Research Article
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Kapalı ofis ortamında OLED aydınlatmanın görsel konfor değerlendirmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 129 - 143, 29.07.2022


Görsel konfor, iç mekanda kaliteli aydınlatmayı etkileyen önemli kriterlerden biridir. İç mekan aydınlatma uygulamaları için varolan çeşitli teknolojilerden akkor, fluoresan ve LED aydınlatma üç önemli dönüm noktasıdır. OLED aydınlatma gibi alternatif teknolojiler, göz ardı edilmemelidir. OLED aydınlatmanın görsel konfor üzerindeki etkisini yalnızca aydınlık düzeyi açısından araştıran az sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu amaçla, bu çalışma, bir iç mekan ofis ortamında genel konfor parametreleri—genel konfor, aydınlık düzeyi, parıltı oranı, puslu yansımalar, renk, titreme etkisi, genel memnuniyet—açısından OLED aydınlatma koşullarının kullanıcının görsel konfor üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya, Çankaya Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi'nden toplam 12 öğretim elemanı gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Test ortamı için OLED aydınlatma (2900 K) ile aydınlatılan tam-ölçekli bir iç mekan ofis ortamı tasarlanmıştır İç mekan ofis ortamında OLED aydınlatma koşullarının genel görsel konfor üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek için Ofis Aydınlatma Anketi benimsenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Daha önceki aydınlatma çalışmalarının aksine, bu çalışma aydınlatma koşuluna bağlı herhangi bir görev performansı ölçmemiştir. Bunun yerine yalnızca katılımcıların bir iç mekan ofis ortamında günlük rutinleri sırasında OLED aydınlatmaya maruz kaldıklarındaki görsel konfor değerlendirmelerine odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışma, doktora tezi üzerine yapılacak ileriki araştırmalar için bir ön çalışma niteliğindedir.


  • Al horr, Y., Arif, M., Katafygiotou, M., Mazroei, A., Kaushik, A., & Elsarrag, E. (2016). Impact of indoor environmental quality on occupant well-being and comfort: A review of the literature. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 5(1), 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2016.03.006
  • Allan, A. C., Garcia-Hansen, V., Isoardi, G., & Smith, S. S. (2019). Subjective assessments of lighting quality: A measurement review. Leukos. Doi: 10.1080/15502724.2018.1531017
  • ASHRAE, A. (2004). Standard 55-2004, thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Inc., USA.
  • Avcı, A. N. (2017). Effects of Illumi¬nance Levels of Solid-State Lighting Sourc¬es on Visual Comfort. (Unpublished Master Thesis). Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Avcı, A. N., & Memikoğlu, İ. (2017). Effects of LED lighting on visual comfort with respect to the reading task. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11(8), 974-978.
  • Avcı, A.N. & Memikoğlu, İ. (2021). Evaluating effectiveness of LED and OLED lights on user visual comfort and reading performance. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 18(2), 397-411. doi: 10.5505/itujfa.2021.22438
  • Boyce, P., Hunter, C., & Howlett, O. (2003). The benefits of daylight through windows. Troy, New York: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  • Boyce, P. R. (2004). Lighting research for interiors: the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning. Lighting Research & Technology, 36(4), 283-293. doi: 10.1191/11477153504li118oa
  • Boyce PR. (2014). Human factors in lighting. 2nd ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.
  • Cajochen, C. (2007). Alerting effects of light. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 11(6), 453–464. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2007.07.009
  • Canazei, M., Pohl, W., Bliem, H. R., & Weiss, E. M. (2017). Acute effects of different light spectra on simulated night-shift work without circadian alignment. Chronobiology International, 34(3), 303-317. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2016.1222414
  • CIE, C. (1995). 117: Discomfort Glare in Interior Lighting. International Commission on Illumination: Vienna, Austria.
  • Circadian Rhytms. (2017). Retrieved from
  • Eklund, N. H., & Boyce, P. R. (1996). The development of a reliable, valid, and simple office lighting survey. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 25(2), 25-40. doi: 10.1080/00994480.1996.10748145
  • European Standards, (2019). Light and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 1: Indoor workplaces. Retrieved from
  • Ferlazzo, F., Piccardi, L., Burattini, C., Barbalace, M., Giannini, A.M. & Bisegna, F. (2014). Effects of new light sources on task switching and mental rotation performance. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 39, 92-100. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2014.03.005
  • Gazete, R. (2017). Binaların Gürültüye Karşı Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik.
  • Hawes, B. K., Brunyé, T. T., Mahoney, C. R., Sullivan, J. M., & Aall, C. D. (2012). Effects of four workplace lighting technologies on perception, cognition and affective state. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(1), 122-128. doi: 10.1016/j.ergon.2011.09.004
  • Iacomussi, P., Radis, M., Rossi, G., Rossi, L. (2015) Visual comfort with LED lighting. 6th International Building Physics Conference, 78, 729-734.
  • Jo, H., Park, H. R., Choi, S. J., Lee, S. Y., Kim, S. J., & Joo, E. Y. (2021). Effects of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes on Circadian Rhythm and Sleep. Psychiatry investigation, 18(5), 471.
  • Kazemi, R., Choobineh, A., Taheri, S., & Rastipishe, P. (2018). Comparing task performance, visual comfort and alertness under different lighting sources: An experimental study. EXCLI journal, 17, 1018. doi: 10.17179/excli2018-1676
  • Lee, J. H., Moon, J. W., & Kim, S. (2014). Analysis of occupants’ visual perception to refine indoor lighting environment for office tasks. Energies, 7(7), 4116-4139. doi: 10.3390/en7074116
  • Montoya, F. G., Peña-García, A., Juaidi, A., & Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2017). Indoor lighting techniques: An overview of evolution and new trends for energy saving. Energy and Buildings, 140, 50-60. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.01.028
  • Nardelli, A., Deuschle, E., de Azevedo, L. D., Pessoa, J. L. N., & Ghisi, E. (2017). Assessment of Light Emitting Diodes technology for general lighting: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75, 368-379. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.002
  • Okamoto, Y., & Nakagawa, S. (2015). Effects of daytime light exposure on cognitive brain activity as measured by the ERP P300. Physiology & Behavior, 138, 313-318. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.10.013
  • Sahin, L., Wood B.M., Plitnick B. & Figueiro, M.G. (2014). Day-time light exposure: Effects on biomarkers, measures of alertness, and performance. Behavioural Brain Research, 274, 176-85. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.08.017
  • Summers, A. J. (1989). Lighting and the office environment: A review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 35(1), 15-24.
  • Van Bommel, W. J. (2006). Non-visual biological effect of lighting and the practical meaning for lighting for work. Applied Ergonomics, 37(4), 461-466.
  • Van Bommel, W. J. M., & Van den Beld, G. J. (2004). Lighting for work: a review of visual and biological effects. Lighting Research & Technology, 36(4), 255-266. doi: 10.1191/1365782804li122oa
  • Van Den Wymelenberg, K.G. (2012). Evaluating Human Visual Preference and Performance in an Office Environment Using Luminance-based Metrics. PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, USA.
  • Veitch, J. A., & Newsham, G. R. (1996). Determinants of Lighting Quality II: Research and Recommendations. doi:10.1006/jevp.1999.0169
  • Why OLED, 2020. Retrieved from

Visual comfort assessment of OLED lighting in an indoor office environment

Year 2022, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 129 - 143, 29.07.2022


Visual comfort is one of the significant criteria influencing good-quality lighting in an indoor environment. There are various technologies for delivering illumination in indoor installations; three important milestones are incandescent, fluorescent, and LED lighting. Alternative technologies, such as OLED (organic light-emitting diode) lighting, cannot be disregarded by a thorough examination. Few studies have investigated the influence of OLED lighting on visual comfort in terms of merely illuminance level. To this end, this study investigates the influence of OLED lighting conditions on visual comfort, including general comfort parameters—overall comfort, illuminance, brightness ratio, veiling reflections, colour, flicker effect, overall satisfaction—in an indoor office environment. Twelve members from the Faculty of Architecture, Çankaya University, voluntarily participated in the study. A full-scale indoor office environment was designed for the test environment, which was illuminated by OLED lighting (2900 K). An Office Lighting Survey was adopted to assess the general visual comfort of OLED lighting conditions in an indoor office environment. In contrast to earlier lighting studies, this study did not measure any task performance under the lighting condition. Instead, it focused solely on participants’ visual comfort evaluations when exposed to OLED lighting during their everyday routines in an indoor office environment. This study is a preliminary study for further investigations on the doctoral thesis.


  • Al horr, Y., Arif, M., Katafygiotou, M., Mazroei, A., Kaushik, A., & Elsarrag, E. (2016). Impact of indoor environmental quality on occupant well-being and comfort: A review of the literature. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 5(1), 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2016.03.006
  • Allan, A. C., Garcia-Hansen, V., Isoardi, G., & Smith, S. S. (2019). Subjective assessments of lighting quality: A measurement review. Leukos. Doi: 10.1080/15502724.2018.1531017
  • ASHRAE, A. (2004). Standard 55-2004, thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Inc., USA.
  • Avcı, A. N. (2017). Effects of Illumi¬nance Levels of Solid-State Lighting Sourc¬es on Visual Comfort. (Unpublished Master Thesis). Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Avcı, A. N., & Memikoğlu, İ. (2017). Effects of LED lighting on visual comfort with respect to the reading task. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11(8), 974-978.
  • Avcı, A.N. & Memikoğlu, İ. (2021). Evaluating effectiveness of LED and OLED lights on user visual comfort and reading performance. A|Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 18(2), 397-411. doi: 10.5505/itujfa.2021.22438
  • Boyce, P., Hunter, C., & Howlett, O. (2003). The benefits of daylight through windows. Troy, New York: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
  • Boyce, P. R. (2004). Lighting research for interiors: the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning. Lighting Research & Technology, 36(4), 283-293. doi: 10.1191/11477153504li118oa
  • Boyce PR. (2014). Human factors in lighting. 2nd ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.
  • Cajochen, C. (2007). Alerting effects of light. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 11(6), 453–464. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2007.07.009
  • Canazei, M., Pohl, W., Bliem, H. R., & Weiss, E. M. (2017). Acute effects of different light spectra on simulated night-shift work without circadian alignment. Chronobiology International, 34(3), 303-317. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2016.1222414
  • CIE, C. (1995). 117: Discomfort Glare in Interior Lighting. International Commission on Illumination: Vienna, Austria.
  • Circadian Rhytms. (2017). Retrieved from
  • Eklund, N. H., & Boyce, P. R. (1996). The development of a reliable, valid, and simple office lighting survey. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 25(2), 25-40. doi: 10.1080/00994480.1996.10748145
  • European Standards, (2019). Light and lighting - Lighting of workplaces - Part 1: Indoor workplaces. Retrieved from
  • Ferlazzo, F., Piccardi, L., Burattini, C., Barbalace, M., Giannini, A.M. & Bisegna, F. (2014). Effects of new light sources on task switching and mental rotation performance. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 39, 92-100. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2014.03.005
  • Gazete, R. (2017). Binaların Gürültüye Karşı Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik.
  • Hawes, B. K., Brunyé, T. T., Mahoney, C. R., Sullivan, J. M., & Aall, C. D. (2012). Effects of four workplace lighting technologies on perception, cognition and affective state. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(1), 122-128. doi: 10.1016/j.ergon.2011.09.004
  • Iacomussi, P., Radis, M., Rossi, G., Rossi, L. (2015) Visual comfort with LED lighting. 6th International Building Physics Conference, 78, 729-734.
  • Jo, H., Park, H. R., Choi, S. J., Lee, S. Y., Kim, S. J., & Joo, E. Y. (2021). Effects of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes on Circadian Rhythm and Sleep. Psychiatry investigation, 18(5), 471.
  • Kazemi, R., Choobineh, A., Taheri, S., & Rastipishe, P. (2018). Comparing task performance, visual comfort and alertness under different lighting sources: An experimental study. EXCLI journal, 17, 1018. doi: 10.17179/excli2018-1676
  • Lee, J. H., Moon, J. W., & Kim, S. (2014). Analysis of occupants’ visual perception to refine indoor lighting environment for office tasks. Energies, 7(7), 4116-4139. doi: 10.3390/en7074116
  • Montoya, F. G., Peña-García, A., Juaidi, A., & Manzano-Agugliaro, F. (2017). Indoor lighting techniques: An overview of evolution and new trends for energy saving. Energy and Buildings, 140, 50-60. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.01.028
  • Nardelli, A., Deuschle, E., de Azevedo, L. D., Pessoa, J. L. N., & Ghisi, E. (2017). Assessment of Light Emitting Diodes technology for general lighting: A critical review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 75, 368-379. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.11.002
  • Okamoto, Y., & Nakagawa, S. (2015). Effects of daytime light exposure on cognitive brain activity as measured by the ERP P300. Physiology & Behavior, 138, 313-318. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.10.013
  • Sahin, L., Wood B.M., Plitnick B. & Figueiro, M.G. (2014). Day-time light exposure: Effects on biomarkers, measures of alertness, and performance. Behavioural Brain Research, 274, 176-85. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2014.08.017
  • Summers, A. J. (1989). Lighting and the office environment: A review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 35(1), 15-24.
  • Van Bommel, W. J. (2006). Non-visual biological effect of lighting and the practical meaning for lighting for work. Applied Ergonomics, 37(4), 461-466.
  • Van Bommel, W. J. M., & Van den Beld, G. J. (2004). Lighting for work: a review of visual and biological effects. Lighting Research & Technology, 36(4), 255-266. doi: 10.1191/1365782804li122oa
  • Van Den Wymelenberg, K.G. (2012). Evaluating Human Visual Preference and Performance in an Office Environment Using Luminance-based Metrics. PhD Dissertation, University of Washington, USA.
  • Veitch, J. A., & Newsham, G. R. (1996). Determinants of Lighting Quality II: Research and Recommendations. doi:10.1006/jevp.1999.0169
  • Why OLED, 2020. Retrieved from
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşe Nihan Avcı 0000-0003-2340-0317

Saadet Akbay 0000-0002-7101-1677

Publication Date July 29, 2022
Submission Date September 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Avcı, A. N., & Akbay, S. (2022). Visual comfort assessment of OLED lighting in an indoor office environment. GRID - Architecture Planning and Design Journal, 5(2), 129-143.