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Year 2022, Volume: 47 Issue: 5, 846 - 859, 30.10.2022


Bu çalışmada, tuzun ve fosfatın miyofibriler proteinlerin fonksiyonel özellikleri üzerindeki etkisinin pH 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 değerlerinde araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Emülsiyon aktivite indeksi (EAI), emülsiyon stabilite indeksi (ESI), köpük kapasitesi (FC), köpük stabilitesi (FS), su absorpsiyon kapasitesi (WAC) ve yağ tutma kapasitesi (FAC) incelenmiştir. pH 10'da tuz ve fosfat kullanımıyla, en yüksek EAI değeri (8,51 m²/g protein) elde edilmiştir. pH 8'de, tuz kullanımıyla en yüksek ESI sonucu (230,8 dakika) belirlenmiş; tuz ve fosfat ilavesinin, proteinlerin emülsifiye edici özelliklerini önemli ölçüde iyileştirdiği (p<0.05) tespit edilmiştir. Fosfat ilavesiyle, pH 6 ve pH 8'de en yüksek WAC değeri (1,9 mL su/g protein) elde edilmiştir. En yüksek FAC değeri (8.3 mL yağ/g protein) pH 6'da fosfat ilavesiyle elde edilmiştir. Köpürme özelliklerine bakıldığında, en yüksek FC değeri pH 10'da (%90) elde edilmiştir. Fosfat ve tuz kombinasyonunda, pH 4'te, en yüksek FS sonucu %100 olarak belirlenmiştir.

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Project Number



  • Amiri, A., Sharifian, P., Soltanizadeh, N. (2018). Application of ultrasound treatment for improving the physicochemical, functional and rheological properties of myofibrillar proteins. Int J Bio Macromol, 111: 139–147.
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Year 2022, Volume: 47 Issue: 5, 846 - 859, 30.10.2022


This study aimed to investigate the effect of salt and phosphate on the functional properties of myofibrillar proteins (MPs) at pH 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The highest emulsion activity index (EAI) value (8.51 m²/g protein) was obtained with the use of NaCl, and phosphate at pH 10. The highest emulsion stability index (ESI) result was determined (230.8 minutes) with the use of salt at pH 8. The addition of salt and phosphate significantly (p<0.05) improved the emulsifying properties of proteins. Considering the water absorption capacity (WAC), the highest value was obtained as 1.9 mL water/g protein at pH 6 and pH 8. The highest fat absorption capacity (FAC) value of 8.3 mL fat/g protein was found with the addition of phosphate at pH 6. The highest foam capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) were obtained at pH 10 and 4, respectively.

Project Number



  • Amiri, A., Sharifian, P., Soltanizadeh, N. (2018). Application of ultrasound treatment for improving the physicochemical, functional and rheological properties of myofibrillar proteins. Int J Bio Macromol, 111: 139–147.
  • Ashie, I.N.A., Sorensen, T.L., Nielsen, P.M. (2002). Effects of papain and a microbial enzyme on meat proteins and beef tenderness. J Food Sci, 67, 6.
  • Barbut, S. (1995). Importance of fat emusification and protein matrix characteristics in meat batter stability. J Muscle Foods, 6:161.
  • Barbut, S., Mittal, G.S. (1988). Rheological and gelation properties of meat batters prepared with three chloride salts. J Food Sci, 53:1296.
  • Bendall, J.R. (1954). The swelling effect of polyphosphates on lean meat. J Sci Food Agric 5:468.
  • Bertram, H. C., Kristensen, M., Andersen, H.J. (2004). Functionality of myofibrillar proteins as affected by pH, ionic strength and heat treatment – a low-field NMR study. Meat Sci 68: 249–256.
  • Billeter, R., Heizmann, C. W., Reist, U., Howald, H., Jenny, E. (1982). Two-dimensional peptide analyses of myosin heavy chains and actin from single-typed human skeletal muscle fibers. FEBS Lett, 139, 45.
  • Cabra, V., Arreguin, R., Farres, A. (2008). Emulsifying properties of proteins. Bol Soc Quím Méx, 2(2): 80-89.
  • Chan JT, Omana DA, Betti M. (2011). Functional and rheological properties of proteins in frozen turkey breast meat with different ultimate pH. Poult Sci 90(5): 1112-23. doi: 10.3382/ps.2010-01185.
  • Chang, H.J., Xu, X.L., Zhou, G.H., Li, C.B., Huang, M. (2012). Effects of characteristics changes of collagen onmeat physicochemical properties of beef semitendinosus muscle during ultrasonic processing, J Food Bioproc Technol 5: 285–297.
  • Chen, X., Li, Y., Zhou, R., Liu, D., Xu, X. (2017). Water-soluble myofibrillar proteins prepared by high-pressure homogenisation: a comparison study on the composition and functionality. Int J Food Sci Tech
  • Cheng, Q., Sun, D.W. (2008). Factors affecting the water holding capacity of red meat products: a review of recent research advances. Crit Rev Food Sci 48: 137–159.
  • Cheng, J., Zhu, M., Liu, X. (2020). Insight into the conformational and functional properties of myofibrillar protein modified by mulberry polyphenols. Food Chem, 308: 125592.
  • Choi, Y.M., Jung, K.C., Jo, H.M., Nam, K.W., Choe, J.H., Rhee, M.S., Kim, B.C. (2014). Combined effects of potassium lactate and calcium ascorbate as sodium chloride substitutes on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of low-sodium frankfurter sausage. Meat Sci, 96: 21-25.
  • Clarke, F. M., Lovell, S. J., Masters, C. J., Winzor, D. J. (1976). Beef muscle troponin: Evidence for multiple forms of troponin-T, Biochim. Biophys Acta, 427: 617.
  • Colmenero, F.J., Borderias, A.J. (1983). A study of the effects of frozen storage on certain functional properties of meat and fish protein. Int J Food Sci Technol 18: 731-737. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2621.1983.tb00311.x
  • Damodaran, S. (1996). Amino acids, peptides, and proteins. In: Food Chemistry, Fennema, R. O. (Ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, USA. pp. 321–430.
  • Dhoot, G. K., Freason, N., Perry, S. V. (1979). Polymorphic forms of troponin T and troponin C and their localization in striated muscle cell types. Exp Cell Res 122: 339.
  • Dutson, T. R., Pearson, A. M., Merkel, R. A. (1974). Ultrastructural postmortem changes in normal and low-quality porcine muscle fibers. J Food Sci 39: 32.
  • Elizalde, B.E., Kanterewicz, R.J., Pilosof, A.M.R., Bartholomai G.B. (1988). Physicochemical properties of food proteins related to their ability to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions. J Food Sci 53(3): 845.
  • FAO (2006). World agriculture: Towards 2030/2050. Interim Report.Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation.
  • Fernández-Martín F, Cofrades S, Carballo J, Jiménez-Colmenero F. (2002). Salt and phosphate effects on the gelling process of pressure/heat treated pork batters. Meat Sci 61(1): 15-23. doi: 10.1016/s0309-1740(01)00157-7.
  • Fligner, L., Mangino, E. (1991). Relationship of Composition to Protein Functionality. ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC. Journal Article Number 43-90.
  • Forrest, J.C., Aberle, E.D., Hedrick, H.B., Merkel, R.A. (2001). Principle of Meat Science, 4th edition Kendall Hunt Pub Co, UK.
  • Fukazawa, T., Hashimoto, Y., Yasui, T. (1961). Effect of some proteins on the binding quality of an experimental sausage. J Food Sci 26:541.
  • Galluzzo, S.J., Regenstein, J.M. (1978). Role of chicken breast muscle proteins in meat emulsion formation: myosin, actin and synthetic actomyosin. J Food Sci 43: 1761.
  • Gauthier, G. F., Lowey, S. (1977). Polymorphism of myosin among skeletal muscle fiber types. J Cell Biol 74, 760, 1977.
  • Greaser, M. L., Gergely, J. (1971). Reconstitution of troponin activity from three protein components. J Biol Chem 246: 4226.
  • Hamm. (1986). Functional properties of the myofibrillar system and their measurements. In: Bechtel P. J., editor. Muscle as food. Academic Press, Inc; New York: pp. 135–199.
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There are 100 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Armin Bjelak This is me 0000-0003-0869-3393

Yusuf Sürmeli 0000-0002-9645-6314

Banu Sezer This is me 0000-0002-0743-3453

Murat Velioglu 0000-0002-8275-6965

Prof.dr İsmail Boyacı 0000-0003-1333-060X

Project Number TÜBİTAK 217O088
Publication Date October 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 47 Issue: 5


APA Bjelak, A., Sürmeli, Y., Sezer, B., Velioglu, M., et al. (2022). INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS. Gıda, 47(5), 846-859. https://doi.org/10.15237/gida.GD22078
AMA Bjelak A, Sürmeli Y, Sezer B, Velioglu M, Boyacı Pİ. INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS. The Journal of Food. October 2022;47(5):846-859. doi:10.15237/gida.GD22078
Chicago Bjelak, Armin, Yusuf Sürmeli, Banu Sezer, Murat Velioglu, and Prof.dr İsmail Boyacı. “INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS”. Gıda 47, no. 5 (October 2022): 846-59. https://doi.org/10.15237/gida.GD22078.
IEEE A. Bjelak, Y. Sürmeli, B. Sezer, M. Velioglu, and P. İ. Boyacı, “INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS”, The Journal of Food, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 846–859, 2022, doi: 10.15237/gida.GD22078.
ISNAD Bjelak, Armin et al. “INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS”. Gıda 47/5 (October 2022), 846-859. https://doi.org/10.15237/gida.GD22078.
MLA Bjelak, Armin et al. “INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF SALT, PHOSPHATE AND PH ON FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEEF MYOFIBRILLAR PROTEINS”. Gıda, vol. 47, no. 5, 2022, pp. 846-59, doi:10.15237/gida.GD22078.


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