Bu çalışmada, Marmara ikliminde killi-tın toprak bünyesinde yetiştirilen kavunda, farklı sulama uygulamalarının fiziksel ve ekonomik su kullanım etkinliği ile birim alanda ve birim sulama suyundaki net gelire etkisini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Tarla denemesi, 2012 yılında Bursa ilinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırma, tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde üç tekrarlamalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneme konularını, fide döneminden hasada kadar olan dönemde hesaplanan bitki su tüketimi (ETc) miktarına göre farklı sulama suyu düzeyleri (S1: %125 ETc, S2: %100 ETc, S3: %75 ETc, S4:%50 ETc ve S5: %25 ETc) ile çiçeklenme, verim oluşumu ve olgunlaşma dönemlerinin başlangıcına kadar %100 ETc bu dönemlerden sonra %50 ETc (sırasıyla S6, S7 ve S8) düzeyinde sulama suyu uygulanması oluşturmuştur. Optimum koşullara göre, meyve olgunlaşma döneminin başlangıcına kadar %100 ETc, sonraki dönemde %50 ETc düzeyinde sulama suyu (399 mm) uygulanması önerilmiş ve bu uygulamada kavun verimi 65.44 t ha-1 olmuştur. Bu koşulda, en uygun veya maksimum fiziksel su kullanım etkinliği (FSKE) 13.79 kg m-3, ekonomik su kullanım etkinliği (ESKE) ₺3.45 m-3, birim hacim sulama suyuna karşılık elde edilen net gelir ₺1.74 m-3 ve birim alandan elde edilen net gelir ise ₺6958 ha-1 olarak elde edilmiştir.
Allen R, Pereira L, Raes D and Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for computing crop water requeriments. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56. Rome.
Dasgan HY, Kırda C, Baytorun N, Abak K and Büyükalaca S (1999). Water and nitrogen relationships in fertigated greenhouse grown melon (Cucumis melo L.). Acta Horticulturae, 492: 233-236.
Doorenbos J and Pruitt WO (1977). Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements. In ‘Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24’, p. 179, FAO, Rome.
Faberio C, Santa Olalla FM and Juan JA (2002). Production of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) under controlled deficit irrigation in a semi-arid climate. Agricultural Water Management, 54: 93-105.
FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) (2017). Crop statistics. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC (Accessed to web: 24.01.2017).
Feddema JJ (2005). A revised Thornthwaite-type global climate classification. Physical Geography, 26: 442-466.
Gil J A, Montano N and Khan L (2000). Effect of four irrigation strategies on the yield and its components in two cultivars of melon (Cucumis melo L.). RABSU, 1 (2): 48-52.
Hernandez FBT, Bedum JAA, Suzuki MA and Buzetti S (1995). Effect of irrigation levels on yield of muskmelons in the Ilha Solteira Region, Sao Paulo. Cultura Agronomica, 4 (1):1-10.
Jensen ME, Burman RD and Allen RG (1989). Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements, ASCE, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice 70, New York.
Kırnak H, Higgs D, Kaya C and Tas İ (2005). Effects of irrigation and nitrogen rates on growth, yield, and quality of muskmelon in semiarid regions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28: 621-638.
Lei TW, Xiao J, Wang JP, Liu ZZ, Li GY, Zhang JG and Mao JH (2003). Experimental investigation into effects of drip irrigation with saline ground water on water use efficiency and quality of honeydew melons in Hetao Region Inner Mongolia. Transactions of the CSAE, 19(2): 80-84.
Pereira LS, Cordery I, Iacovides I (2012). Improved indicators of water use performance and productivity for sustainable water conservation and saving. Agricultural Water Management, 108: 39-51.
Pew WD and Gardner BR (1983). Effects of irrigation practices on vine growth, yield and quality of muskmelons, J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 108: 134-137.
Şengül N, Yıldırım O, Halloran N, Çavuşoğlu Ş and Doğan E (2014). Yield and fruit quality response of drip-irrigated melon to the duration of irrigation season. Toprak Su Dergisi, 3(2): 90-101.
Şensoy S, Ertek A, Gedik İ and Küçükyumuk C (2007). Irrigation frequency and amount affect yield and quality of field-grown melon (Cucumis melo L.). Agricultural Water Management, 88(1-3): 269-274.
Yıldırım O, Halloran N, Cavusoğlu S and Sengul N (2009). Effects of different irrigation programs on the growth, yield, and fruit quality of drip-irrigated melon. Turk. J. Agric. For., 33: 243-255.
Yıldırım O (2013). Sulama Sistemlerinin Tasarımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 1594, 367 s., Ankara.
Yılmaz H, Demircan V and Kurtluk S (2011). An economic analysis of open-field melon (Cucumis Melo L.) production in Cankiri province of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17(4): 484-490.
Year 2017,
Volume: 34 Issue: Ek Sayı, 16 - 23, 29.12.2017
Allen R, Pereira L, Raes D and Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for computing crop water requeriments. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56. Rome.
Dasgan HY, Kırda C, Baytorun N, Abak K and Büyükalaca S (1999). Water and nitrogen relationships in fertigated greenhouse grown melon (Cucumis melo L.). Acta Horticulturae, 492: 233-236.
Doorenbos J and Pruitt WO (1977). Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements. In ‘Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 24’, p. 179, FAO, Rome.
Faberio C, Santa Olalla FM and Juan JA (2002). Production of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) under controlled deficit irrigation in a semi-arid climate. Agricultural Water Management, 54: 93-105.
FAOSTAT (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) (2017). Crop statistics. http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC (Accessed to web: 24.01.2017).
Feddema JJ (2005). A revised Thornthwaite-type global climate classification. Physical Geography, 26: 442-466.
Gil J A, Montano N and Khan L (2000). Effect of four irrigation strategies on the yield and its components in two cultivars of melon (Cucumis melo L.). RABSU, 1 (2): 48-52.
Hernandez FBT, Bedum JAA, Suzuki MA and Buzetti S (1995). Effect of irrigation levels on yield of muskmelons in the Ilha Solteira Region, Sao Paulo. Cultura Agronomica, 4 (1):1-10.
Jensen ME, Burman RD and Allen RG (1989). Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Water Requirements, ASCE, Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice 70, New York.
Kırnak H, Higgs D, Kaya C and Tas İ (2005). Effects of irrigation and nitrogen rates on growth, yield, and quality of muskmelon in semiarid regions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 28: 621-638.
Lei TW, Xiao J, Wang JP, Liu ZZ, Li GY, Zhang JG and Mao JH (2003). Experimental investigation into effects of drip irrigation with saline ground water on water use efficiency and quality of honeydew melons in Hetao Region Inner Mongolia. Transactions of the CSAE, 19(2): 80-84.
Pereira LS, Cordery I, Iacovides I (2012). Improved indicators of water use performance and productivity for sustainable water conservation and saving. Agricultural Water Management, 108: 39-51.
Pew WD and Gardner BR (1983). Effects of irrigation practices on vine growth, yield and quality of muskmelons, J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 108: 134-137.
Şengül N, Yıldırım O, Halloran N, Çavuşoğlu Ş and Doğan E (2014). Yield and fruit quality response of drip-irrigated melon to the duration of irrigation season. Toprak Su Dergisi, 3(2): 90-101.
Şensoy S, Ertek A, Gedik İ and Küçükyumuk C (2007). Irrigation frequency and amount affect yield and quality of field-grown melon (Cucumis melo L.). Agricultural Water Management, 88(1-3): 269-274.
Yıldırım O, Halloran N, Cavusoğlu S and Sengul N (2009). Effects of different irrigation programs on the growth, yield, and fruit quality of drip-irrigated melon. Turk. J. Agric. For., 33: 243-255.
Yıldırım O (2013). Sulama Sistemlerinin Tasarımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No. 1594, 367 s., Ankara.
Yılmaz H, Demircan V and Kurtluk S (2011). An economic analysis of open-field melon (Cucumis Melo L.) production in Cankiri province of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17(4): 484-490.
Kuşçu, H. (2017). Marmara İkliminde Yetiştirilen Kavunda Farklı Sulama Stratejilerinin Su Kullanım Etkinliği ve Net Gelire Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG), 34(Ek Sayı), 16-23. https://doi.org/10.13002/jafag4399