. Voutsinas L, Pappas C, Katsiari M. 1990. The composition of Alpine goats’ milk during lactation in Greece. J Dairy Res, 57: 41-51.
  • 24. Brendehaug J, Abrahemsen RK. 1986. Chemical composition of milk from a herd of Norwegian goats. J Dairy Res, 53: 211-221.
  • 25. Simos E, Voutsinas LP, Pappas CP. 1991. Composition of milk of native Greek goats in the region of Metsova. Small RumRes, 4: 47-60.
  • 26. Mariani P, Corriani F, Fossa E, Pecorari M. 1987. Chemical composition, nitrogen distribution and rennet-coagulation properties of goat milk throughout a lactation. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-casearia, 38: 7-30.
  • 27. El-Zayat AI, Mohammed AA, Gouda A, Abbas A. 1984. Chemical composition and physical properties of goat milk in Suez canal area and Sinai peninsula. Egyption J Fd Sci, 12: 149-154.
  • 28. Park YW, Chukwh HI. 1988. Macro-mineral concentrations in milk of two goats breeds at different stages of lactation. Small Rum Res, 1: 157-166.
  • 29. Boros V, Herian K. 1988. Changes of certain minerals contents in goat milk during the lactation period. Hungary, 37: 49-52.
  • 30. Mba UA, Aworh OC, Awonbiogban JO. 1979. Studies on the milk composition of West African Dwarf (Fouta Djallon) Red Sokoto (Maradi) and Saanen goats at different stages of lactation mineral content of milk. Ghana J Sci, 17: 35-42.

Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce)

Year 2010, Volume: 35 Issue: 5, 325 - 330, 01.10.2010


Laktasyon dönemindeki 220 Saanen x Kilis keçilerinden haftada bir kez olmak üzere 22 hafta boyunca süt örnekleri alınmıştır. Keçi sütü örneklerinin kimyasal bileşimleri, enerji değerleri ve mineral içerikleri belir¬lenmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarında keçi sütlerinin bileşimleri ortalama olarak; kurumadde için %12.12, yağ için %3.45, protein için %3.81, laktoz için %4.12, enerji değeri için 261.5 kj/100g, pH için 6.86, titrasyon asitliği için 6.71 SH ve özgül ağırlık için 1.031 g/cm3 olarak bulunmuştur. Aynı şekilde süt örneklerinin mineral madde içeriği; kalsiyum için 220.5 mg/100g, fosfor için 108.8 mg/100g, potasyum için 153.5 mg/100g, mag¬nezyum için 20.1 mg/100g ve sodyum için 67.5 mg/100g olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel analiz sonucu laktasyon döneminin keçi sütlerinin kurumadde, yağ, yağsız kurumadde, protein, laktoz, enerji de¬ğerleri, asitlik, pH, özgül ağırlık (P<0.01) ve sodyum (P<0.05) değerlerine etkisinin önemli, kalsiyum, fosfor, magnezyum ve potasyum değerlerine etkisinin önemli olmadığı belirlenmiştir (P>0.05).


  • 1. FAO. 2007. Agricultural data base production. http:// (Accessed 04 January 2010)
  • 2. Desjeux TF. 1993. Value nutriannelle du lait de chevre. Lait, 73: 573-580.
  • 3. Merin U, Rosenthal I, Maltz E. 1988. The composition of goat milk as affected by nutritional parameters. Milchwissenschaft, 43: 363-365.
  • 4. Haenlein GFW. 1980. Mineral nutrition of goats. J Dairy Sci, 63: 1729-1748.
  • 5. Wuschko S, Seifert H. 1992. Lactation curve, milk yield and milk composition in African Dw
  • 6. Lopez A, Collins WF, Williams HL. 1985. Essential elements, cadmium and lead in raw and pasteurized cow and goat milk. J Dairy Sci, 68: 1878-1886.
  • 7. Boros V, Herian K, Krcal Z. 1989. Variations in mineral content of goat milk during lactation. Prumysl Potravin, 40: 312-314.
  • 8. Rincon F, Moreno R, Zurera G, Amaro M. 1994. Mineral composition as a characteristic for the identification of animal origin of raw milk. J Dairy Res, 61: 151-154.
  • 9. Yalçin BC. 1986. Sheep and Goats in Turkey. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, No: 60, Rome, Italy, 168 p.
  • 10. Ceyhan A. 2007. Dünyada Yetiştiriciliği Yapılan Önemli Sütçü Keçi Irkları. Marmara Hayvancılık Araş- tırma Enstitüsü, Hayvan Yetiştirme ve Islahı Bölümü, Bandırma, Balıkesir. php?sid=ciftci_1 (Erişim tarihi 16 June 2010)
  • 11. Yener SM. 1989. Milk Production from Goats. Options Méditerranéennes - Série Séminaires - n.O 6, 149-157. CI000477.pdf (Accessed 14 June 2010)
  • 12. Ling RL. 1963. Dairy Chemistry. Vol. 1-2 Chapman and Hall Ltd. London, 227 p.
  • 13. AOAC. 1970. Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemist. P. O. Box: 540, Washington DC, USA, 1015 p.
  • 14. Kosikowski FV, Kindstedt PS. 1985. Improved complexametric determination of calcium in cheese. J Dairy Sci, 68: 806-809.
  • 15. Steel RGD, Torrie JH. 1980. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 640 p.
  • 16. Zahraddeen D, Butswat ISR, Mbap ST. 2007. Evaluation of some factors affecting milk composition of indigenous goats in Nigeria. LRRD, 19: 1-8.
  • 17. Güler Z, Keskin M, Masatçioğlu T, Gül S, Biçer O. 2007. Effects of breed and lactation period on some characteristics and free fatty acid composition of raw milk from Damascus goats and German fawn x Hair goat B-1 crossbreds. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 31: 347-354.
  • 18. Gnan SO, Eraptil HA, Rana MS. 1985. The composition of Libyan goat’s milk. Aust J Dairy Tech, 40: 163-165.
  • 19. Sawaya WN, Safi WJ, Al-Shalhat AF, Al Mohammad, MM. 1984. Chemical composition and nutritive value of goat milk. J Dairy Sci, 67: 1655-1659.
  • 20. Kondyli E, Katsiari MC, Voutsinas LP. 2007. Variations of vitamin and mineral contents in raw goat milk of the indigenous Greek breed during lactation. Food Chem, 100: 226-230.
  • 21. Kudeka W. 2005. The chemical composition of raw goat milk during their lactation. Milchwissenschaft, 60: 137-139.
  • 22. Antunac N, Samarzija D, Havranek JL, Pavic V, Mioc B. 2001. Effects of stage and number of lactation on the chemical composition of goat milk. Czech J Anim Sci, 46: 548-553.
  • 23. Voutsinas L, Pappas C, Katsiari M. 1990. The composition of Alpine goats’ milk during lactation in Greece. J Dairy Res, 57: 41-51.
  • 24. Brendehaug J, Abrahemsen RK. 1986. Chemical composition of milk from a herd of Norwegian goats. J Dairy Res, 53: 211-221.
  • 25. Simos E, Voutsinas LP, Pappas CP. 1991. Composition of milk of native Greek goats in the region of Metsova. Small RumRes, 4: 47-60.
  • 26. Mariani P, Corriani F, Fossa E, Pecorari M. 1987. Chemical composition, nitrogen distribution and rennet-coagulation properties of goat milk throughout a lactation. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-casearia, 38: 7-30.
  • 27. El-Zayat AI, Mohammed AA, Gouda A, Abbas A. 1984. Chemical composition and physical properties of goat milk in Suez canal area and Sinai peninsula. Egyption J Fd Sci, 12: 149-154.
  • 28. Park YW, Chukwh HI. 1988. Macro-mineral concentrations in milk of two goats breeds at different stages of lactation. Small Rum Res, 1: 157-166.
  • 29. Boros V, Herian K. 1988. Changes of certain minerals contents in goat milk during the lactation period. Hungary, 37: 49-52.
  • 30. Mba UA, Aworh OC, Awonbiogban JO. 1979. Studies on the milk composition of West African Dwarf (Fouta Djallon) Red Sokoto (Maradi) and Saanen goats at different stages of lactation mineral content of milk. Ghana J Sci, 17: 35-42.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nuray Güzeler This is me

Dilek Say This is me

Ali Kaçar This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 35 Issue: 5


APA Güzeler, N. ., Say, D. ., & Kaçar, A. . (2010). Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce). Gıda, 35(5), 325-330.
AMA Güzeler N, Say D, Kaçar A. Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. October 2010;35(5):325-330.
Chicago Güzeler, Nuray, Dilek Say, and Ali Kaçar. “Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce)”. Gıda 35, no. 5 (October 2010): 325-30.
EndNote Güzeler N, Say D, Kaçar A (October 1, 2010) Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce). Gıda 35 5 325–330.
IEEE N. . Güzeler, D. . Say, and A. . Kaçar, “Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce)”, The Journal of Food, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 325–330, 2010.
ISNAD Güzeler, Nuray et al. “Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce)”. Gıda 35/5 (October 2010), 325-330.
JAMA Güzeler N, Say D, Kaçar A. Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2010;35:325–330.
MLA Güzeler, Nuray et al. “Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce)”. Gıda, vol. 35, no. 5, 2010, pp. 325-30.
Vancouver Güzeler N, Say D, Kaçar A. Laktasyon Dönemi Boyunca Saanen X Kilis Keçi Sütü Bileşimindeki Değişimler (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2010;35(5):325-30.


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