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Effects of Electrical Pre-Treatment and Heat Treatment Applications on Quality of Orange Juice (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 2, 79 - 86, 01.04.2012


In this study; the effects of electroplasmolysis (EP) as a pre-treatment on yield and the effects of microwave (MD) and ohmic heating (OH) by a heat treatment of orange juice quality were investigated.Initially, electroplasmolysis applications were optimized by Response Surface Methodology (RSM). In the second phase of the study; production of orange juice was carried out for each treatment. Trials were done in six application groups with single electrical treatment and combinations of them. Orange juices were produced as 50 ml/sec-900 Watt for microwave heating and 42 V/cm-69 ºC for ohmic heating applications. After production of orange juices; yield and oil content of peel were determined in control and EP groups. After that; pulp content, viscosity, clarifying value, browning index, color values were investigated in all groups. As a result of electroplasmolysis application, more than 8% increase in yield was determined. In addition, EP and electrical heating combinations gave better quality results comparing the conventional thermal heating in orange juice production.


  • Cemeroğlu B, Karadeniz F, 2001. Meyve Suyu Üretim Teknolojisi, Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No: 25, Ankara. 384s.
  • Verstee C, Rombouts FM, Spaansen CH, Pilnik W, 1980. Thermostability and orange juice cloud destabilizing properties of multiple pectinesterases from orange. J Food Sci, 45(4):969-998.
  • Anon 2009. fruits-and-fruit-juices (Erişim tarihi: 11/08/2009). 4. Manvell C, 1996. Minimal Processing, Presented In European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFOST) Conference, Cologne 6th November 1996, Technical Digest, 25-44.
  • Tempest P, 1996. Electroheat Technologies In Food Processing, APV Marketing Bulletin,16 P.
  • Sastry SK, Barach JT, 2000. Ohmic and Inductive Heating, J Food Sci,65(4): 42-46.
  • İçier F, 2003. Gıdaların Ohmik Isıtma Yöntemiyle Isıtılmasının Deneysel ve Kuramsal Olarak İncelenmesi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Bornova, İzmir, Kasım 2003.
  • Demirdöven A, 2009. Portakal Suyu Üretiminde Bazı Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üni., Fen Bil. Enst., Gıda Müh. Anabilim Dalı. İzmir.233s.
  • Pazır F, Okilov S, 1996. Gıda Sanayinde Kullanılan Elektroplazmolizatörler, GIDA. 21 (6), 485-491.
  • Okilov Ş, 1995. Klasik ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleri ile Elde Edilen Golden Delicious Elmaların Pres Suyuna İşlenmesi Sırasında Kimi Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Araştırılması, Y.L. Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisiliği Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Flaumenbaum BLI, Al-Saadi C, 1966. Elektroplazmoliz Pripolucemi Tsitrusovih Sokov. Konsevnaya İ Ovoşesuşilnaya Promışlennot, No.7 (Okilov, 1995’den).
  • Palaniappan S, Sastry SK, 1991. Electrical Conductivity of Selected Juices: Influences of Temperature, Solids Content, Applied Voltage, and Particle Size, J Food Process Eng, 14, 247-260.
  • Villamiel M, Castillo MD, San Martı NC, Corzo N, 1998. Assessment of the Thermal Treatment of Orange Juice During Continuous Microwave and Conventional Heating. J Sci Food Agr, 78, 196-200. 14.Lima M, Heskitt BF, Burianek LL, Nokes SE, Sastry SK, 1999. "Ascorbic Acid Degradation Kinetics During Conventional and Ohmic Heating" J. Food Proc. Eng., 23, Pp. 421-434.
  • Leizerson S, Shimoni E, 2005. Effect of Ultrahigh-Temperature Continuous Ohmic Heating Treatment on Fresh Orange Juice, J Agric Food Chem., 53, Pp. 3519-3524
  • Leizerson S, Shimoni E, 2005. Stability and Sensory Shelf Life of Orange Juice Pasteurized by Continuous Ohmic Heating, J Agric Food Chem. 53, Pp. 4012-4018
  • Tajchakavıt S, Ramaswamy, HS, 1997. Continuous-Flow Microwave Inactivation Kinetics of Pectin Methyl Esterase In Orange Juıce, J Food Process Pres. 21; 365-378
  • Vikram VB, Ramesh MN, Prapulla SG, 2005. Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Nutrients in Orange Juice Heated by Electromagnetic and Conventional Methods, J Food Eng. 69:31-40.
  • Gürgün V, Halkman K, 1990. Mikrobiyolojik sayım yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Elez-Martinez P, Soliva-Fortuny RC, Martin- Belloso O, 2006. Comparative Study on Shelf Life of Orange Juice Processed by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields or Heat Treatment. Eur Food Res Technol. 222: 321–329
  • Sanchez-Moreno C, Plaza L, Elez-Martinez P, Denancos B, Martin-Belloso O, Cano MP, 2005. Impact of High Pressure and PEF on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Orange Juice in Comparison With Thermal Processing, J Agr Food Chem, 53: 4403-4409.
  • Choi MH, Kim GH, Lee HS, 2001. Effects of Ascorbic Acid Retention on Juice Color and Pigment Stability in Blood Orange Juice During Refrigerated Storage, Food Res Int, 35:753-759.
  • Anon 2000. FMC Food Tech. Laboratory Manual. Procedurs for Analysis of Citrus Products. Manual No. 054R11990. 100, Lakeland, FL, U.S.A. (Cemeroğlu, 2007’den)
  • Anon 2000. Zap. Better-Tasting UHT Milks, Food Eng. 72(6): 14-15.
  • Meydav S, Saguy I, Kopelman IJ, 1977. Browning Determination in Citrus Products. J Agr Food Chem. 25 (3), 602-604.
  • Anon 2000. FMC Food Tech. Laboratory Manual. Procedurs For Analysis of Citrus Products. Manual No. 054R11990. 100, Lakeland, FL, U.S.A. (Cemeroğlu, 2007’den)
  • Esteve M.J, Frigola A, Rodrigo C, Rodrigo D, 2005. Effect of Storage Period Under Variable Conditions on the Chemical and Physical Composition and Colour of Spanish Refrigerated Orange Juices, Food Chem Toxicol. 43: 1413-1422. 28.Redd J, Charles P, Hendrix, M, Hendrix DL, 1986. Qualiyt Control Manual for Citrus Processing Plants, Volume, 1-2.
  • Parish ME, 1998. Orange Juice Quality After Treatment By Thermal Pasteurization or Isostatic High Pressure, Lebensm-Wiss Technol. 31, 439-442. 30.Aguayo IA, Fortuny RS, Belloso OM, 2008.Comparative Study on Color, Viscosity and Related Enzymes of Tomato Juice Treated by High-Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields or Heat, Eur Food Res Technol, 227:599–606.
  • Schheglov Yu A, Zelonskaya MN, Reşetko EV, Bogdan KN,1967. Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materilov, No. 2 (Okilov, 1995’den).
  • Cserhalmi Z, Sass-Kiss A, Toth-Markus M, Lechner N, 2006. Study of Pulsed Electric Field Treated Citrus Juices, Innov Food Sci Emerg, 7, 49-54. 33.Cemeroğlu B, 2007. Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği yayın no: 34.Ankara.
  • Fustier P, St-Germain F, Lamarche F, Mondor M, 2011. Non-enzymatic Browning and Ascorbic Acid Degradation of Orange Juice Subjected to Electroreduction and Electro-oxidation Treatments. Innov Food Sci Emerg. 12(4),491- 498.
  • Valdramidis VP, Cullen PJ, Tiwari BK, O’Donnell CP, 2010. Quantitative Modelling Approaches for Ascorbic Acid Degradation and Non-enzymatic Browning of Orange Juice During Ultrasound Processing., J Food Eng. 96(3), 449-454.
  • Tiwari BK, O' Donnell CP, Muthukumarappan K, Cullen PJ, 2009. Ascorbic Acid Degradation Kinetics of Sonicated Orange Juice During Storage and Comparison with Thermally Pasteurised Juice. Lebensm-Wiss Technol. 42(3), 700-704.
  • Lee HS, Castle WS, 2001. Seasonal Chnages of Carotenoid Pigments and Color in Hamlin, Earlygold and Bundd Blood Orange Juices, J Agr Food Chem. 49: 877-882.

Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 2, 79 - 86, 01.04.2012


Bu çalışmada verim artışı sağlamak amacıyla ön işlem olarak uygulanan elektroplazmoliz (EP) ve ısıl işlem olarak uygulanan mikrodalga (MD) ve ohmik ısıtma (OH) tekniklerinin portakal suyu kalitesine etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında portakal suyu üretimine uygun optimum elektroplazmoliz uygulama koşulu “cevap yüzey yöntemi” ile belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında ise portakal suyu üretimleri elektriksel işlem uygulamalarının tek tek ve bir arada kullanılmaları ile altı ayrı deneme grubu ile yürütülmüştür. MD üretimleri 50 ml/dak-900 Watt ve OH üretimleri ise 42 V/cm-69 ºC’da yapılmıştır. Üretimler sonrasında EP uygulanmamış (kontrol) ve EP uygulanmış portakal sularında verim ve kabuk yağı değerleri belirlenmiştir. Tüm uygulama gruplarında pulp oranı, viskozite, berraklaşma değeri, esmerleşme düzeyi ve renk değerlerindeki değişim incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak portakal suyu üretiminde EP uygulamasıyla %8’in üzerinde verim artışı sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca EP ve elektriksel ısıtma uygulamalarının kombinasyonları ile geleneksel pastörizasyona kıyasla kalite özellikleri daha yüksek portakal suyu üretiminin gerçekleştirilebileceği saptanmıştır.


  • Cemeroğlu B, Karadeniz F, 2001. Meyve Suyu Üretim Teknolojisi, Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No: 25, Ankara. 384s.
  • Verstee C, Rombouts FM, Spaansen CH, Pilnik W, 1980. Thermostability and orange juice cloud destabilizing properties of multiple pectinesterases from orange. J Food Sci, 45(4):969-998.
  • Anon 2009. fruits-and-fruit-juices (Erişim tarihi: 11/08/2009). 4. Manvell C, 1996. Minimal Processing, Presented In European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFOST) Conference, Cologne 6th November 1996, Technical Digest, 25-44.
  • Tempest P, 1996. Electroheat Technologies In Food Processing, APV Marketing Bulletin,16 P.
  • Sastry SK, Barach JT, 2000. Ohmic and Inductive Heating, J Food Sci,65(4): 42-46.
  • İçier F, 2003. Gıdaların Ohmik Isıtma Yöntemiyle Isıtılmasının Deneysel ve Kuramsal Olarak İncelenmesi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Bornova, İzmir, Kasım 2003.
  • Demirdöven A, 2009. Portakal Suyu Üretiminde Bazı Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri, Doktora Tezi, Ege Üni., Fen Bil. Enst., Gıda Müh. Anabilim Dalı. İzmir.233s.
  • Pazır F, Okilov S, 1996. Gıda Sanayinde Kullanılan Elektroplazmolizatörler, GIDA. 21 (6), 485-491.
  • Okilov Ş, 1995. Klasik ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleri ile Elde Edilen Golden Delicious Elmaların Pres Suyuna İşlenmesi Sırasında Kimi Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Araştırılması, Y.L. Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisiliği Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Flaumenbaum BLI, Al-Saadi C, 1966. Elektroplazmoliz Pripolucemi Tsitrusovih Sokov. Konsevnaya İ Ovoşesuşilnaya Promışlennot, No.7 (Okilov, 1995’den).
  • Palaniappan S, Sastry SK, 1991. Electrical Conductivity of Selected Juices: Influences of Temperature, Solids Content, Applied Voltage, and Particle Size, J Food Process Eng, 14, 247-260.
  • Villamiel M, Castillo MD, San Martı NC, Corzo N, 1998. Assessment of the Thermal Treatment of Orange Juice During Continuous Microwave and Conventional Heating. J Sci Food Agr, 78, 196-200. 14.Lima M, Heskitt BF, Burianek LL, Nokes SE, Sastry SK, 1999. "Ascorbic Acid Degradation Kinetics During Conventional and Ohmic Heating" J. Food Proc. Eng., 23, Pp. 421-434.
  • Leizerson S, Shimoni E, 2005. Effect of Ultrahigh-Temperature Continuous Ohmic Heating Treatment on Fresh Orange Juice, J Agric Food Chem., 53, Pp. 3519-3524
  • Leizerson S, Shimoni E, 2005. Stability and Sensory Shelf Life of Orange Juice Pasteurized by Continuous Ohmic Heating, J Agric Food Chem. 53, Pp. 4012-4018
  • Tajchakavıt S, Ramaswamy, HS, 1997. Continuous-Flow Microwave Inactivation Kinetics of Pectin Methyl Esterase In Orange Juıce, J Food Process Pres. 21; 365-378
  • Vikram VB, Ramesh MN, Prapulla SG, 2005. Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Nutrients in Orange Juice Heated by Electromagnetic and Conventional Methods, J Food Eng. 69:31-40.
  • Gürgün V, Halkman K, 1990. Mikrobiyolojik sayım yöntemleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Elez-Martinez P, Soliva-Fortuny RC, Martin- Belloso O, 2006. Comparative Study on Shelf Life of Orange Juice Processed by High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields or Heat Treatment. Eur Food Res Technol. 222: 321–329
  • Sanchez-Moreno C, Plaza L, Elez-Martinez P, Denancos B, Martin-Belloso O, Cano MP, 2005. Impact of High Pressure and PEF on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Orange Juice in Comparison With Thermal Processing, J Agr Food Chem, 53: 4403-4409.
  • Choi MH, Kim GH, Lee HS, 2001. Effects of Ascorbic Acid Retention on Juice Color and Pigment Stability in Blood Orange Juice During Refrigerated Storage, Food Res Int, 35:753-759.
  • Anon 2000. FMC Food Tech. Laboratory Manual. Procedurs for Analysis of Citrus Products. Manual No. 054R11990. 100, Lakeland, FL, U.S.A. (Cemeroğlu, 2007’den)
  • Anon 2000. Zap. Better-Tasting UHT Milks, Food Eng. 72(6): 14-15.
  • Meydav S, Saguy I, Kopelman IJ, 1977. Browning Determination in Citrus Products. J Agr Food Chem. 25 (3), 602-604.
  • Anon 2000. FMC Food Tech. Laboratory Manual. Procedurs For Analysis of Citrus Products. Manual No. 054R11990. 100, Lakeland, FL, U.S.A. (Cemeroğlu, 2007’den)
  • Esteve M.J, Frigola A, Rodrigo C, Rodrigo D, 2005. Effect of Storage Period Under Variable Conditions on the Chemical and Physical Composition and Colour of Spanish Refrigerated Orange Juices, Food Chem Toxicol. 43: 1413-1422. 28.Redd J, Charles P, Hendrix, M, Hendrix DL, 1986. Qualiyt Control Manual for Citrus Processing Plants, Volume, 1-2.
  • Parish ME, 1998. Orange Juice Quality After Treatment By Thermal Pasteurization or Isostatic High Pressure, Lebensm-Wiss Technol. 31, 439-442. 30.Aguayo IA, Fortuny RS, Belloso OM, 2008.Comparative Study on Color, Viscosity and Related Enzymes of Tomato Juice Treated by High-Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields or Heat, Eur Food Res Technol, 227:599–606.
  • Schheglov Yu A, Zelonskaya MN, Reşetko EV, Bogdan KN,1967. Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materilov, No. 2 (Okilov, 1995’den).
  • Cserhalmi Z, Sass-Kiss A, Toth-Markus M, Lechner N, 2006. Study of Pulsed Electric Field Treated Citrus Juices, Innov Food Sci Emerg, 7, 49-54. 33.Cemeroğlu B, 2007. Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği yayın no: 34.Ankara.
  • Fustier P, St-Germain F, Lamarche F, Mondor M, 2011. Non-enzymatic Browning and Ascorbic Acid Degradation of Orange Juice Subjected to Electroreduction and Electro-oxidation Treatments. Innov Food Sci Emerg. 12(4),491- 498.
  • Valdramidis VP, Cullen PJ, Tiwari BK, O’Donnell CP, 2010. Quantitative Modelling Approaches for Ascorbic Acid Degradation and Non-enzymatic Browning of Orange Juice During Ultrasound Processing., J Food Eng. 96(3), 449-454.
  • Tiwari BK, O' Donnell CP, Muthukumarappan K, Cullen PJ, 2009. Ascorbic Acid Degradation Kinetics of Sonicated Orange Juice During Storage and Comparison with Thermally Pasteurised Juice. Lebensm-Wiss Technol. 42(3), 700-704.
  • Lee HS, Castle WS, 2001. Seasonal Chnages of Carotenoid Pigments and Color in Hamlin, Earlygold and Bundd Blood Orange Juices, J Agr Food Chem. 49: 877-882.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Aslıhan Demirdöven This is me

Taner Baysal This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 37 Issue: 2


APA Demirdöven, A. ., & Baysal, T. . (2012). Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri. Gıda, 37(2), 79-86.
AMA Demirdöven A, Baysal T. Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri. The Journal of Food. April 2012;37(2):79-86.
Chicago Demirdöven, Aslıhan, and Taner Baysal. “Elektriksel Ön İşlem Ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri”. Gıda 37, no. 2 (April 2012): 79-86.
EndNote Demirdöven A, Baysal T (April 1, 2012) Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri. Gıda 37 2 79–86.
IEEE A. . Demirdöven and T. . Baysal, “Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri”, The Journal of Food, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 79–86, 2012.
ISNAD Demirdöven, Aslıhan - Baysal, Taner. “Elektriksel Ön İşlem Ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri”. Gıda 37/2 (April 2012), 79-86.
JAMA Demirdöven A, Baysal T. Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri. The Journal of Food. 2012;37:79–86.
MLA Demirdöven, Aslıhan and Taner Baysal. “Elektriksel Ön İşlem Ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri”. Gıda, vol. 37, no. 2, 2012, pp. 79-86.
Vancouver Demirdöven A, Baysal T. Elektriksel Ön İşlem ve Isıl İşlem Uygulamalarının Portakal Suyu Kalitesine Etkileri. The Journal of Food. 2012;37(2):79-86.


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