In the present study a total of 100 samples (50 local products and 50 imported products) of food formulas for infants were examined for a total living bacterial count (E. coli, S. aureus, Salmonella molds and yeasts). Sample of formulas in their original package were collected. It was found that 12% of samples of local products contained germs more than 1 . 104, where as the number of the same bacterial population in imported formulas did not exceed 104 which is accepted as a limit value in our Regulations for Food products. An adequate and balanced diet constitutes the basis for a healthy life and should be taken into consideration for the nutrition at different stages of living. It is certain that the only and most useful food for an infant is breast milk. However changes in conditions of living made formulas and additives for infants necessary also in our country.
Piyasada tüketime sunulan bebek mamalarından 100 adet numune (50 yerli, 50 ithal) incelenmek üzere orijinal ambalajlarında toplandı. Mikrobiyolojik analiz sonuçlarına göre; yerli numunelerin %12’si 104’ün üzerinde total jerme sahipken, ithal mama numunelerinin hiçbiri aynı bakteri grubu yönünden Gıda Maddeleri Tüzüğü’müzde sınır değer olan 104’ü aşmamıştır. Yine, yerli numunelerin %16’sı, %2’si E. coli yönünden pozitif çıkarken, Salmonella ve Maya yönünden negatif bulunmuşlardır. İthal mamalar ise, sayılan bütün bu mikroorganizmalar itibarı ile temiz çıkmışlardır.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 1, 1994 |
Published in Issue | Year 1994 Volume: 19 Issue: 6 |