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Effect of Frozen Storage on Alterations in Lipids of Mechanically Deboned Chicken Meats (in English)

Year 2010, Volume: 35 Issue: 6, 403 - 410, 01.12.2010


Composition (moisture, protein, fat, ash, fatty acids, collagen, cholesterol, calcium, iron and phosphorus contents) and rancidity related lipid changes in mechanically deboned chicken meats (MDCM) from back (MDBAM), breast frame (MDBFM) and neck (MDNM) were evaluated over 120 days of frozen storage at -18 oC. Type of MDCM was a significant factor affecting the composition, and hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity generation (P<0.05). Significant decreases (P<0.05) in linoleic acid of MDBAM and MDNM, and arachidonic acid of only MDBAM were observed over the 120 days of frozen storage. While MDBAM ap­peared to be more sensitive to lipid oxidation, MDNM showed greater lipid hydrolysis.


  • Mielnik BM, Aaby K, Rolfsen K, Ellekjaer MR, Nilsson A. 2002. Quality of comminuted sausages formulated from mechanically deboned poultry meat. Meat Sci. 61: 84.
  • Pettersen MK, Mielnik MB, Eie T, Skrede G, Nils- son A. 2004. Lipid oxidation in frozen, mechanically deboned turkey meat as affected by packaging param- eters and storage conditions. Poultry Sci. 83: 1240-1248.
  • Perlo F, Bonato P, Teira G, Fabre R, Kueider S. 2006.
  • Physicochemical and sensory properties of chicken nug- gets with washed mechanically deboned chicken meat: Research note. Meat Sci. 72: 785-788. Najdawi RA, Abdullah, B. 2002. Proximate compo- sition, selected minerals, cholesterol content and lipid oxidation of mechanically and hand-deboned chickens from the Jordanian market. Meat Sci. 61: 243-247.
  • Serdaroğlu M, Yıldız Turp G. 2005. Effects of deboning methods on chemical composition and some properties of beef and turkey meat. Turk. J. of Veterinary and Ani- mal Sci. 29: 797-802.
  • Froning GW. 1981. Mechanical deboning of poultry and fish. In C.O. Chichester, EM Mrak, & GF Stewart
  • (Eds), Advances in Food Research Academic Press 27: 147. Ockerman HW, Hansen CL. 1988. Edible tissue from bone. In Animal By-Product Processing Ed. Ockerman
  • HW and Hansen CL Ellis Harwoord Ltd, England 158- Hassan O, Fan LS. 2005. The anti-oxidation potentiel of polyphenol extract from cocoa leaves on mechanical- ly deboned chicken meat (MDCM). LWT-Food Sci. and Technology 38 (4): 315-321.
  • Moerck KE, Ball Jr HR. 1974. Lipid autoxidation in mechanically deboned chicken meat. J. of Food Sci. 39: 879.
  • Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K. 2002. Mekanik ayrılmış etin kalite özellikleri ve kullanım alanları. GIDA 27: 277
  • Ladikos D, Lougovois V. 1990. Lipid oxidation in muscle foods: a review. Food Chem. 35 (4): 295-314.
  • Ranken MD. 1994. Rancidity in meats. In Rancidity in Foods 3rd edition. Ed. Allen JC and Hamilton RJ As- pen Publishers Inc pp 191-202.
  • Püssa T, Pallin R, Raudsepp P, Soidla R, Rei M. 2008.
  • Inhibition of lipid oxidation and dynamics of polyphenol content in mechanically deboned meat supplemented with sea buckthorn (Hippaphae rhamnoides) berry resi- dues. Food Chem. 107: 714-721. Baker RC, Bruce CA. 1995. Further Processing of Poultry. In Processing of Poultry Ed By Mead GC
  • Chapman&Hall, London 251-282. Candoğan K, Kolsarıcı N, Akoğlu İ, Üzümcüoğlu Ü, Tekin A. 2001. Some chemical, physical and microbio- logical characteristics of mechanically deboned chicken meats produced from breast, frame, neck or back. XV.
  • European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. Kuşadası, Türkiye 367-372. Pegg RB, Shahidi F. 2006. Off flavors and rancidity in foods. In Handbook of Meat Poultry and Seafood and Quality Ed By Nollet LML Blackwell Publishing 217-242.
  • Mielnik MB, Aaby K, Skrede G. 2003. Commercial antioxidants control lipid oxidation in mechanically deboned turkey meat. Meat Sci. 65: 1147-1155.
  • AOAC. 1996. Official methods of analysis. Associa- tion of official analytical chemists. IAC, Arlington, VA.
  • Aktan HT. 1976. Piyasada yüksek fiyatla satılan yerli sucukların hidroksiprolin yardımı ile kalite durumlarının tespiti. Ph. D. Dissertation. Ankara Univ. Veterinary Fac- ulty, Turkey.
  • Yang TS, Froning GW. 1992. Changes in myofibriller proteinand collagen content of mechanically deboned chicken meat due to washing and screening. Poultry Sci. :1221-1227.
  • Rudel LL, Morris MD. 1973. Determination of cho- lestrol using o-phytalaldehyde. J. ipid Res. 14: 364-366.
  • Bligh EG, Dyer WJ. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can. J. Biochem Physiol : 911-913.
  • Tarladgis BG, Watts BM; Younathan MT, Dugan L. A distillation method for the quantitative determi- nation of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. J Am Oil Chem Soc 37: 44-48. AOCS. 1989. Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. Cham- paign, Method Ce 2-66.
  • SAS. 1996. SAS/STAT User’s guide. Release 6. 12.
  • Statistical Analysis System Institute, Inc Cary, NC. Satterle LD, Froning GW, Janky DM. 1971. Influence of skin content on composition of mechanially deboned poultry meat. J. Food Sci. 36, 979-981.
  • Negrao CC; Mizubuti IY, Morita MC, Colli C, Ida EI, Shimokomaki M. 2005. Bioogical evaluation of mechani- cally deboned chicken meat protein quality. Food Chem. : 579-583.
  • Dawson LE, Gartner R. 1983. Lipid oxidation in me- chanically deboned poultry. Food Tech. 37 (2): 112-116.
  • Ham D, Young LL. 1983. Further studies on the composition of commercially prepared mechanically deboned poultry meat. Poultry Sci. 62: 1810-1815.
  • Crosland AR, Patterson, RLS, Higman RC. 1995. In- vestigation of methods to detect mechanically recovered meat n meat products-I: Chemical composition. Meat Sci. 40: 289-302.
  • Stadelman WEJ, Olson VM, Shenwell GA, Pasch S. Edible tissue from bone. In Egg and Poultry Pro- cessing Ed By Stadelman, WEJ, Olson, VM, Shenwell, GA Pasch, S Ellis Horwood Ltd Sistr Chichester, Eng- land. Conchillo A, Ansorena D, Astiasa´ran I. 2005. Inten- sity of lipid oxidation and formation of cholesterol oxi- dation products during frozen storage of raw and cooked chicken. J. Sci. of Food Agriculture 85: 141–146.
  • Brewer MS, Wu SY. 1993. Display, packaging and meat block location effects on colour and lipid oxidation of frozen lean ground beef. J. Food Sci. 58: 1219–1223.
  • Farouk MM, Swan JE. 1998. Effect of muscle con- dition before freezing and simulated chemical changes during frozen storage on the pH and colour of beef. Meat Sci. 50: 245–256.
  • Gray JI, Gomaa EA, Buckley DJ. 1996. Oxidative quality and shelf life of meats. Meat Sci. 43: 111-123.
  • Limbo S, Torri L, Sinelli N, Franzetti L, Casiraghi E. Evaluation and predictive modeling of shelf life of minced beef stored in high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging at different temperatures. Meat Sci. 84: 129– Jayasingh P, Cornforth DP, Brennand CP, Carpenter CE, Whittier DR. 2002. Sensory evaluation of ground beef stored in high-oxygen modified atmosphere pack- aging. J. Food Sci. 67 (9): 3493-3496.
  • Smith DM. 1987. Functional and biochemical chang- es in deboned turkey due to frozen storage and lipid oxi- dation. J. Food Sci. 52 (1): 22-27.
  • Pikul J, Niewiarowicz A. 1988. Composition and sta- bility of mechanically deboned chicken meat. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 52 (5): 18-192.
  • Abdel-Kader ZM. 1996. Lipid oxidation in chicken as affected by cooking and frozen Storage. Nahrung 40 (1): 21-24.
  • Tuboly E, Lebovics VK, Gaal Ö, Meszaros L, Farkas J. Microbiological and lipi oxidation studies on me- chanically deboned turkey meat treated by high hydro- static pressure. J. Food Engineering 56: 241-244. Nazemroaya S, Sahari MA, Rezaei M. 2009 Effect of frozen storage on fatty acid composition and changes in lipid content of Scomberomorus commersoni and Car- charhinus dussumieri. J. Applied Ichth. 25: 91-95.
  • Özkeçeci RB, Karakaya M, Yılmaz MT, Sarıçoban C, Ockerman HW. 2008. The effect of carcass part and packaging method on the storage stability of mechani- cally deboned chicken meat. J. Muscle Foods 19: 288-301.
  • Püssa T, Raudsepp P, Toomik P, Pallin R, Maeorg U, Kuusik S, Soidla R, Rei M. 2009. A study of oxidation products of free polyunsaturated fatty acids in mechani- cally deboned meat. J. Food Compos. Anal. 22: 307-314.

Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce)

Year 2010, Volume: 35 Issue: 6, 403 - 410, 01.12.2010


Çalışmada mekanik ayrılmış tavuk sırt (MDBAM), göğüs (MDBFM) ve boyun (MDBNM) etlerinin bileşimi (kuru madde, protein, yağ, kül, yağ asitleri, kollagen, kolesterol, kalsiyum, demir ve fosfor içeriği) ve lipitlerin­deki değişiklikler -18 °C’de 120 günlük donmuş depolama boyunca değerlendirilmiştir. Mekanik ayrılmış tavuk eti çeşidinin, mekanik ayrılmış etin besin öğeleri bileşimi ile lipitlerindeki hidrolitik ve oksidatif değişimlere önemli düzeyde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir (P<0.05). Donmuş depolama boyunca MDBAM ve MDBNM’nin linoleik asit içeriğinde ve MDBAM’nin araşidonik asit içeriğinde önemli düşüşler gözlenmiştir (P<0.05). Donmuş depolanan MDBAM’de, lipitlerdeki değişim lipit oksidasyonundan kaynaklanırken, MDBNM’nin lipitlerindeki değişime lipit hidrolizinin neden olduğu belirlenmiştir(P<0.05).


  • Mielnik BM, Aaby K, Rolfsen K, Ellekjaer MR, Nilsson A. 2002. Quality of comminuted sausages formulated from mechanically deboned poultry meat. Meat Sci. 61: 84.
  • Pettersen MK, Mielnik MB, Eie T, Skrede G, Nils- son A. 2004. Lipid oxidation in frozen, mechanically deboned turkey meat as affected by packaging param- eters and storage conditions. Poultry Sci. 83: 1240-1248.
  • Perlo F, Bonato P, Teira G, Fabre R, Kueider S. 2006.
  • Physicochemical and sensory properties of chicken nug- gets with washed mechanically deboned chicken meat: Research note. Meat Sci. 72: 785-788. Najdawi RA, Abdullah, B. 2002. Proximate compo- sition, selected minerals, cholesterol content and lipid oxidation of mechanically and hand-deboned chickens from the Jordanian market. Meat Sci. 61: 243-247.
  • Serdaroğlu M, Yıldız Turp G. 2005. Effects of deboning methods on chemical composition and some properties of beef and turkey meat. Turk. J. of Veterinary and Ani- mal Sci. 29: 797-802.
  • Froning GW. 1981. Mechanical deboning of poultry and fish. In C.O. Chichester, EM Mrak, & GF Stewart
  • (Eds), Advances in Food Research Academic Press 27: 147. Ockerman HW, Hansen CL. 1988. Edible tissue from bone. In Animal By-Product Processing Ed. Ockerman
  • HW and Hansen CL Ellis Harwoord Ltd, England 158- Hassan O, Fan LS. 2005. The anti-oxidation potentiel of polyphenol extract from cocoa leaves on mechanical- ly deboned chicken meat (MDCM). LWT-Food Sci. and Technology 38 (4): 315-321.
  • Moerck KE, Ball Jr HR. 1974. Lipid autoxidation in mechanically deboned chicken meat. J. of Food Sci. 39: 879.
  • Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K. 2002. Mekanik ayrılmış etin kalite özellikleri ve kullanım alanları. GIDA 27: 277
  • Ladikos D, Lougovois V. 1990. Lipid oxidation in muscle foods: a review. Food Chem. 35 (4): 295-314.
  • Ranken MD. 1994. Rancidity in meats. In Rancidity in Foods 3rd edition. Ed. Allen JC and Hamilton RJ As- pen Publishers Inc pp 191-202.
  • Püssa T, Pallin R, Raudsepp P, Soidla R, Rei M. 2008.
  • Inhibition of lipid oxidation and dynamics of polyphenol content in mechanically deboned meat supplemented with sea buckthorn (Hippaphae rhamnoides) berry resi- dues. Food Chem. 107: 714-721. Baker RC, Bruce CA. 1995. Further Processing of Poultry. In Processing of Poultry Ed By Mead GC
  • Chapman&Hall, London 251-282. Candoğan K, Kolsarıcı N, Akoğlu İ, Üzümcüoğlu Ü, Tekin A. 2001. Some chemical, physical and microbio- logical characteristics of mechanically deboned chicken meats produced from breast, frame, neck or back. XV.
  • European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. Kuşadası, Türkiye 367-372. Pegg RB, Shahidi F. 2006. Off flavors and rancidity in foods. In Handbook of Meat Poultry and Seafood and Quality Ed By Nollet LML Blackwell Publishing 217-242.
  • Mielnik MB, Aaby K, Skrede G. 2003. Commercial antioxidants control lipid oxidation in mechanically deboned turkey meat. Meat Sci. 65: 1147-1155.
  • AOAC. 1996. Official methods of analysis. Associa- tion of official analytical chemists. IAC, Arlington, VA.
  • Aktan HT. 1976. Piyasada yüksek fiyatla satılan yerli sucukların hidroksiprolin yardımı ile kalite durumlarının tespiti. Ph. D. Dissertation. Ankara Univ. Veterinary Fac- ulty, Turkey.
  • Yang TS, Froning GW. 1992. Changes in myofibriller proteinand collagen content of mechanically deboned chicken meat due to washing and screening. Poultry Sci. :1221-1227.
  • Rudel LL, Morris MD. 1973. Determination of cho- lestrol using o-phytalaldehyde. J. ipid Res. 14: 364-366.
  • Bligh EG, Dyer WJ. 1959. A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Can. J. Biochem Physiol : 911-913.
  • Tarladgis BG, Watts BM; Younathan MT, Dugan L. A distillation method for the quantitative determi- nation of malonaldehyde in rancid foods. J Am Oil Chem Soc 37: 44-48. AOCS. 1989. Official methods and recommended practices of the American Oil Chemists’ Society. Cham- paign, Method Ce 2-66.
  • SAS. 1996. SAS/STAT User’s guide. Release 6. 12.
  • Statistical Analysis System Institute, Inc Cary, NC. Satterle LD, Froning GW, Janky DM. 1971. Influence of skin content on composition of mechanially deboned poultry meat. J. Food Sci. 36, 979-981.
  • Negrao CC; Mizubuti IY, Morita MC, Colli C, Ida EI, Shimokomaki M. 2005. Bioogical evaluation of mechani- cally deboned chicken meat protein quality. Food Chem. : 579-583.
  • Dawson LE, Gartner R. 1983. Lipid oxidation in me- chanically deboned poultry. Food Tech. 37 (2): 112-116.
  • Ham D, Young LL. 1983. Further studies on the composition of commercially prepared mechanically deboned poultry meat. Poultry Sci. 62: 1810-1815.
  • Crosland AR, Patterson, RLS, Higman RC. 1995. In- vestigation of methods to detect mechanically recovered meat n meat products-I: Chemical composition. Meat Sci. 40: 289-302.
  • Stadelman WEJ, Olson VM, Shenwell GA, Pasch S. Edible tissue from bone. In Egg and Poultry Pro- cessing Ed By Stadelman, WEJ, Olson, VM, Shenwell, GA Pasch, S Ellis Horwood Ltd Sistr Chichester, Eng- land. Conchillo A, Ansorena D, Astiasa´ran I. 2005. Inten- sity of lipid oxidation and formation of cholesterol oxi- dation products during frozen storage of raw and cooked chicken. J. Sci. of Food Agriculture 85: 141–146.
  • Brewer MS, Wu SY. 1993. Display, packaging and meat block location effects on colour and lipid oxidation of frozen lean ground beef. J. Food Sci. 58: 1219–1223.
  • Farouk MM, Swan JE. 1998. Effect of muscle con- dition before freezing and simulated chemical changes during frozen storage on the pH and colour of beef. Meat Sci. 50: 245–256.
  • Gray JI, Gomaa EA, Buckley DJ. 1996. Oxidative quality and shelf life of meats. Meat Sci. 43: 111-123.
  • Limbo S, Torri L, Sinelli N, Franzetti L, Casiraghi E. Evaluation and predictive modeling of shelf life of minced beef stored in high-oxygen modified atmosphere packaging at different temperatures. Meat Sci. 84: 129– Jayasingh P, Cornforth DP, Brennand CP, Carpenter CE, Whittier DR. 2002. Sensory evaluation of ground beef stored in high-oxygen modified atmosphere pack- aging. J. Food Sci. 67 (9): 3493-3496.
  • Smith DM. 1987. Functional and biochemical chang- es in deboned turkey due to frozen storage and lipid oxi- dation. J. Food Sci. 52 (1): 22-27.
  • Pikul J, Niewiarowicz A. 1988. Composition and sta- bility of mechanically deboned chicken meat. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 52 (5): 18-192.
  • Abdel-Kader ZM. 1996. Lipid oxidation in chicken as affected by cooking and frozen Storage. Nahrung 40 (1): 21-24.
  • Tuboly E, Lebovics VK, Gaal Ö, Meszaros L, Farkas J. Microbiological and lipi oxidation studies on me- chanically deboned turkey meat treated by high hydro- static pressure. J. Food Engineering 56: 241-244. Nazemroaya S, Sahari MA, Rezaei M. 2009 Effect of frozen storage on fatty acid composition and changes in lipid content of Scomberomorus commersoni and Car- charhinus dussumieri. J. Applied Ichth. 25: 91-95.
  • Özkeçeci RB, Karakaya M, Yılmaz MT, Sarıçoban C, Ockerman HW. 2008. The effect of carcass part and packaging method on the storage stability of mechani- cally deboned chicken meat. J. Muscle Foods 19: 288-301.
  • Püssa T, Raudsepp P, Toomik P, Pallin R, Maeorg U, Kuusik S, Soidla R, Rei M. 2009. A study of oxidation products of free polyunsaturated fatty acids in mechani- cally deboned meat. J. Food Compos. Anal. 22: 307-314.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nuray Kolsarıcı This is me

Kezban Candoğan This is me

İlker Turan Akoğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 35 Issue: 6


APA Kolsarıcı, N. ., Candoğan, K. ., & Akoğlu, İ. T. . (2010). Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce). Gıda, 35(6), 403-410.
AMA Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K, Akoğlu İT. Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. December 2010;35(6):403-410.
Chicago Kolsarıcı, Nuray, Kezban Candoğan, and İlker Turan Akoğlu. “Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce)”. Gıda 35, no. 6 (December 2010): 403-10.
EndNote Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K, Akoğlu İT (December 1, 2010) Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce). Gıda 35 6 403–410.
IEEE N. . Kolsarıcı, K. . Candoğan, and İ. T. . Akoğlu, “Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce)”, The Journal of Food, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 403–410, 2010.
ISNAD Kolsarıcı, Nuray et al. “Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce)”. Gıda 35/6 (December 2010), 403-410.
JAMA Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K, Akoğlu İT. Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2010;35:403–410.
MLA Kolsarıcı, Nuray et al. “Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce)”. Gıda, vol. 35, no. 6, 2010, pp. 403-10.
Vancouver Kolsarıcı N, Candoğan K, Akoğlu İT. Mekanik Ayrılmış Tavuk Etlerinde Donmuş Depolamanın Lipitlerdeki Değişime Etkisi (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2010;35(6):403-10.


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