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Determination Of Aroma Compounds And Some Physicochemical Properties Of Grand Naine (Musa Acuminata) Banana (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 6, 325 - 332, 01.12.2012


In this work, the aroma and some physicochemical properties of Grand Naine (Musa acuminata) bananas were studied. Stage 5 of bananas was selected from commercial banana peel colour chart to analysis. Liquid-liquid extraction with dichloromethane solvent was used for extraction of banana aroma compounds. GC-FID and GC-MS were used for quantification and identification of aroma compounds, respectively. Totally 49 aroma compounds has been identified and total aroma concentration of sample was found 42082 µg/kg. Esters were the most dominant compounds in banana followed by alcohols. High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for sugar analysis of banana samples. Sucrose was the most abundant sugar followed by glucose and fructose.


  • Gübbük H, Pekmezci M, Selli S, Erkan M, Kafkas E, Pınar H, Güven, DY, Günefl E. 2010. Değiflik lokasyonlarda açıkta ve örtüaltında yetifltirilen ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ muz çeflidinde verim, bazı kalite kriterleri ve aroma maddeleri ile meyvelerin derim sonrası özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerinde arafltırmalar, TÜBİTAK, Proje No: 107O156, Ankara.
  • Gübbük H. 1990. Cam serada yetifltirilen Cavendish ve Basrai muz klonlarının beslenmesi, muhafazası ve olgunlafltırılması üzerinde arafltırmalar. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. 1990. Adana.
  • FAO, 2012. FAO Statistical Database (
  • Boudhrioua N, Giampaoli P, Bonazzi C. 2003. Changes in aromatic components of banana during ripening and air-drying. Food Sci Technol, 36, 633–642.
  • Wick EL, Mccarthy AI, Myers M, Murray E, Nursten H, Issenberg P. 1966. Flavor and biochemistry of volatile banana components. Advances in Chemistry Series, 56, 241-250.
  • Tressl R, Drawert F. 1973. Biogenesis of banana volatiles. J Agric Food Chem 21, 560–565.
  • Selli S, Gubbuk H, Kafkas E, Gunes E. 2012. Comparison of aroma compounds in Dwarf Cavendish banana (Musa spp. AAA) grown from open-field and protected cultivation area. Sci Hortic, 141, 76-82.
  • Cano MP, Begona A, Cruz, MM, Montaria C, Guilermo R, Javier, T, 1997. Differences among Spanish and Latin-American banana cultivars: morphological, chemical and sensory characteristics. Food Chem, 59, 411-419.
  • Ough CS, Amerine MA, 1988. Methods for Analysis of musts and wines, John Wiley and Sons, USA, p: 377.
  • Happi Emaga T, Herinavalona AR, Wathelet B, Tchango J, Paquot M, 2007. Effects of the stage of maturation and varieties on the chemical composition of banana and plantain peels. Food Chem,103, 2, 590-600.
  • Sturm R. 2003. Increases in clinically severe obesity in the United States, 1986-2000. Arc Int Med, 163, 2146-2148.
  • Salmon B, Martin GJ, Remaud G, Fourel F. 1996. Compositional and isotopic studies of fruit flavours. Part I. The banana aroma. Flav Fragr J, 11, 353-359.
  • Oliveira L, Freire CSR, Silvestre, AJD, Cordeiro N. 2008. Lipophilic extracts from banana fruit residues: a source of valuable phytosterols. J Agric Food Chem, 56, 9520-9524.
  • Schneider R, Rauzungles A, Augier C, Baumes, R. 2001. Monoterpenic and norisoprenoid glycoconjugates of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Melon B. as precursors of odorants in Muscadet wines, J Chromatogr A, 936, 145-157.
  • Selli S, Bagatar B, Sen K, Kelebek H. 2011. Evaluation of aroma differences between free run and pressed grape juices from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir. Chem Biodiv, 8, 1776-1782.
  • Van Ruth SM, Roozen JP, Posthumus MA. 1995. Instrumental and sensory evaluation of the flavour of dried french beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) influenced by storage conditions. J Agric Food Chem, 69, 1909-1914.
  • Özdamar K. 1999. Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi, Kaan Kitabevi, Eskiflehir, 535. 18. Agunbiade SO, Olanlokun JO, Olaofe, OA. 2006. Quality of chips produced from rehydrated dehydrated plantain and banana. Pak J Nutr, 5, 471-473.
  • Hernandez Y, Gloria Lobo M, Gonzalez M. 2004. Determination of vitamin C in tropical fruits: A comparative evaluation of methods. Food Chem, 96, 454-464.
  • Vermeir S, Hertog TM, Vankerschaver K, Swennen R, Nicolay BM. 2009. Instrumental based flavour characterisation of banana fruit. Food Sci Technol, 1-7.
  • Sun J, Chu Y, Wu X, Liu R. 2002. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common fruits. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 7449-7454.
  • Luximon-Ramma A, Bahorun T, Crozier A. 2003. Antioxidant actions and phenolic and vitamin C contents of common Mauritian exotic fruits. J Sci Food Agric, 83, 496–502.
  • Budaud, C, Daribo, MO, Beaute MP, Telle N, Dubois, C. 2009. Relative importance of location and period of banana bunch growth in carbohydrate content and mineral composition of fruit. Fruits, 64, 63-74.
  • Prost C, Serot T, Demaimay M. 1998. Identification of the most potent odorants in wild and farmed cooked turbot (Scophtalamus maximus L.). J Agric Food Chem, 46: 3214-3219.
  • Villière A, Arvisenet G, Lethuaut L, Prost C, Sérot T. 2012. Selection of a representative extraction method for the analysis of odourant volatile composition of French cider by GC–MS–O and GC x GC–TOF-MS. Food Chem, 131, 1561–1568.
  • Rega B. Fournier N, Guichard E. 2003. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) of orange juice flavor: Odor representativeness by direct gas chromatography olfactometry. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 7092–7099.
  • Selli S, Kelebek H. 2011. Aromatic profile and odour-activity value of blood orange juices obtained from Moro and Sanguinello (Citrus sinensisL. Osbeck). Ind Crops Prod, 33, 727-733. 28. Jordan MJ, Goodner KL, Shaw PE, 2001. Volatile components in banana (Musa acuminata Colla cv. Cavendish) and yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulisSims F. Flavicarpa Degner) as determined by GS-MS and GS-Olfactometry. Proc Flo Sta Hort Soc, 114, 153-157.
  • Nogueira JMF, Fernande PJP, Nascimento AMD 2003. Composition of volatiles of banana cultivars from Madeira Island. Phytochem Anal, 14, 87-90.
  • Tressl R, Jennings WG. 1972. Production of volatile compounds in the ripening banana. J Agric Food Chem, 20, 189-192.
  • Ibanez E, Lopez-Sebastian S, Ramos E, Reglero G. 1998. Analysis of volatile fruits components by headspace solid-phase microextraction. Food Chem, 63, 281-286.
  • Mayr E, Saskina SM, Mark TD. 2003. Evaluation of the influence of mastication on temporal aroma release of ripe and unripe bananas, using a model mouth system and gas chromatography- olfactometry, Eur Food Res Technol, 217, 291-295. 33. Macku C, Jennings, WG. 1987. Production of volatiles by ripening bananas. J Agric Food Chem, 35, 845-848.
  • Perez, AG, Ana C., Jose JR, Jose MO. 1997. Free and glycosidically bound volatile compounds from two banana cultivars: Valery and Pequena Enana. J Agric Food Chem, 45, 4393-4397.
  • Fan G, Xu X, Qian Y, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Li L, Pan S. 2009. Volatiles of orange Juice and orange wines using spontaneous and inoculated fermentations. Eur Food Res Technol, 228, 849-856.

Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2012, Volume: 37 Issue: 6, 325 - 332, 01.12.2012


Bu çalışmada, Grand Nain (Musa acuminata) muzunun aroma ve bazı fizikokimyasal özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Denemelerde muz örneği olarak, ticari renk skalasının 5. sınıf olgunluk aşamasındaki muzlar kullanılmıştır. Aroma maddelerinin ekstraksiyonunda diklorometan çözgeniyle sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyon yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aroma maddelerinin miktarlarının belirlenmesinde gaz kromatografisi (GC), tanımlamalarında ise GC-kütle spektrometresi (MS) kullanılmıştır. Muz örneğinde toplam 49 adet aroma maddesi belirlenmiştir ve bu bileşiklerin miktarı 42082 µg/kg’dır. Aroma maddelerinin önemli bir kısmını esterler oluşturmuş, bunu alkoller izlemiştir. Muzda şekerlerin analizlerinde yüksek basınçlı sıvı kromatografisi (HPLC) kullanılmıştır. Sakkaroz en baskın şeker olup, bunu sırasıyla glikoz ve früktoz izlemiştir.


  • Gübbük H, Pekmezci M, Selli S, Erkan M, Kafkas E, Pınar H, Güven, DY, Günefl E. 2010. Değiflik lokasyonlarda açıkta ve örtüaltında yetifltirilen ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ muz çeflidinde verim, bazı kalite kriterleri ve aroma maddeleri ile meyvelerin derim sonrası özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerinde arafltırmalar, TÜBİTAK, Proje No: 107O156, Ankara.
  • Gübbük H. 1990. Cam serada yetifltirilen Cavendish ve Basrai muz klonlarının beslenmesi, muhafazası ve olgunlafltırılması üzerinde arafltırmalar. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi. 1990. Adana.
  • FAO, 2012. FAO Statistical Database (
  • Boudhrioua N, Giampaoli P, Bonazzi C. 2003. Changes in aromatic components of banana during ripening and air-drying. Food Sci Technol, 36, 633–642.
  • Wick EL, Mccarthy AI, Myers M, Murray E, Nursten H, Issenberg P. 1966. Flavor and biochemistry of volatile banana components. Advances in Chemistry Series, 56, 241-250.
  • Tressl R, Drawert F. 1973. Biogenesis of banana volatiles. J Agric Food Chem 21, 560–565.
  • Selli S, Gubbuk H, Kafkas E, Gunes E. 2012. Comparison of aroma compounds in Dwarf Cavendish banana (Musa spp. AAA) grown from open-field and protected cultivation area. Sci Hortic, 141, 76-82.
  • Cano MP, Begona A, Cruz, MM, Montaria C, Guilermo R, Javier, T, 1997. Differences among Spanish and Latin-American banana cultivars: morphological, chemical and sensory characteristics. Food Chem, 59, 411-419.
  • Ough CS, Amerine MA, 1988. Methods for Analysis of musts and wines, John Wiley and Sons, USA, p: 377.
  • Happi Emaga T, Herinavalona AR, Wathelet B, Tchango J, Paquot M, 2007. Effects of the stage of maturation and varieties on the chemical composition of banana and plantain peels. Food Chem,103, 2, 590-600.
  • Sturm R. 2003. Increases in clinically severe obesity in the United States, 1986-2000. Arc Int Med, 163, 2146-2148.
  • Salmon B, Martin GJ, Remaud G, Fourel F. 1996. Compositional and isotopic studies of fruit flavours. Part I. The banana aroma. Flav Fragr J, 11, 353-359.
  • Oliveira L, Freire CSR, Silvestre, AJD, Cordeiro N. 2008. Lipophilic extracts from banana fruit residues: a source of valuable phytosterols. J Agric Food Chem, 56, 9520-9524.
  • Schneider R, Rauzungles A, Augier C, Baumes, R. 2001. Monoterpenic and norisoprenoid glycoconjugates of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Melon B. as precursors of odorants in Muscadet wines, J Chromatogr A, 936, 145-157.
  • Selli S, Bagatar B, Sen K, Kelebek H. 2011. Evaluation of aroma differences between free run and pressed grape juices from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir. Chem Biodiv, 8, 1776-1782.
  • Van Ruth SM, Roozen JP, Posthumus MA. 1995. Instrumental and sensory evaluation of the flavour of dried french beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) influenced by storage conditions. J Agric Food Chem, 69, 1909-1914.
  • Özdamar K. 1999. Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi, Kaan Kitabevi, Eskiflehir, 535. 18. Agunbiade SO, Olanlokun JO, Olaofe, OA. 2006. Quality of chips produced from rehydrated dehydrated plantain and banana. Pak J Nutr, 5, 471-473.
  • Hernandez Y, Gloria Lobo M, Gonzalez M. 2004. Determination of vitamin C in tropical fruits: A comparative evaluation of methods. Food Chem, 96, 454-464.
  • Vermeir S, Hertog TM, Vankerschaver K, Swennen R, Nicolay BM. 2009. Instrumental based flavour characterisation of banana fruit. Food Sci Technol, 1-7.
  • Sun J, Chu Y, Wu X, Liu R. 2002. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common fruits. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 7449-7454.
  • Luximon-Ramma A, Bahorun T, Crozier A. 2003. Antioxidant actions and phenolic and vitamin C contents of common Mauritian exotic fruits. J Sci Food Agric, 83, 496–502.
  • Budaud, C, Daribo, MO, Beaute MP, Telle N, Dubois, C. 2009. Relative importance of location and period of banana bunch growth in carbohydrate content and mineral composition of fruit. Fruits, 64, 63-74.
  • Prost C, Serot T, Demaimay M. 1998. Identification of the most potent odorants in wild and farmed cooked turbot (Scophtalamus maximus L.). J Agric Food Chem, 46: 3214-3219.
  • Villière A, Arvisenet G, Lethuaut L, Prost C, Sérot T. 2012. Selection of a representative extraction method for the analysis of odourant volatile composition of French cider by GC–MS–O and GC x GC–TOF-MS. Food Chem, 131, 1561–1568.
  • Rega B. Fournier N, Guichard E. 2003. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) of orange juice flavor: Odor representativeness by direct gas chromatography olfactometry. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 7092–7099.
  • Selli S, Kelebek H. 2011. Aromatic profile and odour-activity value of blood orange juices obtained from Moro and Sanguinello (Citrus sinensisL. Osbeck). Ind Crops Prod, 33, 727-733. 28. Jordan MJ, Goodner KL, Shaw PE, 2001. Volatile components in banana (Musa acuminata Colla cv. Cavendish) and yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulisSims F. Flavicarpa Degner) as determined by GS-MS and GS-Olfactometry. Proc Flo Sta Hort Soc, 114, 153-157.
  • Nogueira JMF, Fernande PJP, Nascimento AMD 2003. Composition of volatiles of banana cultivars from Madeira Island. Phytochem Anal, 14, 87-90.
  • Tressl R, Jennings WG. 1972. Production of volatile compounds in the ripening banana. J Agric Food Chem, 20, 189-192.
  • Ibanez E, Lopez-Sebastian S, Ramos E, Reglero G. 1998. Analysis of volatile fruits components by headspace solid-phase microextraction. Food Chem, 63, 281-286.
  • Mayr E, Saskina SM, Mark TD. 2003. Evaluation of the influence of mastication on temporal aroma release of ripe and unripe bananas, using a model mouth system and gas chromatography- olfactometry, Eur Food Res Technol, 217, 291-295. 33. Macku C, Jennings, WG. 1987. Production of volatiles by ripening bananas. J Agric Food Chem, 35, 845-848.
  • Perez, AG, Ana C., Jose JR, Jose MO. 1997. Free and glycosidically bound volatile compounds from two banana cultivars: Valery and Pequena Enana. J Agric Food Chem, 45, 4393-4397.
  • Fan G, Xu X, Qian Y, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Li L, Pan S. 2009. Volatiles of orange Juice and orange wines using spontaneous and inoculated fermentations. Eur Food Res Technol, 228, 849-856.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

  Salih Sönmezdağ This is me

Haşim Kelebek This is me

Serkan Selli This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 37 Issue: 6


APA Sönmezdağ, ..S.., Kelebek, H. ., & Selli, S. . (2012). Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda, 37(6), 325-332.
AMA Sönmezdağ S, Kelebek H, Selli S. Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. December 2012;37(6):325-332.
Chicago Sönmezdağ, Salih, Haşim Kelebek, and Serkan Selli. “Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma Ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gıda 37, no. 6 (December 2012): 325-32.
EndNote Sönmezdağ S, Kelebek H, Selli S (December 1, 2012) Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Gıda 37 6 325–332.
IEEE  . . S. . Sönmezdağ, H. . Kelebek, and S. . Selli, “Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”, The Journal of Food, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 325–332, 2012.
ISNAD Sönmezdağ, Salih et al. “Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma Ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gıda 37/6 (December 2012), 325-332.
JAMA Sönmezdağ S, Kelebek H, Selli S. Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. 2012;37:325–332.
MLA Sönmezdağ, Salih et al. “Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma Ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Gıda, vol. 37, no. 6, 2012, pp. 325-32.
Vancouver Sönmezdağ S, Kelebek H, Selli S. Grand Nain (Musa Acuminata) Muzunun Aroma ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. The Journal of Food. 2012;37(6):325-32.


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