e-ISSN: 2619-9556
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Cankaya University
Cover Image

GRID aims to contribute to the domains of architecture, urban and regional planning, interior architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, product design, and industrial design with their interdisciplinary fields. GRID Journal is published biannually in the last days of January and July and accepts article submissions between the 1st of April - 30st of May and the 1st of November - 30th of December. Full texts in Turkish and English are accessible online. GRID is indexed in TRDizin and Avery Index

There are no submission fees for this journal. GRID is an open-access journal providing online access to publication. Anybody can view, download (as PDF), and check the metrics of the articles via the website of the journal. This journal believes that the unrestricted availability of scientific research will contribute to the spread of information globally. In that context, GRID adheres to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) and defines its Open Access policy according to its guidelines. Should you have any questions, please get in touch with us at grid@cankaya.edu.tr

Opening Date for Article Submission: November 1, 2024

2024 - Volume: 7 Issue: 1

Research Article

Hafızanın Tarihi Katmanları: Çerçeve İçinde Galataport

Research Article

The Image of the City on Social Media: Case of İzmir City Centers


Ideological Imprints in Education Buildings: A Turkish Case (1997–2022)

Research Article

Belediye binalarının mimari biçimlenişi: 1930’lardan günümüze Konya’da belediye binalarının öyküsü

Research Article

Futurizm İn Landscape Design: An Experimental Park Design İn Ankara, Mogan Lake

Research Article

Mimari araştırma yöntemleri ve yaratıcılık ilişkisini uygulama üzerinden yeniden okumak

Research Article

Kimlik-kültür-mekân ilişkisinde haçeş geleneği: Düzce örneği


Biyomimikri Yaklaşımının Döngüsel Biyoekonomi Perspektifi Üzerinden Değerlendirilmesi

Research Article

Kümeleme Analizi ile Peyzaj Karakter Alanlarının Belirlenmesi: Erdek Kapıdağ Yarımadası

Research Article

Tarihi Kentlerin Mekansal Özelliklerinin İrdelenmesi; Elazığ, Harput Örneği