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Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase From White Cherry Fruit (Starks Gold) (in English)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 5, 255 - 262, 01.10.2011


Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) from white cherry fruit (Starks Gold) was extracted and purified through (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The enzyme showed two peaks with PPO activity on toyopearl 650 m column, which were denoted as isoenzyme a and isoenzyme b. A 3.9 fold purification of isoenzyme a with a recovery of 34.9 % and 76.7 fold purification of isoenzyme b with a recovery of 54.3 % were achieved. Ph optima of isoenzyme a and b were 4.5 and 4.98, respectively. The temperature optima for enzyme activity were found to be 20°C for isoenzyme a and 30°C for isoenzyme b. The affinity of isoenzyme b for catechol as substrate was higher than that of isoenzyme a. Activation energies and z values were found to be 22.1°C (r2= 0.883) and 98.5 kj/mol (r2= 0.878) for isoenzyme a and 13.9°C (r2= 0.990) and 157.1 kj/mol (r2= 0.989) for isoenzyme b, respectively. Inhibitory effect of l-cysteine and sodium disulphide differed from each other.


  • Martinez MV, Whiataker JR. 1995. The biochemistry and control of enzymatic browning. Trends Food Sci Technol, 6: 195-200.
  • Ramirez EC, Whitaker JR, Virador VM. 2004. Handbook of Food Enzymology. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 509-522.
  • Lee CY, Whitaker JRAS (eds), Whitaker JR, Lee CY. 1995. Recent advances in chemistry of enzymatic browning. Symposium Series 600, American Chemical Society, Washington, pp. 2-7.
  • Chararra S, Carcia-Carmona F, Cabanes J. 2001. Hysteresis and positive cooperativity of iceberg lettuce PPO. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 289: 769-775.
  • Duangmal K, Apenten RKO. 1999. A comparative study of polyphenoloxidases from taro (Colocasia esculenta) and potato (Solanum tuberosum var. Romano). Food Chem, 64: 351-359.
  • Colak A, Ozen A, Dincer B, Guner S, Ayaz FA. 2005. Diphenolases from two cultivars of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) fruits at an early stage of maturation. Food Chem, 90: 801-807.
  • Ünal MÜ. 2007. Properties of polyphenol oxidase from Anamur banana (Musa cavendishii). Food Chem, 100: 909-913.
  • Ünal MÜ, fiener A, fien K. 2007. Characterization of Sultaniye grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultana) polyphenol oxidase. Int J Food Sci Tech, 42: 1123–1127.
  • Yoruk R, Marshall MR. 2003. Physicochemical properties and function of plant polyphenol oxidase: a review. J Food Biochem, 27:361-422.
  • Coseteng MY, Lee CY. 1987. Changes in apple polyphenol oxidase and polyphenol concentrations in relation to degree of browning. J Food Sci, 52: 985-989.
  • Serradell MA, Rozenfeld PA, Martinez GA, Civello PM, Chaves AR, Anon M.C. 2000. Polyphenoloxidase activity from strawberry fruit (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch., cv Selva): characterization and partial purification. J Sci Food Agric, 80: 1421-1427.
  • Bradford MM. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Anal Biochem, 7: 248-254.
  • Vamos-Vigyazo L. 1981. Polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in fruits and vegetables. Crit Rev Food Sci, 15: 49-127.
  • Zawistowski J, Bilideris CG, Eskin NAM. 1991. Oxidative Enzymes in Foods. Elsevier, New York, pp. 217-273.
  • Kwok-Ki Ho. 1999. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from aerial roots of an orchid, Aranda ‘Christine 130’. Plant Physiol Biochem, 37: 841-848.
  • Harel E, Mayer, AM, Shain Y. 1965. Purification and multiplicity of catechol oxidase from apple chloroplasts. Phytochem, 4: 783-790.
  • Harel E, Mayer AM. 1968. Interconversion of sub-units of catechol oxidase from apple chloroplasts. Phytochem, 7: 199-204.
  • Oba K, Iwatsuki N, Uritani I, Alvarez AM, Garcia VV. 1992. Partial purification, activation, and some properties. J Agric Food Chem, 48: 5041-5045.
  • Flurkey WH, Jen JJ. 1980. Purification of peach polyphenol oxidase in the presence of added protease inhibitors. J Food Biochem, 4: 29-41.
  • Weshe-Ebeling P, Montgomery MW. 1990. Strawberry polyphenoloxidase: Purification and characterization. J Food Sci, 55: 1315-1319.
  • Yang CP, Fujita S, Kohno K, Kusubayashi A, Ashrafuzzaman MD, Hayashi N. 2001. Partial purification and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from banana (Musa sapientum L) peel. J Sci Food Agric, 49: 1446-1449.
  • Paul B, Gowda L. 2000. Purification and characterization of a polyphenol oxidase from the seeds of the field Bean (Dolichos lablab). J Agric Food Chem, 48: 3839-3846.
  • Gawlik-Dziki U, Zlotek U, Swieca M. 2008. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from butter lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.). Food Chem, 107: 129-135.
  • Shi C, Dai Y, Xia B, Xu X, Xie Y, Liu Q. 2001. The purification and spectral properties of polyphenol oxidase I from Nicotina tabacum. Plant Molec Biol Rep, 19: 381-383.
  • Fennema OR (ed), Whitaker JR. 1996. Enzymes. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 431-522.
  • Ding CK, Chachin K, Ueda Y, Imahori Y. 1998. Purification and properties of polyphenol oxidase from loquat fruit. J Agric Food Chem, 46: 4144-4149.
  • Selles-Marchart S, Casado-Vela J, Bru-Martinez R. 2006. Isolation of a latent polyphenol oxidase from loquat fruit (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.): kinetic charaterization and comparison with the active form. Arch Biochem Biophys, 446: 175-185.
  • Orenes-Pinero E, Garcia-Caromana F, Sanchez-Ferrer A. 2006. Latent polyphenol oxidase from quince fruit pulp (Cydonia oblonga): purification, activation and some properties. J Sci Food Agric, 86: 2172-2178.
  • Ünal MÜ, fiener A. 2006. Determination of biochemical properties of polyphenol oxidase from Emir grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir). J Sci Food Agric, 86: 2374-2379.
  • Gawlik-Dziki U, Szymanowska U, Baraniak B. 2007. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis italica) florets. Food Chem, 105: 1047-1053.
  • Gomez-Lopez VM. 2002. Some biochemical properties of polyphenol oxidase from two varieties of avocado. Food Chem, 77: 163-169.
  • Singleton VL. 1987. Oxygen with phenols and related reactions in musts, and model systems: Observations and practical implications. Am J Enol Vitic, 38: 69-77.
  • Siddiq M, Sinha NK, Cash JN. 1992. Characterization of polyphenoloxidase from Stanley plums. J Food Sci, 57: 177-1179.
  • Halder J, Tamuli P, Bhaduri AN. 1998. Isolation and Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase from Indian Tea Leaf (Camellia sinensis). J Nutr Biochem, 9: 75-80.
  • Wissemann KW, Lee CY. 1981. Characterization of polyphenoloxidase from Ravat 51 and Niagara grapes. J Food Sci, 46: 506-508.
  • Rapeanu G, Loey AV, Smout C, Hendrickx M. 2006. Biochemical characterization and process stability of polyphenoloxidase extracted from Victoria grape. Food Chem, 94: 253-261.
  • Chutintrasria B, Noomhormb A. 2006. Thermal inactivation of polyphenoloxidase in pineapple puree. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 39: 492–495.
  • Lee CY, Smith NL, Pennesi AP. 1983. Polyphenol oxidase from Dechaunac grapes. J Sci Food Agric, 34: 987-991.
  • Weemaes CA, Ludikhuyze LR, Broeck L, Hendricks ME, Tobback PP. 1998. Activity, electrophoretic characteristics and heat inactivation of polyphenoloxidases from apples, avocados, grapes, pears and plums. Lebensm Wiss Technol, 31: 44-49.

Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 5, 255 - 262, 01.10.2011


Beyaz kiraz meyvesinden (Starks Gold) polifenol oksidaz enzimi ekstrakte edilmiş ve amonyum sülfat çökeltmesi, diyaliz ve iyon değişim kromatografisi ile saflaştırılmıştır. Toyopearl 650 m kolon kromatografisi sonucunda PFO aktivitesi gösteren izoenzim a ve izoenzim b ile belirtilmiş iki pik elde edilmiştir. İzoenzim a % 34.9 verimle 3.9 kat, izoenzim b % 54.3 verimle 76.7 kat saflaştırılmıştır. İzoenzim a ve b’nin optimum pH değerleri sırası ile 4.5 ve 4.98 olarak bulunmuştur. Optimum sıcaklık değerinin izoenzim a için 20°C ve izoenzim b için 30°C olduğu saptanmıştır. İzoenzim b’nin kateşol substratına ilgisi izoenzim b’den daha yüksektir. Aktivasyon enerjisi ve z değerleri izoenzim a için 22.1°C (r2= 0.883) ve 98.5 kj/mol (r2= 0.878), izoenzim b için 13.9°C (r2= 0.990) ve 157.1 kj/mol (r2= 0.989) bulunmuştur. L-sistein ve sodyum disülfitin inhibitör etkisinin birbirinden farklı olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Martinez MV, Whiataker JR. 1995. The biochemistry and control of enzymatic browning. Trends Food Sci Technol, 6: 195-200.
  • Ramirez EC, Whitaker JR, Virador VM. 2004. Handbook of Food Enzymology. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 509-522.
  • Lee CY, Whitaker JRAS (eds), Whitaker JR, Lee CY. 1995. Recent advances in chemistry of enzymatic browning. Symposium Series 600, American Chemical Society, Washington, pp. 2-7.
  • Chararra S, Carcia-Carmona F, Cabanes J. 2001. Hysteresis and positive cooperativity of iceberg lettuce PPO. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 289: 769-775.
  • Duangmal K, Apenten RKO. 1999. A comparative study of polyphenoloxidases from taro (Colocasia esculenta) and potato (Solanum tuberosum var. Romano). Food Chem, 64: 351-359.
  • Colak A, Ozen A, Dincer B, Guner S, Ayaz FA. 2005. Diphenolases from two cultivars of cherry laurel (Laurocerasus officinalis Roem.) fruits at an early stage of maturation. Food Chem, 90: 801-807.
  • Ünal MÜ. 2007. Properties of polyphenol oxidase from Anamur banana (Musa cavendishii). Food Chem, 100: 909-913.
  • Ünal MÜ, fiener A, fien K. 2007. Characterization of Sultaniye grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sultana) polyphenol oxidase. Int J Food Sci Tech, 42: 1123–1127.
  • Yoruk R, Marshall MR. 2003. Physicochemical properties and function of plant polyphenol oxidase: a review. J Food Biochem, 27:361-422.
  • Coseteng MY, Lee CY. 1987. Changes in apple polyphenol oxidase and polyphenol concentrations in relation to degree of browning. J Food Sci, 52: 985-989.
  • Serradell MA, Rozenfeld PA, Martinez GA, Civello PM, Chaves AR, Anon M.C. 2000. Polyphenoloxidase activity from strawberry fruit (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch., cv Selva): characterization and partial purification. J Sci Food Agric, 80: 1421-1427.
  • Bradford MM. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein dye binding. Anal Biochem, 7: 248-254.
  • Vamos-Vigyazo L. 1981. Polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase in fruits and vegetables. Crit Rev Food Sci, 15: 49-127.
  • Zawistowski J, Bilideris CG, Eskin NAM. 1991. Oxidative Enzymes in Foods. Elsevier, New York, pp. 217-273.
  • Kwok-Ki Ho. 1999. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from aerial roots of an orchid, Aranda ‘Christine 130’. Plant Physiol Biochem, 37: 841-848.
  • Harel E, Mayer, AM, Shain Y. 1965. Purification and multiplicity of catechol oxidase from apple chloroplasts. Phytochem, 4: 783-790.
  • Harel E, Mayer AM. 1968. Interconversion of sub-units of catechol oxidase from apple chloroplasts. Phytochem, 7: 199-204.
  • Oba K, Iwatsuki N, Uritani I, Alvarez AM, Garcia VV. 1992. Partial purification, activation, and some properties. J Agric Food Chem, 48: 5041-5045.
  • Flurkey WH, Jen JJ. 1980. Purification of peach polyphenol oxidase in the presence of added protease inhibitors. J Food Biochem, 4: 29-41.
  • Weshe-Ebeling P, Montgomery MW. 1990. Strawberry polyphenoloxidase: Purification and characterization. J Food Sci, 55: 1315-1319.
  • Yang CP, Fujita S, Kohno K, Kusubayashi A, Ashrafuzzaman MD, Hayashi N. 2001. Partial purification and characterization of polyphenol oxidase from banana (Musa sapientum L) peel. J Sci Food Agric, 49: 1446-1449.
  • Paul B, Gowda L. 2000. Purification and characterization of a polyphenol oxidase from the seeds of the field Bean (Dolichos lablab). J Agric Food Chem, 48: 3839-3846.
  • Gawlik-Dziki U, Zlotek U, Swieca M. 2008. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from butter lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.). Food Chem, 107: 129-135.
  • Shi C, Dai Y, Xia B, Xu X, Xie Y, Liu Q. 2001. The purification and spectral properties of polyphenol oxidase I from Nicotina tabacum. Plant Molec Biol Rep, 19: 381-383.
  • Fennema OR (ed), Whitaker JR. 1996. Enzymes. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 431-522.
  • Ding CK, Chachin K, Ueda Y, Imahori Y. 1998. Purification and properties of polyphenol oxidase from loquat fruit. J Agric Food Chem, 46: 4144-4149.
  • Selles-Marchart S, Casado-Vela J, Bru-Martinez R. 2006. Isolation of a latent polyphenol oxidase from loquat fruit (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.): kinetic charaterization and comparison with the active form. Arch Biochem Biophys, 446: 175-185.
  • Orenes-Pinero E, Garcia-Caromana F, Sanchez-Ferrer A. 2006. Latent polyphenol oxidase from quince fruit pulp (Cydonia oblonga): purification, activation and some properties. J Sci Food Agric, 86: 2172-2178.
  • Ünal MÜ, fiener A. 2006. Determination of biochemical properties of polyphenol oxidase from Emir grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir). J Sci Food Agric, 86: 2374-2379.
  • Gawlik-Dziki U, Szymanowska U, Baraniak B. 2007. Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis italica) florets. Food Chem, 105: 1047-1053.
  • Gomez-Lopez VM. 2002. Some biochemical properties of polyphenol oxidase from two varieties of avocado. Food Chem, 77: 163-169.
  • Singleton VL. 1987. Oxygen with phenols and related reactions in musts, and model systems: Observations and practical implications. Am J Enol Vitic, 38: 69-77.
  • Siddiq M, Sinha NK, Cash JN. 1992. Characterization of polyphenoloxidase from Stanley plums. J Food Sci, 57: 177-1179.
  • Halder J, Tamuli P, Bhaduri AN. 1998. Isolation and Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase from Indian Tea Leaf (Camellia sinensis). J Nutr Biochem, 9: 75-80.
  • Wissemann KW, Lee CY. 1981. Characterization of polyphenoloxidase from Ravat 51 and Niagara grapes. J Food Sci, 46: 506-508.
  • Rapeanu G, Loey AV, Smout C, Hendrickx M. 2006. Biochemical characterization and process stability of polyphenoloxidase extracted from Victoria grape. Food Chem, 94: 253-261.
  • Chutintrasria B, Noomhormb A. 2006. Thermal inactivation of polyphenoloxidase in pineapple puree. LWT - Food Sci Technol, 39: 492–495.
  • Lee CY, Smith NL, Pennesi AP. 1983. Polyphenol oxidase from Dechaunac grapes. J Sci Food Agric, 34: 987-991.
  • Weemaes CA, Ludikhuyze LR, Broeck L, Hendricks ME, Tobback PP. 1998. Activity, electrophoretic characteristics and heat inactivation of polyphenoloxidases from apples, avocados, grapes, pears and plums. Lebensm Wiss Technol, 31: 44-49.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Ümit Ünal This is me

Özge Gökkaya This is me

Aysun Şener This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 36 Issue: 5


APA Ünal, M. Ü. ., Gökkaya, Ö. ., & Şener, A. . (2011). Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce). Gıda, 36(5), 255-262.
AMA Ünal MÜ, Gökkaya Ö, Şener A. Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. October 2011;36(5):255-262.
Chicago Ünal, M. Ümit, Özge Gökkaya, and Aysun Şener. “Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce)”. Gıda 36, no. 5 (October 2011): 255-62.
EndNote Ünal MÜ, Gökkaya Ö, Şener A (October 1, 2011) Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce). Gıda 36 5 255–262.
IEEE M. Ü. . Ünal, Ö. . Gökkaya, and A. . Şener, “Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce)”, The Journal of Food, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 255–262, 2011.
ISNAD Ünal, M. Ümit et al. “Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce)”. Gıda 36/5 (October 2011), 255-262.
JAMA Ünal MÜ, Gökkaya Ö, Şener A. Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2011;36:255–262.
MLA Ünal, M. Ümit et al. “Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce)”. Gıda, vol. 36, no. 5, 2011, pp. 255-62.
Vancouver Ünal MÜ, Gökkaya Ö, Şener A. Beyaz Kiraz Meyvesi (Starks Gold) Polifenol Oksidazının Karakterizasyonu (İngilizce). The Journal of Food. 2011;36(5):255-62.


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