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Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 5, 295 - 302, 01.10.2011


Genetiği değiştirilmiş organizmalar (GDO) kullanılarak elde edilen ürünler artan bir şekilde dünyanın gıda kaynağı olarak tanıtılmakta ve genetiği değiştirilmiş (GD) gıdalar sıklıkla gündemde yer almaktadır. Avrupa birliği komisyonu, GDO kullanılarak elde edilen ve tespit edilebilir miktarlarda DNA veya protein içeren gıda ürünlerinin ve içeriklerinin etiketlenmesi gerektiğini öngörmektedir. Bu aşamada, genetik modifikasyonun belirlenmesi (kalitatif analiz) ve ölçümü (kantitatif analiz) oldukça önemli olmaktadır. Bundan dolayı, GDO’nun belirlenmesi, ölçümü ve izlenmesi için güvenilir, tekrarlanabilir, doğru ve hassas yöntemler gerekmektedir. Bu derlemede genetik değişiklikler, protein ve DNA esaslı kalitatif ve kantitatif GDO tanımlama yöntemleri, bu yöntemlerin uygulama zorlukları ve gelişmekte olan yeni teknolojiler incelenmiştir.


  • Holst-Jensen A. 2007. Sampling, detection, identification and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In: Food Toxicans Analysis: Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Pico Y (ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Neterlands, pp. 231–268.
  • Uzogara SG. 2000. The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century: a review. Biotechnol Adv, 18, 179–206.
  • Azadi H, Ho P. 2010. Genetically modified and organic crops in developing countries: A review of options for food security. Biotechnol Adv, 28, 160–168.
  • Egelyng H. 2000. Managing agriculture biotechnology for sustainable development: the case of Semi-Arid India. Int J Biotechnol, 2 (4), 343–354.
  • Kuiper HA, Noteborn HPJM, Kok EJ, Kleter GA. 2002. Safety aspects of novel foods. Food Res Int, 35, 267–271.
  • Van Meijl H, Van Tongeren F. 2004. International diffusion of gains from biotechnology and the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. Agric Econ, 31, 30–316.
  • Sanvido O, Romeis J, Bigler F. 2007. Ecological impacts of genetically modified crops: ten years of field research and commercial cultivation. Adv Biochem Eng/Biotechnol, 107, 235–278.
  • Warwick SI, Beckie HJ, Hall LM. 2009. Gene flow, invasiveness, and ecological impact of genetically modified crops. Ann NY Acad Sci, 1168 (1), 72–99.
  • Raveebdar S. Ignacimuthu S. 2010. Improved Agrobacterium mediated transformation in cowpea Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. Asian J Plant Sci, 91, 256–263.
  • Potrykus I. 1991. Gene transfer to plants: assessment of published approaches and results. Annu. Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 42, 205–225.
  • McBride K, Summerfelt K. 1990. Improved binary vectors for Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation. Plant Mol Biol, 14, 269–276.
  • Jen Lu I, Lin C, Ming T. 2010. Establishment of a system based on universal multiplex-PCR for screening genetically modified crops. Pan Anal Bioanal Chem, 396, 2055–2064.
  • Cerdeira AL, Duke SO. 2006. The current status and environmental impacts of glyphosate-resistant crops: a review. J Environ Qual, 35, 1633–1658.
  • Ovesná J, Ku_era L, Hodek J, Demnerová K. 2010. Reliability of PCR based screening for iden- tification and quantification of GMOs. Czech J Food Sci, 28 (2), 133–138.
  • Hurst CD, Knight A, Bruce IJ. 1999. PCR detection of genetically modified soya and maize in foodstuffs. Mol Breeding, 5 (6), 579–586.
  • Anon 2003. On genetically modified (GM) food and feed. L268/1 Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Regulation (EC) of The European Parliament and of the Council No 1829/2003 of 22 September 2003.
  • Yoshimura T, Kuribara H, Kodama T, Yamata S, Futo S, Watanabe S, Aoki N, Izuka T, Akıyama H, Maitani T, Naito S, Hino A. 2005. Comparative studies of the quantification of genetically modified organisms in foods processed from maize and soy using trial producing. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 2060–2069.
  • Querci M, Van den Bulcke M, Zel J, Van den Eede G, Broll H. 2010. New approaches in GMO detection. Anal Bioanal Chem, 396, 1991–2002.
  • Kalogianni DP, Koraki T, Christopoulos TK, Ioannou PC. 2006. Nanoparticle-based DNA biosensor for visual detection of genetically modified organisms. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21 (7), 1069–1076.
  • Leimanis S, Hernández M, Fernández S, Boyer F, Burns M, Bruderer S, Glouden T, Harris N, Kaeppeli O, Philipp P, Pla M, Puigdomènech P, Vaitilingom M, Bertheau Y, Remacle J. 2006. A microarray-based detection system for genetically modified (GM) food ingredients. Plant Mol Biol, 61 (1), 123–139.
  • Feriotto G, Borgatti M, Mischiati C, Bianchi N, Gambari R. 2002. Biosensor technology and surface plasmon resonance for real-time detection of genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean gene sequences. J Agric Food Chem, 20, 955–962.
  • Michelini E, Simoni P, Cevenini L, Mezzanotte L, Roda A. 2008. New trends in bianaltical tools for the detection of genetically modified organism: an update. Anal Bioanal Chem, 8, 2193–2197.
  • Zhou X, Xing D, Tang Y, Chen WR. 2009. PCR-free detection of genetically modified organisms using magnetic capture technology and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. PLoS ONE, 4 (11), 1–8.
  • Fantozzi A, Ermolli M, Marini M, Balla B, Querci M, Van den Eede G. 2008. Innovative application of fluorescent microsphere based assay for multiple GMO detection. Food Anal Methods, 1, 10–17.
  • Garcia-Canas V, Simo C, Leon C, Ibanez E, Cifuentes A. 2011. MS-based analytical methodologies to characterize genetically modified crops. Mass Spectrom Rev, 30, 396– 416.
  • Nadal A, Esteve T, Pla M. 2009. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction-capillary gel electrophoresis: a promising tool for GMO screening assay for simultaneous detection of five genetically modified cotton events and species. AOAC Int, 92 (3), 765–772.
  • Garcia-Canas V, Mondello M, Cifuentes, A. 2010. Simultaneous detection of genetically modified organisms by multiplex ligation dependent genome amplification and capillary gel electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence. Electrophoresis, 31, 2249–2259.
  • Spiegelhalter F, Lauter FR, Russel JM. 2001. Detection of genetically modified food products in commercial laboratory. J Food Sci, 66 (5), 634–640. 29. Ahmed FE. 2002. Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. Trends Biotechnol, 20 (5), 215–225.
  • Bulcke MV, Leunda AC, Bernardi D, Schrijver A, Mbongombella G, Sneyers M. 2005. Detection of genetically modified crops in real time practice: a state of art. Institute of Health, 07-10 July, ICBAR, Ravello, Italy, 1–10.
  • Rodríguez-Lázaro D, Lombard B, Smith H, Rzezutka A, D'Agostino M, Helmuth R, Schroeter A, Malorny B, Miko A, Guerra B, Davison J, Kobilinsky A, Hernández M, Bertheau Y, Cook N. 2007. Trends in analytical methodology in food safety and quality: monitoring microorganisms and genetically modified organisms. Trends Food Sci Tech, 18, 306–319.
  • Anon 1998. On detection of a genetic modification of soybeans by amplification of the modified DNA sequence using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridization of the PCR product with a DNA probe. Collection of Official Methods under Article 35 of the German Federal Foodstuffs Act. No L-23.01.22-1 of 1993.
  • Elsanhoty RM, Ramadan MF, Jany KD. 2011. DNA extraction methods for detecting genetically modified foods: A comparative study. Food Chem, 26, 1883–1889.
  • Holst-Jensen A, Ronning SB, Lovseth A, Berdal GK. 2003. PCR Technology for screening and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Anal Bioanal Chem, 375, 985–993.
  • Tengel C, Schvssler P, Setzke E, Balles J, Sprenger-Haussels M. 2001. PCR-based detection of genetically modified soybean and maize in raw and highly processed foodstuffs. Bio Techniques, 31, 426–429.
  • Al-Rousan H, Al-hmoud N, Hayek B, Ibrahim M. 2010. A study on the occurrence of genetically modified soybean and maize feed products in the Jordanian market. J Cell Mol Biol, 8 (2), 87–94.
  • Ehlers B, Strauch E, Goltz M, Kubsch D, Wagner H, Maidhof H, Bendiek J, Appel B, Buhk HJ. 1997. Identification of genetically modified maize by PCR. Bundesgesundhbl, 4, 118–121.
  • Hernandez M, Duplan MN, Berthier G, Vaïtilingom M, Hauser W, Freyer R, Pla M, Bertheau Y. 2004. Development and comparison of four real-time polymerase chain reaction systems for specific detection and quantification of Zea mays L. J Agr Food Chem, 52, 4632–4637.
  • Anklam E, Gadani F, Heinze P, Pijenburg H, Eede WG. 2002. Analytical methods for detection and determination of genetically modified organisms in agriculture crops and plant-derived food products. Eur Food Res Technol, 214, 3–26. 40. AgBios. 2008. GMO Database. http://www. (Erişim tarihi 05 Mart 2010). 41. Pan A, Yang L, XU S, Yin C, Zhang K, Wang Z, Zhang D. 2006. Event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection of MON863 maize based upon the 3’transgene integration seuence. J Cereal Sci, 43, 250–257.
  • Dinon AZ, Bosco KT, Arisi ACM. 2010. Moni- toring of Bt11 and Bt176 genetically modified maize in food sold commercially in Brazil from 2005 to 2007. J Sci Food and Agr, 90 (9), 4566–1569.
  • Forte VT, Martin GG, Vigneau MF, Meyer G. 2005. A general multiplex-PCR assay for the general detection of genetically modified soya and maize. Food Control, 16, 535–539.
  • Yoke-Kqueen C, Yee-Tyan C, Siew-Ping K, Son R. 2011. Development of multiplex-PCR for Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) detection targeting EPSPS and Cry1Ab genes in soy and maize samples. Int Food Res J, 18, 512–519.
  • Shrestha HK, Hwu KK, Chang M. 2010. Detection of genetically modified maize (Zea mays L.) in seed samples from Nepal. Afr J Biotechnol, 9 (34), 5581–5589.
  • Shrestha HK, Hwu KK, Chang MC. 2010. Advances in detection of genetically engineered crops by multiplex polymerase- chain reaction methods. Trends Food Sci Tech, 21, 442–454.
  • La Paz JL, Esteve T, Pla M. 2007. Comparison of Real Time PCR detection chemistries and cycling modes using Mon810 event specific assays as models. J Agric Food Chem, 55, 4312–4318.
  • Nolan T, Hands RE, Bustin SA. 2006. Quantification of RNA using real time PCR. Nat protoc, 1, 1559–1581.

Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Food (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2011, Volume: 36 Issue: 5, 295 - 302, 01.10.2011


Products obtained by using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are increasingly being introduced into the world’s food supply and genetically modified (gm) foods are often in the news. Commission of the european communities recommended that food products and ingredients containing detectable amounts of DNA or proteins, obtained by using GMO have to be labeled. In this point; detection (qualitative analysis) and quantification (quantitative analysis) of genetic modification is becoming increasingly important. Therefore; reliable, reproducible, accurate and sensitive methods are neededfor detection, quantification, and monitoring of GMO. In this review, genetic modifications, qualitative and quantitative GMO detection methods based on protein and DNA analysis, the difficulties in the application of these methods and developing new technologies were investigated.


  • Holst-Jensen A. 2007. Sampling, detection, identification and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In: Food Toxicans Analysis: Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Pico Y (ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Neterlands, pp. 231–268.
  • Uzogara SG. 2000. The impact of genetic modification of human foods in the 21st century: a review. Biotechnol Adv, 18, 179–206.
  • Azadi H, Ho P. 2010. Genetically modified and organic crops in developing countries: A review of options for food security. Biotechnol Adv, 28, 160–168.
  • Egelyng H. 2000. Managing agriculture biotechnology for sustainable development: the case of Semi-Arid India. Int J Biotechnol, 2 (4), 343–354.
  • Kuiper HA, Noteborn HPJM, Kok EJ, Kleter GA. 2002. Safety aspects of novel foods. Food Res Int, 35, 267–271.
  • Van Meijl H, Van Tongeren F. 2004. International diffusion of gains from biotechnology and the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy. Agric Econ, 31, 30–316.
  • Sanvido O, Romeis J, Bigler F. 2007. Ecological impacts of genetically modified crops: ten years of field research and commercial cultivation. Adv Biochem Eng/Biotechnol, 107, 235–278.
  • Warwick SI, Beckie HJ, Hall LM. 2009. Gene flow, invasiveness, and ecological impact of genetically modified crops. Ann NY Acad Sci, 1168 (1), 72–99.
  • Raveebdar S. Ignacimuthu S. 2010. Improved Agrobacterium mediated transformation in cowpea Vigna unguiculata L. Walp. Asian J Plant Sci, 91, 256–263.
  • Potrykus I. 1991. Gene transfer to plants: assessment of published approaches and results. Annu. Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol, 42, 205–225.
  • McBride K, Summerfelt K. 1990. Improved binary vectors for Agrobacterium mediated plant transformation. Plant Mol Biol, 14, 269–276.
  • Jen Lu I, Lin C, Ming T. 2010. Establishment of a system based on universal multiplex-PCR for screening genetically modified crops. Pan Anal Bioanal Chem, 396, 2055–2064.
  • Cerdeira AL, Duke SO. 2006. The current status and environmental impacts of glyphosate-resistant crops: a review. J Environ Qual, 35, 1633–1658.
  • Ovesná J, Ku_era L, Hodek J, Demnerová K. 2010. Reliability of PCR based screening for iden- tification and quantification of GMOs. Czech J Food Sci, 28 (2), 133–138.
  • Hurst CD, Knight A, Bruce IJ. 1999. PCR detection of genetically modified soya and maize in foodstuffs. Mol Breeding, 5 (6), 579–586.
  • Anon 2003. On genetically modified (GM) food and feed. L268/1 Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Regulation (EC) of The European Parliament and of the Council No 1829/2003 of 22 September 2003.
  • Yoshimura T, Kuribara H, Kodama T, Yamata S, Futo S, Watanabe S, Aoki N, Izuka T, Akıyama H, Maitani T, Naito S, Hino A. 2005. Comparative studies of the quantification of genetically modified organisms in foods processed from maize and soy using trial producing. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 2060–2069.
  • Querci M, Van den Bulcke M, Zel J, Van den Eede G, Broll H. 2010. New approaches in GMO detection. Anal Bioanal Chem, 396, 1991–2002.
  • Kalogianni DP, Koraki T, Christopoulos TK, Ioannou PC. 2006. Nanoparticle-based DNA biosensor for visual detection of genetically modified organisms. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21 (7), 1069–1076.
  • Leimanis S, Hernández M, Fernández S, Boyer F, Burns M, Bruderer S, Glouden T, Harris N, Kaeppeli O, Philipp P, Pla M, Puigdomènech P, Vaitilingom M, Bertheau Y, Remacle J. 2006. A microarray-based detection system for genetically modified (GM) food ingredients. Plant Mol Biol, 61 (1), 123–139.
  • Feriotto G, Borgatti M, Mischiati C, Bianchi N, Gambari R. 2002. Biosensor technology and surface plasmon resonance for real-time detection of genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean gene sequences. J Agric Food Chem, 20, 955–962.
  • Michelini E, Simoni P, Cevenini L, Mezzanotte L, Roda A. 2008. New trends in bianaltical tools for the detection of genetically modified organism: an update. Anal Bioanal Chem, 8, 2193–2197.
  • Zhou X, Xing D, Tang Y, Chen WR. 2009. PCR-free detection of genetically modified organisms using magnetic capture technology and fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. PLoS ONE, 4 (11), 1–8.
  • Fantozzi A, Ermolli M, Marini M, Balla B, Querci M, Van den Eede G. 2008. Innovative application of fluorescent microsphere based assay for multiple GMO detection. Food Anal Methods, 1, 10–17.
  • Garcia-Canas V, Simo C, Leon C, Ibanez E, Cifuentes A. 2011. MS-based analytical methodologies to characterize genetically modified crops. Mass Spectrom Rev, 30, 396– 416.
  • Nadal A, Esteve T, Pla M. 2009. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction-capillary gel electrophoresis: a promising tool for GMO screening assay for simultaneous detection of five genetically modified cotton events and species. AOAC Int, 92 (3), 765–772.
  • Garcia-Canas V, Mondello M, Cifuentes, A. 2010. Simultaneous detection of genetically modified organisms by multiplex ligation dependent genome amplification and capillary gel electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence. Electrophoresis, 31, 2249–2259.
  • Spiegelhalter F, Lauter FR, Russel JM. 2001. Detection of genetically modified food products in commercial laboratory. J Food Sci, 66 (5), 634–640. 29. Ahmed FE. 2002. Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. Trends Biotechnol, 20 (5), 215–225.
  • Bulcke MV, Leunda AC, Bernardi D, Schrijver A, Mbongombella G, Sneyers M. 2005. Detection of genetically modified crops in real time practice: a state of art. Institute of Health, 07-10 July, ICBAR, Ravello, Italy, 1–10.
  • Rodríguez-Lázaro D, Lombard B, Smith H, Rzezutka A, D'Agostino M, Helmuth R, Schroeter A, Malorny B, Miko A, Guerra B, Davison J, Kobilinsky A, Hernández M, Bertheau Y, Cook N. 2007. Trends in analytical methodology in food safety and quality: monitoring microorganisms and genetically modified organisms. Trends Food Sci Tech, 18, 306–319.
  • Anon 1998. On detection of a genetic modification of soybeans by amplification of the modified DNA sequence using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridization of the PCR product with a DNA probe. Collection of Official Methods under Article 35 of the German Federal Foodstuffs Act. No L-23.01.22-1 of 1993.
  • Elsanhoty RM, Ramadan MF, Jany KD. 2011. DNA extraction methods for detecting genetically modified foods: A comparative study. Food Chem, 26, 1883–1889.
  • Holst-Jensen A, Ronning SB, Lovseth A, Berdal GK. 2003. PCR Technology for screening and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Anal Bioanal Chem, 375, 985–993.
  • Tengel C, Schvssler P, Setzke E, Balles J, Sprenger-Haussels M. 2001. PCR-based detection of genetically modified soybean and maize in raw and highly processed foodstuffs. Bio Techniques, 31, 426–429.
  • Al-Rousan H, Al-hmoud N, Hayek B, Ibrahim M. 2010. A study on the occurrence of genetically modified soybean and maize feed products in the Jordanian market. J Cell Mol Biol, 8 (2), 87–94.
  • Ehlers B, Strauch E, Goltz M, Kubsch D, Wagner H, Maidhof H, Bendiek J, Appel B, Buhk HJ. 1997. Identification of genetically modified maize by PCR. Bundesgesundhbl, 4, 118–121.
  • Hernandez M, Duplan MN, Berthier G, Vaïtilingom M, Hauser W, Freyer R, Pla M, Bertheau Y. 2004. Development and comparison of four real-time polymerase chain reaction systems for specific detection and quantification of Zea mays L. J Agr Food Chem, 52, 4632–4637.
  • Anklam E, Gadani F, Heinze P, Pijenburg H, Eede WG. 2002. Analytical methods for detection and determination of genetically modified organisms in agriculture crops and plant-derived food products. Eur Food Res Technol, 214, 3–26. 40. AgBios. 2008. GMO Database. http://www. (Erişim tarihi 05 Mart 2010). 41. Pan A, Yang L, XU S, Yin C, Zhang K, Wang Z, Zhang D. 2006. Event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection of MON863 maize based upon the 3’transgene integration seuence. J Cereal Sci, 43, 250–257.
  • Dinon AZ, Bosco KT, Arisi ACM. 2010. Moni- toring of Bt11 and Bt176 genetically modified maize in food sold commercially in Brazil from 2005 to 2007. J Sci Food and Agr, 90 (9), 4566–1569.
  • Forte VT, Martin GG, Vigneau MF, Meyer G. 2005. A general multiplex-PCR assay for the general detection of genetically modified soya and maize. Food Control, 16, 535–539.
  • Yoke-Kqueen C, Yee-Tyan C, Siew-Ping K, Son R. 2011. Development of multiplex-PCR for Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) detection targeting EPSPS and Cry1Ab genes in soy and maize samples. Int Food Res J, 18, 512–519.
  • Shrestha HK, Hwu KK, Chang M. 2010. Detection of genetically modified maize (Zea mays L.) in seed samples from Nepal. Afr J Biotechnol, 9 (34), 5581–5589.
  • Shrestha HK, Hwu KK, Chang MC. 2010. Advances in detection of genetically engineered crops by multiplex polymerase- chain reaction methods. Trends Food Sci Tech, 21, 442–454.
  • La Paz JL, Esteve T, Pla M. 2007. Comparison of Real Time PCR detection chemistries and cycling modes using Mon810 event specific assays as models. J Agric Food Chem, 55, 4312–4318.
  • Nolan T, Hands RE, Bustin SA. 2006. Quantification of RNA using real time PCR. Nat protoc, 1, 1559–1581.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fadime Kıran This is me

Özlem Osmanağaoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 36 Issue: 5


APA Kıran, F. ., & Osmanağaoğlu, Ö. . (2011). Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 36(5), 295-302.
AMA Kıran F, Osmanağaoğlu Ö. Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. October 2011;36(5):295-302.
Chicago Kıran, Fadime, and Özlem Osmanağaoğlu. “Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi”. Gıda 36, no. 5 (October 2011): 295-302.
EndNote Kıran F, Osmanağaoğlu Ö (October 1, 2011) Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi. Gıda 36 5 295–302.
IEEE F. . Kıran and Ö. . Osmanağaoğlu, “Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 295–302, 2011.
ISNAD Kıran, Fadime - Osmanağaoğlu, Özlem. “Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi”. Gıda 36/5 (October 2011), 295-302.
JAMA Kıran F, Osmanağaoğlu Ö. Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. 2011;36:295–302.
MLA Kıran, Fadime and Özlem Osmanağaoğlu. “Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi”. Gıda, vol. 36, no. 5, 2011, pp. 295-02.
Vancouver Kıran F, Osmanağaoğlu Ö. Gıdalarda Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Organizmaların (GDO) Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. 2011;36(5):295-302.


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