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Probiotics and Allergy (Turkish with English Abstract)

Year 2005, Volume: 30 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.02.2005


“Probiotic” is defined as live microorganisms which promote health in addition to effects of traditional nutrition when used adequately. One of the mentioned effects of probiotics is to stimulate mucosal immunity by effecting gut metabolism. Several recent studies have suggested a role for gut-colonising bacteria in preventing and treating manifestations of food allergy and atopic disease, including atopic eczema, asthma and other allergies. It is also mentioned that probiotics have beneficial effects on allergic reactions by improving mucosal barrier function and moreover probiotic consumption by children can effect the improvement of immunity system. Probiotics such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium  bifidum are used in treatment of food allergies associated with milk protein. For instance it is suggested that Lactobacillus rhamnosus can effect probably by breaking proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. It is also determined that adding this bacteria to the diets of children, alleviates the symptoms of atopicdermatit. Probiotic consumption by new-born infants can also prevent them from allergies that can occur during childhood. The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased, particularly in recent years so that the number of research is increasing. In Western societies probiotics are used in powder, gel or capsule forms in the treatment of allergic diseases.


  • Akarid K, Antoine JM, Auboiron S, Sicard RB, BraescoV, Freitas M, Meance S, Neant F. Moulay L. 2002. The three lines ot defense in human intestine. Effect of probiotics on body's natural detences. Danone Nutritopics No:25, France.
  • Angelov A. 2003. Eczema. Exclusive New Probiotics Magazine.
  • Anonymous 1999. ScientificConcepts of Functional Foods in Europe Consensus Document. British Journal oi Nutrition 81 : 1-27.
  • Anonymous 2003. Probiotios-Friendly Bacteria with a Host of Benefits.
  • Apostolou E, Peito L, Kirjavainen PV, Isolauri E. Salminen SJ, Gibson GR. 2001. Differences in the gut bacterial flora of he- althy and milk-hypersensitive adults, as measured by fluorescence in situ hybridization. FEMS Immunology and Me- dical Microbiology Voi. 30, issue 3: 217-221.
  • Dönmez F. 1981. Süt ve Süt Mamüllerlnden Meydana Gelen Zehirlenmeler ve Allerjiler (Lisans Semineri). E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Ziraat Teknolojisi Bölümü.
  • Dugas B, Mercenier A, Lenoir-Wijnkoop J, Arnaud C, Dugas N, Postaire E. 1999. Immunity and probiotics. Immunology Today Vol. 20, Issue 9: 387-90.
  • Famularo G, Simone CD. 1998. Oral bacteriotheırapy. Immunology Today Vol. 19, Issue 10: 486-487.
  • Gil A, Rueda Fl. 2002. lnteraction of early diet and the development of the immune system. Nutrition Research Reviews 15 (2): ass-92.
  • He F, Ouwehand AC, isoiauri E. Hashimoto H. Benno Y. Salminen S. 2001. Comparison ol mucosal adhesion and species identification of bifidobacteria isolated from healthy and allergic infants. FEMS lmmunology and Medical Microbiology Vol. 30. Issue 1 243—47.
  • ISGNAS. 2004.httpzllwww.isgnas.orgldocslintest_ immune_syst.html
  • Kalantzopouios G. 1997. Fermented Products with Probiotics Qualities. Anaerobe Vol. 3, No: 213 April I June: 185-190.
  • Kalliomaki M, Salminen S, Arvilommi H, Kera P. Koskinen P, Isoiauri E. 2001. Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2001 Apr 7 ;357:1076-9.
  • GIDA YIL: 30 SAY] : [ OCAK-ŞUBAT 2005
  • Kankaapââ PE, Yang B, Katlio HP, Isolauri E. Salminen SJ. 2002. influence of probiotic supplemented infant formula on com- position of plasma lipids in atopic infants. Journai ol Nutritional Biochemistry 13: 364-369.
  • Kirjavainen PV, Apostolou E. Arvola T, Salminen SJ, Gibson GFI, Isolauri E. 2001. Characterizing the composition o fıntes- tinal microflora as a prospective treatment target in infant allergic disease. FEMS Immulogy and Medical Mic- robiology Vol. 32, less 1: 1-7.
  • Kopp-Hoolihan L. 2001 . Prophylactic and Therapeutic Uses of Probiotics. Journal of American Dietetics Association, Vol.101, issue 2 : 229-241.
  • Kurmann JA. 1982. The Development and Significance of New Cultures With Biiidobacteria as an Example Institut Agricole Grangeneuve, 1725 Poseieux, Switzerland, Nort European Dairy Journal No: 3f38: 65-74.
  • Maciarlane G, Cummings J. 1999. Effect of probiotics on intestinal immunity. British Medical Journal 318: 999—1003.
  • Marteau P. Seksik P, Jian Fl. 2002.Probiotics and health: new facts and ideas. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13:486489.
  • Mattila-Sandhoim T, Blum S, Collins JK, Crittenden H, Vos W, Dunne C, Fonden Fl, Grenov G, Isolauri E, Kiely B, Mar- teau P, Morelli L, Ouwehand A. Fieniero R, Saarela M, Salminen S, Saxelin M, Schilfrin E, Shanahan F, Vaughan E, Wright A. 1999, Probiotics: towards demonstrating efficacy. Trends in Food Science & Technology Vol. 10, issue 12: 393-399.
  • Mirkin G. 2002. Probiotics Help Prevent Eczema. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology Feb. Vol 109, No:1 : 119-121.
  • Mombelli B, Gismondo MR. 2000. The use of probiotics in medical practice. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Vol. 16, Issue 4: 531-536.
  • Murch SH. 2001. Toll of allergy reduced by probiotics. The Lancet Vol. 357, issue 9262: 1057-1059.
  • Pardigon G, Alvarez S, Rachid M, Agüera G, Gobbata N. 1995. Immune System Stimulation by Probiotics. Symposium: Probiotic Bacteria For Humans: Clinical Systems For Evaluation of Effectiveness. J. Dairy Sci. 78 : 1597—1606.
  • Pelto L, Laitinen I, Lilius E. 1999. Current perspectives on milk hypersensitivity. Trends and Food Science & Technology Vol. 10, Issue 6-7: 229-233.
  • Ftautava S, Kalliomâki M, isoiauri E. 2002. Probiolics during pregnancy and breast-feeding might confer immunomodulatory protection against atopic disease in the infant. Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology Vol. 109, Issue 1: 119-121.
  • Roberfroid MB .1999. Fuctional Foods. Danone World Newsletter No:18.
  • Rosenfeldt V, Benieldt E, Nielsen SD, Michaelsen KF, Jeppesen DL, Valerius NH. Paerragaard A. 2003. Effect of probiotic Lactobacillus strains in chidren with atopic dermatitis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Vol. 111, Issue 2: 390—395.
  • Saarela M, Lâhteenmâki L, Crittenden Fl, Salminen S, Mattila-Sandhoim T. 2002. Gut bacteria and health foods- the European perspective. International Journal of Food Microbiology Vol. 78, Issue 1-2: 99-117.
  • Salminen S, Ouwehand AC, lsulauri E. 1998. Clinical Applications of Probiotic Bacteria. International Dairy Journal Vol. 8, issue 5-6:563-572.
  • Wold AE. 2001. Immune effects of probiotics. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition Vol. 45: 76-85.
  • Wolfson D. 1999. A Probiotics Primer, Nutrition Science News, June.

Probiyotikler ve Alerji

Year 2005, Volume: 30 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.02.2005


Probiyotikler, yeterli miktarlarda alındığında geleneksel beslenme etkilerinin ötesinde  sağlık üzerinde olumlu etki gösteren canlı mikroorganizmalar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Probiyotiklerin söz konusu olumlu etkilerinden biri bağırsak metabolizmasına etki ederek mukozal bağışıklığı uyarmasıdır. Son zamanlarda yapılan birçok çalışmada atopik egzema, astım ve diğer alerjileri kapsayan atopik hastalıklar ile gıda allerjilerinin belirtilerinin tedavisinde ve bunlardan korunmada bağırsaklarda kolonize olan bakterilerin rollerinden bahsedilmektedir. Probiyotiklerin mukozal bariyer fonksiyonunu geliştirerek allerjik reaksiyon üzerinde  yararlı etki gösterdiği ve bunun yanında küçük çocuklar tarafından probiyotik tüketiminin bağışıklık sisteminin gelişimini olumlu yönde etkileyebildiği bildirilmektedir. Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus ve Bifidobacterium bifidum gibi probiyotikler süt proteininin neden olabileceği gıda allerjilerinin tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Örneğin Lactobacillus rhamnosus ’un muhtemelen bu proteinleri daha küçük peptidlere ve amino asitlere  parçalamak suretiyle etki ettiği belirlenmiştir. Söz konusu bakterinin diyetlerine ilave edilen  çocuklarda atopik dermatit belirtilerini azalttığı da  tespit edilmiştir. Yeni doğan bebeklerde probiyotik kullanımı onları çocukluk döneminde oluşabilecek alerjilerden koruyabilmektedir. Özellikle son yıllarda alerjik hastalıkların sık görülmesi sonucu konu ile ilgili çalışmalar artmakta ve Batılı toplumlarda bu hastalıkların tedavisinde  toz, jel veya kapsül formunda probiyotikler kullanılmaktadır. 


  • Akarid K, Antoine JM, Auboiron S, Sicard RB, BraescoV, Freitas M, Meance S, Neant F. Moulay L. 2002. The three lines ot defense in human intestine. Effect of probiotics on body's natural detences. Danone Nutritopics No:25, France.
  • Angelov A. 2003. Eczema. Exclusive New Probiotics Magazine.
  • Anonymous 1999. ScientificConcepts of Functional Foods in Europe Consensus Document. British Journal oi Nutrition 81 : 1-27.
  • Anonymous 2003. Probiotios-Friendly Bacteria with a Host of Benefits.
  • Apostolou E, Peito L, Kirjavainen PV, Isolauri E. Salminen SJ, Gibson GR. 2001. Differences in the gut bacterial flora of he- althy and milk-hypersensitive adults, as measured by fluorescence in situ hybridization. FEMS Immunology and Me- dical Microbiology Voi. 30, issue 3: 217-221.
  • Dönmez F. 1981. Süt ve Süt Mamüllerlnden Meydana Gelen Zehirlenmeler ve Allerjiler (Lisans Semineri). E.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Ziraat Teknolojisi Bölümü.
  • Dugas B, Mercenier A, Lenoir-Wijnkoop J, Arnaud C, Dugas N, Postaire E. 1999. Immunity and probiotics. Immunology Today Vol. 20, Issue 9: 387-90.
  • Famularo G, Simone CD. 1998. Oral bacteriotheırapy. Immunology Today Vol. 19, Issue 10: 486-487.
  • Gil A, Rueda Fl. 2002. lnteraction of early diet and the development of the immune system. Nutrition Research Reviews 15 (2): ass-92.
  • He F, Ouwehand AC, isoiauri E. Hashimoto H. Benno Y. Salminen S. 2001. Comparison ol mucosal adhesion and species identification of bifidobacteria isolated from healthy and allergic infants. FEMS lmmunology and Medical Microbiology Vol. 30. Issue 1 243—47.
  • ISGNAS. 2004.httpzllwww.isgnas.orgldocslintest_ immune_syst.html
  • Kalantzopouios G. 1997. Fermented Products with Probiotics Qualities. Anaerobe Vol. 3, No: 213 April I June: 185-190.
  • Kalliomaki M, Salminen S, Arvilommi H, Kera P. Koskinen P, Isoiauri E. 2001. Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2001 Apr 7 ;357:1076-9.
  • GIDA YIL: 30 SAY] : [ OCAK-ŞUBAT 2005
  • Kankaapââ PE, Yang B, Katlio HP, Isolauri E. Salminen SJ. 2002. influence of probiotic supplemented infant formula on com- position of plasma lipids in atopic infants. Journai ol Nutritional Biochemistry 13: 364-369.
  • Kirjavainen PV, Apostolou E. Arvola T, Salminen SJ, Gibson GFI, Isolauri E. 2001. Characterizing the composition o fıntes- tinal microflora as a prospective treatment target in infant allergic disease. FEMS Immulogy and Medical Mic- robiology Vol. 32, less 1: 1-7.
  • Kopp-Hoolihan L. 2001 . Prophylactic and Therapeutic Uses of Probiotics. Journal of American Dietetics Association, Vol.101, issue 2 : 229-241.
  • Kurmann JA. 1982. The Development and Significance of New Cultures With Biiidobacteria as an Example Institut Agricole Grangeneuve, 1725 Poseieux, Switzerland, Nort European Dairy Journal No: 3f38: 65-74.
  • Maciarlane G, Cummings J. 1999. Effect of probiotics on intestinal immunity. British Medical Journal 318: 999—1003.
  • Marteau P. Seksik P, Jian Fl. 2002.Probiotics and health: new facts and ideas. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 13:486489.
  • Mattila-Sandhoim T, Blum S, Collins JK, Crittenden H, Vos W, Dunne C, Fonden Fl, Grenov G, Isolauri E, Kiely B, Mar- teau P, Morelli L, Ouwehand A. Fieniero R, Saarela M, Salminen S, Saxelin M, Schilfrin E, Shanahan F, Vaughan E, Wright A. 1999, Probiotics: towards demonstrating efficacy. Trends in Food Science & Technology Vol. 10, issue 12: 393-399.
  • Mirkin G. 2002. Probiotics Help Prevent Eczema. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology Feb. Vol 109, No:1 : 119-121.
  • Mombelli B, Gismondo MR. 2000. The use of probiotics in medical practice. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. Vol. 16, Issue 4: 531-536.
  • Murch SH. 2001. Toll of allergy reduced by probiotics. The Lancet Vol. 357, issue 9262: 1057-1059.
  • Pardigon G, Alvarez S, Rachid M, Agüera G, Gobbata N. 1995. Immune System Stimulation by Probiotics. Symposium: Probiotic Bacteria For Humans: Clinical Systems For Evaluation of Effectiveness. J. Dairy Sci. 78 : 1597—1606.
  • Pelto L, Laitinen I, Lilius E. 1999. Current perspectives on milk hypersensitivity. Trends and Food Science & Technology Vol. 10, Issue 6-7: 229-233.
  • Ftautava S, Kalliomâki M, isoiauri E. 2002. Probiolics during pregnancy and breast-feeding might confer immunomodulatory protection against atopic disease in the infant. Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology Vol. 109, Issue 1: 119-121.
  • Roberfroid MB .1999. Fuctional Foods. Danone World Newsletter No:18.
  • Rosenfeldt V, Benieldt E, Nielsen SD, Michaelsen KF, Jeppesen DL, Valerius NH. Paerragaard A. 2003. Effect of probiotic Lactobacillus strains in chidren with atopic dermatitis. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Vol. 111, Issue 2: 390—395.
  • Saarela M, Lâhteenmâki L, Crittenden Fl, Salminen S, Mattila-Sandhoim T. 2002. Gut bacteria and health foods- the European perspective. International Journal of Food Microbiology Vol. 78, Issue 1-2: 99-117.
  • Salminen S, Ouwehand AC, lsulauri E. 1998. Clinical Applications of Probiotic Bacteria. International Dairy Journal Vol. 8, issue 5-6:563-572.
  • Wold AE. 2001. Immune effects of probiotics. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition Vol. 45: 76-85.
  • Wolfson D. 1999. A Probiotics Primer, Nutrition Science News, June.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A.sibel Akalın This is me

  Gülfem Ünal This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 30 Issue: 1


APA Akalın, A. ., & Ünal, .G. (2005). Probiyotikler ve Alerji. Gıda, 30(1), 43-48.
AMA Akalın A, Ünal G. Probiyotikler ve Alerji. The Journal of Food. February 2005;30(1):43-48.
Chicago Akalın, A.sibel, and  GülfemÜnal. “Probiyotikler Ve Alerji”. Gıda 30, no. 1 (February 2005): 43-48.
EndNote Akalın A, Ünal G (February 1, 2005) Probiyotikler ve Alerji. Gıda 30 1 43–48.
IEEE A. . Akalın and  . G. . Ünal, “Probiyotikler ve Alerji”, The Journal of Food, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 43–48, 2005.
ISNAD Akalın, A.sibel - Ünal, Gülfem. “Probiyotikler Ve Alerji”. Gıda 30/1 (February 2005), 43-48.
JAMA Akalın A, Ünal G. Probiyotikler ve Alerji. The Journal of Food. 2005;30:43–48.
MLA Akalın, A.sibel and  GülfemÜnal. “Probiyotikler Ve Alerji”. Gıda, vol. 30, no. 1, 2005, pp. 43-48.
Vancouver Akalın A, Ünal G. Probiyotikler ve Alerji. The Journal of Food. 2005;30(1):43-8.


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